Martial Arts Master

Chapter 472: Burning evil spirits (third more)

"This character..." Hearing the result of the lottery, An Chaoyang first made a sigh, and immediately shook his head, laughing at himself, the state was relatively relaxed, not too much pressure, but he was somewhat eager to try.

As far as he is concerned, he has not lost yet. Losing this game will not be eliminated. It is an excellent experience to fight fiercely with non-human strongmen of different martial styles. Fighting with Vijay, the actual combat level seems to have stabilized a step, and the foundation caused by the rapid soaring is solid.

Seeing that An Chaoyang itself did not care about this sign, Lou Cheng immediately joked:

"I think this is the retribution that you used to stimulate my songs!"

In An Chaoyang’s angry and funny expression, he explained “in a serious way”:

"You know, I have the ability to bounce curses and bad luck. This is just the application of its initial level. Anyone who hurts me, stimulates me, and tricks me will be retribution."

Having said that, he painted a cross in the wrong order in the chest, solemnly opening:

"Sincerely, you will live forever!"

An Chaoyang stunned for a few seconds, and couldn’t help but say: "You don't tell the last sentence, I almost really believed..."

As he spoke, he couldn’t go on, and Peng Leyun, Ren Li, and Zhong Ningtao laughed together.

This is believed? That is the recent mantra of Xiao Ming’s classmates. With your IQ, if it’s a girl, I can lie to you on two beds... Lou Cheng secretly spits a sentence and laughs with everyone.

"You are in a good mood?" An Chaoyang calmed down, gathered a long literary hairstyle, and looked at Lou Cheng.

"Yes." Lou Chengxiao replied, both mind and body are comfortable.

The cultivation is successful, the transformation is imminent, and the opponents drawn are not really non-human powers. Is there anything unsatisfied?

At this point, Yan Yan replied to his previous message, "Hands lie down and laughed":

"Look! I will say that my sister's character shines brightly, you can't get inhuman! I will be completely relieved, so I won't cheer you up, and the character will lend you!"

Completely assured? thorough? Xiao Xiaoying, what do you seem to have exposed... Lou Cheng laughed and got a better mood.

At this time, Peng Leyun was drawn out, the opponent is a warrior of the East, not Tang Zexun, nor is it a mountain tiger.

Behind him, there were only two sets of matchups. After the confirmation, there was a lucky boy who was in the air, Ren Li!

"Is it a good luck for the girl who is crazy?" Lou Cheng leaned into the ear of An Chaoyang, and lowered the sound to spit.

"It is possible that if you are not lucky, you are really lost." An Chaoyang replied very well.

The two looked sideways and saw Ren Li's drums smashing the gang, a very dissatisfied look.

"What is she not happy about?" An Chaoyang was whispering.

Lou Cheng thought about the following: "It should be disappointing to not hitting the rack..."

After that, the two looked at each other and sympathized with the poor "round sign."


In the fan forum of Loucheng, "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling @了"盖世龙王":

“Is this badly wrong? What level? How much worse than our home?”

"Close to non-humans." "Gai Shilong Wang" replied very pertinently, "But he has a lot of strength in Nanyang sorcerer, and the most powerful curse class is just restrained by the building, no need to be fine, use it, etc. Watching comedy, so, in general, he is a bit less than Lou Cheng, and he looks at the outstanding style of the building.

"Haha, our wish is still very effective!" Yan Xiaoling "dance and dance".

"Consistently love Jungang this" came out, "funny" said: "Then you have to start getting up on time."

Yan Xiaoling immediately "holds her head and trembles."

"Reassured, I will supervise you! (Bag shoulder)" "Fantasy Vatican" "Seriously hold the chest".


At the beginning of the duel, the location of the delegation of the iconic country, the skin is sallow, the body is thin, and the upper seat of the barefoot red robe, the ascetic monk Waku, walked to the front of the bar, and said:

"You have to be careful about his ability to bounce curses."

Bart sorted out the **** bandages on his hand and answered with a dull voice:

"I have read his information."

As a famous boxer in the iconic country, he looks quite slim. In fact, every muscle is like a copper cast iron. It contains a powerful explosive force. The eyebrows are short and thick, and the edges are like folds. The appearance is extremely fierce.

After answering the reminder, finishing the straps, the bar slowly stood up, extended his hands and spread out in front of Vaku, and said with a very confident tone:

"My technique is not just a curse."

During the speech, his **** bandage seems to have a lot of small life, dense and squirming.


The knuckles bounced, and the wrong fist was hugged.

He stepped forward and crossed the Vaku to the downfall.


Lou Cheng has already waited at the edge of the field. When the battle of others has just ended, he can't wait to get on the platform and stand in his own position.

His mood is as good as before, and there is no arrogance in the first place. It is quite leisurely and comfortable to think about the word "Bing" and exert pressure on the mentally and spiritual level of the slow-moving bar.

Yes, the "Yan Emperor" is 10%, which means that Zhu Rongjin will soon sublimate, and he will officially step past the threshold and start to change, calling it "non-human"!

This is extremely symbolic, and it is similar to the time when it is still energetic to achieve Dan, which indicates that it can be called a strong person and belongs to the upper level of the martial art world.

In this realm, even if I lose the game, I can't get the bonus. When I return to China, Wu Qinggui will increase the cost of the endorsement according to the terms, and the incentive to win the championship in the national competition will be settled together.

This is the worst situation. In fact, the mistake is not a non-person. It is not a small win, and it still pays attention to it, but it does not have much pressure and the mood is not affected.

In addition, the flight ticket of the Feimi country has been booked successfully. Today, I also made a special early morning and wanted to wake myself up. My mom said that the new house I bought was only 50,000 in a few months. The relationship between the teammates is getting better and better. Everything on the list seems to be so beautiful... Lou Cheng thought about it with ease, didn't even waste the waiting time, took time to make a point of view, and outlined the "Imperial Emperor" in the mind, heavy, majestic, hot, and horrible. In this way, the "fire" in the body is slowly solidified and changes.

This is the process of "Zhu Rongjin" to "Yan Emperor" sublimation!

In fact, even if there is no such sublimation, the one who has mastered the "Yan Di Tu" can also play "Yan Emperor" through a series of steps and observations, but because of the compression, it takes a few seconds to complete, in actual combat. There is almost no use in it.

After the "Huo Jin" corresponds to sublimation, you can save a few seconds, so that "Yan Di Jin" can really be used for combat. If the root marrow is alienated and the body is transformed, then even a series of steps are no longer needed. It is "the emperor"!

As soon as the flames merged, the red color turns white, and the building enjoys the changes in the body, gradually accumulating a "Yan Emperor", and taking this as the core, spurring others and creating more.

At this moment, Barba went to the downfall and saw the young man standing freely in front of him. He found that his mouth was full of laughter, no war, and his body and mind were relaxed.

Too arrogant, too big.... If you think about it, the war is even stronger.

Lou Cheng was wonderfully unstressed at this time, and felt that he had a lot of "sports and liveliness" described in Xian Xia's novels, so that "Fire" became smart.

He didn't care about his opponent's performance, smiled a little at Bar, and did a trick.

The referee raised his right hand and shouted loudly and loudly:


Experienced the wonderful feelings, the body and mind relaxed and emptied the building into a left foot forward, the mind naturally changed the view, the word "line" emerged.

In the low-sounding ancient sound, he crossed a dozen meters, and when he slammed it, he bullied the wrong side of the bar, his right arm swayed, his fist mixed with the body, and slammed out, accompanied by the "Yan Emperor" Disappearing into a violent "fire"!

Bart’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t help but avoid it. He calmed down and put his hands in front of him.

Lou Cheng’s fist was like lightning, and it was dyed with a layer of blazing white, which was hitting his hand.


In the sound of the explosion, the fire wave rolled, the wind was full of wind, and the wrong body refused to take a step back. He was shocked to see that the blood bandage on his hand was either burnt or burning, and dropped a small thing. Dust with weathering!

This... the wrong pupil is shrinking sharply.

When was the "fire" of Loucheng so powerful?

PS: Only one chapter owes more, continue tomorrow

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