Martial Arts Master

Chapter 408: Xingzhizhizhi

The fireworks will be extinguished, the sorrow will be scattered, the excitement and joy will be the same. After a few minutes, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan and others returned to the locker room. Ren Li Chen and the enemy are far away. The audience’s shouts and cheers only have music remaining. The staff took the time to repair the site, lifted the bluestone, and used the materials to make the platform flat again.

After some busy work, the second semi-final kicked off and Shanbei met with Guangnan.

Under the tremendous pressure, Yan Huansheng played the strongest level and showed the spirit of surpassing the previous trend. Unfortunately, the opponent he met was Peng Leyun. After a long struggle, he still lost help, and Peng Leyun continued to win again. Xi Meng, completed a second wear, and then took the initiative to leave, leaving Li Xiaoyuan to Fang Zhirong.

The reputation of the two people seems to be close to each other, a weak seven products, a quasi-seven products, played very fiercely, Fang Zhirong relies on the current strength of the other side, slightly higher than half of the strength and anger to win Desire, won a trick, locked the ending:

Shanbei broke into the National University Budokai Finals for the third time in three years, and they have won two championships before!

Sometimes you are not strong, you are not working hard, but some people are stronger than you, and you work harder!

In this game, some special audiences in the stands are not as excited as the people around them, so they are engaged, but they are watching the battle with the attitude of reviewing. They are observers of the forces such as Haiyuan Club, and they are considering Li Xiaoyuan and Fang Zhirong. The value is not worth wooing, if it is worth it, and how much it will cost.

Peng Leyun, Ren Li, Lou Cheng, Lin Wei, An Chaoyang and Qi Huansheng have long been famous for their flowers, and they have not joined any forces. Li Xiaoyuan and Fang Zhirong are worthy of recruiting!

After the wonderful battle, these observers each gained something and left the Imperial City Budokan venue thoughtfully.

In the live broadcast room, the host Liu Chang started the "concluding remarks":

"The two semi-finals are extraordinary and fierce, very exciting, and have not lived up to the expectations of everyone for so long, especially Songda and Emperor's, the elements of anxiety, twists, accidents, small probability, etc. are absolutely available. In the contest of the history of the University Buddhism Association, let us congratulate Peng Leyun, Lou Cheng and Lin Wei, and congratulate them on the finals of the division, from the same division, and meet again."

"In addition, let us also thank and bless Chen Enguo, An Chaoyang and Qi Huansheng and other students who are about to leave the martial arts circle of the university, thank them for their wonderful battles dedicated to us over the past four years, and wish them all the better in their new journey of life. it is good."

"Tell so much, get down to business, let us look forward to two days later, look forward to the two strongest university martial arts clubs to decide the winner, to see who can win the highest honor!"

"On the evening of April 25, old time, old friends, we will not see you!"

When he had just finished speaking, the broadcast screen switched to the current collapsed platform. Against this background, the sound of the crisp knocking sounded, and the two lines of content were worded one word at a time:

"At 7:40 pm on April 25, the National University Budokai Finals:"

"Shanbei University Budoshe VS Songcheng University Budosha!"

One year's effort, one year's finishing!


Back to the hotel bus, Lou Cheng and others did not have much final experience, still immersed in the happiness of the imperial capital.

Yes, the victory! If Yan’s two cards were forced out in the previous game, Jiang’s psychological preparation would not be so easy to get hooked, but reluctantly fell into the “continuous stroke”, with more than 70% Hope to win!

Winning the weak who can be defeated, the joy won't last long, because it is a matter of course, but it takes a lot of effort and racks your brains. After the strong enemy, the excitement and excitement can survive for a while, even after ten days, a few Ten days, hundreds of days, the parties will still occasionally relish their memories.

Yan Yan is currently in this state, and the spirit is obviously exuberant. If it is not for the old man to ban the celebration, the night ban is forbidden, in order to cultivate the final consciousness, she will definitely invite everyone to Happy.

Looking at his girlfriend who became a "small talk", Lou Cheng smiled and lowered his voice:

"Would we wait for the secret to go out and eat a nightingale, about a meeting?"

He is personally more willing to go back to the hotel for massage activities, Qingqing, my, but look at the way Xiaolan's classmates, obviously hopes that there are other activities, so that the mood of the previous game will be icing on the cake.

"Not good..." Yan Yan looked at the streetlights that were brightly lit outside the car window.

Although she said so, the light is full of eagerness to try.

Oh, don't blame me, every time oranges tempted me to do bad things!

"I am afraid of what, my master has always been hard-hearted. As long as everyone does not go out together, he will definitely close one eye." Lou Chengxiao smiled, his mouth has been put in the girl's ear, for fear of bad things behind him. Comrade Shi Jianguo got caught up.

Strictly, the ear is very sensitive, but the breath of the conversation is blowing, so that it is dyed with a touch of red, so it is beautiful.

The girl turned her sideways, her eyes turned up, and she looked like "I am very embarrassed":

"Since you have been so sincerely invited, then I will think about where to wait and what to eat~"

During the talk, the bus stopped at the hotel entrance, and everyone got off the bus. Shi Laotou first entered the lobby and went to the elevator.

Mother, too happy, drink with the wine!

At this moment, Yan Guang’s eyes were seen at the roadside. Several shared bicycles were parked, and my heart moved.

"Orange, are we going to ride the bicycle and travel to the emperor? It’s been so many days, I haven’t gone out yet~”

Seeing her glimmering and beautiful, the building was unreasonably promised, but Yan Yan had raised her brow first, and self-denied: "No, you are in the middle of the school, and your body is still very empty. Can't ride a bike like this..."

She is not very tired, because she won too fast, not too much consumption, that is, she used a "Bing" character and a meteor spirit, and she did a full set of dodge for a while, and under the stimulation of spiritual excitement, how can she be half exhausted? .

"Nothing, I have already slowed down. In addition to the negative state, Ren Li and I have not yet reached the limit." Lou Cheng volunteered to comfort him.

My own spirit has not been exhausted. As for physical strength, there are Jin Dan supplements. There is no problem at all. At present, at most, the feet are a little bit floating, and the roots are not stable.

"No, no!" Yan Yan shook his head distressedly, grinning and thinking, hoping to find the best of both worlds.

Suddenly, she was dimple and smiled and said: "If you don't, I ride the car and you travel to the emperor in the night? You used to carry me, you carry me, let me come this time~!"

"Oh..." Lou Cheng replied with a very interesting answer, "Okay!"

He is not worried that his classmates will not be able to carry a lot of weight growth. She has practiced the word "人" in her heart. She is a top-ranking job. When she is tired, she will change herself. First meet the whimsy that meets her!

"It was so happily decided~" Yan Yan raised his chin, very delicate.

But her voice just fell, and she frowned again:

"The shared bicycle has no back seat..."

How is this manned? How can the small storage box in front be so smashed with such a large orange?

This problem is very specific... Lou Cheng thought and turned, thinking about the solution.

At this time, Xiao Ming’s classmates came together and smiled slyly:

“You need a bicycle in the back seat?”

“Have you heard?” Lou Cheng asked, “wait, are you supposed to enter the hotel?”

Like everyone else!

"I am waiting for our family." Cai Zongming said with a correct expression, "You said so loudly, I heard it every five meters. If we don't consider our friendship, I will only help!"

The finished product came out with the meaning of his words. The surprise asked: "Do you have a solution?"

"Of course, my school is not far from here, every time I come by bicycle, my car, there is a back seat." Cai Zongming sneered, "Let's say, how can I thank me?"

"Don't hurt you for three days?" Lou Cheng tried to answer.

"What do you mean by thank you? In this case, I will teach you the fingerprints and pronunciation of the nine-character. It is not for you to pass the school privately, or to correct the content of my self-study." Xiao Ming said unceremoniously.

"There is a handprint and pronunciation, no specific vision, it is useless..." Lou Cheng is a bit stunned.

"Benshan people have their own magic!" Cai Zongming proudly.

The building suddenly became stunned and laughed and said: "Is the story of the wolf coming to hear it?"

"You don't have to worry about it." Cai Zongming laughed.

After "talking", he went out, greeted Fang Yuan, sternly, and smiled and said: "Orange, I suddenly look forward to your crosstalk combination~"

"Cough, the wonderful sentence is even, especially to talk about more than can not tell." Lou Cheng pretending to answer seriously, once again teased the girl.

Within a few minutes, they arrived in the square of the dark-colored clothing and loaned the bicycle to the building.

After thanking the two, the two pushed the bicycle and walked to the side of the road.

"There is not much time left, let's ride to the nearest place."

"Good! How the strict coach said, how do I do it! Where do you go, I will follow where to go!" Lou Chengxiao laughed.

Yan Yan white gave him a look, riding on the car, posing the shelf, patted the back seat, smiled and said:

"Come, my sister will take you to play~"

"There is a feeling of abducting me..." Lou Cheng laughed softly, sitting sideways and grabbing the support.

"Departure~" Yan Yan is very excited and his tone has risen.

She stepped on the pedals with both feet, carrying the building, and swaying to the other side of the road.

When she rode more smoothly, the floor was lifted up by two hands and placed on her soft and slender waist, wrapped around the front, while the upper body was pasted, breathing the girl's fragrance.

Yan Yan was the first person to carry people. The first time he was hugged like this, his body suddenly became stiff, and the track of the bicycle became skewed.

"Be careful, be careful!" Lou Cheng quickly adjusted his muscles, changed his position and helped her stabilize.

"You don't move your hands!" Yan Yan said with awkwardness.

"I haven't touched my hand..."

"Let's put it, don't move it!"


The sound is getting farther away, and the two figures leave a happy way. The bicycle is heavy and positive. At this time, the sky is dark and the lights are shining around.

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