After hearing Li Lianhua’s invitation, Li Fansong and Fei Xuan looked at each other and immediately went up to the Lotus Tower in tacit agreement!

Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus Building, is not only a swordsman in the world, but also the best in the world in medical skills. He even has a soul-reviving pill that can bring the dead back to life and a longevity elixir that can extend life.

Who in the world doesn’t want to have a good relationship with Divine Doctor Li?

Now that Divine Doctor Li has personally invited him, this opportunity cannot be missed!

“Doctor Li, is this the Lotus Tower? It’s really better to meet him than to be famous!”

Similarly, everyone who enters the Lotus Building for the first time will be shocked by the furnishings and the size of the space inside the Lotus Building. Li Fansong and Feixuan are no exception! The

Lotus Building does not look big on the outside, but the space inside is huge. It is so huge that no matter who sees it for the first time, it will be very shocking!

“Please take a seat!”When the guests came to the door, Li Lianhua naturally greeted him warmly and asked the two little Taoist priests from Wangcheng Mountain to sit down on the sofa.

Luo Xian next to him had the foresight to take out juice from the refrigerator and pour it for them respectively. Had a drink!

“You two, why are Zhao Yuzhen still on Wangcheng Mountain and not daring to come down?”After letting the two people sit down, Li Lianhua asked, with a tone of chatting about home affairs!

But after listening to Li Lianhua’s words, Lei Wujie’s eyes lit up next to him.

Taoist Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen? This is a illustrious person in the world. A famous swordsman, why are you talking about this topic so excitingly?

“Divine Doctor Li, my master has never been to Wangcheng Mountain!”

“At that time, my master once told him a fortune telling that if he went down the mountain, it would inevitably lead to disaster for all living beings, and he would also lose his life!”

“Therefore, not only the elders of the sect prohibited him from going down the mountain, but Liyang Dynasty even sent an army to station just to prevent him from going down the mountain!”

Picked up the juice in front of him and took a sip. Immediately, Li Fansong shook his head and said!

“In fact, these days, we are also looking for that magic grass up and down Wangcheng Mountain!”

As Li Fansong finished speaking, Xiao Feixuan put the finished glass on the coffee table, looked at Li Lianhua, and said:”Divine Doctor Li, there are rumors in the world that as long as we can find the magic grass, we can get it from you. Is it true to exchange for a soul-reviving pill that can bring the dead back to life?”

Although Zhao Yuzhen has stayed on Wangcheng Mountain for so many years and has never come down, the Taoism of Wangcheng Mountain has great faith in the power of divination.

Therefore, everyone up and down Wangcheng Mountain knows that since the old master has made predictions, he can predict Zhao Yuzhen will go down the mountain, and he will die if he goes down the mountain.

Presumably, this day will come sooner or later!

Therefore, when the news of the soul-returning pill spread in the world, everyone up and down Wangcheng Mountain tried their best to find traces of the demon grass.

What’s the purpose?

Naturally, it’s to obtain a soul-resurrecting pill that can bring Zhao Yuzhen back to life, so that he can be resurrected when he dies!

“Yes, it does!”Li Lianhua nodded and gave Fei Xuan an accurate answer.

This answer made Fei Xuan and Li Fansong smile on their faces. They looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Jiang Hu Rumors are just rumors after all.

Now that they know from Doctor Li that the magic grass can indeed be exchanged for soul-returning pills, then everyone on Wangcheng Mountain can concentrate on looking for traces of the magic grass!

“Oh, what a pity……”

Li Fansong also drank the juice in the cup, then shook his head helplessly and sighed:”Although there are some industries up and down Wangcheng Mountain, it is too difficult to collect 5 million!”

Yes, for those who want to get the soul-reviving pill For people, looking for the devil grass is the most suitable method. What if you are lucky enough to get it?

But if you can’t find the magic grass and need a soul-reviving pill, you can only spend 5 million to buy it!

Five million, this is really a sky-high price. How many people in the world can afford it?

Regarding Li Fansong’s emotion, Li Lianhua smiled slightly but said nothing.

Although the price of 5 million is indeed ridiculously high.

However, considering the effect of Soul Resurrection Pill, which can resurrect the dead, selling such a pill for 5 million is really not an exaggeration!

Don’t underestimate the rich people in the world!

If such a pill were placed in modern times, let alone 5 million taels of silver, even if it was 500 million, or even 5 billion, there would be top rich people rushing to buy it, right?

It is no exaggeration to say that this pill is a life!

“By the way, Divine Doctor Li, why did you come to Xueyue City?”

It was chatting. Of course it was not Li Lianhua who asked, but Li Fansong and the others answered.

After talking about Master Zhao Yuzhen, Li Fansong also asked curiously!

“I traveled around the world and happened to come to Beili. Naturally, I wanted to come and see Xueyue City, which is widely rumored in the world. This is one of them~!”

“Also, he owes me a medical fee, so I follow him as a creditor. This is the second reason!”

“Finally, there are several high-quality customers in Xueyue City, so I want to do business to earn a medical fee. This is the third one!”Li Lianhua answered lightly!

When talking about the second part, he pointed to Xiao Se’s side!

So that’s it!

Hearing this, Li Fansong suddenly understood. If you say this, there are indeed many reasons for Divine Doctor Li to come to Xueyue City.!

“what about you?”

Speaking of this, Li Lianhua paused for a moment, then looked at Li Fansong and Fei Xuan, and asked:”Why did you two come to Xueyue City? You can’t just come here to have fun, right?”

“I’m here to ask Jian Xueyue City!”In response to Li Lianhua’s question, Li Fansong hesitated for a moment and then answered frankly!

“Asking Jian Xueyue City? Among the three city lords, Li Hanyi is famous in the world as a swordsman!”Li Lianhua said.

“Yes, I am here to ask Jian Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi!”

Now that the words have been spoken, Li Fansong naturally has no intention of hiding it anymore, and nodded calmly and said!

“Are you also here for Xueyue Sword Immortal?”

Originally, Lei Wujie and the others had no intention of interrupting the conversation between Li Lianhua and Li Fansong.

However, hearing that Li Fansong also came to see Li Hanyi, Lei Wujie couldn’t help but ask!


Noticing Lei Wujie’s words, Li Fansong looked at Lei Wujie and said,”My friend, when you came to Xueyue City, could it be that you also came to ask the sword fairy Xueyue?””

“good!”Lei Wujie nodded heavily!

“Why?”Hearing this, Li Fansong asked curiously! For ordinary people to ask Jian Xueyue Sword Immortal, there must be a reason, right?

“I am a disciple of Leijiabao in Jiangnan, and my master is Lei Hong!”

“My master, he has always been obsessed with Xue Yue Sword Immortal!”

“Therefore, I want Xue Yue Sword Immortal to agree to take a trip to Leijiabao!”Lei Wujie replied!

However, when he said these words, the two brothers Li Fansong and Feixuan looked at each other in confusion, and their expressions became very strange.

Looking at Lei Wujie’s eyes, they seemed a little unhappy!

“And you? You ask what is the reason for Jian Xueyue Sword Immortal?”Not noticing the changes in the expressions of Li Fansong and Fei Xuan, Lei Wujie followed and asked!

“The purpose of my question to Jian Xueyue Sword Immortal is the same as yours!”

Li Fansong’s mouth twitched slightly, and at the same time, his face turned a little dark, and he replied!

“The same reason as me?”

Hearing this, Lei Wujie was a little confused and looked at Li Fansong in astonishment. What do you mean his purpose is the same as his own?

“Lei Wujie!”

Li Lianhua next to her heard this and couldn’t help but speak, saying:”The Xueyue Sword Immortal and the Taoist Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen from Wangcheng Mountain, they are in love with each other. They competed with each other twice, and they have a secret love!”

“Later, the two made an agreement. When Xue Yue Sword Immortal went up to Wangcheng Mountain again, Dao Sword Immortal would follow Li Hanyi down the mountain!”

“However, after waiting for many years, Zhao Yuzhen has not waited for Xue Yue Sword Immortal to come again!”

“So, Li Fansong wants to come here to ask for an explanation for his master, right?”

When the words came to the end, Li Lianhua looked at Li Fansong and asked!

“Divine Doctor Li, indeed there is nothing in the world that can be hidden from you. You can actually know the agreement between my master and Xue Yue Sword Immortal!”

Hearing that Li Lianhua told the situation between his master and Xueyue Sword Immortal like a family treasure, Li Fansong said to Li Lianhua in surprise!

And this answer obviously acknowledged Li Lianhua’s words! (It’s so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Xiao Se glanced at Li Lianhua with a vague look.

Li Lianhua’s intelligence ability is really even more surprising than Bai Xiaotang!

How did he obtain the information?

“This, this……”

Lei Wujie next to him found out the reason why Li Fansong asked Jian Xueyue the Sword Immortal. He was completely embarrassed and even wished he could find a way to get in!

Good guy, I came to ask Jian Xueyue Sword Immortal for my master Lei Hong, and wanted her to go to Lei Family Fort with me!

However, Xue Yue Sword Immortal and Tao Sword Immortal have already fallen in love. By doing this, it seems that he is helping his master as a third party!

And, more importantly, he wanted to help his master Lei Hong as a third party, but he actually happened to do it in front of the disciple of Zhao Yuzhen, the Taoist Sword Immortal?

Are you trying to pry off someone else’s wife?

If Xue Yue Sword Immortal doesn’t have any feelings for that sword Immortal, then it doesn’t matter if he just has unrequited love like his master Lei Hong!

However, Divine Doctor Li also said that Xue Yue Sword Immortal and Tao Sword Immortal are in love!

Putting yourself in his shoes, if Xue Yue Sword Immortal and his master Lei Hong were in love, if someone else wanted to take advantage of him, he would just do it, right?

Therefore, facing Li Fansong, Lei Wujie is now embarrassed and embarrassed!

However, this is the purpose of coming to Xueyue City.

Could it be that he gave up just because he was embarrassed and embarrassed? []

In this case, Lei Wujie couldn’t say anything for a while!

“In fact, there is quite a misunderstanding!”

Just when Lei Wujie was embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, Li Lianhua suddenly spoke!

“Misunderstand? Li Lianhua, what do you mean by misunderstanding?”

Secretly grateful that Li Lianhua spoke up and relieved his embarrassment, Lei Wujie asked hurriedly!

“In fact, Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi has been to Wangcheng Mountain for the third time!”Li Lianhua said!

“This is impossible!”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Li Fansong shook his head and said decisively:”My master has been waiting on Wangcheng Mountain for so many years just to wait for her. If she went to Wangcheng Mountain, how could master not know about it?”

“Remember, your master Zhao Yuzhen once went crazy once, right? The situation was very critical at that time!”Seeing Li Fansong’s assertion, Li Lianhua asked!

“you mean……”Hearing this, Li Fansong reacted!

“Yes, at that time, Xue Yue Sword Immortal went to Wangcheng Mountain, but he was stopped and not allowed to go up the mountain!”Li Lianhua nodded and gave Li Fansong an affirmative answer!

Li Lianhua’s words silenced Li Fansong!

Although people in the world are informal, men and women are usually the ones who take the initiative, right?

Xue Yue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi, as a woman, has already taken the initiative to go to Wangcheng Mountain. What does this mean?

It’s like a girl who took the initiative to go to a boy’s house!

But in the end, she was stopped from entering? ?

If this can be said, do you still want the girl’s face? Even if you Zhao Yu is really crazy, the situation is critical!

But when Li Hanyi arrives, you should go and visit him, right?

What about the elders? But they had no intention of letting her go to the mountain to visit.

Isn’t this like a girl who took the initiative to go to a boy’s house, but was driven away by the boy’s parents?

“`.No wonder, no wonder it snows���The Sword Immortal clearly made an agreement with his master, but he has never been to Wangcheng Mountain in all these years!”Li Fansong murmured to himself after being silent for a long time.

Yes, girls have come to the door and been kicked away, how can they be shameless again?

“Alas~” Lei Wujie next to him heard this and let out a long sigh!

Xue Yue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi and Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen both went to Wangcheng Mountain in person!

But where is his master Lei Hong? ? Is that true unrequited love? I have been in unrequited love for so long in Leijiabao, but Xue Yue Sword Immortal’s thoughts are all on that sword fairy Zhao Yuzhen!

“Are you sighing for Xue Yue Sword Immortal?”Hearing Lei Wujie sighing, Li Lianhua looked at Lei Wujie and asked!

“ah? Me, I actually sigh for my master!”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Lei Wujie was stunned for a moment and then explained!

Why should he sigh for the Xue Yue Sword Immortal?

Although from a pertinent perspective, the Xue Yue Sword Immortal is indeed an infatuated woman.

But , after all, I have never met her before. Even if I want to sigh, of course I am sighing for my master Lei Hong!

“No, actually, you should sigh for Xue Yue Sword Immortal. Compared to your master, Lei Hong, you actually have the closest relationship with Xue Yue Sword Immortal!”After hearing what Lei Wujie said, Li Lianhua shook his head and replied!

“ah?”Hearing this, Lei Wujie looked at Li Lianhua in astonishment.

Obviously, for a moment, Lei Wujie couldn’t understand what Li Lianhua’s words meant!

Even Xiao Se, Li Fansong and others next to him also looked at Lei Wujie Jie, immediately looked at Li Lianhua with a searching look!

Yes, the relationship between Lei Wujie and Xue Yue Sword Immortal is the closest? What does this mean?

“Li Lianhua, what do you mean? I have never met Xue Yue Sword Immortal, so how can we be considered the closest people?”

Not to mention others, even Lei Wujie himself looked confused at the moment and asked Li Lianhua in surprise!

“Lei Wujie, how much do you know about your life experience?”Without any intention of answering directly, Li Lianhua just looked at Lei Wujie and asked!

“I do not know about this!”Lei Wujie shook his head. He really didn’t know much about his own life experience!

“Your father is Lei Mengsha, you should know this!”

“And your mother is the holder of the Heart Sword, Li Xinyue!”

“As for your grandpa, he is one of the top swordsmiths in the world, King Li Su of Jianzhong!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and said to Lei Wujie!

“What about Li Hanyi and me? Is it a relative relationship?”Hearing Li Lianhua mention his life situation, Lei Wujie asked!

His surname is Lei, and his mother’s surname is Li! And Li Hanyi is also surnamed Li?

Is it possible? Then Li Hanyi is his cousin?

I didn’t expect it. , does he actually have such a relationship with the legendary Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi?

Not only Lei Wujie thinks so, but also Li Fansong and Feixuan.���Such thoughts!

“Li Xinyue? The Four Guardians of the Apocalypse, the Blue Dragon Position!”

Xiao Se also glanced at Lei Wujie in surprise. Unexpectedly, he was the son of Li Xinyue, one of the four guardians of Apocalypse? I have known this little guy for so long, but I never knew that he still had something. Such an identity!


Not to mention what Xiao Se was thinking, Li Lianhua smiled slightly at Lei Wujie’s words, shook his head and said,”To be more precise, you and Li Hanyi are relatives, not relatives.”!”

“Relatives?”These words shocked Lei Wujie again.

Although there is only one word difference between family and relatives, the difference is self-evident!

“Li Hanyi takes the surname of his mother Li Xinyue. She is your half-sister!”.

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