Martial Arts Master

Chapter 471: Third round (second more)

In order to change clothes, Lou Cheng was about to go out, suddenly heard the voice of the mobile phone to give a special reminder, pick up a look, is from the strict news.

The girl stunned with a "monkey in a pajamas blinking eyes":

"I have set an alarm clock for this point. As a result, you wake up and wake up..."

Lou Cheng laughed and replied truthfully:

"It was the leader who asked Peng Leyun to knock on the door and wake me up. Hey, hey, how do you set the alarm clock to the present?"

When I sent a message, shouldn't you sleep well?

"I woke up in the middle of the night, I looked at my mobile phone, and adjusted the alarm clock by the way..." Yan Yan sent a "brushing monkey", "Come, interview, Lou Xiaocheng, you are yourself Finally, I have to think about what the 'Yan Emperor' has to say? Excited? Excited? What is the biggest feeling? (Handing the microphone)."

Lou Cheng examined the self, touched the belly that had expressed strong dissatisfaction, and “laughed tears”:

"The biggest feeling is hungry..."

It’s not a joke to forget about eating and sleeping. I didn’t eat much during breakfast!

Uh... Yan Yan laughed out loud and made a roll on the bed, "contempt":

"I blame you! I also said that I slept back and felt that I had to sleep for an hour, and now I am completely awake!"

Not waiting for the building to reply, she sent a "poor" expression:

"You can only get up early and do the tempering."

"Ha ha, very good, martial arts can not be ruined, the body is the cost of life." Lou Chengshun said a word, want to express the meaning that the body is good, the spirit will be abundant, it is more conducive to learning.

After a dozen seconds, Yan Yan replied with the expression of "knocking his head":

" are so dirty!"

Sewage? Lou Cheng stunned a bit, but did not dock the brainwaves of Xiao Xiaoying's classmates. When the thoughts turned a few times, I realized that I suddenly "snickered" and said: "Hey, where do you want to go? I mean The body is the capital of learning, um, but well, you understand so well, yes, hehe."

"Hey you! You are the one who brought me bad! Yes, you must deliberately mislead me to think so!" Yan Yan pressed the keyboard red and red, "Hey, say, what do you want to eat now? I will help you right away." Find pictures!"

I am not able to spend the night!

"I want to eat the three silks that our family Xiaoxiao students mix." Lou Cheng thought a turn, his heart became soft.

Yan Yan suddenly slammed his mouth, and the light turned and turned around. He looked around his eyes and forgot the previous thoughts:

"Then, when you come over in September, bring this recipe, we can get some food together."

"Well, I promise to complete the task of strict coaching!" Lou Cheng "cuffed his fists".

The two talked a few more words. After Yan Hao did not praise, Lou Cheng took the items, went out of the room, arrived at the lobby on time and met with his teammates.

Yan Yan, who is in the country, also put down his mobile phone. He walked away from the bed and shoved the door, ready to go to the bathroom to wash.

She just lit the light, suddenly noticed, turned her head and saw that her mother, Ji Mingyu, stood in the door of her room with her hands on her chest and looked at it quietly.

"Mom, have you been so early?" Yan Yan subconsciously blurted out.

Ji Mingyu chuckled and his posture changed:

"It's not awakened by your alarm clock. How was it an hour earlier?"

What kind of moth was made by Lou Cheng’s kid? Do you have to get up early?

Yan Yan’s dawn was bright and shining, and he raised his chin and said truthfully:

"The orange he practiced as 'Yan Emperor' and he began to change."


In the lobby, Lou Cheng and the first arrived An Chaoyang did not wait a few minutes, they saw Peng Leyun strolling leisurely, Ren Li was successfully presented under the leadership of the team.

Zhong Ningtao was waiting to speak, and suddenly heard a loud snoring, like who’s stomach was violently squirming and protesting.

Brush, brush, brush, the scene is the ear of the bright-eyed generation, Ren Li, Peng Leyun and An Chaoyang's line of sight on the building into the body, and Lou Cheng has not had time to open, and control, the stomach has responded with a "tweet ".

"A little hungry..." His old face was red, and he said with a thick face.

Finished, in front of them four, I made several jokes, and I can't build a reliable image!

"Haha, then let's go, I found a good Chinese restaurant." Zhong Ningtao said with a smile.

Peng Leyun looked at Lou Cheng, and smiled at An Chaoyang sideways:

"I remembered a song."

"Me too." An Chaoyang quickly downloaded the song and played it through the headphones:

"Hungry, hungry, hungry, I am really hungry..."

In the sound of music, he smiled and looked at Lou Cheng, and asked:

"Like it?"

"Not at all..." Lou Cheng "strong smile", raised his right hand, grandly introduced, "You look at my fist, it has been pinched!"

An Chaoyang this goods, the temper is more feminine, when it is uncertain, when you silently "pit" people, the most black belly!

"Haha." The crowd burst into laughter. Since this time, everyone has become more and more familiar.

At dinner, they all had restraint. When they were half-satisfied, they let go of their hands and feet. Although the Chinese restaurant couldn’t be delicious, the few people who had not touched the motherland for many days were still very satisfied. Just scrutinizing that there is a game at night, I have to let my body be at its best, and I can't fully enjoy it.

At 7:10, Lou Cheng and others arrived at the iconostasis. They witnessed a street fight along the way and watched for five minutes with great interest.

At this point, the audience has gathered, and the third round of the draw will begin in less than twenty minutes:

There are only twenty-three players left today, and the probability of getting a strong enemy is obviously higher. Of course, there will be lucky ones who get the wheel and laugh at the battle.


In the fan forum of Loucheng, “The long night is coming” Yan Xiaoling is fully motivated to “cover” the wishing building:

"As long as the building is not in this round, I will get up on time from now until school!"

She copied this article and prayed silently with the people such as "Fantasy" and "good names are shit."

If Loucheng fails again, he will be eliminated!

"Hey, stupid night, how do you get up on time instead of getting up early?" "Gai Shilong Wang" watched for a while, wondering and asking.

Yan Xiaoling sent a "wrong" expression: "Getting up on time means getting up at twelve o'clock at noon..."

"Twelve noon? Is this still a wish? God will kill you, no, you are too short, the goal is not obvious, you are not in the middle." "Gai Shilong Wang" "stunned and eclipsed" the underworld.

"This is summer vacation, understand? Summer vacation! Uncle, you, you, you can't understand the state of the student party during the summer vacation. Although I have to stipulate that I have to get up at noon, but this time is bright and sleep, afternoon. Wake up at four or five o'clock." Yan Xiaoling "face down with both hands down".

"I rub, so decadent." "Gai Shilong Wang" "wiped cold sweat."

Yan Xiaoling’s “dejected” is:

"It's very decadent... but it's really cool!"

"Small nights, you are more and more like old hooligans." "Fantasy Vatican" "covering his face and sighing".

At the beginning, I was a softer sister. Since I had this forum, it took more than a year to become an old driver!


Lou Cheng and his mother Qi Fang chatted about the day, after reporting the situation of the day, I saw Yan Yan sent a link, "Laughter":

"Xiao Ling is really funny!"

Uh? Lou Cheng clicked on the link, entered the forum, and saw everyone's wish. While the heart was moved, he couldn't help but laugh at Yan Xiaoling's "getting out of bed".

I thought that during the summer vacation of the college entrance examination, I was not so decadent. At most, I slept at three o'clock in the evening. From 12 noon, I occasionally wanted a night.

He quit the post, cut back to the chat interface, and "smirked" and said to Yan Yan:

"Hey, it’s a lottery. Don’t you make a wish, pray?”

Yan Yan used the expression of "Little Monsters and Ice Cream": "I don't worry, there are the qualities of this coach shining on you, you must not be able to get non-human, rest assured (heavy shoulders)!"

"Haha, have you learned a little bit about their chat style?" Lou Cheng replied with a chuckle and turned to look at the guests who had stepped onto the ring.

I removed Peng Leyun, Ren Li, An Chaoyang and myself, and then removed the hands of Vijay and Putian who had handed over. There are still 17 choices left. If it is not a round, the probability of drawing a non-human is 17 points. Fourth, less than a quarter, the probability of getting seeds is seven-seventeenths, one-third is strong, nearly half...

- Because he will be eliminated after losing another game, he can't completely calm himself.

It didn't take long for him to hear his name and he couldn't help but straighten his back.

After waiting a few seconds, the guest pulled out his opponent:

"St. Elephant, Bar is wrong!"

Bar wrong? Not a seed player... Lou Cheng was relieved, and the idea came out.

But after carefully recalling the name, he found that it was not an easy opponent.

Bart is one of the representatives of the iconic national boxing, and he is similar to the sorcerer of the sorcerer's sorcerer. His power is close to non-human. He was originally able to become the No. 7 and No. 8 seed at his level, but it is necessary for the four countries. There can only be two unspoken rules of the seed players, because Waku and bone guess (the sixth seed), unfortunately lost, after all the way to enter the game.

After the start of the game, his luck was not very good. In the first round, he got the top seed Tang Zexun and swallowed the bitter fruit of failure. In the second round, he won easily and saved the quota. Now he is the same as Loucheng. There is room for it!

Fortunately, as long as it is not non-human... Lou Cheng is not proud of not be afraid of nodding, sent the situation to Yan Yan, and then shared the information into the live broadcast as a "field reporter".

The location of the delegation of the iconic country, the hands and the wrists are tied with **** bandages, the same decapitation, full of confidence!

Just when Lou Cheng looked down at the mobile phone, An Chaoyang was also pumped out, and the opponent quickly determined:

"Nan Zheng, Barnum!"

Fourth seed Barnum!

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