Cold, evil, powerful, sharp …

Many breaths are fused together. This is the attitude full of the whole space. It is like terrifying like nine quiet, even cold like the abyss.

The Scarlet’s Demon Sword is like the eyes of a demon. The rays of light flashing with evil bring the extreme waves and glory.

The long sword dances, setting off a long river, the bloody red river, with the murderous aura, quickly flowing.

The “hong” sword energy was full and cut off all the spaces instantly. Ye Fantian quickly moved the palm of his hand, and fist strength flew Xue Liuli to the side. As for his body, he was hit by life.


Mouth spurt blood spilled out. At this time, Ye Fantian’s energy within the body was already extremely violent, and now he has been hit so hard again to take his life away.


Xue Liuli’s mouth made a sound of summon.


The faint pink Guanghua flickered out of Yan Yujing’s beautiful eyes, it seemed to reveal a touch of memory, but soon this trace of memory was replaced by the coldness.

“Kill Saint Demon Sword is the reason to kill Saint Demon Sword!”

Looking at the scarlet long sword, Ye Fantian’s heart was terrified. The scarlet motifs of the above scarves were quickly tangled on Demon Sword.

Obviously there is a powerful demonic essence in the mess of Yan Yujing’s spiritual wisdom.


The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the scarlet flashes, and the entire space is filled with this sword energy.

“The Emperor Sun and Moon Blade!”

As soon as Snow Ruri’s lovable body moved, the jade hand waved, and around the body, lingering the two magical blades of the sun and the moon, quickly cracking off this scarlet sword energy.

“hmph ……”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was groaned, but the fleshhy body quickly moved towards Yan Yujing.

“Don’t go over!”

Xue Liuli’s pretty face changed a lot. At this time, Ye Yanyu Jing didn’t know anyone. It was like being in a demon. If she went into her offensive range now, the danger was terrifying.

“Divine Soul Spear!”

Ye Fantian’s binocular scarlet flickered, it was strange, blood on his body was flowing, but he didn’t care about it at all, adivine glow flashed and evolved into a divine spear.

Divine Soul Spear!


The lightning-like divine spear turned into a Le Mans, and quickly penetrated into Yan Yujing’s lovable body.

“Roar …” The screaming voice appeared, this was a cold and evil scream, not exactly the voice of Yan Yujing, but the Demon Sword in that hand shivered quickly.

“Sure enough it!”

Ye Fantian’s heart was burning with anger. There must be a kind of terrifying will in killing the Demon Sword. This killing the Demon Sword is rumored to have killed the sage. Powerhouse blood.

Especially for the latter, there is terrifying fighting intent in the blood. After making it again and again, it has obviously created the will of Supreme, but this will is very evil, terrifying, and it is not unusual for ordinary people to To control it.

The current Yan Yujing is suppressed by the demonic essence of the Demon Sword, which is difficult to control.


There was a sharp scream in his mouth, like a roar of the abyss banshee. The next moment, those ice-cold eyes had become blood red, and the blood was scary and terrifying. Rays of light in the four shots.


Ye Fantian’s Supreme fighting intent turned into a long sword. It quickly broke through the opponent’s momentum, and the fleshhy body did not escape, and suddenly punched.


The long sword shouts and trembles constantly, but Ye Fantian’s fist is also blurred in the flesh. At this moment, it is obvious that the opponent’s killing of Demon Sword and Ye Fantian’s fingerprints have not distinguished.

“Damn, my current fleshhy body is simply not enough to support myself to display the most powerful force.” Ye Fantian’s complexion was slightly changed, and an instant scarlet magic light had quickly radiated with the murderous aura.

In fact, according to Ye Fantian’s current strength, although he was seriously injured, although it is at the breakthrough point, it is not difficult to get Yan Yujing. The key is that he doesn’t want to hurt Yan Yujing. To win the Demon Sword in the hands of the opponent, you need to consider it carefully.

The dangers and difficulties are unimaginable.

A word energy of “道” turned into a python, very vicious, and suddenly stabbed off the body of moving towards Ye Fantian with a force of puncture. What a terrifying breath of this sword, even broken The cracked side is in general.

“Pu” long sword came into the body, Ye Fantian’s body was directly pierced by this Yanyu Jingdong.

“Jinger …”

Ye Fantian roared loudly.

There is a roar of mysterious souls in the sound. This is the power of Nascent Saint and the wills of the gods are blessing, and even a small Dark Soul Storm has evolved. It is very powerful and very anti-sky.

Even the powerhouse of an immortal Paragon Level is very difficult to face.


Seeing Ye Fantian penetrated by the killing of the Demon Sword, Xue Liuli’s pretty face suddenly changed. This killing of the Demon Sword is not a simple thing. The Qi of Evil above, even if it is a powerful person, as long as It was pierced, and there was only one dead end.

“Ye Fantian ……” Xue Liuli screamed in her mouth, her body shivered, her lovable body was shaking, and there was a tingling pain on top of her, but at this time she couldn’t care less. That’s it, quickly moved towards here.

“do not come!”

Ye Fantian roared loudly.

With a painful expression on his face, a sudden divine runes appeared, quickly covering the slaying Demon Sword.

“Jié jié 桀 … a wonderful fleshhy body, a wonderful fleshhy body, and a mighty energy. If you want to replace her, come here!”

There is a very cold voice in Demon Sword. The voice has a very cold atmosphere, like a ghost, a neutral voice, as if it is not clear whether this is a man’s voice or a woman’s voice. the sound of.

However, these are not in the thinking of Ye Fantian. His fleshhy body firmly bit the sword body of the Saint Demon Sword firmly, and then his fingers moved slightly, and the power of the mysterious soul was quickly in Yanyu Jing. A fleeting moment in my heart!


The divine runes flickered, and huge memories began to appear. This is the memory of Ye Fantian, which is a beautiful memory between him and Yan Yujing.

“Hong” When this memory was completely released, Yan Yujing’s pretty face had begun to change, and a huge memory was constantly being released in her mind, crushing her original memory one after another.

At the time, Yan Yujing was framed by Siyuan Divine King, and her head was sealed, and her memory has been chaotic for a long time.

But now, it is released again by Ye Fantian, the huge breath is slowly released from the lovable body of Yan Yujing, and the beautiful eyes are constantly blinking, the beautiful eyes of blood red have become pink .

It looks extremely clear, but the brilliance in it is still flashing.

“How can you mobilize her memory? Good method, but you can’t control your own self, this fleshhy body I want …”

On the Demon Sword, a smug and cold voice suddenly appeared, and a scarlet brilliance was opened up immediately, just like the scarlet blood, dense, and quickly moved into the wound that moved towards Ye Fantian.



This terrifying energy, just entering the body, instantly spits out mouthful of blood that Ye Fantian can’t help but.

“Roar …” Yang Tian was furious in his mouth, Ye Fantian’s binoculars were scarlet, and evil lines of evil evolved on his body. This Demon Sword really produced a huge will, and this will moved towards He suppressed it.

If it ’s normal, Ye Fantian will definitely not care about this small killing of the Demon Sword, even if the other party has the legend of killing the saint, Ye Fantian will not care.

He possesses a huge and imposing Wu Dao Intent, and even more with the will of the gods, even if any evil can not shake him.

But now it’s different. Ye Fantian’s injuries are too serious, even if he can’t get rid of them in a short time.

There was a burst of pain, and Ye Fantian’s mouth could not help but yell at the sky, making a sound of pain.

The sacred and unmatched bloodstains began to form, which is the fresh blood energy of the sages. Although it has passed for so many years, the breath above it can still shake everything, even in the body of Ye Fantian. There is no way to control all energy.

This is the blend of the breath of Martial Dao Saint Level and the blood of ancient saints.

Even a trace can shatter everything.

“Damn bastard …” Ye Fantian growled sternly.

“Jié jié 桀 … this fleshhy body is good, don’t resist, even if your will is as strong as it is, it can’t compete with the holy blood of the sage!”

A sharp and proud laugh passed out, with an extremely expectant tone. Obviously, this guy is ready to occupy Ye Fantian fleshy body.

The energy of “hong” quickly occupied the past. Whether it is the illusory shadow of the gods within the body, the four Divine Beasts, or even the Nascent Saint, they are facing a great crisis.

Seeing the fall of the gods, the next moment would be the Nascent Saint.


Ye Fantian’s Supreme will riot quickly, but the next moment, his mouth spits out mouthful of blood.

Within a minute of weakness, his injury was too severe.


The power of Yin was weird and chose an explosion at this time. The energy of this explosion made Ye Fantian secretly sorrow.

It ’s really too terrible. The egg hurts. At this time, it was clearly pouring oil on the fire.

If possible, Ye Fantian really wants to drag the Goddess Emperor Shengsheng out, and then engage in it, until the other party surrenders directly.

“Ha Ha Ha …… It is such a wonderful mystic soul World, even based on the will of the ancient gods, so terrifying, very powerful, this fleshhy body is so perfect … for so many years, it is worthy of me Waiting for the fleshhy body for so many years. “

The sharp voice came out, and the energy quickly began to stir, and then, like a mad dragon, entered the depth of Ye Fantian’s fleshy body.

“Jié jié 桀 … mine, mine, after so many years, finally free …”

A proud voice came out. Suddenly, Ye Fantian’s within the body began to generate a dark energy to the extreme, spreading out with a powerful force of decay …


The black glow flickered, and it swallowed up quickly.

“This … what is this? What power is this!”

A sharp cry suddenly appeared, with infinite horror …

[Author’s digression]: ps: I saw a reader saying that I did n’t explode, and immediately I should play with the file and neon, and I ’ll make trouble.

Now upload three chapters around XNUMX o’clock every morning, and then save the manuscript.

This Saturday is breaking out!

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