Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1169: The sword's direction

Chapter 1169

Lu Chenhao was born like a **** of fire, the flames on his body were terrifying, and he rushed to Han Yu's approach, and when he raised his fist, he violently struck Han Yu.

This punch was like a landslide and tsunami, the fire dragon wrapped around his arm, roaring and shaking the sky.

It was Han Yu who didn't dare to be careless.

His body shook, King Wu's Bazhong's powerful aura gushed out, raised his arm, and greeted him with a punch.


The terrifying sound of collision caused the third palace to tremble violently, and everyone was surprised at who was fighting.

Han Yu and Lu Chenhao both snorted and hurriedly backed away.

The flame on Lu Chenhao's body was mostly extinguished, but after he stopped, it burned again.

This time it was evenly matched.

"Go!" Lu Chenhao couldn't help but yell when Pang Xuan was still watching.

He didn't expect Han Yu to hide his strength, and the power to completely burn his blood was only a tie with Han Yu. His current state is extremely unstable, and soon the power of the bloodline will be exhausted, and he will not be Han Yu's enemy by then.

"The sea of ​​fire burns the sky!"

Lu Chenhao quickly made a set of seals with both hands, and immediately nine terrifying fire dragons flew out of him, surrounding Han Yu Tuan Tuan, and then quickly turning into a boiling sea of ​​fire. Soon, the entire small garden was almost covered by endless flames. Covered, turned into a sea of ​​terror.

This sea of ​​fire seems to be able to burn everything in this world.

Pang Xuan did not leave. She raised her left hand to face the sea of ​​fire. From between her sleeves, six arrows flashing with cold light could be seen. This is her life-saving card Xiujian, a magic weapon of the low-level imperial soldier level. Pang Xuan has never used this Xiujian since he got it.

The vitality in her body began to pour into the Xiujian continuously, just waiting for a fatal blow to Han Yu.

Lu Chenhao's sea of ​​flames burned the sky so terribly that ordinary Wu Wang eightfold people fell into it, and they would definitely be burned to ashes. However, Han Yu is a master at playing with fire, how can he be afraid of fire attacks.

Within the sea of ​​fire, a figure covered in flames like Lu Chenhao swiftly passed through the sea of ​​fire, and hit Lu Chenhao's chest with a palm.


A mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, Lu Chenhao's body flew upside down, and the sea of ​​flames instantly dissolved into formlessness.

A light of fire flew back into Han Yu's body, and Han Yu was unscathed.

Lu Chenhao slowly closed his eyes, and two lines of clear tears passed.

He had long thought of this ending, even if his blood-burning power would not be Han Yu's opponent, he did not expect to lose so fast.

The blow just now shattered his eight channels of the odd meridian, even if the power of the bloodline had not been completely consumed, he could no longer fight.

In fact, this was due to Han Yu's retention. If Huoyun Cthulhu hit with all his strength, with Lu Chenhao's strength, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

"Han Yu, go to hell!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, followed by several sounds of breaking through the air.

I saw six cold rays, shooting at Han Yu like a meteor.

Not only is the speed extremely fast, it also carries a monstrous and powerful momentum.

"The Emperor's Soldier?" Han Yu's eyes were cold. Although he was fighting with Lu Chenhao, one locked Pang Xuan with the power of his soul. Pang Xuan's every move could not escape Han Yu's perception.

As soon as Pang Xuan started, the broken sword appeared in Han Yu's hands. Han Yu slashed out with a sword. The powerful sword beam swept over the six short arrows and shook the short arrows upside down.

"Swish swish..."

Three short arrows passed by Pang Xuan, a broken sword pierced her thigh, a short arrow pierced her abdomen, and a short arrow pierced her left shoulder.

This is just a matter of moments.


Pang Xuan let out a scream, and fell from the void. He failed to attack Han Yu, but was hurt by his own magic weapon.

"Why don't you leave?" Lu Chenhao was split in heart. He owed Pang Xuan too much in his life, and he didn't want to leave with regret and pain this time.

Pang Xuan ignored Lu Chenhao, staring at Han Yu fiercely, and threatened: "Han, if you dare to kill me and Chenhao, my Promise Hall will not let you go, nor will my father let you go."

Han Yu didn't speak, and walked towards Pang Xuan with a cold expression.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, followed by a sharp burst of air, hurriedly approaching.

Seeing a sword cut through the void like a streamer, Han Yu raised his brow and swept out with a backhand sword.


There was a sound like metal switching, and the sword that had been killed was counter-shocked and flew back. The tip of the sword was broken directly.

"Junior Sister, go find Saint Son!"

"Broken Heart!"

The visitor didn't care about the sword that flew back, and hit Han Yu with a palm in the air. A huge energy palm print, rising with the storm, overwhelmed the sky.

Han Yu snorted heavily, turned around and slashed with a sword power, the terrifying Jianmang split his palm print in half.

"Wu Wang Bazhong, you have already broken through to Wu Wang Bazhong?" The visitor exclaimed, this person is Li Yangzhou.

He couldn't imagine how Han Yucai Wu King Sixth Layer could break through the double layer in such a short period of time a few days ago. But he didn't have time to think about it. Seeing Han Yu was going to kill Pang Xuan, he had another magical power.

This is an intermediate-level mysterious power of the mysterious stage, which turns into a huge treasure seal, which descends from the sky and covers the sky.

"court death!"

Han Yu was furious and was about to kill Pang Xuan's heartache, but Li Yangzhou didn't expect Li Yangzhou to disrupt the situation.

Han Yu smashed out again with a sword, easily smashing the huge treasure seal, and then swept towards Li Yangzhou with a sword.

Pang Xuan forced Lv Chenhao to endure the severe pain and quickly walked inside.

Li Yangzhou's sword had flown back into his hands, and hurriedly added up to block it.


The terrifying sword force smashed on his sword, Li Yangzhou's tiger's mouth was shaken open, and his body flew upside down and hit the wall, with a look of horror on his face.

Han Yu at this time was much tougher than a few days ago.


Han Yu waved the broken sword, three swords cut down. Three terrifying blue sword lights intertwined and hacked towards Li Yangzhou, making him unable to hide.

Li Yangzhou's face changed drastically in fright, and the power of every sword was enough to kill him.

Li Yangzhou used his twelve swords at a faster speed to block the three sword lights with the momentum of opening up the world, but the clothes on his body were also shattered by the sword aura.

"Han Yu, have the ability to take back your imperial soldiers and come and fight me!" Li Yangzhou roared.

Han Yu of King Wu's Eightfold, able to exert the power of Broken Sword to a large extent, the power of one blow was almost comparable to that of the masters of King Wu's First Cult. He couldn't resist it at all.

What responded to him was Han Yu's imposing sword. If you don't chase Pang Xuan, Han Yu might as well play with him, but now there is no time at all.

Li Yangzhou was terrified, so how could he dare to face Han Yu head-on, so he hurriedly rose into the sky and fled.

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted coldly, and quickly chased in the direction where Pang Xuan escaped.

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