The amount of information in this paragraph of memory is very large, but the simple two characters in this Buddhist domain are enough to attract Ye Fantian’s interest. i ^

“Buddha … this place seems quite domineering and advanced!”

Among these many Zen disciples, so many huge mystic souls have been swallowed up. Ye Fantian has not seen any records about the Buddha realm. From this point, it can be seen that the Buddhist realm is not a simple existence, even Only the top can know.

“The war beads of this time, the immortal Paragon has come a lot, but none of them knows, you can see, the hidden nature of this Buddha domain!”

Ye Fantian thought secretly.

Immediately began to explore this memory.

This tiger Paragon’s memory is quite huge. Ye Fantian searched for a long time and finally found a hint of secret in this mysterious soul.

That ’s a mark. The Supreme ’s mark exists according to a special frequency of the mysterious soul. This frequency seems to be a certain method. It ’s difficult for ordinary people to detect this method. Spy into this.


With the divine glow flashing, Ye Fantian’s mysterious spirit quickly entered this long memory river.

This is a long and wonderful memory. When Ye Fantian entered it, he found that the other party seemed to be boundless and could not see his head at all.

Entering into the long memory of the mysterious soul of the powerhouse, this is the first time that Ye Fantian has been so deep, but the feeling for Ye Fantian is quite different. After all, so much of the mystery has been swallowed. Ye Fantian naturally The memory is incomparable, but this one of Paragon’s and the abnormal one is the most weird one Ye Fantian has ever seen.

Memory is just a memory, a carrier, and a history of existence, but it is definitely not a living thing, but the memory of this tiger Paragon is like a living thing, giving Ye Fantian a Life Aura.

“Mysterious souls have been completely shattered in this hell. Although the golden lotus mark still exists, the control in it is definitely shattered. There will be no living at all. Maybe, why is this feeling so strong? “Ye Fantian thought secretly.

In thinking, the exploration of this mysterious soul did not relax, but accelerated the speed of progress.

“Chi …” As the streamer flickered, Ye Fantian’s mystic soul cut through Changhong and quickly moved towards the front and started to move forward.

Suddenly, an ancient mark appeared in front of him.

It is a portal that radiates golden brilliance, with a densely packed mark on it. It is as sacred as Divine Seal and invincible. It also gives people a powerful and deterrent power like Swire Divine King, standing in front of each other. Just as if I felt that my entire person was in a pure and immaculate world, I felt that my body was full of sin. i ^

This feeling was so intense that even Ye Fantian couldn’t resist it.

“Sinners, put down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha!”

“Looking back at the shore, you can’t make mistakes again and again!” “Become my generation to achieve the ultimate result of Supreme!”

The voice was delivered in a mighty manner, as if the divine voice was in the ear, making Ye Fantian’s eyes shake a little.

But soon, Ye Fantian’s face changed dramatically, the mysterious soul trembled, and a rage and horror began to appear together.

The anger is because the voice carries a sense of confusion, even if he has already been recruited. What is horrifying is how powerful his mysterious soul is and how terrible his will is. Among them, how can he generate such powerful fluctuations, which makes him not surprised.

“Go away … my Martial Dao is invincible, my will is indestructible!”

Ye Fantian’s mysterious soul suddenly opened his eyes, and Nascent Saint even made a monstrous roar, like the roar of a Demon King, which shook everything.

“hong long long”

The bewildering voice disappeared in an instant, but the mysterious soul made a real gasp, this was not exhaustion, but too terrifying.

If it were not because his will was strong enough to shake the heavens and earth, if he had a powerful soul like Nascent Saint and changed it to anyone, I am afraid there is no way to resist it.

“My will … no one can change it, even Martial Dao Saint, not to mention your long memory!”

Watching this portal Ye Fantian roared.

“peng peng peng ……”

The portal made a trembling sound like anger, but it was helpless.

“The will of the gods, suppress everything!”

The illusory shadows of the gods burst out under the control of this mysterious soul. In this center, the king of the gods guards the mysterious soul of Ye Fantian, striding forward and moving forward quickly.

The power of Supreme’s gods evolved and set off a long river. The surrounding memories seemed to feel their existence. Although rolled up like a snake, trying to break Ye Fantian’s mystic soul, but After being exposed to the illusory shadows of the gods, they were quickly broken or assimilated by the glory above.

The portal in front of me is a golden portal, in which there are sacred rune blessings, and the overall appearance is a combination of the “d” mark.

It looks strange but weird!

“This should be the opening place of the Buddha Realm!”

Ye Fantian thought secretly in his heart, and the silhouette flashed, and quickly moved towards the other side to exert a power of mystery.

This is a seal of that tiger Paragon, and also the frequency of this section of mysterious soul that he feels. According to Ye Fantian’s understanding, the frequency of this mysterious soul should be enough to open here.


The golden divin glow glowed and quickly covered Ye Fantian’s mysterious soul. Such a change, even if Ye Fantian did not expect it, but seeing the surrounding gods illusory shadow did not show the slightest performance, Ye Fantian could not rest assured less.

“A memory is just like the real situation. How horrible the blessing power is, and the power is obviously from this Buddha domain. If this really appears, I am afraid I ca n’t even go there resistance!”

Ye Fantian secretly horrified.

As the “d” -printed golden portal was hit by this mysterious soul, it quickly began to unfold, and the powerful Guanghua was like a passage, and a rapid and intense suction attracted Ye Fantian’s mysterious spirit was dragged away quickly …


It was only a short while, but Ye Fantian had been dragged away by countless fierce things, all around him completely disappeared, leaving only the endless rays of light flashing.

It’s as if I have countless illusory shadows walking in front of me, but I can’t see the true face in it. If this feeling is placed on the fleshhy body, it will be dizzy in an instant, even if it is a mysterious soul, Ye Fantian felt a little out of control.


Finally, with the drag of a streak of divine light, Ye Fantian just felt the fiercely shock in front of him, and all the power disappeared in an instant.

Hong long long ……

A vast vitality dripping from the sky, turned into a waterfall of gods, the waterfall of gods hangs, like a golden dragon, flowing smoothly.

This is a great breath, an energy that is pure to the extreme.

Boundless energy flows, although it is only a memory, but Ye Fantian feels extremely real, even the breath and fluctuation of this vitality seem extremely real.

However, this is just a memory, no matter how real it is, but it cannot be swallowed up.

“What is this place? Is this the so-called Buddha domain?”

Divine Dragon is always singing, it is an azure Divine Dragon, the White Tiger is roaring, the Vermilion Bird is spreading its wings, the unicorn is devouring the sun and the moon, and the concubine is devouring …

Many of these are simply a fabulous world.

Niu Jiu’s Chunyang Array, this is the legendary Array, the legend can lock all Pure Yang Qi of Between Heaven and Earth. This Pure Yang Qi has the benefits of Supreme. Once it is truly taken away, it will definitely make its own The cultivation base is promoted to an extreme realm.

In addition, the materials exhibited by these ninety-nine pure sun formations are actually evolved by 81 Supreme True Dragons, that is, dragon scales, dragon heads, dragon tails, and dragons … each of them is lifelike, which clearly means to be alive 81 of the True Dragons.

Such an arm is probably not found in the entire Paragon domain.

“What power is that?”

The diamond-shaped spar lingering in the void formed a huge formation, which is ancient and mysterious, exceeding any ancient formation recognized by Ye Fantian.

And each of the diamond-shaped spar, although Ye Fantian looks quite small, actually has an infinite distance from him. Each one has the size of a planet.

What an impertinence? This is going against the sky!

“Lost luxury …”

Ye Fantian couldn’t help yelling and screaming, but the feeling of envy and jealousy was constantly evolving in it. His wife-in-law eight sentient beings map was also a World, but there was absolutely no such arrogance.

Magnificent Buddha power lingers in the heavens, and with Ye Fantian’s Eye of the Myriad Gods slowly gaining insight, Ye Fantian is surprised to find that these diamond-shaped spar is actually guarding this world, or that is Create and sustain this world.

The huge strength of Faith, the huge Buddha power, all have a kind of bewilderment.

Even if it ’s just a memory, Ye Fantian can feel the power of bewitching, if it is not his will, he has changed to another powerhouse, or even an ordinary immortal Paragon, he must be bewitched, and the instant incarnation becomes here puppet.

“The terrifying great talent, what exactly is this Buddha domain!”

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