
The boundless energy began to spit, just like a greedy puppet, constantly devouring the energy that killed the Holy Demon Sword, and began to suppress this evil will.

“What? What is this power? Why is it so powerful and horrible? It is more evil than my power … what the hell is this?” There was an unshakable tremor in the voice, as if seeing his natural enemies, The unshakable outburst of shrill shriek shuddered.


Huge vibrations began to appear, Ye Fantian’s hands quickly pulled the killing Demon Sword from his fleshhy body, and then on his body, all kinds of evil energy began to appear, compared to this killing Demon. Sword’s energy is even more evil.

An ancient plant slowly emerged from within the body of Ye Fantian.

This ancient tree has an evil breath and a decaying breath, as if it can completely suppress everything. The ancient and vast breath has evolved to the extreme, forming the strongest impact.

The instant sprint continued, lingering everything about killing Saint Demon Sword, suppressing it, swallowing directly without giving the other party a chance to breathe.

“Rotten Tree …”

Ye Fantian roared low in his mouth.

This is the Rotten Tree, which is usually low-key and dying, but every time it appears when Ye Fantian is in crisis, it hides a huge amount of decaying power, which is terrible.

In normal, although no one cares, even Ye Fantian wants to take control, not even a bird, but once there is power to occupy his territory, it will appear like a giant tiger, quickly, Suppress everything.

The horrible horrible decaying power didn’t pay attention to the scream of killing the Demon Sword, and devoured everything from the opponent, which is exactly the same as the normal style of the opponent.

The will to kill Saint Demon Sword is actually a huge chicken rib. In the past, the owner who killed Saint Demon Sword was very miserable. The main reason for this is also the will that exists in killing Saint Demon Sword. The opponent will unknowingly devour everything from the owner, randomly occupying the fleshhy body.

Without the will to kill Saint Demon Sword, not only can we better control the kill of Saint Demon Sword, but also there will not be any change, and the power will not increase. It can be said that killing Saint Demon Sword is now a real thing. Divine weapon that can be controlled.

With the evil will to kill the Demon Sword being swallowed up, Ye Fantian’s crisis seems to have started to decrease a lot, but at this time, a mighty power burst suddenly, and it was born. Starting from Ye Fantian’s dantian, it quickly perfused into other places, and internal organs and limbs all began to be stained.

Everything is being occupied by students.


“Pu …” Ye Fantian yelled, mouth spurt blood spilled out, the will to kill the Demon Sword was done, but the power of the Yin, born from Xue Liuli within the body, began to rebel again.

Rotten Tree can save everything, but the other party is like a miser, as long as it does not involve its own interests and does not occupy its own territory, it will definitely not choose to shoot.

Although the current energy is strong, why not, this Rotten Tree has no intention of doing anything, just like a big python, slowly penetrates into its own territory, and doesn’t care about Ye Fantian’s life or death.

“Your grandfather!”

Ye Fantian was spitting blood by this piss.

“Evil Rotten Tree, ah, normally lives in my body normally, and now completely ignores me!”

Ye Fantian is so depressed, so depressed.

This is really killing him, it’s too hateful, too shameless.

The blood of “pu” was spitting with blood, and Ye Fantian’s mind began to shake violently.

“Nine Turns to Xuan Gong”-Move! “

Ye Fantian’s mouth burst into a roar, and suddenly started to run his “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong”. This unique skill brought to him the Strength of Supreme Yang. The power it contained was extremely powerful. His only solution now is It is to completely refining the power of Yin, and then to become his own energy. In this way, not only will he recover all his injuries, but he will also improve his strength to a higher level. It can be refining away easily.

Such a huge energy, and the will to kill the demon Sword, although it was refining, but the evil power on the Demon Sword has not been completely eliminated, directly combined with the power of the Yin, and mutually moved towards Ye Fantian Within the body burst out.

“Crack …” A burst of crackling sounds appeared, and Ye Fantian’s body began to scream.

“Brahma …”

Yan Yujing’s lovable body trembled, and her beautiful eyes slowly opened. Among the beautiful eyes of the pink, there was a color of concern.

Her memory-restored!

“Jinger, your memory is restored?”

Watching Yan Yujing’s change, Xue Liuli’s pretty face suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

Facing Xue Liuli, Yan Yujing’s snow white beauty could not help but reveal a touch of crimson color. Obviously, her memory not only recovered, but also remembered that during this time, Xue Liuli and her That kind of shit.

Especially when I thought of my unbearability, Yan Yujing’s shyness became more obvious.

“How to do how to do?”

Seeing the bruises on Ye Fantian suddenly, Yan Yujing was anxious again.

“Now he’s within the body of my overcast power. If he can’t refining it, it won’t be enough to support him to recover, but if he wants to refining, it will take a long time. I am afraid this kid There is no such ability to support that time. “


A violent breath suddenly spread from Ye Fantian’s within the body.

The energy of this within the body is unusually arrogant and terrifying, with an evil to the extreme wave.


Eyes slowly opened, scarlet with blood red, like a ghost, more evil than the original E Yan Yujing.

“what happened?”

Ye Fantian’s changes made Xue Liuli and Yan Yujing’s pretty faces unbearable.

“Cultivation deviation ?!”

Xue Liuli suddenly thought of the reason for this, and could not help crying.

cultivation deviation!

With Ye Fantian’s strength, if he wants cultivation deviation, it is absolutely impossible. He cultivates the power on the fleshhy body. Starting from cultivation, the experience of cultivation deviation is very poor. Will not appear.

But nothing is absolute, such as now.

The yin and yang great perfection achieves the mellowness like tai chi. This is the fundamental rule, but although the extremely firm and fierce of Ye Fantian within the body is also huge, it cannot go to the true yin. The force was completely resolved, which also prompted Ye Fantian’s current fleshhy body to be like two battlefields, and it was constantly fighting. Yin and Yang could n’t be perfect. This also prompted Ye Fantian’s mind to be greatly destroyed. The whole person. Stuck in a posture almost like a demon.

The power of the yin and the power of most Yang and most hard, the two riots of energy caused the violent emotion in Ye Fantian’s heart, looking at the snow glazed glass and Yan Yujing in front of him, a violent breath from his eyes Released.

“Hold them! Hold them! Hold them! Hold them!”

A sound like incantation appeared in Ye Fantian’s ears.

The voice was left to Ye Fantian to stop, but still appeared in my heart.

This is the voice of the demon!

Ye Fantian within the body The evil side started to grow slowly.

“Go …” A voice slowly passed from Ye Fantian’s mouth.

It was his Supreme will that worked.

“What is wrong with Brahma?”

Watching Ye Fantian’s suffocation began to be born in a violent manner, Yan Yujing’s pretty face could not help showing an expression of concern, and eagerly asked, the pretty face was clearly anxious.

The lovable body came together, and the faint body fragrance was like the strongest chun medicine at once, which evoked the hope of Ye Fantian. This was a powerful impulse, and I wished to fiercely suppress the woman in front of her. Let ’s vent it.

“hurry up!”

Ye Fantian’s body trembled and shouted, he couldn’t stand it.

“Damn, this is the gesture of enchantment. He is going to be enchanted.”

Xue Liuli’s lovable body also came over, and there was a touch of worry on the pretty face, beautiful eyes flashed, and there was no way to do it for a while.

But she couldn’t help it, but after she got together, the white and lovable body was presented in front of Ye Fantian.

From the beginning to the present, Xue Liuli has not worn a dress, especially most of the dress on this body has been torn by Ye Fantian. Although part of the dress is worn in front, the attitude of the fatly discernible is even more Heat.

Ye Fantian’s fiery eyes saw a pair of plump white, and at once, the endless Yuwang began to riot.


The mind is completely out of touch. Ye Fantian just wants to completely occupy these two women, occupy them, and suppress them under their own body!

“pa ……”

With a palm of his hand, Yan Yujing’s lovable body was suddenly embraced by Ye Fantian.

“Ye Fantian … what do you do!”

Seeing Ye Fantian’s action, Xue Liuli’s pretty face suddenly changed.

鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

A fierce panting sound came out, and Ye Fantian thought about the palm of his hand again, and it just shattered the little shirt on the snowy glass lovable body.

“嗤chi chi… ”

The snowy white jade’s lovable body was completely presented. The plump and seductive posture, the beautiful and seductive arc, all turned into a strong motivation for Ye Fantian to occupy.

“Ye Fantian, you dare to belittle me …” Xue Liuli couldn’t help but shouted naturally.

“Thin? Is a woman who is frivolous considered frivolous?”

This is Ye Fantian’s last consciousness. In the next moment, Yan Yujing’s dress was directly shattered …

Vaguely, a little painful Jiao Yin voice was slowly passed out, and the bright light flashed frantically …

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