“Cultivation skills!”

Li Lianhua answered with Phone Bug’s microphone in hand!

Although it was just four simple words, Phone Bug faithfully simulated Yao Yue’s shocked expression!

“Cultivation skills? What do you mean? Can I practice the techniques to become an immortal?”As if in disbelief, and as if she was afraid that she heard wrongly, Yao Yue asked Li Lianhua!

“Yes, that’s what it means!”Li Lianhua nodded and gave Yaoyue a very affirmative answer!

“I want it, of course I want it!”After receiving Li Lianhua’s affirmative reply, Yao Yue nodded hurriedly and said!

In fact, no matter what it is, as long as it is given to her by Li Lianhua, Yao Yue wants it!

Not to mention the cultivation method of immortality!

Can she become an immortal through cultivation ? , although that is something that will be known later, but since you dare to bear the name of cultivating immortals, it is naturally not simple!

“Well, let me go over and sit for a while. Speaking of which, I haven’t been to Yihua Palace for some days!”

Anyway, there is any door. Anywhere in the world is just a stone’s throw away. After Li Lianhua put down the phone, she took out the door and opened the door to Yihua Palace!

Here, as Yihua Palace The door opened and Li Lianhua hadn’t gone through yet. Instead, Yao Yue walked through the door first!

“This Lotus Building looks different!”After looking at the furnishings in the Lotus Building, a look of surprise appeared on Yao Yue’s face!

“It is indeed different. Not only did I expand the space in the Lotus Building, I also brought in a lot of furniture and appliances!”

Li Lianhua nodded. Since Yao Yue has already arrived, there is no rush to give her the magic formula to cultivate immortality. Let’s take her to have a good tour of the Lotus Tower first!

“very nice!”

After taking a tour of the upstairs and downstairs, the total area was more than 200 square meters. Yao Yue felt very satisfied and thought in a low voice:”Such a big building, where you can eat and bathe. It is very convenient in every aspect, let alone two people, even four or five people will not feel crowded!”

“So, in addition to the two of us, we can have three more children in the future?”

“Li Lianhua, do you like boys or girls? Hearing Yaoyue

‘s question, Li Lianhua responded reflexively:”I prefer girls!””

Yes, that’s what Li Lianhua really thinks in her heart. Although from the perspective of continuing the family line, boys seem to be more important.

However, if you put aside this perspective, in fact, little girls are more popular..

Of course, relatively speaking, boys are generally more naughty than girls!

If you have a choice, girls are really more likeable!

“girl? Don’t they all like boys?”Hearing Li Lianhua’s answer, Yaoyue looked at him in surprise and asked!

Although it is not said that boys are favored over girls, relatively speaking, boys are indeed very important!

At least there must be a boy in a family. This is A necessary thing, right?

“At this time, why did the topic of having a baby come up?”

In response to Yao Yue’s words, Li Lianhua didn’t answer. She just shook her head and said with a bit of laughter!

Was she really led astray by Yao Yue? They hadn’t even gotten married yet, and nothing had happened between them. She was serious.

Is it really too early to talk about whether to have a boy or a girl ?

It’s like rushing to debate whether to steam or braise the goose before it’s even finished!

“Didn’t I think about it in advance?”After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Yaoyue also reacted and said with a somewhat shy expression!

Although she boldly drugged Li Lianhua before, it was just a moment of courage.

Ordinary times , you don’t always have such courage!

“By the way, I have a sword here. I don’t need it, so I’ll give it to you!”

Ignoring the topic of having a baby, Li Lianhua spoke to Yao Yue!

After finishing her words, she touched her hand on the storage ring. Then, she took out the Tianya Divine Sword that had been opened from the silver-level treasure chest a few days ago and gave it to her. Come to Yao Yue!

Sword, his own software cut his neck and gave it to Wen Hua! He can use the Xuan Jade Sword, and the Blue Blood Illuminating Painting is a token of love given to him by Yao Yue, and he keeps it even though he doesn’t need it. But he won’t give it away!

And when the Tianya Divine Sword is released, he won’t be able to use it, so it’s just right to give it to Yao Yue.

Besides, this is also a magical weapon in the world of immortals!

“What a sword!”

Looking at the blue sword, with just one glance, Yao Yue understood that the quality of this Tianya Divine Sword was definitely much better than the blue blood illuminated painting she had given away, and she couldn’t help but praise!

For Yao Yue Li Lianhua just smiled slightly, then raised his finger and pointed directly at the center of Yao Yue’s eyebrows.

Then, he took out the knowledge of Shushan swordsmanship from the silver-level treasure chest and pointed it directly at Yao Yue’s forehead. The past was instilled in her mind!

Yao Yue could feel the mysterious knowledge of Shushan’s swordsmanship being poured into her mind, and she quickly gathered her mind to understand the skills that Li Lianhua had instilled in her!

In this way, it took about half a cup of tea for Li Lianhua to do so! Putting down his fingers, he let out a breath of air!

To be honest, directly instilling knowledge into people’s minds consumes a lot of mental energy!

And what about Li Lianhua’s indoctrination? After she finished, she didn’t mean to talk nonsense, and sat down cross-legged to thoroughly understand the Shushan sword -controlling skills she had just obtained!

In addition, there is also relevant knowledge on how to enter Taoism and how to cultivate to become an immortal.

Yao Yue also has to admit that in front of this magic formula for cultivating immortals, let alone the technique of copying flowers and trees, no matter how good it is in the world, The exquisite and magical skills are not as good as this sword-controlling technique, right?

It took more than an hour for Yao Yue to completely digest the extra knowledge in her mind!

“Li Lianhua, this Shushan swordsmanship is really extremely mysterious!”

The same breath came out of her mouth. After digesting the knowledge that appeared in her mind, Yao Yue opened her eyes and said to Li Lianhua in amazement!

“how? Still satisfied? Li Lianhua asked with a slight smile!

“Satisfied, of course I am satisfied, I have to go back and practice well!”

After nodding, Yaoyue was a little impatient to start practicing this sword-controlling technique!

After getting such an exquisite immortal cultivation technique, she naturally wanted to practice it quickly!

What’s more important is that she can practice successfully. If so, he can use the sword control technique and control the sky directly!

Although he has the magic weapon of Tianlong Slash, he already has the ability to fly, but if it is possible, Yao Yue still feels that the sword control technique will be more convenient and faster! Well, the ability to fly with a sword is more handsome than the vibrating wings of Tianlong Zhan, right?

“Well, go ahead. When you fly with a sword in the future, you will definitely shake the world!”

As for Yao Yue’s words about rushing back to practice sword control, Li Lianhua also nodded and said, with no intention of holding back.

The arbitrary door is still there, open, and she has not gone there. close the door!

“No wonder, Li Lianhua, you knew how to fly with a sword early!”

However, Yao Yue was not in a hurry to leave. She just looked at Li Lianhua in amazement and said!

Yes, when they were at Guangmingding, the Ming Cult faced the siege of the six major sects. It was Li Lianhua who directly flew with his sword and appeared in the Ming Cult. In front of everyone, it was the first time Li Lianhua showed his ability to fly with a sword in public, and it is still talked about by countless people in the world!

Now it seems that the main reason is because Li Lianhua has mastered this skill of cultivating immortals. Is the magic formula effective?

“Although the techniques I practice are also immortal cultivation techniques, they are not the same as yours!”

After hearing what Yao Yue said, Li Lianhua knew that she had obviously misunderstood, so she shook her head and said!

“Not the same kind?”

I didn’t expect that Li Lianhua would give such an answer. Yao Yue was stunned, and then looked at Li Lianhua in disbelief and said:”Could it be that you are not just a master of such a technique as the Immortal Cultivation Technique? That’s all, do you have any other tips for cultivating immortality?”

“Is not this nonsensical?”Hearing Yao Yue’s surprised words, Li Lianhua took it for granted!

She had already said that she had another magic formula for cultivating immortality, which was different from the one she practiced, so naturally she had more than just one. It’s just a magic formula for cultivating immortality!

“Unbelievable!”After receiving Li Lianhua’s answer, Yao Yue looked at Li Lianhua with a look of surprise and shock!

Indeed, Li Lianhua was able to master Shushan Sword Controlling Technique, which already shocked Yao Yue..

After all, not just everyone has this kind of skill!

But, Li Lianhua is not the only one? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“What I practice is Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!”

“Although it is also a magic formula for cultivating immortals, it does not seem to be able to cultivate immortality!”

“Therefore, in terms of quality, it may be even half as good!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and shook her head at Yaoyue!”

“Then why did you teach me better techniques? You should keep it for yourself and practice!”Hearing that the quality of Li Lianhua’s cultivation techniques was not as good as hers, Yao Yue couldn’t help but ask!

Yes, the technique itself was created by Li Lianhua. Since there is such a better one, why didn’t Li Lianhua do it himself? What about cultivation?

This is really confusing!

“I will indeed switch to other exercises in the future!”After hearing what Yao Yue said, Li Lianhua nodded in agreement and said!

Indeed, Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao does not seem to allow people to become immortals through cultivation. Therefore, if his cultivation reaches the Tai Qing realm in the future, he should switch to another practice. There are other techniques!

But for Li Lianhua, there is no rush now!

Besides, whether it is his Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao or Yue Yue’s Shushan Sword Control Technique, they are just techniques for cultivating immortals.[]

Judging from the quality, they are all items from silver-level treasure chests!

In Li Lianhua’s opinion, if he opens more gold-level treasure chests in the future, he should be able to find magic formulas that only immortals can practice from gold-level treasure chests!

So, why didn’t Li Lianhua think of practicing Shushan sword-controlling skills?

That’s because Li Lianhua understood that even if he switched to Shushan Sword Controlling Technique, he would soon switch to a higher-quality Immortal Cultivation Technique, so he didn’t bother to change it!

Of course, Yao Yue didn’t know what Li Lianhua had planned.

At this time, she just looked at Li Lianhua with moved eyes!

Li Lianhua had two immortality cultivation techniques, but he gave himself the better quality immortality cultivation technique.

In other words, as a woman, what could be more satisfying than this?

“How about it? Are you happy or not, touched or not?”Seeing Yao Yue’s moved expression, Li Lianhua smiled slightly and asked!

“Happy and touched!”Yao Yue nodded and said!

After the words fell, Yao Yue took the initiative to come to Li Lianhua, hugged him, and raised her head slightly!

Looking at Yao Yue’s appearance, Li Lianhua naturally understood what she meant and lowered her head slightly. , lips pressed against Yao Yue’s lips!

Yao Yue responded enthusiastically, and directly stretched out her hands to hook Li Lianhua’s neck.

After a long time, their lips separated, and Yao Yue gasped loudly. I almost suffocated!

“You are addicted to food!”Looking at Yao Yue’s appearance, Li Lianhua couldn’t help but smile and said!

Yes, even though Yao Yue looked so proactive, her performance just now was so unfamiliar that she almost suffocated herself!

Listen to Li Lianhua’s teasing made Yaoyue’s cheeks turn red, and she lowered her head and buried it in Li Lianhua’s chest, not daring to look at him! She was still shy after all!

However, after being so calm for a while, Yaoyue finally came back to her senses. He suddenly raised his head and said:”Wait a minute, you looked very skilled just now. When did you start practicing this!”

“Don’t you know who I am? I can understand the magic formula for cultivating immortals. Isn’t this something that I can understand just by thinking about it?”Li Lianhua looked calm and replied!

“Is it really that simple?”Yao Yue heard this and looked at Li Lianhua with suspicion!

“if not? Who do you think I practiced with?”Li Lianhua instantly changed from passive to active and asked Yaoyue!

“No, I didn’t think it was who it was!”

Hearing this, Yao Yue shook her head.

The matter of Li Xiangyi and Qiao Wan’s birth was not a secret in the world, so maybe it was known ten years ago?

Thinking about it this way, Yao Yue felt that it was understandable.!

“Li Lianhua, shall I stay here tonight?”After a moment of silence, Yao Yue spoke up and took the initiative to ask Li Lianhua!

At this point, she paused slightly, as if she was looking for a reason for herself. Yao Yue then said,”This Lotus Building looks like this. It’s magical, I have to feel it!”

“Do you want to have a good experience of Lotus Tower? Are you greedy for my body?”Looking at Yao Yue’s appearance, Li Lianhua murmured secretly in her heart.

To be honest, a woman took the initiative to say this, and Li Lianhua also felt her heart was burning!

But, thinking about it, this is Leijiabao after all, and This Lotus Building is good everywhere, but it has no sound insulation effect.

It is made of wooden boards, which has no sound insulation effect at all!

“Don’t worry, wait until these days are over before you talk!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and said to Yao Yue!


As soon as the words were spoken, Yao Yue’s cheeks turned as red as apples. After receiving Li Lianhua’s answer, Yao Yue nodded and said.

Without any further entanglement, she turned around and walked through the arbitrary door. Back to Yihua Palace!

Li Lianhua took a deep breath, calmed down the throbbing in her heart, sat cross-legged, and practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao bit by bit, refining it into her own spiritual power. , to strengthen his Yin God!

Under Li Lianhua’s tempering, the Yin God has become more and more solid.

Li Lianhua believes that it won’t take long for him to become a Yang God!

If the Divine Condensation is completed, then his cultivation will officially break through to the fifth level of the Shangqing Realm! This level, even if placed in the Qingyun Sect, will definitely belong to the leader of the Seven Meridians!

After a good night’s practice, Li Lianhua opened his eyes.

After washing himself in the bathroom, he ordered a breakfast with a gourmet tablecloth and ate it!

After finishing the breakfast, Li Lianhua took it with a feeling. Take out your own tea can!

Exactly one month has passed, and the Wudao ancient tea in your own tea can has been automatically refreshed!

This made Li Lianhua silently nodded, secretly happy, but Li Lianhua followed it! I took out my elixir storage bottle and took a look, but it was still empty!

The ancient enlightenment tea in the tea can was automatically filled with the ancient enlightenment tea!

It is also refreshed once a month, and a pill refined by Taishang Laojun will randomly appear in it!

I had bad luck before, and what was refreshed was only the third-turn golden elixir. Just promoted to the fourth level of Shangqing Realm!

Looking at the days, there are still a few days until the elixirs in the elixir storage bottle are refreshed.

I wonder what kind of elixirs will be refreshed this time.

Li Lianhua is still very worried.

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