Martial Arts Master

Chapter 406: Last game

At the same time as Chen Sansheng’s feelings, He Xiaowei on Weibo has sent a piece of content:

"I will say it, I will say it! Songda is too weak, what do you want to fight for the emperor? The horse has a hoof, the person has a miss, I occasionally predict the wrong number, you will chase me to call the poisoned milk, now Believe that I am really reliable, right?"

"Occasionally..." In the front row, someone "breaks into laughter."

Below him is a series of similar messages:

"Well, I will go to the rooftop after smoking this cigarette..."

"Go with you!"

"Wait for me, there is a companion on the road!"


The "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" who had been silent for a while also updated Weibo at this time:

"Everyone has a good state and a bad time. The warrior is no exception. Ren Li does have some problems today, but the final result will not change."

The implication is that Ren Li, who is in a bad state, does not mean that the achievement of the building can be called with the other party.

As for the status of Ren Li is good or bad, then some say, who will not pick the bones in the egg?

If someone is true, you can use the final result to fight back!

No one is humiliating him under this Weibo, because Yan Xiaoling and others are nervously worried about the fourth and final game in the fan forum.

"555, really want to lose?" "Fantasy Vatican" "shrinking in the corner of the circle" road.

"I, I, I, I don't know..." "The night is coming" "There is a tear in the face", "I want to make a wish! If I can win the emperor today, I will insist on getting up early for a month!"

"Hey, have you escaped in the morning class?" "Gai Shilong Wang" asked strangely.

Yan Xiaoling said with the expression "Weakness in the smile": "We are self-selected, thank you! In addition to the martial arts class, the first big class in the morning was transferred to the afternoon or evening! However, this is not the point! The key point is You have to follow my wish and pray to win the emperor!"

"Why? It is normal for the emperor to lose to the emperor. It is common sense to have a win in a similar situation." "The road to the downfall" interjected.

As a warrior who cultivated the "whistling eight shapes", he has always been a half disciple outside the brothel. When watching this game, it is self-evident.

"No! I don't remember who said this to me. If the warrior is calm and does not feel pain, then he will be numb to win or lose. There is no longer a strong mind." Muyu", "As a fan, as a supporter, it has to be like this. If you are not sad about losing the game, it means that you are not enough!"

"Hey, applause, it’s really good!" Whenever this time, Yan Xiaoling always has a poor word. "Come on, come and line up and make a wish!"

"If Songda can win tonight, I will go to the bathroom and streak for two laps!" "Good names are **** by the dog."

"The Bull Devil" said funnyly: "If Song Da can win tonight, I will quit for a week!"

"I quit the barbecue for half a month!" "Gai Shilong Wang" made a mess.

Seeing that everyone is making a wish, Yan Xiaoling is a little relieved, @""A lot of small high":

"Box box, no, the cat reporter in front, are you nervous? Is there any insider to explode?"

“A lot of Xiaogao” did not respond to her in time because the atmosphere of the Songda Budo Club seat was dignified and everyone forgot to play the mobile phone.

Lou Cheng followed Yan Yan and stood up, deliberately laughing:

“What kind of fueling method do you need? Even though, I will definitely do it, even if I am jumping a Hawaiian rock hula!”

He tried to help his girlfriend ease tension and reduce stress in this way.

Yan Yan laughed with a nasal voice and took a breath, self-promoting and self-defeating:

"If I win, you have to give me a massage to sleep tonight, not to move the manual foot, not allowed to take advantage of it!"

"Okay, no problem, come on! Take advantage of the opportunity, hopefully win!" Lou Cheng did not hesitate to answer, reached out and touched the girl, quietly took a hand.

"Yeah!" Yan Yan nodded hard.

She didn't delay the time. She didn't have a high-five and Li Wei, Cai Zongming and others. They only turned around and waved at them.

Stepping forward, Yan Yan faced the returning forest and went to the stone position.


At the seat of the martial arts club of the Imperial College, Chen Enguo sighed like a bellows and sighed:

"Not easy!"

If it wasn’t for Xiaoyan’s strength, she lost most of her losses to Lin, and her last year’s college martial arts career would end with regret.

so far so good!

"The air can not be careless..." Chen Weiguo next to the worried worry holding his chest, standing in front of the position, a little worried about himself.

"Xiao Xiao has always been very cautious." Ren Li sipped the canned "Jiu'an Soup", and the beautiful nephew looked at the ring.

Chen Enguo heard the words and agreed to nod: "Yeah, don't look at Xiaoyan's usual love to sell Meng, and occasionally it seems to be dull, but the work is very serious and calm, as long as she is not careless, the grasp of winning the job is still quite big."

"Well, you said that you are staying." Ren Li remembered the key points, his eyes never shifted, and he still looked straight ahead.

When I saw Yan Yan quickly boarding the ring, the main force and the substitutes of the Emperor College Wudao Society suddenly quieted down, and seemed to lose the ability to speak.

This game will decide who will leave and who will laugh and cry!


In the stands, the audience had joys and worries, as well as feelings. The voice of cheering and cheering weakened a lot. The "double material" fan Ding Yixin was even nervous and couldn’t look at the downfall again. He retracted his body to the side of Yan Hailin and buried his head in her. On the shoulders.

"As for it?" Yan Hailin asked with a funny smile.

When she spoke, her heart was also screaming, and she couldn’t tell if she was a nervous alma mater or classmate.

"As for! I think, the party who wants to wait for the loss can only helplessly bid farewell to this place, with full regret, no matter how much effort, how much sweat, how much youth, I am so sad, so nervous, this Too, this is too cruel and cruel." Ding Yixin exports into a chapter.

She is a student of the Chinese Department of the Imperial College.

"A Wen Qing heart..." Du Yiyi said sharply, and there was some fear in the eyebrows. It seemed that he could not bear to see the last sadness.


In the live broadcast room, Liu Chang, the host of the viewing platform and the martial arts seat with the lens, sighed:

"This is the cruelty of the knockout. There can only be one winner. The losing team must leave, wait for next year, or miss it forever."

"Maybe it will always be regrettable." Chen Sansheng emotionally echoed.

Liu Chang also wants to weave suspense and asks:

"Three students, do you think Songda really has no hope?"

"No, hope is still there, but it is not so big. Can you grasp it and see the two sides play on the spot." Chen Sansheng thought for a moment. "To be honest, Jiang Kong’s consumption is not small, '瘟部' The strength of the team has to be hit in order to play, and after the hard-hitting 'Meteor explosion' of the forest, maybe there is still a shock residue, and the former building or the forest shortage in front of Dan is against her, the winning face will not be small. Just like Wei Shengtian and Zhou Zhengquan when they were exhausted, it’s a pity that Yan Yan is not in front of Dan...”

After he had not finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, because the guide also cut the picture to the martial arts seat on both sides, only to see Lou Cheng, Ren Li, Lin Wei, Chen Diguo and others stand up separately, each with their own substitutes Pulling hands to stand in a row, facing the ring, is both fueling, but also looking forward to, not only to show off to the teammates who play, no matter whether you win or lose, you will never walk alone, but also work together to pray for God!

The atmosphere became solemn, and it became more dignified and tense.

"Call, let us appreciate the final performance of Songda or Emperor in this national competition." Moderator Liu Changyu said.

At this time, on the top of the ring, Yan Yan has stood on the opposite side of Jiang Kongyu, sinking the center of gravity and setting the posture.

Jiang Kongqi took the last time to do the vomiting, his face was slightly white, his lips were dark and dark, and it was obvious that the previous hard fight and the use of "瘟部" strength made her pressure.

The referee looked at the girls on both sides and raised his right hand. The voice covered the whole floor and shouted:


The fourth game begins!

The final game of Songda or the Imperial Capital begins!

Jiang Kong’s center of gravity swayed, smashed to Yan Yan, walked lightly, and walked like a wind.

She wants to take the initiative to attack, chasing each other in the wind, and finding the gap to complete the suppression with the martial arts such as "Torn Scroll", creating the opportunity for the enemy to hardly pick up their "weakness", but also to carry out the "rejuvenation" "Leave to guard against accidents.

Yan Yan did not stupidly stay in place, light as an antelope back to the side, and then drew an arc around, trying to wander.

As soon as they catch up and avoid, the two figures seem to dance on the ring. Gradually, Jiang Kong, who has the upper hand in any aspect, has changed his mind with the center of gravity, such as mercury, and shortened the distance bit by bit.

Finally, after her ghostly body shape turned, she locked in Yan Yan and deceived her opponent. The muscles of her right leg were stretched and she had to swept out.

At this moment, the beautiful girl figure reflected in her clear throat raised her hands and produced a nephew that she was very familiar with!

not good! Jiang Kong’s pupils contracted rapidly, and he heard a low but sweet voice:


Nine characters, "Bing" word!

Lin deficiency has been taught by the word "行", how can Yan Yan not practice the nine characters?

She not only practiced the word "行", but also practiced the words "人" and "Bing"!

Moreover, the building became the master's master to grasp as soon as possible, and also specifically asked Master to borrow the original rubbings of the words "Bing" and "Zen", and use their own fake and inferior imitations!

In order to create the best results in the previous game, in order to create the best results, the adventure will wait until Jiang Kong is close to use this trick, or else with her will and spirit, remotely, the powerful enemy will soon recover, no The opportunity to attack the gap!


The cold and sharp thoughts invaded, and Jiang Kongyu was like a steel knife pointed by a long sword, his heart almost collapsed, and he wanted to yell and shout loudly for mercy.

It's now!

Yan Yan’s mind inside thought of a meteor that cut through the sky, the temple suddenly bulged, the right arm swayed, and the fist burst.

Dou, "Meteor"!

Yes, I can't make Dan, but I can make the best of the other nine. My brother can practice "Meteor" before Dan, I can!

I have not wasted my time for so many months!


A fist broke out and the wind was full.

Jiang Kong’s stress is sober, he hurriedly puts his arms up and barely blocks, and then he has to “regain his strength” to resolve all accidents.


She seemed to be hit by the impact of the bomb. The residual shock in the body was stimulated, the blood was tumbling, the viscera was swayed, and the thought of shrinking her strength was interrupted.

Yan Yan’s left arm trembled and bounced out and stopped in front of Jiang’s throat.

The referee’s mouth was slightly open, and immediately raised his right hand, Lang said:

"The fourth inning, Yan Yusheng!"

"The final result, Songda Budokai wins!"

Yan Yan heard the words, let out a sigh of relief, if this set of "even strokes" can not win, most of them can not win today!

After the breath, it was ecstasy. She returned to her body and waved her fists to the teammates who had not responded:


There is silence around.

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