Martial Arts Master

Chapter 473: The paper paste (the first is recommended ticket)

Above the stands, An Chaoyang took Lu Cheng’s mobile phone. According to his embarrassment, he occasionally took a photo and sent it to the live post. With a commentary, he couldn’t see the game’s “Gai Shi Long Wang” and “Long Night”. Will go to "others describe the progress.

"Hey, little tiger, you are a good person!" "Selling and selling," "Waving handcuffs."

"Spiritually!" "Fantasy Vatican" "with fireworks".

Looking at their excitement of praise, An Chaoyang slammed his mouth and couldn’t help but swear:

I am the one who does not leave a name for good things!

If it wasn’t for the private building, I said that I was the most reliable one among the few people present, I would not do my best!


He captured the scene of the ring, with a sentence to pass it up:

“When waiting, Lou Cheng looks very relaxed.”

Click! Click!

An Chaoyang found a fun time to send pictures:

"Bam has a bitter face and a deep hatred."

“The building is quite laid-back, feeling like visiting the temple instead of fighting.”

Explained the commentary, he suddenly paused, slowed down half a shot before pressing the "shutter" and hit twenty words:

“Hey, Lou Cheng’s two hands are flowing, and ‘Fire’ is too powerful!”

The photo is rolling over the fire and spreading out, if there is a real explosion!

At this moment, Barth not only lost most of the sorrow of the sorcerer, but also his arms trembled, and there was some blackness. The explosion that was strong and horrible was a certain injury, and there was obvious soreness.

In the pupil of his contraction, he saw that the floor raised his hands and made a seal, which was about to exhale.

not good!

Bart’s dark voice made a decision between the lights and the fire, and the body slammed down, instantly avoiding the frontal “edge”.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed his hands to the ground, and his back was straightened. His right foot swept out and hit the foot of the building, forcing him to dodge, forcing him to use the word "Bing"!

This is the "land of the earth" that combines the characteristics of the iconic national boxing!

If you use this trick for the building, you don’t rely on the "rejoice", because the hands support the force, and the normal violation, the strength of the leg is fierce and fierce, but certainly can not talk about fierce, but the icon The country's boxing is very focused on kicking and kungfu. The whole leg is like metal. A "leg of the ground" sweep can directly cut off an iron column, not to mention the fragile ankle!

In the screaming sound, Barr predicted that Loucheng would jump and avoid his own sweeping legs. The joints of his arms suddenly bent, and they immediately turned straight, causing the body to bouncously jump up and pounce on the enemy in midair.


He slashed his elbows and topped his knees, attacking with a broken gold and iron.

In the midst of danger, Barthol has given full play to his strengths, showing the style of a country's masters of boxing, and hard to bring back the disadvantages.

But at this moment, he saw the building jumped up and jumped up, and the seals made by his hands were not in chaos. The solemnity and solemnity of the look remained unchanged. The whole person was calm and uneasy, as if watching children play. .

bad! When Bar’s thoughts turned around, he heard a low-pitched drink and sounded in his own ear.


The ancient sound echoed, and the wrong mind screamed, seemingly overwhelmed by the **** tens of thousands of people, causing the defeat of the sorcerer, which led to a terrible counterattack. He only felt the face of Zhang Yi’s face with The grievances that never faded pulled their feet and dragged themselves into the boundless hell.

no no no! He kept screaming in his heart and tried to resist, but he could not escape the feeling of fear.

After the completion of the "Bing" word, the right arm hangs down, the wrist is hooked, and a crystal-clear cold light is hit, heading straight into the enemy with a dull gaze in the air, the connection is compact, out Compared with the pre-Vicca battle, it has indeed been a steady step.

"Ice Department" twenty-sixth type, "ice burning" change!

On the other side, Barr’s eyes saw that he was about to “fall” into hell, and suddenly he felt the pain of the internal organs, like something squirming there, where he turned over the river!

With this stimulus, he was awakened and broke free from the influence of the word "Bing"!

At the crucial moment, the technique "protection body"!

However, Ba Biao had just stepped out of his fear of mourning, and there was a cold and body in front of him, slamming it on his face, and igniting the cold flame of quiet burning.


Barbara’s head leaned back, and his thoughts were almost interrupted. If he was not physically sturdy, he fainted directly.

In the cold and stiff bones, he wants to scream, but he is slow and weak, and his heart is not good. He is busy at the moment when his feet are on the ground, "unblocking" the "danger" in the body.

Hey! His bones and fascia burst into abrupt sounds, and every muscle seemed to be creeping and expanding, breaking the ice covered by the face, and the body was strangely changed from lean to exaggerated, higher than before. Half a head!


In the fierce sway of the ring, the bar made a fist and made a strong wind that could blow the child.

Come well! I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have made a handprint, pointing to my own building and shouting, squirming my abdomen and pulling my throat:

"Do you fight!"

The low and heavy but straight into the clouds, the building into a block of muscle congestion, Horan reached the feet, and immediately twisted the knees, twitching the back.

Snapped! He was also a little taller. In the broken sound, he pulled his right arm and shot the bullets like an archery. He bumped into the front of the fist with the broken black bandage.


This time, it was no longer a muffled sound, but a deafening sound, and the two shook at the same time.

The remaining frozen and hurting bar was slowed down by half a shot, and the oil was seen to shrink the blood, spirit, strength and rebound, and condensed in the lower abdomen, firmly standing in place.

Snapped! In the building, the body is sprayed with thin air, just like the eruption of the volcano, the left leg is inflated, and the knee is shot, and the first kick is kicked out, and it is wrong.

Under such a distance and such an attack speed, Bar is too late to escape, barely stimulating the blood, driving his own potential, followed by kicking and stretching.


A muffled sound, lost the first opportunity and inferior to the half of his legs and legs, the body swayed, seems to be planted.

Lou Cheng made a small jump half a step, the left arm covered with crystal frost, one above the front, the right fist clenched, crashed out, rubbed against the air at high speed, ignited a layer of flame.

"Zhu Rongjin", hot punch!

Bang! Barbara had no chance to fight back. He could only hang his arms, his hands crossed, and he was attacked by the impact of his fists, the wind and waves of the explosion, and the rising flame.

This is not over yet, Lou Cheng left the left hand and drooped down, took the wrong shoulder, took him to his direction, and leveraged his sideways, set up his right arm, lightning bolted out of the elbow!

boom! Barba was forced to block his arm, but he was bounced back and hit his chest. He was boring and seemed to vomit blood.

Lou Cheng re-started at the foot, the strength of the position is not precisely the position of the opponent's knees, the kick is already a mess, the real loss of focus.


The floor was turned back and the other leg was followed by the runner. It was stretched straight, as if the battle axe, just fierce and tough, and then flew out.

Stepping over, he didn't give Barba the opportunity to use the sorcerer's dying struggle. The mind of the mind came up with a crystal clear dream and a cold and dark hail. In the roaring thunderstorm, the back was stretched and punched. On the rush, if you want to fly.

"Be a big drink!"

boom! Bart's hands pressed down, and the danger was against, but it was suddenly black, and it seemed that even the thoughts had been lost.


He became a "stone", fell heavily on the ground, fell to the floor in time to retreat, the throat to the tip!

The referee from the Holy Elephant country changed his face slightly, sighing and sighing, raising his right hand and proclaiming:

"Ling Chengsheng!"

Until this time, the repeatedly hitting Bald has not recovered from the freezing of thinking!


An Chaoyang took this scene and switched to the live broadcast, thinking about the commentary.

In the post, "The night is coming" Yan Xiaoling is rushing to urge:

"And then what? After the building is too strong, what is it?"

"@薛定谔的虎, I woke up, I should have gone through several tricks! What is the situation now?" "Fantasy Vatican" "Catch the person shaking".

An Chaoyang stunned, and his hands flew quickly, and sent out with the picture:

"Then, then the floor achievement won..."

After a brief silence, everyone in the forum expressed their feelings.

"I am!"

"I want to use the quality of three combos..."

"Is it opposite?"

“Is it good to be close to non-humans?”

"Mom asked me why I was watching the forum..."

"Ah, ah, I want to see comedy!"


An Chaoyang seriously thought about it and explained:

"Balph's cursed sorcerer did not dare to use it for the building. Just after the opening, he was caught off guard by the fire that broke out. He lost the 'media' using other sorcerers. The comprehensive strength has dropped a lot, not close. It’s not human.”

"..." "King Shilongwang" issued an "ellipsis" road. "I said that there is a lot more between the non-human and the six products, named after "loud!"

"The Road to Fujian and Taiwan" echoed: "I feel that there is no counter-attack on the opposite side!"

You will not say this in a few days... An Chaoyang resisted the urge to reply and silently said a word.

After a few days, most of the building can begin to change!

PS: Today is still three, ask for a ticket!

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