Martial Arts Master

Chapter 407: The world is changing too fast

"The fourth inning, Yan Yusheng!"

"The final result, Songda Budokai wins!"

The referee’s voice was tumultuous. In addition to Lou Cheng’s and Lin’s lack of psychological preparation, he responded to Yan’s excitement and throwing fists. Cai Zongming and Li Wei of the Songda Budo Club’s seat were in a daze, dull, not I believe this will win.

When they want to come, even if Yan Yan can defeat Jiang Kong, it must be a hard battle. After suffering a twist, how could it be so fast?

Sudden surprises made them difficult to return to the moment and failed to enjoy the joy of victory in time.

They are like this, the same is true of the audience in the stands, forgetting the shouts, forgetting the encouragement, forgetting the cheers, and being silent.

This is not scientific!

Say good Jiang Kong’s strength is clearly dominant?

How did she lose at once?

It’s as simple as there is no resistance!

Wait, the strictness of Songda will actually be "nine words"!

She is a real secret weapon!

In the live broadcast room, Chen Sansheng silently debuted after a dozen seconds.

"The word "bing"? Yan Yan also practiced as a 'nine word sound'?"

"Yeah, this secret method, how is the Songda Budo Agency personally..." The host Liu Chang is still in a state of sorrow.

Similar to the secret method of the "nine-character sounds" series, which ones will not be arrogant, and non-core disciples will not be granted?

Songcheng University Budoshe, is this going to run into communism?

Chen Sansheng took a cold breath and said the same thing: "We just said that the emperors are the back gardens of the hustle and bustle. What is this big?"

"I don't know..." Liu Chang spread his hand, and there is still no way to digest the dramatic ending of this game, except for the shock, no sadness and no joy.

Chen Diguo of the martial arts seat of the Imperial College also had a similar feeling. He sat there, looking at the direction of the ring, and saw Jiang Kong’s standing in the same place. He saw Yan Yan cheering and excited and punching.

In his eyes, all these colors faded quickly, and the two figures seemed to be the characters in the black and white silent film, so distant, so illusory.


“Win it? Is this winning?” In the fan forum of Lou Cheng, “The night is coming” Yan Xiaoling slammed the post.

It's not that I don't understand, it's the world that changes too fast!

"It’s not true..." "Fantasy" is also said to be "a confused face."

The surprise was too big to find a feeling.

At this time, "a lot of small high" surfaced, and used the expression of "contempt" to reply to Yan Xiaoling's previous questions:

"Do you think I will be nervous? I almost laughed out!"

When she said this, Yan Xiaoling instantly found the feeling, returned to reality, and quickly pressed the keyboard:

"Ha ha ha ha, I should have thought of it, hahaha, Lin deficiency have been practiced as a 'line' word, to Yan Xuejie and Lou Cheng relationship, how could she not practice? Hahaha, I am also stupid, white nervous for a while Hahaha, so happy, I will get up early tomorrow, get up early!"

"Yes, it seems that the wish is still effective, I also officially quit a week, ah, my girlfriend went on a business trip yesterday, ten days!" "The Bull Devil" "funny".

"Gai Shi Long Wang" said: "It’s just very strict and very risky. Just wait for Jiang’s air to be so close to use the word 'Bing'. If there is tension, slow half-shooting, it will definitely be kicked by the other side, too late to use. The secret law..."

He is still reminiscing about the battle just now. He feels that the trick of picking up the word "Bing" is a bit familiar, the arm swings quickly, the punch is like a meteor, and it causes the apparent shaking of Jiang Kong’s body muscles. same!

"Hahaha, don't care about these details! Fast, @盖世龙王, throw away your barbecue! Also, there, the streaking classmate, run fast!" Yan Xiaoling was so excited that he was incoherent.

"Let me finish the last big bunch of bones, and then start fasting." "Gai Shi Long Wang" "small face sigh."

Yan Xiaoling did not care, and continued to say from his own place:

"Ha ha ha, I feel that I will be busy, I have to manage the posts of everyone, I have to stare at the old driver, see what car he drives, go to the poisoned milk and explain it there, go to Bai Xiaosheng and laugh at it. I would like to give a compliment to all the comments that praised Songda and Loucheng, so busy!"

At this time, under the microblog before "superstitious thoughts are unacceptable", the comments are just like the spring bamboo shoots:

"I doubt the ability of the cult leader to poison the milk. I regret that I apologize..."

"On the three roots, one worships the lord, and then worships the lord, three worships the lord, enters my poisonous milk god, and speaks the law, reverses the cause and effect!"

"He teaches the Lord, I beg you, let me say a word, I will say that you are a wave of goods, playing games every day to watch the game, how can the exam be qualified?"

"Hey, friends on the rooftop, you can come down!"

"You... shout... got... too... late..."...


Compared with He Xiaowei’s teasing and humor, “Jianghu Baixiaosheng” is another style.

"Long night is coming" with "dancing" expression: "Ha ha ha ha, hahahaha, I smile, I don't say anything."

"Catch the upstairs operator!" "Sell and sell" and reply with the "cat head" expression.

“Fantasy 001” and “Laughter” said: “The Loucheng Fan Tour Group is here to visit.”

“The Songda Tour Group is close behind.”

"Crowded, don't line up with group travelers."

Seeing these contents, the blood vessels of the forehead of "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" jumped and jumped, swiping the finger, directly deleting the first few Weibos, then shutting down the computer, mute the phone, exit the APP, and stay away from the electronic products.

After the limelight, it is a hero!


Above the ring, the excitement of Yan Yan arched his hand to Jiang Kong, and he turned to his body and ran back to the seat to share his joy with Lou Cheng.

Although she has been telling herself to be reserved, she wants to be a lady, but her footsteps still feel a little jumping.

At this time, she suddenly heard that the silence of the audience was broken, and the sounds of the roads merged into a torrent, and they rang in their ears:

"Strictly! Strictly!"

The physique slowed down, and Yan Yan looked at it with a slight stunned look. This is the first time she has accepted such a warm applause as a key player.

The audience has already returned to God. They have a great affection for the weak and strong, and the Yan is still so beautiful, so clean girls.

"Strictly! Strictly!"

The sound of shouting was higher than the waves, and the girl was excited and excited, and the body was overflowing with the taste of "I am so happy."

She raised her hands over the top and applauded in all directions, and the footwork at the foot accelerated again, rushing to the seat of the Songda Budo Club, and couldn't wait to share it with the silly orange.

Lou Cheng, they have already greeted them with their hands, like the waves that rushed in front, and they will be surrounded by the central government, which will confuse others’ sights. In this area, the building is excited and excited, and the excitement is overwhelming. Stiff, not very accustomed to such close contact with others, but the corners of the mouth can not stop up.

The girl walked forward step by step, hugged the floor and squatted, and then woke up, blushing her face, and Lin and Lin, Cai Zongming, Lin Hua, they touched the fist.




They smiled and seemed to have forgotten other words, just repeating the words "winning" over and over again.

Yes, we won, and we won the Emperor!

Yes, we won, we entered the finals!

Looking at the back of Yan Qiang's excitement and the celebration of Song masses, Jiang Kong was lost, and his heart was empty. It seemed to be missing a piece. It was not good to touch it. As long as it touched, there was blunt pain.

She not only mastered the word "Bing", but also developed the "Meteor" of the Dojo...

If there is only one of them, the "resolute force" that is reserved for the accident is enough to solve. Who knows that things always go in the worst direction.

Jiang Kongqi took a breath and whipped up the gang to restrain his impulse to cry.

When she flew away from the sad place and returned to the seat of the Emperor College Wudaoshe, Ren Li had already greeted him, no longer confused, extended her hands and gave her a hug.

Smell the faint orchid scent, feel the warm embrace of the school sister, Jiang Kong 蝉 can no longer suppress, buried his face on Ren Li's shoulder, eyes red, tears overflow.

"Sorry, sister, sorry..." she cried and cried.

"Nothing, nothing." Ren Li looked at the front and patted her back.

"I, I, Master Chen, have been in the last year..." Jiang Kong was sobbing.

Next to Chen Guoguo heard this, I wanted to open my mouth to comfort the girl with a bun, saying that I could bear it, but I couldn’t say it because I couldn’t say it.

He looked at Ren Li sideways and saw the comic-like big eyes covered with a mist, full of obvious pain and loss.

As a worldly arrogant, there are also irreparable regrets... Chen Enguo’s heart gave birth to such a realization, secretly sighing, and went to the stands where the supporters of the Emperor’s College Wudao Society were, raised their hands and moved horizontally. Gently applaud and make a final farewell.

I don't know who started, those supporters shouted his name like every game in the past:

"Chen enemy country! Chen enemy country!"

Familiar scenes, familiar cheers, Chen Enguo remembered the rumors that men were bleeding and not crying, the eyes became wet, the nose seemed to block, but he still insisted on completing the farewell.

Sorry, I have not been able to bring you a champion...

Sorry, there is no way to fight for this championship anymore...

Looking at his back that he regretted staying away, Ding Yixin cried very sadly, shouting loudly to the audience around him:

"Chen enemy country, Chen enemy country..."

Beside her, Qi Hailin and Du Yiyi were also inexplicably sad and cried out.

Laughing crazy, maybe just a mess, but hurt and cry, it must be unforgettable.

Goodbye, the emperor.

Goodbye, Chen enemy country.


In a lighter locker room, the closed door was suddenly opened, and a student-looking youth shouted out before he even entered:

"Songda won!"

"Song Dajin entered the finals!"

With his words, the dazzling light shining outside, the room becomes bright, and a clean and refreshing young man "woke up" from the state of the gods.

"Song big..." he whispered.

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