Chapter XNUMX The Square!

What is drunk?

Ye Fantian has never thought about this term, but in fact, this time actually allowed Ye Fantian to realize the concept of drunkenness. The dizziness and softness in his head really made him almost collapse. .

I do n’t know how long it took for Ye Fantian to wake up, and it was already early in the morning. After getting up, a strong feeling of pain was carried from his head.

That was clearly repercussions after being drunk.

“Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” began to start slowly with the deliberate urging of Ye Fantian. After True Qi continued to walk in the body, the clear stream of words began to slowly urge in the meridian. Moved into the limbs.

The incredibly refreshing feeling began to circulate from the heart of Ye Fantian.

“hu ……”

After slowly urging for more than ten laps, the painful feeling also disappeared, and quickly returned to normal level, and slowly walked into the bathroom. Ye Fantian washes a cool water happily. Take a shower and then refreshed and feel really happy.

But soon Ye Fantian found that something seemed wrong, because it seemed that he was alone in this dormitory?


A popping door sounded, and saw the wild thunder and the others came in with a bag of food. After seeing Ye Fantian had got up, Bai Caotian said with a laugh: “Fourth child is really a minor. It ’s so bad that it ’s just three bottles and it ’s drunk. ”

Zhuge Mingjing said helplessly: “You’re so embarrassed to say that the four younger brothers are also underages, but you are still so impressed with him, let’s see, this kid was a torment last night.”

When it came to this, Baicaotian’s face was a little helpless: “I didn’t know that this guy was so easily overwhelmed.”

But when he came here, he showed a narrow smile: “But fourth brother, you have to talk, who is Situ Yu, you called this name for a long time last night.”

Ye Fantian hearing this, his face suddenly sinking, and then he smiled bitterly: “These guys are really good at drinking.”

A few people are not fools, especially after seeing the flash of sadness on Ye Fantian’s face, naturally, who knows that this guy’s heart is definitely a process that ordinary people don’t know, so I see After Ye Fantian changed the topic, they also started to laugh and hehe laughed.

Huang Lei said, holding a bag of soup and a half roast goose, “hehe, this Academy ’s cafeteria is really good, the price is cheaper than the outside, and it is said that this bun is made of A species of deep-sea fish that is comparable to the first-class Demonic beast. “

I only went to drink in the evening, so Ye Fantian did n’t eat much food at all. After asking about the flavor of rice at this time, my forefinger started to move a lot. After receiving the food from the wild thunder, he quickly moved. Eaten up.

The meat filling of the bun is delicious, and the roast goose is crispy and tender, which is eaten by several people at a time …

“dong dong dong ……”

The knock on the door appeared, and after Ye Fantian and a few roommates stared at each other, the wild thunder slowly opened the door, and saw the tenderness of the face of a tall and handsome young woman. Said: “Hello, I’m here to inform you. Today is the first day of enrollment, so I need to go to the square to receive class placements and instruction from Academy mentors.”


Before the woman finished speaking, Baicaotian on the side was almost a step away from the thunder. He wiped the oil on the corner of his mouth with a tissue and said quickly and decently: “It was Senior Sister, please. Sit inside, it’s really grateful for us to take such a long trip to Senior Sister.

This name has a good appearance, plus a good figure, and it is also a Senior Sister, which naturally adds a lot of attractiveness, and the appearance of Baicaotian can be regarded as personable. After matching with that good temperament, The charm is really strong, so under such a enthusiastic invitation from this girl, although there is a hint of hesitation on the pretty face of this woman, she can’t hold the other party’s invitation, so she walked in slowly.

In just ten minutes, Ye Fantian’s food was eaten, but he also finally learned what is the highest realm of the pick-up girl. Then he calmly pulled out the ancestor’s ancestor eighteen generations. It has already made the wild mines start to blush with shame.

Through understanding, everyone also knew the life of this woman-Su Yan, a very simple but quite charming name.

After chatting for a while, Su Yan will leave, but from the beautiful eyes, it can be seen that the woman’s affection for Baicaotian has now risen to a certain level.

Slowly sent the other party out of the door, Baicao genius came back slowly, but at this time Ye Fantian was already stunned, and Huang Lei grabbed Baicaotian’s shoulder very helplessly said: “I ’m better than you … “

The blow, the severe blow, the wild thunder as a master of pick-ups, in the face of Baicaotian, there was no threat at all, which really made him quite depressed.

“Everyone’s favor everywhere.”


The three move together towards each other than the middle finger!

After breakfast, the crowds scrubbed and started moving towards the square of the Academy.

Only then did Ye Fantian find out that she really miscalculated the scope of the Academy. The number of students coming from all around was too terrifying.

Baicaotian and that wild thunder are constantly observing the women who come and go. Many of the women in Academy have a childish look, apparently they are just freshmen who have just entered Academy, but the green appearance and The soft feeling really made these two beasts start to boil, of course, the beautiful and alluring and relatively mature charm of the Senior Sisters here also have different tastes and feelings.

Although the four are basically not the level of the best handsome guys, they also have their own characteristics, and their temperament is considered extraordinary, so many bold women have begun to use that hot look Looking at four people.

Of course, the three Lei Lei soon started to feel depressed. Among the depressed people were Baicaotian and Zhuge Mingjing, because they found that they did not have much advantage in front of Ye Fantian.

The first is this slightly fanciful face of Ye Fantian, which is enough to cause women to be strong motherhood hidden deep in the body, and then Ye Fantian’s eyes become extremely soft, and the second is Ye Fantian’s shoulder Little Bai on the Internet, at this time Little Bai was yawning, but the cuteness to the extreme lethality is really amazing.

“It’s absolutely impossible to come out with the fourth child in the future, it’s too sad. It’s too sad.”

Zhuge Mingjing is very helplessly said, he has neither the rich experience of the thunder, nor the terrifying eloquence and affinity of Baicaotian, but originally he thought that Ye Fantian was at the bottom, all of which is relatively easy to say, but he did not expect it to be Ye Fantian’s lethality is much greater than him, which really makes him start to feel depressed for a while.

This square is located on the east side of Academy. The area is about the size of two or three football fields, but even so, it still looks quite crowded. During this time, Baicaotian has become familiar with the environment here. So I quickly brought three people to the square. As a new student, I naturally need to stand in the front row. Therefore, Ye Fantian and the others are in a good position.

Seeing so many people, Ye Fantian was really startled. I originally thought that the number of recruits for this Kaye Academy was so small, and there were not many students gathered there, but I did not expect it would be so scary.

“Students are divided into four levels, Level 2 Level 3 Level 4, and generally speaking, the existence of Level 4 is the existence of some active intentions to stay in Academy to learn and cultivate, these people are all old students in Academy, Therefore, they rarely participate in these things, and we rarely see them. The first level is like us. They belong to the rookie level, while Level 2 and Level 3 are advanced students. The number of Academy members at each level is It’s hard to say, but in general, all people must have at least a thousand people. “

hundred thousand? !! !! !!

Ye Fantian and Huang Lei’s Zhuge Mingjing started to gape.

“How many beautiful women can I make. This place, I like it more and more.”

The expression of great excitement appeared on Huang Lei’s face.

“Che …”

The middle finger appeared again and again!

After about ten minutes passed, the flow of people here began to become more and more dense. Of course, because of the excessively dense flow of people, men and women were separated, and looking at the beautiful figure Beautiful woman, this wild thunder and Bai Caotian are simply eager to wear.

At this time, a very thin old man with a black crutch walked tremblingly to the platform in the square. The trembling appearance really made a lot of students feel worried about this guy.

Hundreds of mentors and the heads of various divisions of Academy stood beside the old man. After seeing these mentors, Ye Fantian’s eyes moved slightly, because he found that the weakest of these mentors was only There is a Martial Master level. Although the specific level is not visible, it is definitely beyond its own level.

And such mentors usually stand in some inconspicuous places, obviously they know how to choose their own status.

“cough cough cough…”

A cough sounded suddenly in Ye Fantian’s ears, and after hearing this voice, not only Ye Fantian’s complexion changed, but also the others around him, apparently he heard the cough.

The seriousness of his face appeared quickly! !!

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