“Does it have to be this way?”

The crimson color on the pretty face of the big peacock king of glass became more and more obvious. i ^

After all, this is to save the fighting demon Buddha with his innocent body, not to be careless, especially the big peacock king Liuli has been staying in Zen Buddhism, where has he encountered such a thing.

“Your both the power of the Buddha and the power of the Yin are completely opposite to the fighting demon Buddha, but they are attracted to each other. This is why he liked you from the beginning. You originally It should be a pair. If it is combined with each other, not only will he benefit immensely, but even yours will be a lot. “” Hmph …… “

On the pretty face of the big peacock king Liuli, the expression was still struggling.

Looking at the fighting demon Buddha in a coma, her heart was struggling. If she didn’t, the fighting demon Buddha would fall asleep like this, and he would be seriously injured for himself.

However, for a Zen disciple, it is difficult to be exposed to this kind of thing in a lifetime. She is a Zen protector of aloof and remote. It is clear as ice and clean as jade. Where have you seen such a method?

“get out!”

The great peacock king Liu suddenly shouted.

“Uh …?” Ye Fantian’s expression became weird.

“Go out!”

The big peacock glazed king suddenly gave a coquettish sound, Dai Mei frowned, and her pretty face was angry.

“Okay, I’ll go out …”

Ye Fantian waved and said.

But the moment he turned around, there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth:

“Monkey, I can only help you to this extent. Enjoy it!”

Huyou, a big Huyou, Ye Fantian Basically, most of the words just now belong to Huyou, the big peacock glazed king. The so-called concern is chaos. The strength of the big peacock glazed king could have seen this fighting devil Physical condition.

But because he was too anxious and cared too much, this also led to the great peacock king of glass began to get distracted.

And if the two are combined, the Buddha power will not only merge with each other, but it can really gain a lot of benefits from it. This is beneficial to both, and has won the fighting spirit of the Paragon Buddha. The Buddha can be restored soon, but if the two are combined, the benefits of the Buddha’s marrow will be maximized, I am afraid that it will soon be restored.

Looking at the fighting demon Buddha in front of him, the heart of the big peacock Liuli began to mess. % & * “;

With a slight movement of jade hand, the big peacock king looked at the fighting devil lying on chuang, and finally his beautiful eyes moved slightly, and the crimson on the pretty face became more and more obvious.

Soon, this big peacock glazed king seems to have made up his mind, jade hand slowly moved towards the body of the demon warrior, and the next moment, he slowly trembled the jade hand and began to unlock the fight. Demon robe on the devil.

This process is very slow, and it is extremely slow.

On the pretty face, at this time, they are all red like the red glow, charming.

After a long period of time, all the clothes on the body of the fighting demon Buddha were finally retired, and the extremely strong fleshhy body could not be covered by the arc, but all made the big peacock glass king’s heart A rush of rush, as the jade hand slowly moved towards the touch of something that soared up, soon the fighting devil seemed to have reacted, and something began to become stronger …

“Oh …” With a heavy gasp coming out, a bad god stick had a proud smile: “It’s finally done …”

Obviously, at this time, the fighting demon Buddha has awakened. You can see from this arrogant gasp simply how proud and crazy this is now.

Of course, Ye Fantian has secretly made up his mind. This matter, even if persecuted, cannot tell the truth.

“If the little girl knew the truth, wouldn’t she be mad? I don’t want to fight this woman now!”

It’s absolutely unwise to offend a woman. The great pioneer, Fuhu Paragon, has verified the truth of this sentence.

“hu ……”

After a slight sigh, Ye Fantian slowly corrected his thoughts:

“The War God lineage and the Old Ancestor of Demon Ape Clan in gold are missing. Now Life and Death is unknown, but judging from this Zen posture, they dare to take such a brazen shot. Obviously, the Old of the two Ancient Races Ancestor is quite dangerous. “

Ye Fantian secretly judged.

Zen is a hypocritical force, which can be regarded as deceitful and afraid of being too hard. The other party did not choose to fight when Paragon and Battle Saint were respected, but at this time, it was obvious that they had absolute certainty, and Ye Fantian can be sure.

The two Ancient Races should also know that these two are impossible to appear, even Ye Fantian began to guess that this so-called Jiuyou Heavenly Venerate is actually a conspiracy of Zen.

Otherwise, why can the opponent rush to the War God lineage with such great fanfare, and even so arrogantly kills the war God lineage’s disciple and the gold Demon Ape Clan’s clansman.

“If it was really planned by this Zen, I am afraid the two An Ancestors are quite dangerous.” Ye Fantian is quite convinced of the strength of both Paragon and Battle Saint, but easy to dodge the spear in the open , hard to avoid a stab in the dark, if Zen wants to make a good move next, and frame the two together, I am afraid it will also have a great effect.

“With the strength of both, it is absolutely impossible to die, but the danger is certain, you must find them, otherwise, this matter will definitely cause greater losses!”

Ye Fantian thought secretly.

“pa ……”

Ye Fantian, who was thinking, suddenly felt a sweet breath lingering on his body, and a pair of soft meat behind him slowly rubbed Ye Fantian’s body, and the wonderful touch was very beautiful.

“My little man … what are you thinking?”

The fascinating voice passed out in the charm.

This voice carries a strong charm, enough to make any man excited and crazy.

With a slight movement, Rou appeared suddenly in Ye Fantian’s hands. Looking at the green onion of pure white as jade, Ye Fantian suddenly felt a strong impulse.

Turning around, I saw this Xue Liuli was watching him with beautiful eyes, the hot rays of light flickering constantly.

The pink and red fragrant tongue licked gently on that wonderful seductive lip, revealing an ecstasy impact.

“Chick … are you trying to seduce me?”

Ye Fantian looked at Xue Liuli in front of her eyes, and couldn’t help igniting a ray of flame.

“What do you say?” Xiangxiang’s tongue moved slightly, and then said in Ye Fantian’s ear, the warm breath slowly blown out, and her tongue was gently kissed on Ye Fantian’s ear, Brings a strong touch and impulse.

The stunner in front of me, the beautiful and plump soft meat is soaring high, the ** faintly discernible of snow white, beautiful eyes flicker, with the scorching glow of charm.

Constantly rubbing his body in front of him, such a strong sense of impact, even any normal man can not resist.

“Leprechaun … you seem to be provoking!”

Ye Fantian’s palm slaps fiercely on Xue Liuli’s hips, with a strong impulse on his face, and embraces Xue Liuli’s lovable body moved towards the room …

At this time, Yanyu Jing seemed to be sleeping, but the beautiful lovable body could not be covered by a thin quilt. For a time, the perfect arc inspired the flame in Ye Fantian’s heart …


“Brahma …”

With the joyful sound of Jiao Yin appearing in two exclamations, the night’s spring light was born again …

“No … no more, Brahma forgive me!”

Snow Liuli first begged for mercy.

“Hmph, goblin, you teased me, now you should pay!”

Ye Fantian did not agree in the slightest, and directly fired again, and the voice of Jiao Yin seemed to be getting more and more fierce. Finally, after a long period of time, Ye Fantian yelled heavily and changed this Two stunners gave Peak in life.

After a few wheezing breaths in his mouth, Ye Fantian went to take a bath. He didn’t feel the drowsiness, took out a cigarette from this Storage Space, and slowly lit it.

As the smoke slowly expanded, Ye Fantian’s mind drifted further and further, and he began to think of the battle at this time.

“With my strength, it is no longer a problem to deal with the powerhouse of the immortal Paragon Level. Even the powerhouse that has gone through an era of empire is not my opponent, unless it is a level like Fuhu Paragon, but it also It is not without the power of World War I, even if you can fight, there is no problem in escaping, unless it is the powerhouse that has spent three epochs in the immortal Paragon Level, otherwise, I will not be afraid … “

Ye Fantian secretly judged his current strength.

With the mood of Skyward Rod, Ye Fantian has benefited too much.

In particular, the combination of speed and strength is simply tailored for Ye Fantian, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the power.

“Fuhu Paragon is powerful, it’s really a bit outrageous. This guy’s practice time is too long compared to me. Obviously, if I meet some older powerhouses, I will definitely not be their opponent …” Ye Fantian’s palm moved slightly, and a golden refining started to generate.

This is a refining with endless glory and divine runes, which evolved from the mysterious soul of Fuhu Paragon, which condenses the memories and experiences of each other’s lives.

Even if it is refining for such a long time, it is only a small part of refining.

But that’s all 10%.

With Ye Fantian’s thinking, suddenly, Ye Fantian’s eyebrow moved slightly, and a memory appeared in the mind of Ye Fantian:

“Buddha domain ?!”

These two words instantly caught the attention and interest of Ye Fantian …

[Author off topic]: ps: I uploaded three chapters yesterday, but the middle chapter was not displayed, which caused inconvenience to everyone, sorry …

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