Chapter XNUMX


Extremely silent!

There seemed to be no other sound in the entire lobby except for the breathing sound. At this time, everyone looked towards Ye Fantian in unison, and their eyes were full of amazing rays of light.

One Hit Kill!

Dignified Peerless Martial Sect’s Vice-Sect Master, a senior student of dignified, who can make such a magnificent red in this Kaye Academy, was killed by Ye Fantian.

No one can imagine that the rabbit that has always been weak at this time has become a super fierce tiger that will be insanely hunted. The kind of tearing atmosphere, the fluctuation of terrifying matchless and the baleful aura that can not be covered. This time is almost to form the substance.

“Cough cough … how are you possible?”

Chihuang roared on the ground with a sigh of puffiness. He was always proud to think that he was just a little different from the ten great experts, but in this whole Academy, apart from them, few people were able to do so. It takes as easy as pie to get yourself done, but the fact is the fact, the guy in front of him is the fact, the amazing means of the other party does not need to be explained at all, the terrifying matchless breath explains this time more It was kicked on the iron plate.

A quiet glance at the yellow arrow Ye Fantian lightly saying: “This mentor, do you think I will be defeated by this guy? Will I run away in the face of such an opponent?”

An expression of anger was finally revealed on Huang Jian’s face, and for a long time, no one other than him was a fool, only he was foolishly played with, and this person who played with himself still looked like this The face of the young girl Guo Rong!

“Very good … great.”

Huang Jian didn’t answer Ye Fantian, but the anger on his face showed how much he hated at this time. The instructor of the Dignified Kaye Academy was even played by a junior student who just entered Academy.

What irony, how sad!

“No … no, I didn’t lie, it was him, it was him.”

Guo Rong screamed loudly, but she was quite clear, and it took her a lot of effort to come to the Kaye Academy, but it wasn’t even half a month before she was blasted out. I wanted to myself What kind of prestige and pride, but now if someone is revealed that she is stigmatizing others, then I am afraid there will be only one, canceling her student status, so the difference between as different as heaven and earth is not what she can bear. Therefore, her face, which was originally delicate and pretty, had become very stiff at this time.

“Hmph, the facts are in front of you. Do you have anything else you want to deny?”

Huang Jian sneered and said that at this time he had no sympathy for this seemingly weak and even young woman except for anger and disgust.

“It’s him, it’s him, Ye Fantian, do you dare not admit it? You obviously want to defile me, why don’t you admit it? You hooligan, asshole! And you, is it just because of him Is his strength enough to prove his innocence? Doesn’t he say he will not run away because of guilty conscience? “

This may sound good, but it is enough for those who can kill this Red One Hit Kill to prove that they may run away in front of an ordinary Academy. This is really terrifying with low authenticity.

Ye Fantian glanced at Guo Rong lightly and said disdainly, “I don’t want to explain too much to you, but there is one thing that can be explained, your level, especially this character, is definitely not me. Favorite type. “

After this statement, Guo Rong’s face suddenly showed a crazy expression: “Ye Fantian … Are you still a man? If you are not interested in me, why do you hurt me?”

Ye Fantian was really helpless. He found that he really couldn’t communicate with each other. Then he started to look at the senior student: “What about you?”

The baleful aura of the fierce soul suddenly leaked a little, and after the appearance of this baleful aura, the other party yelled unexpectedly: “No, no, no … don’t kill me, don’t Kill me, I say, I say everything … “

Looking at this girl, everyone’s face was called a contempt …

It seems like this is over, and the famous Peerless Martial Sect in Academy did not receive much loss in the event of this time, that Chihuang was kicked out of the student, in addition to the student in addition to Chihuang And Guo Rong, such a decision is a small loss for the Kaye Academy.

After all, Chihuang can be regarded as a good genius, but for the Ka Ye Academy, who values ​​his personal cultivation, such existence can only be a black horse, and it is better to drive it out than to stay.

“Haha …… this time is really happy, being able to drive that red huang out is a great record for us.”

Baicao Tian said excitedly.

“But this time is obviously a real match with Peerless Martial Sect.”

Touching his chin gently, Zhuge Mingjing said with excitement, that being able to meet more masters is an infinitely beautiful thing for Yi, and he constantly fights against powerhouse, and constantly improves his strength. Wu Kuang is like this state, and the wild Lei on the side slowly drank a cup of tea, then exposed a strange expression said to a laugh to Ye Fantian: “hehe, the fourth child is hidden deep enough, Until now, you have not revealed your identity of King Ye. “

A few people are not fools, they can have such powerful strength and are consistent in age, and even the characteristics of the name are more like Ye Fantian’s identity.

Gently stroked his nose, Ye Fantian helplessly said: “hehe, I think you have already begun to doubt this, but the three big brothers don’t blame me, after all, it’s so dangerous here, mine Identity is so sensitive. Once it is known, I will be quite troublesome. For someone like me who doesn’t like trouble, hiding my identity is the best choice. “

Huang Lei said with a sad look on his face: “Thanks to the fact that we are still bothering with your points problem, damn it, compensate me for my mental loss.”

“Yes, peregrine, come on several brothers.”

“Mighty, come on!”

The three guys all pressed Ye Fantian to the ground, and then they were all suppressed by Qi Qi’s human beings.

“Help! Someone is playing hooligan.”

“Call it, call it, no one dares to save you today even if you broke your throat.”

The whole dormitory of while speaking began to overflow with an atmosphere called ‘friendship’ and ‘brother’!

If time is flowing, it seems to be fleeting, and when you feel that it is passing slowly, in fact, he has quietly disappeared, and a week has passed.

The low-level students and the high-level students have also become a new one. In terms of Ye Fantian’s strength, in addition to the non-virtual dragon course, the other tutors do not look at it, after all, he is now a Martial Master Level of mid-grade strength, and in conjunction with this mystery’s found mystery with the blessing of the spirit of the fierce soul, can fully exert this strength beyond the Great Martial Master-level powerhouse, and in this fleshhy body The defense is even more rare terrifying.

A few prostitutes in the dormitory have gone to the lecture now, and at this time Ye Fantian also started to take out that piece of dark green leaves cautiously.

He has always kept this leaf close to him, and the leaf itself has always exuded a mysterious and clear stream constantly nourishing his mind.

I slowly immersed my mind in the body, but like the original, Master Qing Xuanzi is still asleep, but the atmosphere is slowly changing, much thicker than the original level It is obvious that after this time, the loss of Qing Xuanzi is constantly being filled.

“Master, rest assured, I am doing well now, and I will definitely work harder to make you startled when you wake up.”

The power of the soul was suddenly added to the dark green leaf, and then a little fuzzy handwriting began to appear in front of him, but at this time those handwritings were blurred to the limit, although some fonts can be barely seen, But there are still many that are simply unknown.

Slowly enhanced the power of the soul, gradually the dark green rays of light on this leaf began to slowly move towards the surrounding area, and with the emergence of rays of light, the entire dormitory began to slowly It is surrounded by this green rays of light. Fortunately, the surrounding area of ​​this dormitory is closed. Otherwise, this green rays of light will be quite outstanding even during the day.

As if pulling a silk and removing cocoons, the power of the soul slowly turned into a carving knife, and began to cut an inch by inch on this leaf, and with each swing, the handwriting began to become more and more clear. .

“hu ……”

About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Fantian took a long breath and, as his actions unfolded, he had already begun to understand the leaf.

I have to say that the making of this leaf is quite terrifying, and the nuances involved are simply outrageous and powerful, especially these themselves seem to be kept in the grid of each and everyone, and each The one-inch grid is firmly defended because of this. If many Ye Fantian’s souls are extremely married, ordinary people want to open it, which is basically impossible.

Even so, Ye Fantian is now only half open, and the power of the soul is now at its highest level ever.

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