Chapter XNUMX If you want a low profile, you must first have a high profile! (two)

Huang Jian suddenly asked, “But why didn’t you show up at that time?”

Chihuang bitterly said with a smile: “I also appeared just after I received the news. The reason why I didn’t show up at first was because I was afraid that the woman’s face would be thin, so I said I would just hold on and didn’t do it. Think about it, If the disciple strength of my door was not strong enough, does it mean that this guy can do other things as he pleases? Headed by wickedness, if the students in my door are low In order to ensure his reputation, this guy obviously chooses to kill people. Such people, the natural hormones belong to the scum without a tutor. If they are left, they are also assholes. I suggest to abolish the person ’s cultivation base and let them Get out of Academy and notify the entire gale dynasty, let everyone know his Ye Fantian name! “

“You are too vicious, why has our fourth child offended you, but you bastard treated him so well, why did he steal your woman?”

Huang Lei couldn’t help but sneered and said, “hehe, I see, this is all designed by Peerless Martial Sect. Cut, one witness is Peerless Martial Sect, and the other is Vice-Sect Master. Then this one Women don’t know if they are members of the door. “

Chihuang lightly saying: “Are you saying I’m lying?”

Zhuge Mingjing said disdainfully, “We haven’t said this before, just be clear in my heart.”

“Ha Ha Ha…”

Chihuang’s face showed a rather disdainful expression and laughed loudly: “Who am I? I’m the Vice-Sect Master of Peerless Martial Sect. Do you think I have the possibility to compete with an unrelated waste? ? “

While speaking, he said again: “And I don’t have any interest in such inferior bastards who don’t have many tutors!”

One bite of waste, one bitch asshole, one bite without tutoring!

The killing intent in Ye Fantian’s eyes has been violent. Although he wants to be low-key, it does not mean that he wants to be abused, and even more does not want to go there and the other is so insulted. .

“You said I was run away by a student in your door, right?”

Ye Fantian’s words slowly revealed an angry expression. Although the voice was very low, it had a terrifying coercion. Under this coercion, all the people present even felt the air flow around them. It started to get cold.

Distantly somewhere in this lobby, the entire group is standing there quietly, and the headed one is the dean Li Zongshen, behind him Qin Shuang and the others are standing silently.

“Hehe… Little Brat can’t help it, but speaking of which, this Peerless Martial Sect really needs a good rectification. Since Xu Xuding has achieved the name of ten great experts, it seems to be the whole person It also started to become more and more proud, which is also a big disadvantage for martial arts. “

Qin Shuang’s eyes kept flashing with horror chills in the opening and closing: “hmph, treat me and other Academy regulations as nothing, wantonly insult others, and create rumors, such things, this means And the practice is really not in line with our Academy. “

Li Zongshen said lightly: “If you really want to grow up in this Academy, it is completely impossible to simply play the pig to eat the tiger and maintain your low-key style, because the premise of low-key is high-key. And if you want to be high-profile, you need to do a little bit more-strong, if not strong, you can only be enslaved, and if you want to be strong, you need to work hard. We Academy is not a place of charity, what we need to do It is a cruel battle, but bullying is not allowed to insult others, Chihuang, hum, I think he is getting more and more backwards, and there are a few guys, and a few Little Brats have even learned to pretend mysterious, huh, it ’s rigorous to cover myself all day long, and I see that they have learned to play the pig to eat the tiger without learning anything else. I am ready, but I ca n’t let the kid go crazy and do something terrifying. This is the guardian of the future wind dynasty. What questions, but I can not meet adults who anger. “

Speaking of this, Li Zongshen’s face also began to become depressed, while Qin Shuang’s people slowly grinned there.

Obviously, this Li Zongshen is quite dissatisfied with everyone, and at this time, the things of Ye Fantian and the others are still going on.

“Yeah, what grade is your waste, and my Peerless Martial Sect student has a martial artist-level top grade Peak, and one foot has stepped into the samurai level, does your kid say that he wants to Want to go on with the opponent? “

Chihuang said confidently.

Ye Fantian’s face showed a touch of indifferent smile, and then slowly stroked his palm, but the eyes began to show the incomparable ice cold aura, after seeing Ye Fantian’s ice cold aura , That red Huang’s heart could not help but hesitated: very terrifying eyes, can such eyes really be a waste? “

But after thinking about Ye Fantian’s message, he began to feel confident again: “hmph, waste is waste, how can you be a waste?”


Huang Lei hurriedly grabbed Ye Fantian’s body and said to Ye Fantian, “Fourth child, don’t be excited, you are not his opponent. Once you start, you will still suffer, we can go to the senior level of Academy to handle this. I believe that soon there can be a result of As the water recedes, the rocks appear. “

“My grass, boss, afraid of a bird. If this happens, the fourth child will be punished, so the Academy, which is right and wrong, will not come.”

No one except Zhuge Mingjing said this.

Wu Xulongsheng slowly looked at Ye Fantian, but instead stopped talking, just stroking the beard on his chin gently, it seemed to see something.

Since the appearance of Chihuang, Huang Jian did not speak anymore, but stood aside, but there was a suspicion on the face, because how this matter seems to be related to Peerless Martial Sect.

“Then, if you are like this, are you saying that you are stronger than the other party?”

Ye Fantian continued to ask, but what this sentence said was a bit puzzling. Even though Chi Huang heard this, it frowned slightly, but was or said: “My strength is naturally not that you can I can imagine that, of course, my strength is quite good compared to these members. “

Ye Fantian nodded, while speaking, his body suddenly rushed to the other side, his hands directly formed a noose-like state, and the astral qi at his feet burst out insanely.


The powerful energy moved towards all around was radiated insanely, without any hesitation, Ye Fantian shot directly, and Ye Fantian, who endured a long time, finally broke out at this moment.

“Since there is no need to tolerate, I don’t need to talk nonsense with you.”

Ye Fantian’s voice faintly spread throughout the lobby. With the emergence of this sound, the momentum of suddenly hiding the sky and covering the earth seems to be giant wolf, which is more than ten times stronger than the momentum that was originally issued.


The whole lobby began to emit a burst of vigorous breath, and everyone began to become startled at this time, especially this guy who seemed to be originally inconspicuous and turned from a waste to an instant at this time. A powerful existence, such an impact, such a terrifying explosive power!

“Who is this guy?”

All people thought of the same problem at this moment.

Chihuang’s pupils flexed wildly, and Ye Fantian’s momentum had completely suppressed him, and even Qi Qi directly locked him.

Hands suddenly broke away, and the illusory shadow of a giant scarlet tiger behind Ye Fantian quickly gathered together!


The terrifying matchless tiger shouts spread throughout the lobby, and even all the surrounding rooms began to stir up. The blockbuster of astral qi can be seen everywhere, Ye Fantian’s eyes were icily greeted by the opponent’s direct presentation. With dull eyes, shouted in his mouth: “Tiger collapse !!!”


After this remark, the sudden horrible energy directly moved towards the opponent and struck in the past.

“Stop … stop him!”

Huang Jian’s mouth screamed aloud, like that, the gesture was like a young girl who was forcibly circled by people. At this time, he had fully understood that things were a conspiracy, such a master Need to design a small junior student? do you need?

No need at all!

Guo Rong was completely dumbfounded at this time. This existence that seemed to be insulted by anyone became so horrible that no one could react in an instant.

thump……! !!

A residual image fell directly from this mid-air, and this person was not someone else who was that red, and was directly hit with a punch by Ye Fantian. The powerful strength of the Blood Tiger Tear Hand no longer needed to go. Excessive explanation.

The entire lobby instantly became extremely quiet, and everyone looked at the weak boy quietly, but the horrible impact became stronger …

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