too terrifying, it’s too terrifying!

Ye Fantian couldn’t imagine how amazing the powerful consequences and impact of the Buddha Realm would be if it appeared in the Paragon Realm. % & * “;

“This is the true core strength of Zen Buddhism, even here is the real strength of the Nine Heavens world that the other party is sufficiently proud of the whole world. Cultivate here, cultivate it in the posture of the XNUMXth Pure Sun. No Sanctuary and Blessed Land in the Paragon domain can be compared, and horse racing cannot catch up! “

Roared Ye Fantian gnashing teeth.

Such a good place was taken away by that Zen.

However, fortunately, this Buddha Realm will not appear for the time being, otherwise, the opponent will not just let that tiger, Paragon, deal with them.

Ye Fantian is very sure about this idea.

However, the atmosphere in this Buddha realm is so strong that I am afraid that no low-level characters will appear. Every powerhouse here should be quite terrifying and terrifying.

“Wait … what is that?”

A slight movement in Ye Fantian’s heart looked along this endless Buddha power, where the rays of light scattered and there was an endless amount of golden glow being swallowed. This is endless Buddha power.

Each Buddha’s power creates a World. The layered evolution generally forms a Golden Lotus, which starts to flicker, rises in the air, and then moves towards the countless diamond-shaped spar.

In the end, it got higher and higher, and the speed of soaring was getting faster and faster. In the end, even a trace was not left, and it just disappeared into the void.

But Ye Fantian felt an endless chill.

“Strength of Faith, this is an endless strength of Faith. The strength of Faith of each Golden Lotus is more than I have!”

Looking again at the densely packed Golden Lotus around here, this is simply innumerable, and using billions as a unit is no longer enough to describe.

“Above this void, there must be a strong unknown in the endless depths, even the King of this Buddha domain, control! Or the existence of Martial Dao Saint Level!”

Thinking of this place, how Ye Fantian’s mind would calm down, he was extremely shocked.

Why is this place such a huge project?

“This is the true strength of the Buddhist Sect, the real strength, the previous ones are all farts!”

Ye Fantian smiled secretly in his heart.

At this time, Ye Fantian had been secretly vigilant. Although this is only a memory, but heaven knows what’s hidden in this memory. Martial Dao Saint Level is a monster-like existence, which is decidedly not with his strength. It will be the opponent of the opponent, Martial Dao Saint, an era at a glance, and the things that are comprehend to them are not something that Ye Fantian can understand now, so be careful. % & * “;

“hong long long ……”

A huge ancient mountain of gods wailed, no, this wailing sounded with joy, and then it continued to rise and evolved into a humanoid gesture, because it was constantly created and tempered here. , Began to evolve humanoid.

“Strength … Immortal Advanced ?!”

Ye Fantian almost spit out an old blood. This is too bullying, and he has worked so hard for a long time. This is only a preliminary evolution into a human form, but it has the Supreme immortal superior. Strength, this is not to be against the sky or something.

But Ye Fantian has forgotten that although his strength is also an immortal advanced realm, he has a powerful battle strength that cannot be covered, and even can fight against the immortal Paragon after two epochs. He was hit violently many times.

“It finally appeared …”

A coldly snorted sound came out suddenly.

This is a monk with a bright head. The counterpart looks like he is in his thirties. His eyes are twinkling and flashing, like a longan. At first glance, he can be startled.

Where is the human eye? It is clearly the longan. No, it is horrible many times more than the longan. At first glance, I feel that I am the whole person as if stared at by a dragon king. Forget it yourself.

The other side’s Chiguo’s arms and feet were not in shoes, so the moving towards the mountain that was evolving human shape was washed away.

A slight movement in Ye Fantian’s heart made him look the most.

Fortunately, this is a long river of memory, so the surrounding evolution is illusory. Otherwise, everywhere you go, it ’s all priceless and unique rare treasure. Ye Fantian must not be stimulated to death.

However, even if the content of “Bing Xin Jue” is silently screaming “Bing Xin Jue” in the heart, Ye Fantian secretly has a crazy urge:

“Your uncle, these are Supreme Treasure of Supreme, Dragon Snake Packing Fruit, Supreme Purity Saint Water, Super Vermillion Fruit, Sky Blue Waterweed … These are all the treasures of Fuck Supreme. Grass, do you want to be bullied like this by your uncle! “However, Ye Fantian soon turned his attention to the monk.

The Dragon Mark of Heavenly Dragon is engraved on the opponent’s arm, and the dragon power is released on the body. The brilliance on the body flickers, and the Dragon Mark growls constantly, and there is a mark on the brows.

Supreme’s Panlong mark, you can clearly see that True Dragon is handling the sun and the moon, like a living creature, such a gesture reminds Ye Fantian of a person.


Zen has two Paragons, one is the tiger tiger Paragon, and the other is the dragon Paragon. The identity of the dragon Paragon is extremely mysterious, and it looks like people cannot really recognize it.

But on the other side, the kind of Supreme’s dragon power was really shocking.

Looking at this guy, although his eyes are horrible, and although the facial features also seem to be clearly visible, the real face is as if covered by a thin layer of white mist, and there is no real insight. This is also in line with the record of Paragon.

“This dragon Paragon, not even that Fuhu Paragon, knew the other person’s true face. This guy’s hiding ability is really powerful.”

“Well …”

A crisp sound came out.

A silhouette appeared suddenly, and I saw that the ancient god mountain turned into a delicate and pretty woman. The woman’s lovable body was eating fruit in the air. The skin seemed to be because of the god mountain. Bring azure, but there is a different kind of beauty, the other side’s delicate and pretty face is curious.

“hu ……”

The monk’s footsteps quickly set foot, rushing madly to the woman’s side, and then constantly dancing, suddenly shot.


The pretty face of the woman was in a state of horror that could not be concealed. Obviously, she had just been transformed into a stare.

“This ancient body has given birth to countless years, up to millions of years, and will be nourished by this powerful Buddha every year. Since you were born in this sacred mountain, then come and repay my Buddha !! “

Shouted the monk.

“no, do not want!”

The woman was obviously stunned. How did she just know what the monk was talking about, but in the next moment, the monk fiercely separated her **. The golden brilliance of Jin flickered, and the woman’s lovable body trembled quickly. As the monk continued to stand up, an abundance of energy began to be swallowed up by the monk.

Just a short while later, the woman was directly swallowed into nothingness, and all the vigorous energy was quickly swallowed down.

“It really deserves to be a Buddha domain. How long have I been here, but this powerful feeling has been firmly grasped by me. It is really wonderful. This is only the outer part. If it is the inner part, these ninety-nine pure sun large array is It was evolved by Supreme’s Nine Clawed Golden Dragon, which has more energy … “

The monk shouted with excitement on his face without paying attention to something in his own red fruit.

“Very good … the cultivation base has been promoted to this level so quickly, you are worthy of my discipline!”

A peaceful-looking monk converted here, and the words of the other side also let Ye Fantian understand that his judgment was correct.


This slut, even such a scum, thought of the whine of the girl, and Ye Fantian couldn’t help but feel a sigh of anger.

The random beheading, that’s all, is at best scum, but the soul is used as a tonic, which is an evil that cannot be covered up.

“It ’s still the Master that you taught well, and brought the discipline into this realm of Buddha. Otherwise, it would not have such a good effect …”

Paragon’s grateful expression appeared on his face.

The monk’s face had a touch of compassion, his face was thin and cold, and his eyes were cunning. The temperament of compassion and insidious cunning made people feel sick.

“This guy is also …”

Ye Fantian’s eyes moved again, and beside this monk, a guy full of envy was standing there.

Not Fuhu Paragon.

“Fu Hu, you also have to work hard, you can come here to practice soon!”

Paragon said with a color of concern on his face, but the sarcasm on the corner of his mouth was quite clear.

“Many thanks for the guidance of Senior Brother!”

Fuhu Paragon said a bit ugly.

“Damn great joy and respect, I was so disregarding my existence!” This voice was caught by Ye Fantian.

“The master of both Fuhu Paragon and Jianglong Paragon turned out to be this guy named Da Huan Xi Zun. Who is this person?”

Ye Fantian’s heart couldn’t help but start to think about it. There was not much memory in the memory of the name Ye Fantian, even in the memory of the mysterious soul of Fuhu Paragon.

“Hmph … who ?!”

Suddenly, the mouth of this great joyful respect was furiously shouted, and all the surroundings were like shattered glass in an instant, and the riots began to burst, and then the cracks, sharp divine glow crazy riots, as if there were billions of snake Crazy dancing.

“Not good … was found!”

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