Chapter XNUMX If you want a low profile, you must first have a high profile! (One)

“Is there anything else you can do?”

After hearing Wu Xulongsheng’s restraint, the tone of this yellow arrow had begun to become somewhat helpless. For this old man, he didn’t want to offend, but now things are at least clear to him in his opinion. There was a wolf in the Academy and it was a terrifying wolf.

If the other party does not sanction well, it is clear that the future reputation of this Kaye Academy will definitely be blackened by people, so he must punish Ye Fantian.

“Hehe… old man has nothing else to say, but there is one thing that is not clear. You just heard what the other person said, but in fact, from the beginning to the present, you seem to have never heard of the person himself. That ’s right? Our Kaye Academy is not a terrifying place, and it ’s not a place to hide dirt. If there are wicked people, we naturally need to drive them out, but this does n’t mean that we are going to make a good life. Be wicked. “

At this time, the young girl suddenly sneered: “I have heard that the Kaye Academy is one of the most powerful Academy in Xuantian Continent, and the reputation of the instructor Wu Xulongsheng is even more on this continent. I have a lot of fame, but I did n’t expect that after I saw it today, I felt so funny. Is this also a mentor who is well-known in Xuantian continuous? This is also one of the strong mentors in Kaye Academy It ’s so funny, why should a weak woman frame Ye Fantian, why not frame others, can I say that I am so shameless, and put my own innocent reputation to frame someone I do n’t know? Is that the theory of Kaye Academy? “

The audience was silent!

Ye Fantian’s brow frowned slightly.

Although this woman said that there were not many mean words, but she was heart-to-heart, and even began to lift the entire Ka Ye Academy Academy, that way, the attitude is clearly weak and not punished by Ye Fantian. Then, the Nakaji Academy is just the evil place of this heavenly continent.

“you you……”

Wu Xulongsheng’s body couldn’t help but began to tremble. He had been in this Academy for so long, and he had never encountered such a sandy irony.

At this time, not only did Wuxu Longsheng become angry, but even the face of Huang Jian began to become a bit ugly. As a mentor of this Academy, although he is a human, he is one of the Academy after all. Let’s go, this woman’s statement is really ironic.

The senior student who went there couldn’t help turning his face pale, and at this time things had become more and more complicated, and then he fiercely glanced at the anger that was in his face, but in his eyes But still brought out a trace of proud expression of the woman, the heart seems to start to regret it more and more.

“You said our fourth child insulted you, can we also say that you insulted our fourth child? And we can testify for him.”

Baicaotian said a horror of anger.

“Yes, this is also possible. Guo Rong, do you have anything to say?”

At this time, Huang Jian’s tone of speaking had begun to become more and more severe. The other party’s words had already completely angered him.

The young girl, known as Guo Rong, heard this, and her face was slightly flustered at this time. After she thought that she had let out harsh words, the Academy should immediately punish Ye Fantian. But obviously not, nothing has ever happened!

Even now things are starting to get a little out of control.

There are basically no fools who can come here. At the beginning, everyone was still angry with Ye Fantian and worried and pity for Guo Rong, but now many students have begun to see There is something wrong with the signs.

“This … this Senior is my lifesaver, and he can testify for me.”

Guo Rong’s face appeared a little panic, and his tone began to become a little messy.

And that senior student hearing this. His complexion was also dull, but he quickly responded and said, “Yes, I was practicing at that time, because the mountainside was quieter, so I just saved the junior sister by coincidence.”

Zhuge Ming hummed with a baleful aura in his mirror: “You alone want to charge our fourth child. Isn’t this an ancient child show, in the future, does it mean that we want to do something, directly? Pull out a person and let him testify for us, who said that whoever bullied me, then did Academy have to deal with us? “

After feeling the baleful aura on Zhuge Mingjing’s body, the people’s faces were slightly tightened. At this time, Zhuge Mingjing was like a tiger coming out of the cage. The dormant breath continued to spread, as if it was going to be inconsistent. They hit it in general.

Ye Fantian smiled slightly bitterly, and originally wanted to spend a low-key in this Academy, but never thought that he would be so insulted by someone one day, think of these, and look at the faces of many people After the exposed contempt, Ye Fantian scratched his head slightly, and he decided-not to cover it.

“Yeah, how can a person testify, this is a little bit tricky.”

After I didn’t know who shouted, the immediate resonance of everyone began to arise, and the voice of discussion rose continuously.

“What’s wrong with you? Did you see our girls being so insulting? The women’s virginity issues were all brought up. Is there anything else worth scrutinizing? You guys don’t have a good thing.”

“Hey Hey Hey … how can you swear people, I just said a fair word, can it be said that one person can be convicted simply by one person? Besides, who dares to guarantee that they do not know each other. “

Such remarks are almost constantly produced like exploding the pot, but still can’t change it, and at this time a faint voice spreads out, and that voice contains an incomparably pure The powerful True Qi suppressed the opinions of everyone present: “What if you add me? I don’t know if my qualifications can constitute certain evidence?”

With the appearance of this voice, a young man in a golden robe slowly walked into the lobby, and immediately moved towards the Wulong Longsheng respectfully and respectfully, and then moved towards the Huang The arrow arched slightly proudly. Several people behind him slowly followed, looking extremely serious.

“It’s him?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes began to narrow, and in the parts that ordinary people could not find, the eyes of the pair of eyes were almost condensed into a needle at this time, but the cold light in them was never seen. The person who came is not someone else. It is why Ye Fantian has lost his face. Why Vice-Sect Master is red!

The emergence of Chihuang completely pushed this matter to a new **.

Who is Chihuang?

That is the Vice-Sect Master of the rather powerful Peerless Martial Sect in Academy.

Vice-Sect Master, what is this concept? In the Peerless Martial Sect team of thousands of people, it can be called a giant existence. In addition to relying on personal charm, it also needs to rely on its own strength. Although this red reputation is not as good as ten great experts It is powerful, but it is actually an influence figure in Academy, so it was quickly recognized by advanced students.

“It turned out to be red.”

“Yeah yeah, very handsome, and still a Vice-Sect Master, so young, that qualification must be quite strong.”

“Hehe, this kid is over, absolutely dead, and even a Vice-Sect Master has begun to move out. Obviously, the other party has absolute confidence. It is said that this Peerless Martial Sect does not easily appear in Vice. -Sect Master, but this time obviously Peerless Martial Sect has also started to get wind. “

The last guy said with a clear expression and proud.

However, Xu Qingru’s pretty face began to become hot, she would rather rely on her own strength and power to fight Ye Fantian, but she also did not want to be said to rely on the power of her big brother to tyrannize, and this Once the time Ye Fantian’s conviction is established, it is quite miserable. In her opinion, it is the most terrifying thing to expel this Academy, but this is not the same as the Kaye Academy. Once such things happen, it will be punished. The treatment is quite serious, and it is even possible to notify the entire gale dynasty. In this case, how can this guy survive on this continent.

Although Xu Qingru was very arrogant and even unreasonable, she did not prevent her from being kind and good, and murder was just nodded. Persecution of such a person really made her heart unacceptable!

The pretty faces of the same Bai Yuying were also full of anger.


Huang Jian said with a curious expression on his face.

Chihuang was slightly nodded, and then said to Huang Jian: “The instructor should know that the cultivation technique I practice is the” Great Divine Technique “, which needs to learn the Supreme Yang Strength of this Heaven and Earth from time to time, but Force Of Yin-Yang pays attention to reconciliation, perfect reconciliation. Only in this way can I fully integrate my strength into one, and then fuse it together. I will always go to the mountainside of Academy. This is no secret. Because there is a lot of vitality there, and the power of the water element is more intense, which is also a great help to my cultivation. “

“Eh … yes, it is true. I have heard of this” divine technique “, yes, but how do you testify?”

Chihuang please said with a smile: “I need to explain this point. In fact, when I was practicing, I also saw that this boy tried to indecent this junior sister. At the beginning, I saw it quite clearly. The junior sister is almost going to succeed. Just when I was about to shoot, the members of my door also arrived, so I said that I would run away this despicable villain, hum, why would I It ’s so familiar, but because Ye Fantian is not the first to do such indecent things, you should also know that our younger sister of the sect master is also verbally teased by her, hum, such people It’s a waste, but it’s also an inferior bastard. Please don’t be deceived by his appearance, please. “

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