Chapter XNUMX: Four Brothers!

“The Brahman is physically incapable, so I suggest that as a big brother, take care of him in the future.”

There was an unpleasant look on Huang Lei’s face and he looked at Ye Fantian and said that just now the four had already discharged their brothers. Among them, the oldest Lei Lei was 18 years old. Zhuge Mingjing is XNUMX years old, and this Baicao Tian Old Third, XNUMX years old, as the youngest Ye Fantian can only be a fourth child in any case, the age of sixteen is really amazing.

Huang Lei and Ye Fantian are people of the Great Wind Dynasty, and Bai Caotian is a person named Sky Blue Kingdom near the Great Wind Dynasty. As for this Zhuge Mingjing, it is one of the tongues in wonder, because the other one is from The people of Qinglan Country, the name of Qinglan Country speaking of which is counted in the entire Xuantian Continent. It is not to say how powerful this country is, but it is the Demonic Beast near the Qinglan Country itself. In frequent places, many people in Qinglan Kingdom have begun to contact this demonic beast at a very young age. Therefore, they have very rich experience in combat, and in this environment, their strength is naturally beyond doubt. Level martial arts, and battles of different grades, generally speaking, the victory is basically the people of the Qing Lan country.

The Kaye Academy does not exclude those from neighboring neighboring countries to study here, so it is not a strange thing to say that they can exist here, and the power of this Qinglan country can be seen from Zhuge Mingjing In particular, this has been confirmed by Baicaotian, and he is indeed not an opponent of Zhuge Mingjing.

Although this Kaye Academy is a high-level martial arts college, in fact, it also recruits some students with other specialties, such as Ye Fantian’s special insights on martial arts is a good advantage, so it is confusing to deliberately conceal it in Ye Fantian. Passed.

After seeing the bad intentions of everyone, Ye Fantian suddenly felt a sense of self-restraint in his heart, especially now that his strength is really very low. In itself, this “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” is It is the external atmosphere plus the Martial Master level, so Ye Fantian’s superficial strength seems to be at least weak.

“Hehe, let you take a look at my Supreme Treasure. Since this time, I have clearance through various inquiries to get this Supreme Treasure.”

Baicaotian Xianbao generally took out a note from his arms and said.

Spreading out the handwriting, Baicaotian smiled mysteriously in the curious eyes of Ye Fantian and Huang Lei, while the Zhuge Mingjing on the side obviously had seen the handwriting so the performance was relatively calm.

“Jaba Leaf Academy Ten Great Beauties profile?”

Ye Fantian’s expression started to become more and more grotesque, and then glanced at Baicaotian and the wild thunder. Sure enough, the two people were showing very similar smiles on their faces at the moment. Hate feeling late.

“The first place is Nalan Qingcheng among senior students. This XNUMX-year-old Nalan Qingcheng is a martial arts student who has studied in the Kaye Academy for two years, and it is said that this person has been assigned by the Academy. As long as she has completed three years of martial arts studies, she will be recruited by Academy and become a mentor here. God, what a sad reminder, because this woman is usually a gentle person, but it is just a kind of Divine Dragon does not see the end of it. Generally, it is practiced outside and then returned to Academy to receive points, and then practice again. Basically, it is a martial arts madman. Of course, there are also those who pursue her, but it is very difficult. This guy starts. It ’s quite terrifying. It is said that there are already many men who ca n’t practice martial arts in this life because of pursuing her, so people who say terrifying also have terrifying. The strength is Martial Master.

Baicaotian made a summary.

This statement suddenly made everyone start to sucked in a cold breath, and at the age of twenty-two, he had reached the level of Martial Master. This qualification definitely belongs to a genius amongst geniuses. It is no wonder that this Kaye Academy can be large. It takes a lot of trouble to get her.

“Second place, this is very suitable for Brahma, because the other party is also an advanced student named You Ruoxue who studied here for two years, but it is said that the woman has a unique understanding of martial arts. It is quite terrifying for the first-class person, and the other party is only XNUMX years old. Twenty years old, the strength has reached the level of the samurai class top grade Peak. It is said that she once had the experience of playing against the trainee Martial Master level instructor, Lost, but it was just a trick, and the most speechless thing is that this woman is not interested in martial arts. Instead, she likes to break down martial arts, so you must work hard for Brahma, if you get it In the case of this woman, you can study martial arts together. Of course, this is during the day and at night, hehe … “

Baicaotian showed a look that all men knew.

“Third place, cough cough … this woman must pay attention, because this person is our mentor, and is the general mentor, who is responsible for everything we do, named Nangong Meng, Fang Ling is 100 years old, It belongs to the Royal Sister type. If anyone has the challenge, I suggest that you can try it, but the failure rate is still XNUMX% so far. The strength is unknown. “

Ye Fantian was already speechless looking at the gestures of several people, and after casually glancing at them, he found that Huang Qingfan’s Xu Qingru was also among them, and he was still in fifth place. A glance at each other’s introduction.

Xu Qingru, XNUMX years old, a samurai class of strength … Proud … She has a generous shot, extraordinary power, and is known as the Fire Rose. Although it shows that this woman is not an ordinary person to surrender, there are still many people who choose Pursuit, the result is that the damaged body is completely intact, and it is also very common to end up in ruins.

After a few people communicated with each other, they reluctantly led the topic away. Baicaotian said with a laugh: “Let’s go, let’s go drinking, I treat you, celebrate our fate, there will be classes tomorrow, so Say I suggest we go out shouted and sleep comfortably. “

Ye Fantian glanced at the surrounding environment and said curiously, “Say why our dormitory is a villa and the other dormitories are eight people, but we only have four.”

Baicaotian said helplessly: “This is actually not much to explain, because this is a rule of Academy. There are ten dormitories in this category, and so are girls, and choosing to enter this dormitory is just an arrangement. There is no room for negotiation, but according to my observation, some wealthy and nobles can also have priority to enter this kind of dormitory, and the cost to be taken is very large. Our luck is at least good. It is rare to be able to Randomly get such benefits. “

“Hehe, this guy sold this information to himself during this time, but made a lot of money. Today I proposed that the Tianyin Pavilion outside Academy, I have been yearning for the food and drinks there.”

Zhuge Mingjing on the side said with a laugh.

“Tian Yin Ge, No way?”

The scream of screaming came from the mouth of Bai Caotian, and then accompanied by a hearty laughter, Ye Fantian already had some expectations in his future life.

“It seems to be good here.”

Feeling the warmth and friendship of the three brothers without any impurities, thought of warm in Ye Fantian’s heart …

“Is this the profile of these four people?”

A pale-faced old man asked Qin Shuang in a thoughtful face.

The old man looks like he is 70 years old. Of course, this is only in appearance. Except for the young age of martial arts, there is no way to judge it, especially the old man ’s eyes are constantly evolving. The mysterious rays of light, really illustrates the deep experience of the other party.

“Yes. Because the situation of these four people is relatively unified, so I arranged them together, and it seems that they are getting along well.”

The purple robe of the old man moved gently a few times, and then an astral qi suddenly broke through and hit a copper mirror on the side directly, and then followed the appearance of the copper mirror, a series of wonderful The tactics began to change and were continuously released from his palm.

“I have retained the information of Ye Fantian, as long as our senior executives in the Academy know it, this is also just in case, this kid has learned to act low-key, of course, this is what we have thought of, but Afraid of young people being proud and arrogant, we still underestimate this person if we look at it now. “

A happy smile also appeared on the face of the old man while speaking: “Yes, Master Qin, you have done a good job. Except Ye Fantian, the others are genius in genius Even if it is stronger than many senior students in Academy, only this Ye Fantian, this guy is really a little bit unique. Just now a few deans have paid great attention to this kid. It seems that the adult really intends to establish him as the guardian of the future wind dynasty, but this is also possible. The sixteen-year-old Martial Master-level powerhouse has the strength of killing three points of Martial King, and Low-key, like martial arts. If these are put together, it is no wonder they will be enthusiastic. If they are known by other countries, they will find a chance to kill him even if they are not available. “

When talking about this, a faintly discernable grin appeared on the face of the old man: “Master Tibetan sword, you are doing a shopkeeper, but my Kaye Academy will be very troublesome.”

But there was a feeling of expectation in that tone and in that look …

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