Luo Xian entered the Tianmen with a cold face!

Without being in front of Li Lianhua, Luo Xian no longer looked like a maid. The aura of the Heavenly Gate Goddess made everyone in the Tianmen cheer up, stare intently, and feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts!

There is no way, the Goddess Mother is in a very high position in the Tianmen, except for the master Emperor Shitian, the Goddess Mother is respected!

“Is the master back?”After returning to Tianmen, Luo Xian asked a Tianmen general!

“Never came back!”

The god general who was asked shook his head.

These words made Luo Xian slightly startled.

I saw it with my own eyes that Emperor Shitian and the young master took action and escaped with injuries. Logically speaking, he should return quickly after being injured. Tianmen came to recuperate.

But he didn’t come back? Luo Xian

, who was unwilling to give up, wandered around the bottom of the ice room, and indeed he didn’t see Di Shitian.

It was true that he didn’t come back. He immediately took out his phone, called Li Lianhua, and told Li Lianhua the situation!

“It’s okay, since he’s not here, then come back!”

On the other side, Li Lianhua, who was playing mahjong, answered the phone and said nonchalantly!

To be honest, the main reason for his hatred for Emperor Shitian was that he attacked him with murderous intent, and then Emperor Shitian was seriously injured. It was a good opportunity to get rid of him, so Li Lianhua was ready to take action!

But now that many days have passed, the hatred in Li Lianhua’s heart has dissipated a lot! Of course, it is not that Li Lianhua has given up his hatred against Emperor Shitian.

Now looking back and thinking about it, although Emperor Shitian’s martial arts is superb, I will surpass him in the future, and the gap between him and him will become wider and wider!

If I think about it this way, if we meet again in the future, it will be me. It would be easier to kill him!

As for Emperor Shitian hiding from the top ten warriors Wu Wudi in the future?

He is an immortal, and he is an immortal himself. There will always be a chance to meet him sooner or later!

“Okay, Master!”

Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Luo Xian nodded. After putting away the phone bug, he left Tianmen directly and headed towards Leijiabao!

As for Tianmen?

In Luo Xian’s opinion, this should be I’m back for the last time!

From now on, I will just be the maid of the young master, not the goddess of Tianmen! As for Emperor Shitian? Luo Xian also understands that Emperor Shitian doesn’t trust anyone from the bottom of his heart.

, Therefore, he did not dare to return to Tianmen after being seriously injured!

Of course, from this point, it can be seen that Emperor Shitian’s injury must be far more serious than he imagined, otherwise, how could he. It would scare him so much that he wouldn’t even dare to come back for treatment!

After hanging up the phone, Li Lianhua silently shook his head and put down the matter of Emperor Shitian for the time being!

He has been practicing for less than a year, and he already has this.

If you give yourself a few more years, Di Shitian is just an opponent you can control at will! So

, I really don’t know if I care about it. After returning to the mahjong room, Li Lianhua continued. Fighting with Lei Wujie and others!

Occasionally drinking tea and chatting!

There are gourmet tablecloths for every meal, and most of the time we go to Leijiapu.

The most important thing is that we are very relaxed! The horses pulling the Lianhua Tower were all fed by Li Lianhua and became spiritual. They didn’t need Li Lianhua to drive, these horses knew what to do on their own, so they were wandering on the road! After walking for more than ten days, Lianhua Tower finally arrived at Leijiabao!

“came back!”Standing at the door of Lotus Tower, Lei Wujie sighed and said!

Yes, for Lei Wujie, who has never left Leijiabao, this time walking around the world, even though it only lasted a few months, However, too many things have happened in these few months, and when I think about it, it really feels like a dream!

“Doctor Li, I didn’t expect you to come to my Leijiabao. Hahaha, it’s so radiant!”

A moment later, Lei Qianhu from Leijiabao came out quickly and greeted Li Lianhua with a happy smile!

Following Lei Qianhu, there were Lei Yunhe and Lei Hong!

Originally Lei Qianhu When Jiabao was preparing for the Heroes’ Banquet, he suddenly heard that Lotus Mansion was coming to Lei Jiabao, so Lei Qianhu hurried out to greet him.

Sure enough, he saw it and felt very happy.

Who was Li Lianhua, the owner of Lotus Mansion? The most powerful doctor in the world, and also a powerful person with the strength of the land fairy realm, is that the three land gods in the world now have the help of Li Lianhua, and they have successfully broken through to the land fairy realm. Yeah!

Coupled with the Soul Resurrection Pill and the Immortality Medicine, Li Lianhua’s current reputation and status are not comparable to those of Baili Dongjun of Xueyue City, Wang Xianzhi of Emperor Wu City, and Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang Mountain!

At Leijiabao’s hero banquet, the miracle doctor Li Lianhua was able to appear in person, which really made Leijiabao’s whole body shine!

“I have nothing to do, just go out for a walk. As long as Lord Leibao doesn’t think I’m disturbing you!”

Li Lianhua said to Lei Qianhu with a calm smile on her face!

“Doctor Li, what are you talking about? Others wanted to invite you, but they couldn’t. How could I, Leijiabao, think you were disturbing me?”

Laughing loudly, Lei Qianhu looked very angry!

As he spoke, Lei Qianhu greeted Li Lianhua and his party, and entered the Lei Family Fort to stay!

Xiao Se and Wu Xin were also in Beili’s Jianghu. Someone who is somewhat famous, since he came with Lei Wujie, is naturally a guest of Leijiabao!

“I didn’t expect that after traveling around the world, you made a few good friends!”

Lei Hong, as Lei Wujie’s master, was naturally happy for Lei Wujie when he saw that he could bring back several young heroes’ friends!

“Hey hey hey, Master, everyone is a friend!”

Having been praised like this by his master, Lei Wujie scratched his head in embarrassment!

“By the way, you were in Xueyue City and I heard that you met your sister?”After a moment of silence, Lei Hong asked!

Hearing this topic, Lei Wujie’s face became more serious. He nodded and said,”Indeed, my sister and I recognized each other!””

“Moreover, just a few days ago, my sister was going to come to Leijiabao, but she was attacked!”

“Fortunately, Zhao Yuzhen came down the mountain, saved her life, and blocked the rainstorm for her sister!”

Lei Wujie opened his mouth and told Lei Hong carefully about Li Hanyi’s attack, Zhao Yuzhen’s descent from the mountain to rescue him, and Li Lianhua’s rescue of Zhao Yuzhen’s life!

Hearing Lei Wujie’s words, Lei Hong was originally worried about Li Hanyi’s safety! However

, when he heard that Zhao Yuzhen actually went down the mountain and almost died to save Li Hanyi, Lei Hong fell silent for a while!

When she was in danger, he was not around.

On the contrary, Zhao Yuzhen, who had never gone down the mountain before, went down the mountain for Li Hanyi and almost lost his life!

Looking at it this way, it seems that he is indeed inferior to Zhao Yuzhen!


Looking at his master’s appearance, Lei Wujie could roughly guess what he was thinking right now.

He wanted to say a few words of comfort, but when the words came to his lips, Lei Wujie didn’t know how to comfort him!

“You boy, your master and I are not that fragile!”Seeing Lei Wujie’s worried look, Lei Hong smiled angrily and cursed!

As he spoke, Lei Hong stared at Lei Wujie again and said,”I heard that your kid’s cultivation has now reached the Grandmaster level. ?”

“Yes, Master, I have now reached the master level!”

When mentioning his cultivation level, Lei Wujie nodded happily!

“Well, as a teacher, let’s give it a try and see how you are doing now!”

Lei Hong was naturally very happy about his disciple’s cultivation growth. He followed up with a good move and tested Lei Wujie!

Lei Wujie had no intention of holding back. He fully activated his sword skills and fire skills. At the same time, , Yuexi Huachen, Zhiluo Yunyan and other sword skills learned from Li Hanyi also followed suit!

Looking at Yuexi Huachen’s move, Lei Hong’s eyes showed a trace of fascination.

He was the one who was killed by Li Hanyi in the first place.

This move attracts thousands of petals.

It has to be said that Yuexi Huachen’s move is truly dreamlike and beautiful, but Lei Hong is at the Grand Master level after all!

Although he has not yet fully entered the realm of swordsman, Lei Wujie’s strength is certainly not something that Lei Wujie can handle in the martial arts field.

, after going back and forth with hundreds of moves, I had a clearer idea of Lei Wujie’s martial arts, and Lei Hong stopped!

“Not bad, your martial arts progress has far exceeded my teacher’s expectations!”Lei Hong nodded with satisfaction and praised Lei Wujie!

When he left Leijiabao, Lei Wujie’s cultivation was only at the peak of the day after tomorrow!

But, how long has it been?

In less than half a year, his cultivation Why has he transcended the Xiantian realm and reached the Grandmaster realm?

Such a growth rate is simply astonishing! (For Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time, Lei Hong also felt a little regretful. Knowing that Lei Wujie traveled around the world and his cultivation could improve so quickly, he should have let him go to the world long ago!

Here, Lei Wujie and Lei Hong competed, Lei Yunhe and Lei Qian. The core figures of Leijiabao such as Hu and the Eight Sons of Leimen also came to watch the battle.

Seeing Lei Wujie’s strength, the people of Leijiabao were very happy! Lei Wujie will be the leading figure in Leijiabao in the future!

“He has reached the master level. Sure enough, Li Lianhua’s evaluation of him was right!”[]

Wu Xin stood aside and looked at Lei Wujie with the same slight smile on his face!

“oh? What did Divine Doctor Li say about Lei Wujie?”Hearing this, Lei Hong looked at Wu Xin curiously and asked!

“Previously, Li Lianhua once commented that Lei Wujie could reach the realm of Grand Master within one year and the realm of Sword Immortal within three years!”Wuxin opened his mouth to answer!

Those words came out, and the people of Leijiabao were shocked again!

Reaching the Grand Master in one year? Becoming a Sword Immortal in three years?

The Lotus Tower Master really dared to say that!

However, while being frightened, Lei The people in Jiabao were overjoyed! If others said this, no one would take it seriously, but if it was said by Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus Tower, it would be true!

, Li Chungang, Hong Xixiang and Baili Dongjun all reached the land of fairyland with the help of Li Lianhua!

Since he commented like this, it must not be groundless!

“But, Lei Wujie, although you are growing at a good rate, you still have to keep working hard. Look at some of your friends, you are the worst in martial arts!”

Education, although there must be praise, it must also be punished!

Seeing the information on Lei Wujie’s face, Lei Hong glanced at Xiao Se and Wu Xin next to him, and then said this!

Hearing this, Lei Hong Wujie opened his mouth, but was speechless!

Indeed, his master was right. Among the people who returned to Leijiabao together,

Li Lianhua was the worst in martial arts! Baili Dongjun personally admitted that he had the strength of the land fairy.

Moreover, Lei Wujie saw it with his own eyes when Li Lianhua and Emperor Shitian fought in a lose-lose situation! And what about Xiao

Se? Not to mention the cultivation level of

Wu Xin, the protagonist of the Golden Coffin incident has learned all the forbidden techniques in Rakshasa Hall at a young age, and he is also at the Grand Master level!

“Speaking of which, there are really a lot of talented people in Beili!”

Looking at Lei Wujie, then at Xiao Se and Wuxin, and then thinking about Wushuang, Li Fansong, and Feixuan; Li Lianhua couldn’t help but sigh in a low voice!

Another ten years will pass. In eight years, these people will be the mainstay in the world!

“Li Lianhua, don’t sigh like this. Who dares to claim to be a genius if you don’t force yourself?”

Although Wu Xin’s temperament is also a bit narcissistic, Wu Xin shook his head in response to Li Lianhua’s emotion!

His words made Lei Wujie and others beside him nod silently!

Yes, Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi became famous all over the world!

Ten years later, Li Lianhua skyrocketed!

In front of him, no one else has the right to claim to be a genius, right?

After Lei Wujie returned home, he performed well. After a wave of cultivation at the master level,

Lei Jiabao was also very happy about his growth!

In this way, after they dispersed, Li Lianhua took a nice stroll in Lei Jiabao. Back to Lianhua Building and chatting on the phone with Yao Yue!

Although Lei Jiabao has arranged a place to live, by the same token, the accommodation environment in Lianhua Building is much better than that in other places.

Naturally, Li Lianhua will live there. I still prefer living in the Lotus Building!

Moreover, I am busy playing mahjong these days, and I have less time to chat on the phone with Yao Yue!

“Have you finally arrived at Leijiabao? have fun!”

After learning that Li Lianhua had arrived at Leijiabao, Yao Yue said!

“By the way, how are you doing with the martial arts in the Liuren Divine Dice?”

Following that, Li Lianhua asked Yao Yue again!

According to the method he taught before, Yao Yue had already opened the Liu Ren Divine Dice, and also obtained the martial arts inside!

“I have been practicing recently, and it will probably take some time to master it!”

“However, this martial arts is very advanced. If I master it, my martial arts should be improved a lot!”

“Although he is still in the realm of a grand master, he is considered to be a very good existence in the realm of a grand master!”

Listening to Li Lianhua’s question about her martial arts training, Yao Yue opened her mouth to answer!

Among the Grand Master Realm, the gap in strength is also very big!

For example, the Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen is also at the Grand Master Realm, and the three previous great masters of the Tang family The masters were also at the Grand Master level, but when Zhao Yuzhen took action, he not only pushed back those people in Anhe, but even killed the three Tang Sect masters instantly, which shows how big the strength gap between the two sides is. The point is reached!

“By the way, you can just leave it to Lian Xing to practice the art of changing flowers and trees. I have a technique here, you can give it a try!”

Hearing that Yao Yue was practicing the matter of grafting flowers and trees, Li Lianhua thought for a while and then said!

In the silver-level treasure chest, he extracted the secret of Shushan sword control.

This is the secret of Shushan in The Legend of Sword and Fairy. Li Lianhua was willing to let Yao Yue practice the immortal cultivation technique that was even half as good as Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao! After all, she and Yao

Yue were now considered a couple. Li Lianhua would not be stingy if she gave him the sword that was the most precious treasure of Yihua Palace as a token of love.

“oh? What technique?”After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Yaoyue asked curiously!

She was already practicing the technique of grafting flowers and grafting trees on wood, but Li Lianhua asked herself to be handed over to Lianxing, and only said that she had given herself another technique?

So? What? Li Lianhua’s skills must be much better than grafting others on, so that’s why

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