Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1170: Fifth Palace

Chapter 1170 The Fifth Palace

Han Yu quickly passed through the third palace and entered the fourth palace.

In the fourth palace, it is obviously much quieter than the third palace. Generally, the people who come here are all masters of Wu Wang's seventh layer and above, and the number of people is relatively small.

Pang Xuan and Lu Chenhao had disappeared, but Han Yu had already captured their breath in the air. They passed through the fourth palace and entered the fifth palace.

"Han, stop for me!" Suddenly a cold voice came from the left.

Han Yu turned his head to look, and saw that two of them looked at him maliciously, one of them was Li Wenshi in the Holy Land of Light.

Han Yu ignored it, and the speed did not decrease.

"Brother, he hurt us and took our things." Li Wenshi said to the young man next to him.

"Wu Wang Bazhong, didn't you mean Wu Wang Qizhong?" Liu Pengcheng asked.

"This guy should have hidden strength." Li Wenshi's face became distorted.

"That's okay, it makes sense that the people of King Wu's Bazhong injured the four of you. If he is really King Wu's Qizhong, that would be incredible!" Liu Pengcheng was relieved instead.

"Brother, do it now, he is about to enter the fifth palace, we can't enter!" Li Wenshi looked at Han Yu getting closer and closer to the fifth palace, a little anxious.

The fifth palace is occupied by the most powerful young generations of several major forces, and no one dares to enter.

If Han Yu went in rashly, he would definitely not be able to eat, but Li Wenshi wanted to teach Han Yu himself.

Liu Pengcheng smiled slightly, and a long whip appeared quietly in his hand, and with a whip towards the void, a terrifying brindle python rushed out of the whip, roared, and rushed towards Han Yu.

"Han, dare to provoke Laozi, today is your death date." Li Wenshi sneered again and again. Liu Pengcheng is the master of Wu Wang Jiuzhong, and within his magic weapon is the remnant soul of a demon beast that seals the peak of the Demon King. At this time, Li Pengcheng unlocked the seal and released it. It was definitely a terrifying murder.

When Han Yu heard the roar, he turned his head and saw a giant python swooping down. The big mouth of the blood basin exuded a strong stench, which made people vomit.

Horns have grown on this giant python's forehead, and it looks pretty young.

However, the body of this giant python was not actually a physical body, but a remnant soul.

"Pan Soul Gale Python, isn't this the remnant soul of the monster beast sealed in Liu Pengcheng's whip? How did it release it?"

"Who is that person to let Liu Pengcheng release the Panhun Gale Python?"

"Liu Pengcheng is a top-notch master of the younger generation. Apart from those few Tianjiao, who is his opponent? That person is terrible now!"

The people in the fourth palace were all attracted by the giant python.


At this moment, a terrifying murderous aura rushed up into the sky, and saw a cyan sword glow instantly lifted up, with the force of breaking through the clouds, cutting down.

The giant python felt the terrifying aura emanating from the sword light, and roared in fright, and hurriedly avoided.


Its speed is very fast, but Jianmang's speed is not slow. Slashed at the tail with a sword, the sword light penetrated into the body of the giant python three or four meters long before it stopped, and then dissolved into invisible.

Although the giant python was only a remnant soul, the demon beast at the peak of the Demon King was not covered in defense. It was almost cut off by a sword, which shows the power of this sword.

"The Royal Soldier?"

Liu Pengcheng narrowed his eyes, flicked the long whip in his hand, and drew it towards Han Yu from a distance.

Even if he has seen that the sword in Han Yu's hand is a soldier of the emperor, he is still not afraid, showing how confident he is in himself.

The long whip is like a dragon swinging its tail, and Han Yu raises his sword to fight.


A terrifying metal trembling sounded, and sparks splashed with every blow. Although Liu Pengcheng's long whip was powerful, it was still inferior to Broken Sword. Before long, there were countless gaps on the long whip.

Liu Pengcheng's brows throbbed, and the long whip turned into a long silk. He didn't hit the broken sword hard, trying to entangle Han Yu. But Han Yu is so fast that he has no chance to start.


The giant python roared, and its huge tail swept across the void.


Han Yu turned into an afterimage and easily avoided the python attack. Suddenly, the two sides fought inextricably.

"Who is this person, who can fight Liu Pengcheng for such a long time?" People were shocked.

"Liu Pengcheng deserves to be a figure in the upper level of the younger generation of pyramids. The opponent is holding the imperial soldiers, and he can be forced to passively defend."

The soul whip was in Liu Pengcheng's hands, as if alive, entangled with Han Yu and not let go. Coupled with the assistance of the giant python, Han Yu could only passively defend for the time being, unable to attack actively.

If you can't take the initiative to attack, the power of Broken Sword will not be maximized, and the superiority of the Emperor's soldiers will not be much.

However, no matter how fierce Liu Pengcheng's attack was, he couldn't hurt Han Yu at all.

Li Wenshi saw that his throat was dry. He only realized how kind Han Yu hurt them. With Han Yu's ability, it would be a piece of cake to kill them.


Suddenly, Liu Pengcheng took the long whip back, and the python turned into a gas and entered the long whip.

Liu Pengcheng took the initiative to stop the attack.

"Sure enough, I have some patience, my junior and their things were snatched by you, I have nothing to say." Liu Pengcheng looked very open.

"Brother." Li Wenshi was a little puzzled, Liu Pengcheng had the upper hand, why did he stop.

Han Yu glanced at Liu Pengcheng and Li Wenshi lightly, then turned and rushed towards the fifth palace.

"Damn, what is he doing, he wants to enter the fifth palace?"

"The few inside have already stated that those who enter are not amnesty. Although he is a bit capable, it is impossible for those few opponents."

Han Yu's behavior caused a lot of consternation.

Liu Pengcheng looked at Li Wenshi with a dark smile on his face, and said: "This person has the imperial soldiers in his hands, and it is not easy for me to kill him. Since he wants to enter the fifth palace, he is undoubtedly seeking his own way of death, why not make it to him? "

Where did Liu Pengcheng know that even if Han Yu didn't have a broken sword in his hand, he was not afraid to fight him. The reason why he has been at a disadvantage is that Han Yu is a little uncomfortable with Liu Pengcheng's whip technique. If he is entangled, once Han Yu finds a way to crack it, he may not be as relaxed as he is now.

Li Wenshi was a bit unwilling to not take the wine vessel back, but he also felt that Liu Pengcheng was justified. Why not take the knife to kill someone?

"Han, you ask for more blessings!" Li Wenshi's face gradually burst into a bright smile.

Inside the fifth palace, it was so quiet that needles fell. There seems to be no one inside.

Here is a vast hall. In the center of the hall, there is a stone platform. On the stone platform is a futon and an ancient book is placed on the futon.

The people in the palace looked at the ancient book quietly, like a stone sculpture.

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