Sikong Changfeng showed off the technique of using the thirteen flying swords in the unparalleled sword box, and then quickly put the thirteen flying swords into the sword box!

Although he is in the realm of the Spear Immortal, Sikong Changfeng is not the owner of the Unparalleled Sword Box after all, so for him, it is a heavy load to forcibly control the Thirteen Flying Swords with his internal power.

“I just used my inner strength to forcefully open the sword box and control the Thirteen Flying Swords. If you want to reach the realm of the Sword Immortal and control the Thirteen Flying Swords, you have to work hard to understand it!”

Looking at Wushuang, Sikong Changfeng said something!

“Thanks for the guidance!”Hearing this, a joyful smile appeared on Wushuang’s face!

For Sikong Changfeng, this advice to Wushuang was nothing more than casual.

He immediately looked at Li Lianhua and said:”Miracle Doctor Li, you are showing off your humiliation!”

My title is the Spear Immortal, and Li Lianhua is the Sword Immortal.

Therefore, in Sikong Changfeng’s view, Li Lianhua’s swordsmanship is definitely superior to his!

Just now, he forced himself to control the Wushuang Sword Box with his internal power. Although he can Show off your flying sword skills, but in the eyes of a real swordsman, it must be very rough!

“that’s humble!”In response to what Sikong Changfeng said, Li Lianhua replied with a slight smile!

After greeting Li Lianhua, Sikong Changfeng immediately looked at Wu Xin beside him and said,”You should go back too!”

Although this sentence only has a few words, it contains a lot of information!

Go back? Where to go?

Of course, go back to the outer world!

This sentence also expresses Sikong Changfeng’s position , he is willing to abide by the agreement made back then and let Wuxin go back!

Unlike forces like Dajue and Wushuang City in Jiulong Temple, who are not willing to let the tiger return to the mountain!

“Amitabha!”When Zen Master Dajue heard this, he clasped his palms together and chanted the Buddha’s name in a low voice! Ever since he was rescued by Li Lianhua and lifted out of his possessed state, Dajue has not taken any action and just watched from the side! In fact

, Dajue has not taken any action.

, in his heart he also hoped to keep Wu Xin!

However, now that the Gun Immortal has expressed his attitude, Da Jue has no intention of confronting Xue Yuecheng! When

Lu Yuzhai heard this, he also sighed silently, but He didn’t say anything anymore!

For one thing, the identity of the Gun Immortal and the identity of the three city lords of Xueyue City, Sikong Changfeng’s words are not small!

In addition, why did Sikong Changfeng give such kind advice just now? The Wushuang Flying Sword Technique?

Isn’t he afraid that if Wushuang City rises in the future, it will pose a threat to Xue Yue City? In fact, Gun

Immortal may not mean to silence Wushuang City, right?

I’m so grateful for the advice, but now I’m jumping out to refute the Gun Fairy’s opinion?

How can I say this!

“He is worthy of being the three city lords of Xueyue City, and even more so the talker of Xueyue City. With his sophistication and sophistication, he just goes with the flow like an antelope hanging its horns!”

Thinking that even if he objects now, he can’t say it out loud, Lu Yuzhai couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Indeed, although Sikong Changfeng is only the third city lord of Xueyue City, in fact, many affairs in Xueyue City , neither the big city lord Baili Dongjun nor the second city lord Li Hanyi had any intention of getting involved. Instead, all the affairs were left to Sikong Changfeng to coordinate alone!

“Indeed, it’s time for me to leave!”As Sikong Changfeng said, Wuxin looked calm and nodded.

As for the situation in which he should return to Tianwaitian, Wuxin himself had already thought about it in his heart!

“Wu Xin, you, you really want to leave!”After listening to what Wu Xin said, confirming the fact that he really wanted to leave, Lei Wujie next to him said with a look of reluctance!

“All banquets in the world are over, and today’s separation is just for a better reunion in the future!”Wuxin looked very free and easy, and said to Lei Wujie!

“Take care along the way. You may have left unintentionally this time, but no one said you can’t come back after you leave!”Xiao Se next to him also spoke at this time and said to Wu Xin!

“Yes, what Boss Xiao said makes sense!”With a faint smile on his face, Wuxin nodded and said!

Along the way, although Wuxin caught Xiao Se and Lei Wujie at first.

But after experiencing a lot, the three of them seemed to have become a small team. Yes, we have formed a deep friendship!

After greeting Lei Wujie and Xiao Se, he looked at Li Lianhua unintentionally:”Doctor Li, I have to leave!”

“Well, I know. Besides, I am not from Beili. To Beili, I am just a passerby!”

“Maybe, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will go for a walk outside the territory, and then we can meet again outside the territory!”

Li Lianhua nodded, looking very free and easy as well!

“Hahaha, yes, what Dr. Li said makes sense, so I look forward to the day when I can meet Dr. Li again!”Hearing this, Wu Xin also laughed!

He is the young master of Tianwai Tian, not from Beili.

But similarly, the master of Lianhua House is not from Beili either. If you really want to say it, both of them are no good in Beili. He’s just a passer-by, let alone anyone else!

“However, what I’m looking forward to most is playing mahjong with you, Divine Doctor Li, next time. By then, I hope that Divine Doctor Li’s luck won’t be so bad!”

Following that, Wuxin changed the topic and continued to say to Li Lianhua with a smile!

And his words made Li Lianhua’s face immediately turn darker!

After playing mahjong for three days, Wuxin made the most money!

“You were just enjoying the novice benefits, but things won’t be that good in the future, so get out!”

After three days of settlement, Li Lianhua, the person who is most familiar with mahjong, actually lost the most. This topic naturally made Li Lianhua very unhappy, and she waved her hands and cursed!

“Hahaha, mountains and rivers meet naturally!”

Although Li Lianhua scolded him to get out, Wu Xin was not angry. Instead, he laughed and said!

Immediately, after waving his hands, he turned around and left!

“Doctor Li, Senior Gun Immortal, it’s time for us to go back!”

Wu Xin has left, and naturally there is no point in staying for these people in Wushuang City. Lu Yuzhai stepped forward and said goodbye to Li Lianhua and Sikong Changfeng respectively!

“Doctor Li, when I enter the realm of the Sword Immortal, I will come to you for a discussion!”

Wushuang has competed with Xiao Se and all of them today, but he has not competed with Li Lianhua. He feels very disappointed!

“Wushuang, I advise you not to spar with Li Lianhua. A few days ago, Senior Furious Sword Immortal came to spar with Li Lianhua. How miserable!”

Although he took action just now, heroes cherish heroes and geniuses cherish geniuses. Lei Wujie didn’t have any dissatisfaction with Wushuang. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but remind him!

Although Yan Zhantian left the Lotus Tower two days ago!

However, those who walk well can slip and fall, those who eat well can choke! Even those who drink well can choke, and even those who practice well can lose their breath…

So many tragic and unfortunate things were all concentrated on that day, and the continuous bombings happened.

Even though he was just watching, Lei Wujie felt very terrible. Thinking about it, it made people feel horrified!

And this was because of Yan Zhan! Tian challenges Li Lianhua!

Therefore, Lei Wujie has good intentions and hopes that Wushuang will not follow in the footsteps of Yan Zhantian!

Li Lianhua glanced at Lei Wujie and had no intention of blocking his persuasion!

Again, Li Lianhua was not willing to start a fight that was of no benefit!

When Yan Zhantian challenged him before, he declined!

Now, did Wushuang wait for him to compete with him in the Sword Immortal Realm? Lianhua actually doesn’t have much interest!

Therefore, if Lei Wujie can persuade Wushuang, Li Lianhua will feel happy!

“oh? Is Li Lianhua really a sword fairy? And he is still a relatively powerful existence among the Sword Immortals?”

Not to mention how frightened Lei Wujie was at the thought of Yan Zhantian’s unlucky situation.

Listening to what he said, Wushuang’s eyes widened with a look of surprise in his eyes!

Yes, the Fairy Face of the Furious Sword Zhan Tian was already a world-famous swordsman!

But he had fought with Li Lianhua and was beaten badly according to Lei Wujie’s wishes.

Doesn’t this prove Li Lianhua’s swordsmanship ? Is he much stronger than Yan Zhantian? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, Wushuang not only had no intention of retreating, but also became more determined to fight with Li Lianhua. Discussion ideas!

“Divine Doctor Li, I’m leaving first. I will reach the realm of Sword Immortal as soon as possible and come to you for a spar!”

Looking at Li Lianhua with burning eyes, after Wushuang said this, he turned around and left Dafanyin Temple with the people from Wushuang City!

“Wushuang City is in a state of decadence, and finally a sword immortal is about to appear!”

Looking at the mere thirteen or fourteen-year-old figure in Wushuang City, Sikong Changfeng said with some emotion! []

As for geniuses, he himself was considered a genius back then, as well as Li Hanyi, especially Baili Dongjun.!

However, seeing such a genius as Wushuang, Sikong Changfeng still couldn’t help but sigh and sigh in his heart! Is it true that there is no talent in the Jianghu generation?

“Not only can he enter the realm of Sword Immortal, but if nothing unexpected happens, he may become a Sword Immortal within a year!”

Li Lianhua next to her heard Sikong Changfeng’s emotion and couldn’t help but interjected and said this!

“oh? Does Divine Doctor Li think so highly of Xiao Wushuang?”Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Sikong Changfeng couldn’t help but turned his head and asked in surprise!

Yes, although Sikong Changfeng also believes that Wushuang will become a swordsman in the future, swordsmanship cannot be achieved simply by practicing. What

‘s more important is the understanding of sword intention. The situation of this understanding is very mysterious. If the opportunity comes, it is possible to realize it immediately, but if there is no opportunity, it is not surprising that it cannot occur in ten years!

Can Wushuang reach the realm of sword immortal within a year?

If he really succeeds, then Wushuang can be said to be the youngest sword immortal in the world, right?

Just thinking about it, this situation is shocking!

“I’m not taking it too seriously, it’s just a pertinent conclusion!”Regarding Sikong Changfeng’s surprise, Li Lianhua shook his head slightly and said!

These words made the corners of Sikong Changfeng’s mouth twitch slightly!

Isn’t it a big deal to assert that others can reach the realm of Sword Immortal within a year? Is it just a pertinent conclusion?

It’s like A child is still in primary school, but he asserts that he will definitely be admitted to Qingbei in the future!

0 Asking for flowers

, can this be considered a pertinent conclusion?

“Li Lianhua does not simply value Wushuang!”

“He did the same to Lei Wujie!”

“Lei Wujie is currently only at the Xiantian realm, but Li Lianhua also asserts that he can reach the Grand Master within a year!”

“Even reaching the realm of Sword Immortal within three years!”

Xiao Se next to him suddenly spoke at this time and interrupted to say this to Sikong Changfeng!

Xiao Se’s words can be regarded as saying something for Li Lianhua!

Of course, it can also be regarded as saying something for Lei Wujie!

Lei Wujie is People from Leijiabao, and the relationship between Leijiabao and Xueyuecheng is needless to say.

Lei Wujie is a genius. Naturally, this is also good news for Xueyuecheng!

In addition, it also makes Sikong Changfeng! You know, Li Lianhua values Wushuang City more than Xue Yue City!

After hearing what Xiao Se said, Sikong Changfeng looked at him and nodded:”Xiao Se? You are very good, and congratulations to you at the same time!”

Others may not know Xiao Se’s identity, but how could Sikong Changfeng, one of the four guardians of Tianqi, not know it?

This Xiao Se is the sixth prince of Beili, Xiao Chuhe, King of Yong’an!

Of course, he can also be regarded as King Langya The heir!

“Thank you!”Of course Xiao Se also understood what Sikong Changfeng’s congratulations meant. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said!

Yes, since Sikong Changfeng congratulated himself, it means that he knew that he was injured and lost all his martial arts.!

This also shows that the other party has always been paying attention to me, right?

“Lei Wujie, are you going to Xueyue City?”

In front of the public, since Xiao Chuhe changed his name to Xiao Se, Sikong Changfeng had no intention of revealing his identity, and just asked Lei Wujie!

“Yes!”Lei Wujie nodded and said, looking at Sikong Changfeng with very excited eyes!

“Well, I’ll be waiting for you in Xueyue City!”After looking around at everyone present, Sikong Changfeng nodded and said!

As soon as his voice fell, a strong wind blew up, and then, Sikong Changfeng’s figure quickly disappeared!

“Ah, Senior Gun Immortal is leaving now!”

Seeing Sikong Changfeng disappearing so suddenly, Lei Wujie’s eyes widened and he said in great amazement!

So? He is worthy of being the Third City Lord of Xueyue City, the legendary Spear Immortal?

Whether he is appearing or leaving , this method is very cool, it is indeed in line with all the fantasies in my heart about the peerless master!

“This Sikong Changfeng is indeed interesting!”

Looking at Sikong Changfeng’s method of leaving, Li Lianhua smiled and shook his head slightly!

Even if he was very cool when he came on the stage, even when he left, he made it so cool?

Although She is not young anymore, and her daughter Sikong Qianluo is already that old, but she is quite out-of-the-box.

In short, she likes to show off!

But if you think about it carefully, this seems to be in line with the story of Sikong Qianluo in the original novel. Feng’s character?

Remember in the original work, when Lei Yunhe regained his master-level skills and used the Nine Heavens Lightning Finger technique, it caused thunder to roll, and then he rode the crane directly to Wangcheng Mountain to challenge Zhao Yuzhen.

At that time, Sikong Changfeng secretly asked Tang Lian whether he had the same demeanor as Lei Yunhe when he was the one who shot the whole city.

At that time, Tang Lian shook his head and said that he was far from it.

Hearing this, Sikong Changfeng was helpless. He shook his head and sighed, saying that he had lost in this aspect!

It can be seen that Sikong Changfeng is a person who likes to show off!

“Divine Doctor Li, will you go to Xueyue City next?”After Sikong Changfeng left, Dajue suddenly spoke and asked Li Lianhua!

“Yes, I do want to go to Xueyue City!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

“Amitabha! Hearing this

, Dajue pronounced the Buddha’s name in a low voice and said:”Today I came to Dafanyin Temple. I have nothing to offer. I have to pay the money for Dr. Li’s diagnosis. When I return to Jiulong Temple, I will send you money.” How about sending people to Xueyue City?”

Li Lianhua has long been accustomed to others owing her medical fees, so she nodded and said there was no problem.

After receiving Li Lianhua’s answer, Dajue also left the Dafanyin Temple with the monks from Jiulong Temple.!

After the excitement at the Dafanyin Temple, all the forces left one after another!

Naturally, Li Lianhua and the others had no intention of staying at the Dafanyin Temple. The three of them turned around and left the city, returning to the city. Lotus Tower!

The Lotus Tower just stopped in the wild. Sure enough, no one came in to steal anything.

Then, the Lotus Tower started and headed towards Xueyue City!


Although the environment of the Lotus Building is not much better, being able to travel around the world in the Lotus Building is definitely a VVVIP-level enjoyment for traveling in the world, but Lei Wujie still let out a long sigh!

“My dear, it won’t be long before we can reunite with Wu Xin!”Glancing at Lei Wujie who was sighing, Xiao Se said!

“Xiao Se, what I sigh about is not that Wuxin has left, what I sigh about is that now we are missing one of the three!”Hearing Xiao Se’s comfort to him, Lei Wujie shook his head and said, Xiao!.

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