In the Tang Sect, Mr. Tang insisted on joining forces with the Dark River Organization to destroy Leijia Fort!

It’s the day of the Leijiapu Heroes’ Banquet soon. Suchanghe from Anhe and Old Master Tang from Tangmen have already met!

“Su Changhe, where are the three great masters of our Tang Sect?”

Seeing that only a few underground river masters from Suchanghe came back, but the three pillars of the Tang Sect did not come back, Mr. Tang couldn’t help but ask!

“They are already dead!”

Hearing Mrs. Tang’s inquiry, Su Changhe also had a sad look on his face, shook his head and said!

“Three of us from the Tang Sect ambushed Li Hanyi with you. With so many people ambushing her alone, how could she die?”

“No matter how high her martial arts skills are, Li Hanyi is just a female figure!”

“More importantly, why are you, the people in Anhe, okay, but only the three masters of my Tang Sect are dead?”

“If you don’t give me an explanation today, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Old Master Tang’s eyes widened, and his face was full of anger!

Grand Master Realm, although he has only three masters who have just entered the Grand Master Realm.

However, no matter what force he is placed in, the Grand Master Realm A strong person can be regarded as a mainstay, and can even be said to be the leader of some sects!

No matter how great the Tang Sect is, it has lost three masters at the Grand Master level in one breath. It’s definitely a nerve-wracking thing!

“If there was only the Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi, nothing unexpected would happen. However, the Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen came down the mountain and he took action to save Li Hanyi!”

“Zhao Yu’s real strength is still higher than that of Li Hanyi. We are no match for the two sword immortals!”

“If we run slower, maybe our underground river will be destroyed too!”

Su Changhe shook his head and said half-truth!

Indeed, until now, thinking about Zhao Yuzhen’s move of Infinite Gang, turning into hundreds of swords, attacking like a torrential rain, Su”663″ Changhe until now They all feel shocked!

Is that the legendary Taoist swordsman Zhao Yuzhen who is just one step away from becoming an immortal? He is really terrifyingly powerful with that kind of power!

“Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen? He’s coming down the mountain! ?”

After hearing what Su Changhe said, Mr. Tang’s eyes widened and he looked at Su Changhe in disbelief and asked!

“Yes, who would have thought that Zhao Yuzhen, who had never been down a mountain in his life, actually went down to Wangcheng Mountain?”

“It’s not that we are not strong enough, it’s just that the situation has developed and changed, no one could have imagined it!”

“Even your Tang Sect’s Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle found the right opportunity to release, but they were still blocked by Zhao Yuzhen!”

Nodding, Su Changhe said, indicating that everything was not due to lack of help from his side.

It is true that Dao Sword Immortal and Xue Yue Sword Immortal, two sword immortals in this world join forces, who in the world can kill them!

“Can even pear blossom needles withstand heavy rain? How can this be?”

Mr. Tang is still very confident about his Tang Sect’s Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

Therefore, he found it even more unbelievable when he heard that Taoist Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen blocked the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle!

Even if it was the famous Taoist Sword Immortal, so what? The Tang Sect’s Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle can be said to be a must-kill in the realm of land gods!

Could it be that the sword immortal Zhao Yu has really reached the realm of land sword immortals?

“Mr. Tang, I am also sad about the loss of the three great masters of the Tang Sect, and I don’t want to see such a situation happen!”

“However, our current goal is still to think about how to take action at the Heroes’ Banquet, right?”

Looking at Mr. Tang’s appearance, Su Changhe didn’t mean to dwell on this topic. He just asked Mr. Tang!

“Take action? Even a Dao Sword Immortal is so powerful. We want to take action at Leijiabao’s hero banquet, but there is no chance!”

However, after listening to Su Changhe’s words, Mr. Tang calmed down his mind a little, then shook his head and said to Su Changhe!

“what do you mean? If you and I, Anhe, join forces, Leijiabao won’t be anything to be afraid of, right?”

After listening to Old Man Tang’s words, Su Changhe frowned slightly and asked in surprise!

Yes, although three great masters have been lost, the Tang Sect’s greatest heritage is still Old Man Tang, who is at the peak of the Grand Master realm!

However, could it be that because of the losses of those three masters, Mr. Tang lost the confidence to take action?

“You don’t know that a guest came to Leijiabao, the owner of Lianhua Building, Li Lianhua!”

After glancing at Su Changhe, Mr. Tang shook his head and said!

These words made all the masters of the dark river, including Su Changhe, change their expressions in shock!

“Lotus Host, Li Lianhua?”When Su Changhe heard this, he couldn’t help but exclaimed! Li Lianhua, who in the world today has never heard of the name of Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus Building, of course he has heard of it too! That’s not it!

It’s just that the world’s number one miracle doctor is even said to have the strength to compete with the powerful people in the land of gods! Thinking about it again,

Zhao Yuzhen, a Taoist swordsman, is not weaker than the land. Sword Immortal Li Lianhua, Su Changhe’s heart completely sank!

Su Changhe, who was originally very confident, really had no confidence in dealing with Leijiabao at this time!

“Li Lianhua? There is no friendship between him and Lei Jiabao, right?”

Still unwilling to give up, Su Changhe asked.

Originally, Anhe had already united with the Tang Sect, and the destruction of Leijiabao was already imminent!

Now, just because of the existence of the Lotus Master, he directly Are you going to back off?

This is naturally impossible!

“Lei Wujie, a junior from the Lei family, seems to have a good relationship with Li Lianhua!”

“According to the information I heard, when Li Lianhua went to Xueyue City, this junior from the Lei family sat in the Lotus Tower and walked with her!”

“And when we returned to Leijiabao, this junior from the Lei family was still sitting in the Lotus Tower and walking with him all the way!”

“I don’t need to say more about the relationship between him being able to live in Lianhua Building for so many days, right?”Mr. Tang opened his mouth and asked Su Changhe!

These words made Su Changhe’s face gloomy and he fell silent!

I have to admit that what Mr. Tang said was quite reasonable.

That’s the Lotus Tower. I’ve never heard of it. Who can live in Lianhua Tower for so long? Thinking about it, it would take less than a month to travel from Dafanyin Temple to Xueyue City, and then from Xueyue City to Leijiabao!

In other words, the younger generation of the Lei family has lived in the Lotus Building for at least a month?

Good guy, who can let someone stay at home for a month if they are not on good terms!

Besides, even if the original relationship is not good, However, after living at home for a month and staying together every day, the friendship must be good!

“Rumor has it that although Li Lianhua is just a sword immortal, his strength is comparable to that of a land immortal?”So, after a moment of silence, Su Changhe spoke up!

Speaking of Li Lianhua’s strength, Su Changhe became a little discouraged!

Although the killer organization is really not afraid of danger in order to complete its mission!

However, it cannot be understood. Even if you want to die, go forward!

A Zhao Yuzhen from the Sword Immortal Realm is so terrifyingly powerful. If there is another Li Lianhua who is comparable to the Land God Realm, the consequences will be simply unimaginable!

“It’s not just about being able to compete with the terrestrial fairyland!”

Listening to Su Changhe’s words, Mr. Tang shook his head and said:”According to the recent news from Xueyue City, Li Lianhua’s sword can become as large as a thousand feet, like a mountain peak!”

“This kind of power must not be comparable to even the strongest in the Land of Gods!”

“Therefore, Li Lianhua’s strength is not to say the best in the world, but at least it is the best in the world!”

These words made Su Changhe’s expression even more ugly. If his opponent is so strong, the risk would be too great if he really wants to take action!

“Humph, Mr. Tang, don’t inflate other people’s ambitions or destroy your own prestige!”

However, at this moment, Xie Qidao next to him looked rather impatient. Hearing this, he couldn’t help shouting and said:”No matter how powerful Li Lianhua is, he is just one person. We really If they want to join forces, there’s no way they can’t deal with him, right? After all, it’s easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows!”

“Okay, you said it well!”

After hearing Xie Qidao’s words, Mr. Tang was not angry at all. Instead, he nodded towards Xie Qidao and said,”It’s rare for the head of the Xie family to have such bloody bravery, which is admirable. Please do so. The head of the Xie family is leading the way, and I, the Tang clan, will be behind to cheer you up, head of the Xie family!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“shut up!”

Hearing what Mr. Tang said, Su Changhe shouted at Xie Qidao to shut up!

Su Changhe was afraid that Xie Qidao would agree just because his brain got hot!

If that was the case, wouldn’t he go and die? ?

Opened his mouth, Xie Qidao originally wanted to agree, but seeing Su Changhe shouting like this, Xie Qidao swallowed his words again!

Although he is one of the three masters of Anhe, , Xie Qidao still maintained a sense of awe for Su Changhe, an elder!

“Mr. Tang, Li Lianhua is indeed strong. If you can avoid becoming his enemy, it’s better not to become his enemy!” Even

Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi dared to ambush without fear of revenge from Xueyue City.

However, facing Li Lianhua, Su Changhe found it extremely difficult. If he could avoid taking action, he would try not to take action!

Then, after a slight pause, he continued following Su Changhe:”As far as I know, although Li Lianhua travels around the world, he rarely interferes in the struggles between sects!”[]

“Even if the six major factions initially intervened in the siege of Guangmingding, it was mainly because Cheng Kun secretly instigated it. It was a misunderstanding that led to the six major factions besieging Guangmingding!”

“Therefore, the younger Lei family may have some friendship with Li Lianhua, but Li Lianhua may not really interfere in the affairs between us and Lei Jiabao!”

After listening to Su Changhe’s analysis, Mr. Tang held an old smoking gun in his hand. After taking a deep breath, he blew out a smoke ring.

Finally he nodded:”Well, not bad. What you said, That makes some sense!”

As for Li Lianhua, Mr. Tang has specially investigated it. After all, Mr. Tang is still very jealous of the longevity medicine in his hands.

The longer he lives and the older he gets, the more he fears death!

As for Li Lianhua, In terms of behavior, Mrs. Tang also thinks that Su Changhe’s words are indeed reasonable!

Even if they have personal relationships, Li Lianhua generally will not interfere in the disputes between Jianghu sects!

“Let’s do this. I’ll take this opportunity to get in touch with Li Lianhua and try to find out the breath from his mouth!”So, after thinking for a moment, Mr. Tang said!

“If so, then I’ll bother you!”

Hearing that Mr. Tang was willing to take the initiative to contact Li Lianhua, Su Changhe was naturally happy, and his words sounded very nice!

That night, Li Lianhua stayed in the Lotus Building, sitting cross-legged, quietly practicing his Yin Shen!

Although There is not much growth every day, but the sand gathers into a tower and the water drops penetrate the stone!

Li Lianhua believes that if he continues to practice slowly, it will not be long before his Yin God becomes very solid and reaches the level of Yang God. 0.

Du, duh, duh!

However, just when Li Lianhua was immersed in practice, suddenly, there was a knock on the door of Lianhua Tower!

She heard the knock on the door, but did not hear the vixen’s shout. Not surprising!

The vixen’s intelligence is no weaker than that of ordinary humans. Therefore, when someone comes to the Lotus Tower to find him, the vixen will not bark to scare him.

Only when he encounters someone who is sneaky, he is not a good person at first glance. It will scream when the guy gets close!

“Which one?”

It was getting dark, but someone knocked on the door, which surprised Li Lianhua!

Even if he was looking for a doctor, it was already late at night, so logically he should wait until tomorrow, right?

But, for Li Lianhua, When asked, there was no sound from the door, but the knocking continued!

This made Li Lianhua frown!

What did he mean by knocking on the door in the middle of the night but not speaking

? Meaning, Li Lianhua had no intention of continuing to ask.

It just so happened that his cultivation level had reached the level of the fourth level of Shangqing Realm.

Therefore, Li Lianhua’s Yin God left the body directly at this time, and then. The Yin Shen completely penetrated the wall of the Lotus Building and came outside!

I saw an old man with a childlike face and a big smoking gun in his mouth, knocking on the door of the Lotus Building tirelessly.

At this time, the vixen had already raised his head! He started to look at the old man in front of him warily!

Apparently, he heard Li Lianhua’s question from inside the door, but the old man didn’t answer, and the vixen also noticed that something was wrong!

“Old man, who are you? It’s not polite to keep knocking on the door in the middle of the night!”

Li Lianhua looked at the old man in front of her and didn’t recognize him, so she asked the old man!


Hearing the figure of Li Lianhua suddenly appear behind him, the old man was startled. He looked at Li Lianhua who appeared behind him and said,”You, you are the owner of the Lianhua building, Li Lianhua?”

Without waiting for Li Lianhua’s answer, the old man followed up and said,”Young man, when did you appear behind me?” You are so quiet, but you know that people are scary in the middle of the night, and they can scare people to death!”

Hearing what the old man said, Li Lianhua didn’t tolerate him at all. She rolled her eyes and said,”So? Isn’t it scary that you’ve been knocking on the door and saying nothing for the past half a year?”

“How do you talk, kid? 4.1 No matter what, since I am so old, I can still be considered your elder!”

Hearing Li Lianhua’s rude words, the old man said with a look of displeasure!

As the Tang clan’s old man, he is a talker and a strong man at the pinnacle of the Grand Master Realm. How can he not be respected by others?

But he is not respected by others. It’s uncomfortable to be criticized like this!

Even if you know that the other party is the owner of Lotus, what if you are so young and don’t know how to respect your elders?

“elder? One of the elders of my family is living in seclusion and the other is resting in peace. Apart from these two, there are no other elders!”

Looking at the other party’s appearance, Li Lianhua snarled him even more rudely!

Indeed, respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue, but some old people like to rely on their old age and show off their old age. If she met such a person, Li Lianhua wouldn’t give a good look?

Seeing this old man knocking on the door of her Lotus Building in the middle of the night without saying a word, Li Lianhua felt that this old man didn’t look like a good person!

“You, you young man, how can you talk like this?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Mr. Tang was a little anxious!

“Okay, if you have nothing to do, just go and don’t disturb my rest!”

Still showing no intention of spoiling the other party, Li Lianhua complained rudely!

After finishing her words, she turned around and prepared to leave!

“Wait a minute, young man, I haven’t said anything yet.……”

Seeing the way Li Lianhua turned around, Mr. Tang hurriedly spoke to pull Li Lianhua!

However, Li Lianhua who appeared in front of Mr. Tang was just an out-of-body spirit.

Although it seems to have become much more solidified, it is actually still just a projection of mental power.

Mrs. Tang’s hand penetrated directly through Li Lianhua’s body, as if his hand penetrated through a piece of smoke!

This made Mrs. Tang freeze on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, Li Lianhua’s Yin Shen penetrated directly through the door of Lianhua Building and walked in.……

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