Chapter XNUMX was underestimated

People here come and go at least five or sixty thousand degrees, but the sick man in this old man can ignore all this and pass his voice to everyone’s ears completely and clearly. This requires It ’s only possible to bring your own control and True Qi to a terrifying realm.

After thinking about this, Ye Fantian really didn’t dare to underestimate this guy who looked sick and seemed to be out of breath at any time.

Not only Ye Fantian, many students here also found this guy’s strength, so his face also showed respectful gesture.

Powerhouse is respected and feared anyway!

Obviously this old fellow is very satisfied with the change of the person in front of him, and then lightly said: “I am one of the vice presidents of this Academy. You may have seen me here, or may have seen me for the first time. But you need to keep in mind that you will be a member of the Kaye Academy when you come to the Kaye Academy, and the Dragon Phoenix logo of the Kaye Academy worn on your chest will represent your identity, and you must not be anywhere. Doing things that harm our Kaye Academy. “

“cough cough cough…”

A sudden cough sounded again, and Ye Fantian and the others suddenly felt speechless. If it was not a vague guess that the opponent’s strength was good, they would really think that this guy was about to breathe The presence.

“How to say, our atmosphere should not be so serious. My name is Li Zongshen. I have been in this Academy for nearly a hundred years. Every time I see new students joining, I am extremely happy in my heart. Ah, because you are all our hopes for the future Kaaba Academy, it is likely that this will become a three-point powerhouse such as Martial King, Martial King, and even stronger in the future, but I want to tell you that no matter what you were in the past, How great, but please understand that your excellence and even those previous achievements have become nothingness. “

Ka-cha ……

In his hands, I don’t know when a hard stone was added. With the release of his astral qi, the stone suddenly turned into sand.

“Like this, if you are still intoxicated with your previous achievements, then I can only tell you, quickly get out of my Academy, because the Kaye Academy does not need you to live in memory Waste. “

Pā pā pā ……

The rapid applause resounded, and an expression of immense admiration suddenly appeared on everyone’s face. The words of the other person had completely ignited the blood and flame in their hearts.

“The so-called powerhouse needs to have a powerhouse heart that will never change. You can’t find yourself some so-called excuses to cover up your cowardice. These excuses will only make you whole person decadent. I do n’t know if it ’s motivated, it ’s exactly the same, it ’s best for people like this to leave early. Hehe, many people are already tired of listening, okay, old man is now starting to say something else.

Speaking of this, a mentor around him hurriedly handed a roll of notes to the other party.


He quickly opened the handwriting, but then he threw it aside, his face helpedlessly said: “This is just some Academy rules, but there is no way. Today I came to speak, so I had to say it according to my own rules, Those rules are for others. “

While speaking, his body stood slightly upright, and then a powerful momentum on the body suddenly began to spread the hiding the sky and covering the earth, and Ye Fantian’s eyes flashed extremely fast.

“It’s not a three-point Martial King. It’s not even a Martial King, but why is this guy’s momentum so condensed, even terrifying.”

Ye Fantian believes that no one here will be the opponent of his own soul power, especially the soul power, even if he does not know much, but with his keen perception, he feels easily. Problems with each other’s level.

The existence of a Peak Martial Master-level top-quality Peak was able to emit such a momentum, even more powerful than the three-point Martial King, which really made Ye Fantian strange.

“My rules are actually very simple. Powerhouse is respected, but we can’t bully. This is something I absolutely don’t allow. Strong strength just gives you an extra strength to protect yourself, but it doesn’t mean you. You can use this to squander your qualifications and your strength, because everything you have is only temporary, and only hard work is eternal. With regard to this point, I think many people will enter the Kaye Academy when they enter I’ve learned some of these things, yes, points! “

While speaking, he pointed to a jade token with a charming luster and said: “Dragon Phoenix logo, this is our Academy logo, but this is also our points container. Your points can be displayed in the thick piece of jade token Out, and each jade token is different, only when two or even more jade tokens are close together will they send their points to each other, and as long as you put your own blood into it After you go in, the points are completely under your own control, so the Dragon Phoenix logo must be well stored. Even if you do n’t wear it, you must take it carefully. If you lose it, hehe, then It’s quite troublesome. “

Ye Fantian’s binocular divide light kept blinking. At this time, he already knew why that many people didn’t wear their jade token on their body.

“Well, very good, everyone needs to keep in mind that we have unified rules for the acquisition of points. You can see this in your Academy rules. There is also the points and money. It ’s totally a two yard thing. Do n’t think that having money is great, tell you that in front of points, money is waste and scum! ”

The eloquent speech did not cause any impatient thoughts, and the ideas were quite vigorous, because what the other party introduced were all experiences.

After about half an hour passed, the dean’s speech ended, and then the class was divided. This class was very interesting. It was not divided according to your own performance and strength, but randomly. Yes, I do n’t know if it was accidental. Ye Fantian is still in a class with four of them.

“Hehe, let me say Brahma, someone will bully you in the future, then it will be much easier for the three of us to help you get revenge.”

But at this time, the sound of coldly snorted came out, and I saw a young man about twenty-three years old with a disdainful look at Ye Fantian, his mouth lightly saying: “I was like this It’s really disappointing to stay in a class. “

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he glanced at the strength of the other side, but a layer of green rays of light flashed quickly at an instant that ordinary people could hardly notice, and then forcibly stopped Ye Fantian’s soul. force.


Ye Fantian’s complexion changed slightly, and he did not expect that the power of his invincible soul would be shut out for a day.

But just now, the power of the soul increased sharply at the beginning, so Ye Fantian barely saw the strength of the opponent.

The degree of samurai inferiority, but Ye Fantian feels that this person is not ordinary, or even just the degree of samurai inferiority, but this is just a feeling of Ye Fantian, but he has no slightest basis.

“what did you say?”

Seeing Ye Fantian was insulted, and the sudden thunder was dying, he rushed forward, and although Baicao Tian and Zhuge Mingjing didn’t speak, the gesture of faint smile has actually begun to produce a kind of An extremely alert expression.

I never expected that Ye Fantian had such a powerhouse beside him. The man’s face suddenly changed, but he still sneered at the corner of his mouth.

“Forget the boss.”

Ye Fantian gently held Huang Lei’s arm.

“Fourth child, this kid is scolding you.”

Ye Fantian lightly saying: “I know, but what about this, the other party is obviously irritating us, and the deputy dean also said just now that once you choose to do it here, the other party ’s reasons will be quite sufficient. We are like this If the child deals with the other party, then our points will obviously be deducted. Hum, the deducted points will be his. So we are not losing money. “

Immediately after this remark, there was a clear expression on everyone’s faces, but Huang Lei pointed at the man with a sneer and said, “Scum, if you have the ability, then just and honorable everyone, if you are not This waste, why do you know to bully the weak, Lao Tzu is the least accustomed to scum like you. “

Loud voice, and contains True Qi, the class members around this area that have been divided around immediately begin to surround, and a middle-aged man is lightly saying: “Did you all start fighting now? “

After seeing a mentor seeing the situation here, the young man obviously didn’t want to make things too big, and then left proudly, but the arrogant gesture was really unpleasant.


Huang Lei took a sigh of contempt.

“Hey, a rare one wants to fight.”

Bai Caotian and Zhuge Mingjing helplessly said.

“Hehe, fourth child, your strength has grown a lot. Otherwise, if you leave, once we leave your side, wouldn’t you be quite dangerous.”

Baicao Tianshen said, “Yes, I suggest you get a female mentor. In this way, you are enjoying your three or four years of martial arts life.”

“Get off … you kinky, come up with some clues.”

A few people scolded with an unpleasant smile …

But watching the silhouette of the man leaving, Ye Fantian’s brow slowly eased: “hmph, the weak, it really is being bullied, but don’t mess with me, otherwise it won’t matter. I mind–kill you! “

Sou sou sou ……

The icy breath made the people around him shivering …

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