
Lei Wujie’s words made Xiao Se’s mouth twitch!

Well, I was careless!

The way Lei Wujie sighed just now, I thought he was immersed in the unintentional sadness of separation!

Fortunately, I even opened my mouth to comfort him!

Now it seems that I am overthinking it!

Even if Lei Wujie is this little sweetheart, he is only sad when he leaves, right? As soon as you turn your head, these sad thoughts will be automatically forgotten!

How could such a person actually think that he would be immersed in sad emotions for a long time?

“Actually, it is really interesting for four people to play mahjong together, but there are three ways to play mahjong with three people!”

Listening to Lei Wujie’s words, Li Lianhua suddenly interjected at this time.

To be honest, staying alone in the Lotus Tower and walking around the world doesn’t feel like anything!

However, after three days of playing mahjong, Li Lianhua also felt that if she didn’t do some entertainment activities to pass the time during her free time, it would indeed be quite boring!

“oh? Li Lianhua, can three people still play mahjong?”After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Lei Wujie’s eyes shone and he asked Li Lianhua in surprise!

“That’s not true. Besides mahjong, there are other things that three people can play!”Li Lianhua smiled and shook his head.

As he spoke, he touched the storage ring with his hand, and then, a deck of playing cards appeared in Li Lianhua’s hand!

“This is?”Looking at the playing cards in Li Lianhua’s hand, Lei Wujie asked curiously!

“This is called poker!”

“There are so many ways to play with this thing!”

“And if three people play, the most classic way to play is Landlords!”Li Lianhua answered!

“Landlord fight? This name is so weird!”After listening to what Li Lianhua said, Lei Wujie murmured in a low voice!

Yes, the name of this Landlord does sound a bit weird!

“Let’s go to Mahjong and I’ll teach you how to play!”Smiling, Li Lianhua”Zero Three Zero” didn’t say much, and greeted Lei Wujie and the others to enter the mahjong room again! First, he took the playing cards to Lei Wujie and others and took a good look at them. Then, Li Lianhua explained the rules of Landlords well!

Xiao Se and Lei Wujie quickly memorized them!

After trying a few times, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie were already familiar with the rules of Landlords.!

Although I’m not very proficient, it doesn’t matter if I play with it!

“Call the landlord!”

“I’ll grab it!”

“I’ll grab it again!”

“10J KA, hehehehe, no one can afford it, right?!”

“Wait, I’m going to explode!”

“I’m the king!”

“Little bastard, why are you blowing me up? The landlord is Li Lianhua!”

“Sorry, Xiao Se, I, I made a mistake!”


Indeed, playing mahjong with four people has the same gameplay as playing mahjong, and playing landlords with three people also has the fun of playing landlords!

The Lotus Building went to Xueyue City. The three of them, Li Lianhua, were sitting in the Lotus Building chatting. If they were hungry, they would just order something to eat using the gourmet tablecloth.

The main thing in walking around the world is to be relaxed and comfortable!

Occasionally, a few people would catch up to Lianhua Tower and seek medical treatment from Li Lianhua. For Li Lianhua, it was just a matter of effort!

In this way, Lianhua Tower walked on the road for about half a month, and finally arrived at Xueyue City!

In the past half month, Lei Wujie and the others not only learned how to play Landlords, but also learned some other ways to play poker, and their lives were quite relaxed and comfortable!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that although there have been no big customers coming to our door in the past half month.

But there were more than a dozen clients at one time or another. These people came to Li Lianhua for medical treatment, and they paid six to seven hundred thousand yuan in consultation fees!

Judging from the number of consultation fees, Li Lianhua has now collected about 6.5 million in consultation fees. This is another step forward for Li Lianhua’s idea of collecting 10 million to open a diamond-level treasure chest. Big step!

“Help, help……”

On this day, Lotus Tower was already approaching Xueyue City, and it was estimated that they would arrive in two days. Suddenly, a cry for help rang out.

“Li Lianhua, Xiao Se, did you hear anyone calling for help?”Lei Wujie, who was playing cards, asked!

“I did hear it, it was a female voice, and it was getting closer!”Li Lianhua also put down the playing cards in his hand, nodded and said!

Hearing the cry for help, Li Lianhua and the three of them walked out and took a look at the door of Lianhua Building!

They saw a young woman, about twenty years old. She looked a little messy, with a look of fear on her face. She ran towards the Lotus Tower for her life!

While running, the woman couldn’t help but look behind her, as if there was some savage beast. As if they were chasing after her!

After a moment, they saw two men with sinister faces chasing the woman with sinister expressions on their faces!

“snort!”Seeing the scene in front of him, Lei Wujie naturally couldn’t bear it anymore. After snorting angrily, he jumped out and easily beat the two strong men to turn around and run for their lives!

“Are you okay, miss?”After beating away the two strong men, Lei Wujie invited the woman into the Lotus Tower and asked!

“This, what is this place?”

The woman entered the Lotus Building and was also shocked by the space and furnishings in the Lotus Building, with a look of surprise on her face!

“This is the Lotus Building, and he is Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus Building!”Lei Wujie pointed to Li Lianhua and introduced him!

“Thank you, Master, for saving my life, and thank you, Master Li, for taking me in!”After listening to Lei Wujie’s words, the woman first expressed her gratitude to Lei Wujie, and then thanked Li Lianhua.

“I didn’t promise to take you in!”After listening to this woman’s words, the corners of Li Lianhua’s mouth twitched slightly!

However, seeing the other woman’s miserable look in shock, Li Lianhua didn’t rush to say these words!

“By the way, girl, what happened just now?”

After briefly introducing the situation, Lei Wujie asked the woman curiously!

“Young Master, my name is Luo Xian.……”After hearing this, the woman introduced her situation!

“Wait, what did you say your name was?”After hearing this woman’s self-introduction, before she could finish her words, Li Lianhua couldn’t help but interrupt her and asked!

“I said, my name is Luo Xian!”The woman looked at Li Lianhua in shock!

“Li Lianhua, is there anything wrong with Luo Xian’s name?”Lei Wujie next to him heard this and looked at Li Lianhua in surprise and asked!

“There’s nothing wrong with it, I just think the name sounds nice!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua calmly shook his head and replied!

“Thank you!

Hearing this, the woman thanked Li Lianhua again, and then continued:”Our hometown was hit by a disaster. I was going to go to my relatives, but when I was walking on the road, I met a robber.””

“Thanks to a few people who came to the rescue, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!”

“Miss Luo, it’s okay, we travel around the world and it’s our duty to act chivalrously and righteously!”Lei Wujie showed an honest smile on his face, waved his hand to Luo Xian and said!

“Luo Xian? Is it just a coincidence of having the same name? Or is he the Luo Xian I thought he was?”

Although she seemed calm on the surface, Li Lianhua was muttering secretly in her heart!

No way, Li Lianhua couldn’t help but care about the meaning of the name Luo Xian!

There are four auspicious beasts in the world, among them, Emperor Shi Tian received the blood of the phoenix and lived for two thousand years.

During these two thousand years, Emperor Shi Tian gathered hundreds of martial arts schools and created a unique magical skill called the Sacred Heart Technique! The power and many magical functions!

In Fengyun’s original work, Luo Xian, the goddess of Tianmen, is not only a subordinate of Emperor Shitian, but also a disciple of Emperor Shitian, and has learned Emperor Shitian’s Sacred Heart Art!

So? If this Luo Xian is just a coincidence of name, then it’s nothing!

But if she is really the Goddess of Tianmen, and enters the Lotus Tower in this way, does this mean that she is? Is Emperor Shitian already paying attention to him? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking of Emperor Shitian’s life span of two thousand years and his immortal body protected by phoenix blood, Li Lianhua My heart is also heavy!

Being targeted by an old monster like Di Shitian is not good news!

“Li Lianhua?”

Not to mention the thoughts in Li Lianhua’s heart, after learning about Luo Xian’s situation, Lei Wujie looked at Li Lianhua with a searching look!

“What does this look in your eyes mean?”The way Lei Wujie looked at him made Li Lianhua twitch the corner of his mouth slightly and asked angrily!

“Li Lianhua, look, Miss Luo Xian is in such a miserable condition, why don’t you take her in for now?”Lei Wujie asked Li Lianhua!

“No, no!”

Hearing what Lei Wujie said, Li Lianhua shook his head and said in rejection:”It will definitely be inconvenient for this single man and a widower to live in the Lotus Building in the future!”


After hearing Li Lianhua’s refusal, Luo Xian knelt directly in front of Li Lianhua and said:”Master Li, please take me in. I, I will be very diligent, and I will do all the housework at home well.!”[]

“this……”Looking at Luo Xian who was kneeling directly in front of him begging for shelter, Li Lianhua looked a little hesitant!

Of course, this hesitation was not because Luo Xian was moved, nor was it because her kneeling down made it difficult for her to refuse.

But Li Lianhua was thinking about Luo Xian’s situation!

If she was really a disciple of Emperor Shitian and the goddess of Tianmen, in order to stay by his side, she would even kneel directly in front of him?

It can be seen that in order to stay, this Luo Xian can be said to be at any cost!

If she still refuses, she won’t give up. She will think of other ways to get closer to him, right?

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of being missed!

If you stay by your side, it will be under your nose at least.

Or even, can you use the trick to mislead the other party by showing some false things?

If you think about it this way, keeping Luo Xian is indeed more useful!

Of course, if I overthink it, it would be better if this Luo Xian is not the Goddess of Tianmen, but simply has the same name!

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take in a young woman and make her your maid!

Nowadays, the total area of Lotus Tower is more than 200 square meters. As a grown man, I can’t be immersed in doing housework, right?

“If so, then you can stay!”

So, after thinking for a moment, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

“Thank you sir, thank you sir!”

Luo Xian’s positioning of his role was very accurate. When Li Lianhua nodded in agreement, he immediately nodded his thanks and looked very excited!

“Very good!”Hearing that Li Lianhua finally nodded and agreed to take Luo Xian in, Lei Wujie also showed a happy smile on his face and said happily!

“This little guy has quite a chivalrous heart!”Seeing Lei Wujie’s happy face, Xiao Se next to him glanced at him and muttered secretly in his heart. 0.

Xiao Se doesn’t find it strange that Lei Wujie would save someone when he saw a woman being bullied!

But! , after saving the person, he was so happy that he even asked Li Lianhua to take the woman in. This made Xiao Se a little surprised!

So what did Lei Wujie think of this woman named Luo Xian? Are you so concerned about the situation?

“Li Lianhua, are there four people in our Lianhua Building now? Come and play mahjong now!”

But, then Lei Wujie happily shouted to Li Lianhua!

Yes, because he left unintentionally, and three are short of one, all he can do these days is playing cards!

Although Landlord Fighting is also quite interesting, it’s not fun to play. It’s been half a month, and no matter how fun it is, I’m tired of it now!���My god, if there are four of us, can we play mahjong again?

The expression on Xiao Se’s face froze next to him, and immediately, he put his hand on his forehead and sighed silently, somewhat dumbfounded.

Xiao Se really had reason to suspect that the reason why Lei Wujie begged Li Lianhua to take Luo Xian in so seriously was not the so-called chivalrous spirit at all.

He is completely missing one of the three, thinking of having someone to play mahjong with, right?

“This, indeed!”Li Lianhua also glanced at Lei Wujie with a strange expression, and immediately nodded and said!

Then, Li Lianhua and others taught Luo Xian some rules of mahjong.

Soon, Luo Xian also probably mastered the corresponding skills.!

So, the people who had been playing poker for half a month started playing mahjong again!

At this time, the Lotus Tower also continued to move towards Xueyue City!

When the sky gradually darkened, Luo Xian still consciously said that he would rest for a while and wait for himself to prepare dinner!

“Luo Xian, don’t worry, we can fight for another half hour!”

“If it’s dinner, you don’t need to do it!”

“When it’s time to eat, of course we have something to eat!”

Seeing that Luo Xian was about to leave to prepare dinner, Lei Wujie asked Luo Xian to sit down again and continued!

“I don’t need to prepare dinner. When it’s time to eat, I’ll naturally have something to eat?”Hearing this, Luo Xian looked a little weird!

If no one prepared this, how could he have something to eat at night?

“Mr. Lei, do you mean to eat some dry food at night? Luo Xian asked with a puzzled expression!

Without waiting for Lei Wujie’s answer, he shook his head and said,”If no one prepares dinner, it’s okay to eat dry food!””

“However, now I am the master’s maid, and it is my duty to prepare dinner!”

“Of course, you don’t have to eat dry food anymore!”

“Hahaha, you will know later when it is time to eat. Now play mahjong with peace of mind 4.0!”

Lei Wujie had no intention of explaining Luo Xian’s appearance. After all, he himself didn’t know what the situation with the gourmet tablecloth was, so he could only explain it with a smile!

“master?”Luo Xian then looked at Li Lianhua with questioning eyes!

“It’s okay, just play mahjong with peace of mind, Lei Wujie is right, you will know when the time comes!”Li Lianhua nodded to Luo Xian and said!

Well, even what Li Lianhua said, as a maid, Luo Xian naturally had no intention of saying anything more. She suppressed the curiosity in her heart and started to catch her. The card was over!

After playing for about half an hour, it was almost around six o’clock in the evening. The sky had already darkened. Li Lianhua and the others left the mahjong room and sat down at the dining table!

“Luo Xian, sit down together!”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and greeted Luo Xian!

“Master, this is not okay, I am just your maid, how can I sit at the same table with you!”Hearing this, Luo Xian was startled and shook his head hurriedly!

“There are no such rules here, just sit down and eat together!”

Whether Luo Xian is the Goddess of Tianmen or not, Li Lianhua has no habit of sitting down to eat by herself while others wait nearby!

“But……”Hearing this, Luo Xian looked hesitant, still not daring to serve it!

“If you are disobedient, then leave!”Seeing Luo Xian’s hesitation, Li Lianhua directly released his ultimate move!

“Yes, sir!”Hearing this, Luo Xian didn’t dare to hesitate any longer. He pulled out a chair and sat down!

“I want a roast duck and a bowl of lotus seed porridge!”Sit down, Lei Wujie shouted with ease!

As he finished speaking, a roast duck and a bowl of lotus seed porridge appeared out of thin air on the gourmet tablecloth!

Luo Xian was still very shocked after hearing Lei Wujie’s words. I understood who he was talking to!

However, looking at the food that appeared out of nowhere, Luo Xian suddenly stood up with a shocked expression on his face!

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