“Master, what is this? ?”

Huo Ran stood up, Luo Xian looked at the food on the table in disbelief, and then looked at Li Lianhua and asked!

“Luo Xian, eating in the Lotus Building is so magical. No matter what you want to eat, just shout and it will appear!”

Seeing Luo Xian’s surprised look, Li Lianhua hadn’t answered yet, but Lei Wujie beside him couldn’t help but said with a smile!

The first time he saw Li Lianhua ordering food like this, he was also shocked!

Now! , seeing others like this, Lei Wujie felt very good!

What does it feel like? It’s like stepping into a puddle while walking on the road, and he will secretly sigh that he is unlucky! If others step on this puddle, they will feel very happy.

Even if they have nothing to do, they may move a pony to watch it.

As long as someone steps on it, they will feel happy.!

“Is this so magical?”

Listening to Lei Wujie’s explanation, Luo Xian still had a very shocked look on his face. He obviously found it unbelievable!

Of course, he was surprised when he encountered this surprising thing, but the most important thing was to try it himself. After all

, it’s easy to try, you just need to move your mouth!

“I want a grilled lamb chop and a bowl of shredded pork and egg noodles!”

Seeing that Li Lianhua and Xiao Se also ordered their own food, Luo Xian also tried to speak and shouted at the table!

Sure enough, as Luo Xian finished speaking, a roast lamb chop also appeared on the table. And a side of shredded pork and egg noodles!

“Sure enough, it’s true!”Looking at the food on the table, Luo Xian still felt very magical!

Indeed, many things in the Lotus Building are very magical for people in the mixed martial arts world!

Lei Wujie and the others have already lived here It’s been a long time, so it’s not surprising!

However, Luo Xian has just arrived. The situation of this gourmet tablecloth shocked Luo Xianche!

Just move your mouth, and food will appear out of thin air.

Is this really the case? It was so amazing!

After a meal, several people were killed quickly. Then, Li Lianhua put down the chopsticks in his hands and said to Luo Xian:”Since you will stay in the Lotus Building from now on, I will give you some things.” Please explain it carefully!”

“Old Master, tell me!”Luo Xian stood up in a hurry, looking very serious!

“When it comes to sweeping the floor, this is called a vacuum cleaner. If you press here, all the small things on the ground will be sucked in. You just need to clean up the dirty things inside every few days!”

“Also, this is called a refrigerator, the top is refrigeration and the bottom is freezing!”

“When it comes to washing clothes, this is a washing machine. You put the clothes in and press it. It will wash the clothes by itself and dry them!”

“Let me show you the bathroom again. This is toothpaste, which is used to clean your mouth when brushing your teeth. This is the faucet. Turn it this way for hot water, and turn it this way for cold water!”

“Also, this is a shower head. As you can see, the water spreads out in all directions, which is very convenient for taking a bath!”

“The button on the wall is the light switch at home. Press it once and it will turn on the light. Press it again and it will turn off the light. You need to get used to the details of which switch controls which!”


Li Lianhua took Luo Xian and walked around every corner of the house. She also described to Luo Xian how to use some home appliances!


Luo Xian followed Li Lianhua completely mechanically, listening to him explain the functions and usage of these points.

Watching him demonstrate to himself again, Luo Xian felt dizzy!

For Luo Xian, each of these household appliances is really magical, and each one has magical effects!

For example, electric lamps are bright but not dazzling. They are much easier to use than oil lamps and candles!

The most important thing is that it is so convenient to control. The switch on the wall can be controlled by just pressing it. It is practical and magical!

There is also the faucet. The legendary dragon is in charge of clouds and rain.

That thing called a faucet, you just need to twist it to make water flow out, and you can also control cold and hot water at will?

Amazing, right?

So if the shower wants hot water, it can get hot water, and if it wants cold water, it can get cold water?

It’s really hard to imagine how happy it would be to use this shower head to take a shower!

If the timing hadn’t been right, Luo Xian would have wanted to turn on the shower and feel it!

And that washing machine, where you can throw the clothes in and wash them with just a few clicks?

“how? Do you remember these things?”

Li Lianhua asked Luo Xian after taking Luo Xian to take a quick look at how to use these household appliances!

“Master, you said too much in one breath, I didn’t remember them all!”Shaking his head, Luo Xian still felt a little dizzy!

One of those magical things is enough to shock him.

How can you remember so many of them together?

It’s like a beautiful woman waiting for you. If you are pampered, this is a very happy thing!

However, it is a bit scary to have a group of beauties waiting for you!

“It is normal to find it difficult to remember all of this at once. You should learn it slowly in the future. The more you use it, the more you will remember it!”After hearing Luo Xian’s answer, Li Lianhua thought for a while but didn’t say much.

“Yes, if I come across something that doesn’t work, I’ll ask you again! Luo Xian also nodded and said, looking very well-behaved!

“Also, please don’t call me”Sir” from now on. I don’t like this title very much. It always feels like calling me old!”

Li Lianhua changed the subject and continued!

“Well, what should I shout?”After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Luo Xian asked!

“Call me Young Master, this one looks a little younger!”After Li Lianhua thought about it for a while, he felt that calling him Young Master didn’t seem appropriate!

“Okay, sir!”Looking very well-behaved, Luo Xian nodded and responded!

In fact, it was not just a simple call of master, calling himself old.

In fact, Luo Xian called him master, and Li Lianhua felt very weird!

If the Luo Xian in front of her is really the Goddess of Tianmen, then she doesn’t know how old she is!

Although Emperor Shitian’s longevity depends on the effect of phoenix blood, practicing the Sacred Heart Art can also extend his life to a certain extent. The effect! Although Luo Xian looks like she is only in her early twenties, as the goddess of Tianmen, who knows how many years she has lived under the hands of Emperor Shitian!

He even has the ability to directly grant lifespan to others, and even take back the lifespan given to others! In the original work, Emperor Shitian appears as the villain BOSS, wearing an ice sculpture mask all day long, but he is close to Nie Fenghe as Xu Fu!

Bu Jingyun and the two looked like good uncles, helping them deal with Di Shitian! Moreover, Di

Shitian showed off his strength in front of Fengyun in the original work.

This man, who had his life span of several decades back, immediately turned into an old man!

Therefore, a person who might be older than him, an aunt or even a grandmother, was by his side every day! It’s really uncomfortable to call yourself master!

In general, although Li Lianhua and the other grown men don’t have to cook, there is a woman who takes care of everything inside and outside the Lianhua Building. The situation is quite good!

Even though the washing machine is very convenient, someone still has to throw the dirty clothes into the washing machine, right?

And for Luo Xian, working as a maid in the Lotus Building is actually too much. It’s very relaxing. It’s really convenient to do housework!

Normally, I don’t need to cook for myself.

Therefore, even though I am a maid, I still spend most of my time playing mahjong with Li Lianhua and the others!

In two days, Xian Dao was even more addicted than Lei Wujie and the others!

After all, in modern times, playing mahjong is a popular entertainment activity for almost 90% of Chinese women!

On this day, it was rare for Li Lianhua and the others not to play mahjong. They all came to the door of Lotus Tower!


Because after walking for two more days in Lotus Tower, they finally arrived at Xueyue City!

“Xueyue City, this is Xueyue City, we have finally arrived!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Standing at the entrance of Lotus Tower, looking at Xueyue City in front of him, Lei Wujie had a look of regret on his face!

“Well, it’s finally here!”Xiao Se also nodded!

So many things happened along the way from Xueluo Villa to Xueyue City!

“Lotus Tower? Is this the Lotus Building?”

“lotus���Lou Medical Clinic, that’s right!”[]

“so what? This is the legendary Doctor Li who came back from the dead. Has he actually come to Xueyue City?”

“Great, Divine Doctor Li is coming to Xueyue City!”


Xiao Se and Lei Wujie were standing at the entrance of Lotus Tower, sighing that they had finally arrived in Xueyue City!

However, at this time, Lotus Tower entered the city directly, which also caused quite a stir in Xueyue City!

It is said that Xueyue City is a city, but in fact, like Wushuang City and Emperor Wu City, Xueyue City is mainly dominated by Jianghu forces.

Therefore, in Xueyue City, there are many people from the world!

And Li Lianhua’s current reputation can be said to be resounding throughout the world.

Who in the world doesn’t know Li Liansheng’s medical skills of killing human flesh and white bones? Who doesn’t know that he is Li Xiangyi who visited the house ten years ago?

Who doesn’t know about the beauty-preserving pill, the soul-reviving pill, and the elixir of longevity in his hands?

Therefore, seeing the Lotus Tower appear and enter Xueyue City, many people in the city were shocked and talked about it!

It is common for people in the world to fight and kill each other, so it is not surprising that they are injured, poisoned, or even missing arms and legs!

Now, the miracle doctor Li Lianhua has come to Xueyue City?

As long as a medical fee is provided, any injury can be completely cured, right?

There is really a sense of déjà vu of a big star appearing in public. As the Lotus Tower arrived at Xueyue City and directly entered Xueyue City, it caused quite a sensation!

The Lotus Tower was driving down the street like this, as if it were walking on a red carpet. Everyone on both sides of the street was looking at the Lotus Tower!

“Xiao Se, everyone is looking at us!”

With so many people paying attention at the same time, when has Lei Wujie ever encountered such a battle? He felt a little embarrassed and whispered to Xiao Se!

“Don’t be afraid, these people are not looking at you, but at Li Lianhua!”Xiao Se shook his head and said to Lei Wujie!

Lei Wujie:”……”

Well, although Xiao Se’s words were indeed a bit heartbreaking, after hearing his words, the tension in Lei Wujie’s heart quickly disappeared!

Yes, although these people are looking here, they are only looking at Li Lianhua. Why should I be nervous?

Entering Xueyue City in this way, under the watch of countless people, the Lotus Tower walked for about the time of an incense stick.

Li Lianhua was thinking whether she should go to see Baili Dongjun first or Lei Yunhe.

But at this time, two Taoist priests happened to arrive next to the Lotus Tower!

A young man looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The other one looks even younger, just a child of seven or eight years old!

“This is? Lotus Tower? Senior brother, look, this is the legendary Lotus Tower!”

The seven or eight-year-old child was obviously very excited about the Lotus Tower and shouted to the young Taoist priest next to him!

“Well, I saw it!”The young man also nodded and looked at the Lotus Tower in surprise!

For people in the world, the Lotus Tower is like a legendary thing. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is naturally very novel.

However, others His performance was not as exaggerated as Lei Wujie’s before.

“These two are disciples of Wangcheng Mountain!”Looking at the Taoist robes on these two people, Xiao Se next to him said in surprise!

Wangcheng Mountain Taoism is still very famous in Beili territory!

Not just because Tao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen, one of the five great sword immortals, is stationed in Wangcheng Mountain.

More importantly, What’s more, Wangcheng Mountain’s Taoist heritage also includes some spells and the ability to predict and divination!

This magical ability is still very rare in the world!

“Wangcheng Mountain?”

Hearing what Xiao Se said next to him, Li Lianhua’s heart moved slightly, and he followed 220 to look at the two Taoist priests and said:”Are these Feixuan and Li Fansong from Wangcheng Mountain?”

“Hey, who are you? Do you recognize us two?”Hearing this, Xiao Feixuan’s eyes widened and he asked Li Lianhua in surprise!

There were three men standing at the door of the Lotus Building, including Li Lianhua. Naturally, ordinary people would not know which one was Li Lianhua.!

“Lotus Tower is mine, who do you think I am?”Looking at the seven or eight-year-old Xiao Feixuan in front of him, Li Lianhua had a smile on his face!

So, the most important thing in this Young Song Series series is genius!

Although this Feixuan looks talented He is seven or eight years old, but his cultivation has reached the master level, and he has been appointed as the next leader of Wangcheng Mountain! At the age of seven or eight, his strength in the world will shock everyone!

“You are the owner of Lianhua, the miracle doctor Li Lianhua!”

Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Fei Xuan confirmed Li Lianhua’s identity, and then looked at Li Lianhua up and down in surprise!

Is this the legendary Master Lianhua?

The best doctor in the world, and a swordsman, who can also Li Lianhua who refines the Beauty Pill, the Soul-Reviving Pill and even the Immortality Pill?

“It is said that Divine Doctor Li’s intelligence ability is unparalleled in the world. I didn’t believe it at first, but now I have seen it. Fei Xuan and I have no reputation in the world, but Divine Doctor Li can recognize us two at a glance!”Li Fansong also spoke and said to Li Lianhua in amazement!

“Although you two are indeed not famous in the world now, you are still very important supporting roles in the original work!”Listening to what Li Fansong said, Li Lianhua secretly smiled in her heart!

Of course, Li Lianhua would not say this out loud!

“Li Fansong learned from Taoist Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen and inherited his Infinite Sword. I still know this!”

“There is also Feixuan, who is a rare genius in Wangcheng Mountain. He has mastered the power of the dragon elephant at a young age!”

Li Lianhua said hello to these two people!

“Divine Doctor Li is really great. It is a blessing for both of us to be remembered by Divine Doctor Li!”

Li Fansong said with emotion after hearing that Li Lianhua not only knew their identities, but also the techniques they practiced.

Listening to the conversation between Li Lianhua and Wangchengshan’s two disciples, Xiao Se had no intention of interrupting.

However, watching Li Lianhua talk freely, this���The situation of the two disciples in Chengshan was revealed to Shu Jiazhen, but Xiao Se was secretly shocked!

Baixiaotang is the leading intelligence organization in Beili territory!

And as a disciple of Baixiaotang Ji Ruofeng, I still know a lot!

But in front of Li Lianhua, his intelligence ability seemed to be nothing at all!

After all, Xiao Se had followed Li Lianhua and lived in the Lotus Building for more than half a month, and Xiao Se had never seen Li Lianhua in contact with anyone else!

So, where did Li Lianhua obtain this information?

This made Xiao Se feel very confused!

“We are destined to meet each other. Come and sit down, you two?”

Not to mention what Xiao Se was thinking, Li Lianhua invited the two people in Wangcheng Mountain!.

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