Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2156: Kill Linghao

At this time, Han Yu and Linghao were exhausted.

Linghao's persistence to the present is entirely supported by his desire to survive; while Han Yu relies on subconscious obsession.

The two were not like the quasi-emperor at all, but rather like the traffickers chasing and fighting, and they might fall into a big somersault at any time. But the soldiers in the **** statue city just didn't have anyone dared to leave the city. The name Han Yu was enough to scare them.

Linghao is getting closer and closer to Shenxian City, ten thousand feet, seven thousand feet, five thousand feet...

"Hahaha..." Linghao laughed more and more happily, and he was suddenly struggling to make the final sprint.

Han Yu at the back, with sore holes on his body and bleeding, his left foot was almost abolished, and he moved forward. But his face didn't change his face, his eyes were hollow, and his eyes locked on Linghao tightly. No matter how fast Linghao ran, he would follow him wherever he went.

Suddenly, Han Yu let out a roar, which seemed to be stimulated by Linghao's laughter. Han Yu's speed suddenly became a lot faster, and he kept accelerating, and soon surpassed Linghao's. speed.

"Huh?" Linghao changed his color suddenly, never dared to laugh anymore, and ran wildly with all his strength.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed, ten feet, nine feet, eight feet...

"I'm watching what I do, come out and save this seat!" Linghao felt that the situation was not good, and shouted at the people on the wall. However, Linghao really didn't have much strength anymore. He yelled desperately, but his voice was not too loud, and he couldn't be heard by the chilling God Court soldiers.

Linghao yelled twice, seeing that it was useless, and the three corpse gods jumped with anger.

But now, he has no other choice but to run desperately.

When Linghao was three thousand feet away from the city gate and Han Yu had chased Linghao half a foot away, suddenly, like a beast, he rushed forward and slammed into Linghao's back, knocking Linghao down. On the ground. Then Han Yu was riding on Linghao's back, bombarding with both fists.

"Boom bang bang..."

Fists greeted Linghao one by one. Linghao lay on the ground and couldn't fight back. He couldn't do enough to shake Han Yu away.

The soldiers above the city wall were all dumbfounded.

Is this still the frightening Han Yu? Is this still the most terrifying expert in this world?

This way of playing is even more rascal than the market gangster Poppi. That's the case, no one dared to go down the city wall to save Linghao, one by one watched Linghao being beaten by Han Yu so much.

After a hundred punches, Linghao's shout suddenly weakened.

After three hundred punches, Linghao lay on the ground and began to twitch.

After 700 punches, Linghao was already angry.

After a thousand punches, Linghao was already motionless.

However, Han Yu's fist was still moving mechanically, and it seemed that he would not stop using the last bit of strength.

Han Yu waved a full 1,137 times with his fist, and finally stopped. Han Yu pressed Linghao's body and remained motionless. His eyes were hollow and his face was numb.

Han Yu is also exhausted!

As time passed, Han Yu outside the city gate remained motionless, as if turned into a rock, and the soldiers on the city wall were all in shock and dared not move.

It took three full days and three nights before the soldiers on the wall grew courageous.

"Why is Han Yu motionless, is he dead?"

"If he is really dead, if we stabbed him in the past, would it be considered a great service?"

"Mazi, you go, this opportunity to make great contributions is given to you. If you can bring back the bodies of God Lord and Han Yu, you are our hero!"

A soldier named Mazi was forcibly pushed down the city. Several times when I wanted to go back, I was kicked by my brothers.

He was just an ordinary soldier of Wu Huang's seventh level cultivation base, and in front of big people like Han Yu and Linghao, he was not even a shit.

Even if he had sensed that Han Yu and Linghao were not angry at all at this time, they were completely dead, but he was still frightened.

Mazi gritted his teeth, in a cold sweat, and walked towards Han Yu in small steps, with a pair of thin and small eyes, staring at Han Yu rigidly, not daring to blink, as long as there is a slight movement, He would turn around and run away.

Suddenly, a wisp of breeze blew, raising Han Yu's hair slightly. Mazi yelled in fright, turned around and fled, and even the soldiers on the wall were frightened back and forth.

When the discovery was only a false alarm, everyone was ashamed and angry.

"Mazi, you bastard, why are you so courageous, do you want to make a big contribution?"

"I don't want to!"

"I don't want you to roll over and have a look, and then run back, believe it or not, I will stab your **** with a shot."

Mazi finally returned to the city wall, still in a panic, was kicked down the city again, and he was all crying. Looking back at those fierce companions who seemed to chop him into meat sauce as long as he turned his head, the pockmarked and moved forward, speeding up a lot.

"The big deal is a death, but if Han Yu is really dead, then I will have done a great job. From now on, I will be the leader of the statue city. You bastards, I will wait for you!"

With Mazi's knowledge, the position of the leader of the guards of the Gods City is already a huge breakthrough for him.

But when he approached Han Yu about a hundred meters away, Mazi became entangled again. Although meritorious service is a good thing, it is not worth mentioning compared with life.

"Mazi, you are so good!"

"Man, I follow your example!"

The brothers in the back kept making noises. Mazi looked back and couldn't help being proud.

"Waiting for your buddies to make great contributions, please drink!"

Mazi let go again and walked towards Han Yu. When it was ten feet away from Han Yu, Mazi was completely certain that Han Yu was dead.

Even if Han Yu pretends again, it's impossible for him to lose his breath at all?

Han Yu and Linghao are exactly the same at this time.

"Hey, let me pick up this big bargain. Han Yu, Han Yu, your heroic life, wouldn't you expect to end up in the hands of my little one, right?" Mazi rushed to Han Yu a few steps and punched him. On Han Yu's chest.

Han Yu didn't move, but Mazi sucked in pain. This fist seemed to hit a steel plate, almost cracking his fist. "As expected to be a quasi-emperor, this physical body is too terrifying, even if I stand up and beat him, I can't hurt him a bit. It's really dead, otherwise I can blow my breath. To heaven." Mazi was surprised and relieved. Rubbed his fists, turned his head and looked at the city wall loudly

Yelled: "Damo Han Yu Han was beaten to death by Mazi I, brothers, hurry down to meet the body of the Lord."

The soldiers on the wall were overjoyed and rushed down. More than 20 people from the Martial Emperor realm joined hands to lift Han Yu up. Han Yu is too heavy, like a terrifying mountain. Then more than twenty people came to lift Linghao's body, and Linghao's body was also shockingly heavy.

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