Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1168: Power of Burning Blood

Chapter 1168 the power of burning blood

Lu Chenhao felt something in his heart, slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Han Yu. When he saw Han Yu that moment, Lu Chenhao's eyes flashed with a thick surprise, so that he trembled suddenly. Soon, the color of surprise was covered by the anger of hatred.

Lu Chenhao's fists slowly clenched, and there was a slight sound of bone collision in the silent space.

Lu Chenhao didn't stand up in a hurry, the eyes of the two changed in the void, as if time and space were frozen at this moment.

Han Yu stopped and looked at Lu Chenhao coldly. Deep in his heart, a very complicated emotion suddenly arose.

If Han Yu wanted to kill the last among the enemies, it was definitely Lu Chenhao.

It can be said that Han Yu neglected Lu Chenhao intentionally or unintentionally. If Lu Chenhao no longer meets Han Yu, Han Yu will never take the initiative to look for him, but at this moment, Han Yu's heart has already had a killing intent.

What Pang Xuan did has touched Han Yu's bottom line. Regardless of whether this matter was advocated by Lu Chenhao, he could not stay with this enemy.

The two looked at each other quietly. After the initial fluctuations, Lu Chenhao gradually calmed down, and his expression became extremely cold.

Surprise, hatred, fear and other emotions were all suppressed by him. Then, he stood up slowly, as if facing an ordinary opponent.

"You got it after all!" Lu Chenhao brewed for a while before spitting out this very complicated sentence, which shouldn't have been what he said.

Pang Xuan was so shocked by these words. Is this what he said to kill his father's enemy and the enemy of the family?

However, Lu Chenhao seemed to have nothing to say except for this sentence.

Ever since he witnessed Han Yu defeating Qin Yin in Pilishan, Lu Chenhao, whether he admits it or not, accepts it or not, the gap between him and Han Yu is far away.

Even though he has been practicing desperately during this period of time, the Promise Hall saw his potential and focused on his cultivation, but when Han Yu stood in front of him, he still felt like a mountain pressing on his heart.

This is hard for Lu Chenhao to accept, he shouldn't be weaker than Han Yu; but he seems to take it for granted, because few people know Han Yu's growth trajectory and speed better than him.

Lu Chenhao has lived in the Promise Hall for three or four years and has seen the top genius in the world, but he still can't hide Han Yu's light. In Lu Chenhao's heart, Han Yu is already a figure who can compete with the top genius.

Of course, his Lu Chenhao is also the top genius, he is the royal body fire flame body whose bloodline power is fully recovered, which is enough to prove everything. However, Ji Shengyu and He Shengliang let him meet Han Yu and an enemy who cannot be an enemy.

This may be fate!

"I'm here!" Han Yu responded lightly, his mood also extremely complicated.

The inexplicable dialogue between the two made Pang Xuan extremely puzzled, and she couldn't help thinking, do they really have blood and blood?

What she didn't know was that although Han Yu and Lu Chenhao were enemies, they were also friends, and they were mutual saviors.

When such two people meet, how can they describe their feelings in a few words?

"I stay here, you let her go!" Lu Chenhao said, although his voice was cold, it seemed very free and easy.

Let Pang Xuan live, he can die.

"I came for her, and I happened to ran into you!" Han Yu said.

"For her?" Lu Chenhao frowned. He didn't understand that although Han Yu had an enmity with the Promise Hall, he wouldn't come to Pang Xuan specifically?

"It seems that you don't know what she did." Han Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Chenhao looked at Pang Xuan.

Pang Xuan's face had become extremely ugly. She did that with Lu Chenhao behind her back, and now it seemed that her plan had failed.

She couldn't figure out why Han Yu had been in Wuzhou, why would he know?

Could it be that during the period of disappearance, Han Yu returned to Jingzhou?

However, the time is not right at all!

How did she know that Han Yu returned to Jingzhou through the teleportation array of the Promise Hall.

Lu Chenhao looked at Pang Xuan's eyes, a little cold. Although the two said nothing, he had already guessed it. He disdains to do that kind of thing.

"Chenhao, I'm sorry!" Pang Xuan just clenched her fist and looked at Lu Chenhao, full of guilt.

Lu Chenhao's eyes became gentle, and he looked at Han Yu again and said, "Let her go."

Han Yu shook his head and said, "I respect your opponent very much, but she has touched my bottom line and will die!"

A bright spear is easy to hide from a dark arrow, and it is hard to guard against a dark arrow. For people like Pang Xuan who like to use dark arrows, Han Yu must not stay.

"The surname Han, do you really think you can kill me?" Pang Xuan stepped forward and stood in front of Lu Chenhao. Her body was shocked. The powerful breath of King Wu's sixth layer was like a tide, one after another. Han Yu. The flowers and trees in this garden burst into flying ash instantly.

Pang Xuan's aura was very strong, but after approaching Han Yu, he quietly resolved into invisible.

Han Yu paced slowly, walking towards Pang Xuan step by step, and said: "Your methods are too insidious, you can't kill, you must kill!"

"Han Yu, anyway, I saved your life back then. Couldn't you even satisfy one of my small wishes before I die?" Lu Chenhao was sad and looked at Han Yu angrily.

"I can let you go today, but she must stay!" Han Yu surfaced his position.

"Don't deceive people too much!" Lu Chenhao gritted his teeth.

Han Yu didn't speak, and forced him step by step. From his body, coercion slowly poured out, getting stronger and stronger, gradually suppressing Pang Xuan's powerful aura.


Suddenly, Lu Chenhao grabbed Pang Xuan by the shoulders and threw Pang Xuan into the sky behind him. He rushed towards Han Yu like a beast.

"Let me see how strong you are now!"

Lu Chenhao's eyes violently opened and he roared. The whole person ignited instantly, and the raging fire burned into the void and trembling. The terrifying flames dyed most of the sky red.

Suddenly, the people in the entire palace were attracted by this side and stopped to watch.


A roar, shaking the earth.

Lu Chenhao actually burned the blood of the flame body, and his whole person instantly entered an abnormally violent state. The aura of rushing into the sky is not weaker than that of ordinary martial king seven-fold cultivators.

"Chen Hao!" Pang Xuan was shocked.

Lu Chenhao burned the power of blood, although he was able to maximize his combat power, making his strength soar instantly. However, even if Han Yu was killed, Lu Chenhao would be burned out because of his blood's original power, and he would turn into a mortal from then on, and possibly become a useless person from then on.

Lu Chenhao's extreme choice surprised even Han Yu.

With the power of completely burning his blood, his cultivation soared to the seventh level of King Wu, and coupled with the special abilities of the flame body, his realm was already comparable to Han Yu.

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