鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

The sound of panting, crackling, the lingering sound of fleshhy body, the sound of Jiao Yin, were continuously transmitted. i ^

There was a hint of pain in the voice of Jiao Yin, but it was more of a deep joy. Obviously, it was a wonderful communication.

Yuehua slowly receded, leaving behind the flicker of the sundial, the sun dripped down, completely shining out everything on the earth, forming a piece of light.

The three fruit-eating bodies are intertwined with each other, making a continuous sound of breathing.

Ye Fantian just felt that his body was like being in the sea, more like being in the honey, and among the random choices, it was endless sweetness and beauty.

Especially the body, the sound of refreshing sounds kept coming out, this feeling made him extremely fascinated, the tyrannical gas within the body slowly dissipated, the power of the Yin and the original energy of the body slowly The ground is combined together to form a vaster energy.

Guanghua flickers, sacred and mysterious traces evolved.

Immediately in a wailing yin yell, Ye Fantian’s body moved again, continuing to look for the target, as if it was a monster who didn’t know the tiredness, and was greedy again on another lovable body with a white flower Possessed.

鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

Snow glaze’s lovable body is undulating, and the snowy white jade’s lovable body appears. At this time, a red seal appears, which looks strange and beautiful, with beautiful tiredness in beautiful eyes, in that whiteness Sweat was flowing constantly, soaking up hair.

The lovable body was trembling, breathing heavily, although beautiful eyes were tired, but charming eyes were like silk, and the crystal beads of sweat made her look more attractive, the kind of laziness I am afraid that no man can refuse to breathe.

At this time, Ye Fantian greedily demanded on Yan Yujing’s lovable body. Constantly occupying, and constantly requesting, it was already time for one day and one night, but this Ye Fantian did not stop at all.

Even if they are all immortal powerhouses, the fleshhy body is countless times more powerful than ordinary women, but Ye Fantian’s overbearing claim has made them a bit overwhelmed.

“No … not Brahma …”

The finally Yan Yujing’s lovable body was in a tightness, sending out bursts of Jiao Yin and screaming, but then could not help but screamed.

鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

Ye Fantian’s mouth was breathing heavily, but the evil fire within his body had not yet been fully released, and the evil flame was still showing.

However, instinctively, Ye Fantian released Yan Yujing and moved towards Xue Liuli again.

“Ye Fantian … you asshole!”

Xue Liuli’s heart was scared for a while, but she didn’t respond yet. The next moment, Ye Fantian’s body took over again, and went directly into her within the body, and fetched it crazy.

“It’s been all night!”

Shouted admiration. % & * “;


Zhan Guangguang couldn’t help but secretly sighed.

“Well, I thought Lao Tzu was called the great existence of the Little Bai Dragon in the waves. I didn’t expect that this boy’s thin body was fiercer than Lao Tzu.” A man with a delicate and pretty face couldn’t help but sigh Rising, the opponent’s body is quite shapely, and without the bulging muscles, it doesn’t look like a humanoid demonic beast.

This appearance is relatively rare in War God lineage.

“Che, how about Little Bai Dragon in the waves, I think you are a satyr!”

War Bear said angrily.

“War bear, are you challenging the dignity of my war wolf?”

The man named War Wolf called out loud, questioning his strength would be that’s all, but he questioned his man’s ability, which was not right, the face of the war wolf was mad and shouted loudly.

“Forget it, pull it down, Sao Nian, wash and sleep …”

War Bear said angrily.

The noise of the two appeared again, but the War God lineage powerhouse around it was obviously familiar with this scene, so they shook the head and chose to leave.

Yuehua once again replaced the sundial.

The time of one day and one night has passed.

Yuehua fell down, the silver glory was like flowing water, shyly shone in that building, but was forcibly blocked outside, and internally, Ye Fantian was still venting his tiredness without knowing it. Impulse and evil fire.

The two women, Yan Yujing and Xue Liuli, did everything they could, even to let Ye Fantian vent, and some of the methods that made them blush.

Finally, with Ye Fantian’s rapid breathing, the next moment, his fleshhy body was tense and broke out completely.

“Hu ……” Three similar sounds came out, and the three of them fell down slowly, exhausted and breathing slowly there.

No matter how powerful these three people are, even if they have a peerless fleshhy body, but they can’t be so overbearing. This is a whole day and night without eyesight.

The energy was boiling, setting off all sorts of madness, Ye Fantian’s face carried a hint of contented expression, and the energy within the body quickly spread, forming a ripple.

Immortal Advanced!

Advanced again!

It’s a big step away from Ye Fantian’s goal.

The divine runes awakened to the level of 300,000. The control of the strength of Space has been steadily improved, a new transformation has been achieved, and it has reached XNUMX meters of space control. This is a huge control.

The great transformation of this time is entirely because Ye Fantian’s energy within the body completely refined the strength of space that originally devoured Dao Tianxin.

The two complement each other, with the consequences of reaching 300,000 meters.

“hmph ……”

The voice of coldly snorted appeared, and the voice of quiet humming was accompanied by a hint of residential qi.

Ye Fantian made a slight movement, and immediately saw an angry pretty face, not who would that Xueliu be.

Jiaoyan was a little shy, with a touch of crimson that hadn’t disappeared. Obviously, the young girl’s response qi was not small, and Dai Mei frowned, with a touch of pain.

The one day and one night lashing is not unusual for a woman to bear, especially Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body is overbearing and does not give them a chance to breathe.

The most important thing is that Ye Fantian has no consciousness at all, but just knows that she constantly vents the evil fire in her heart, and she doesn’t care about them at all.

Fortunately, it was two women. If they were one, they would not have died early.

Especially when I felt that I was ashamed, the pain was constantly coming out, and then I thought that I was so angry that I was so screaming.

“hehe 嘿…”

Ye Fantian’s mouth couldn’t help but chuckled.

It was a contented smile, and Greenwood Emperor Tree slowly swept across the snowy glass’s lovable body, instantly recovering their injuries.

A loving kiss on Snow Liuli and the sleepy Yan Yujing pretty face, Ye Fantian slowly said, “Liu Li, this time many thanks to you.”

The contradiction between Xue Liuli and him has not completely disappeared, but this time, it is also that Xue Liuli has not shot, otherwise, in the original attitude of Ye Fantian, it will definitely be over.

“Hmph, I don’t want to kill you, but I want to kill you when you are most proud!”

Xue Liuli’s mouth was still unforgiving, and Qi of Life walked slowly on her lovable body. The soothing feeling made that pretty face even more beautiful.

Wonderful feeling is not inferior to the kind of lashing just now, the mouth can’t help but open, and can’t wait to scream.

“hmph ……”

Fiercely was a bite on Ye Fantian’s arm.


Ye Fantian’s mouth couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath, but he didn’t dare to run the energy protector, otherwise, Xueli’s teeth would be shattered directly.


The small mouth moved slightly and could not help crying.

“Ha Ha Ha … yes yes, I am a badass.”

Ye Fantian knows that the contradiction between himself and Xue Liuli at this time is almost resolved, and the hatred of his father to kill him is gradually abandoned.

“Brahma …?”

The actions of the two again awakened Yan Yujing.

Opening a pair of beautiful eyes lazily, the familiar atmosphere made Ye Fantian’s heart beat again.

The snow-like lovable body, plump soft meat, flat belly, and that seductive snow hip all have a charming charm. The charming charm of young women and the faint crimson left after joy are Let Ye Fantian be impressed.

Feeling Ye Fantian’s impulse again, the two women could not help but exclaim.

Especially Snow Liuli, it was beautiful eyes horizontally, and fiercely looked at Ye Fantian, wishing to bite this desolate and insane guy.

Under his practice, he would make such a shameful cry, and imagined that he felt blushed and angry.

“Sleep … Sleep …”

Ye Fantian watched helplessly as he began to awaken something, a painful said with a smile.

There has been no such madness for a long time, and now within the body, the crazy rotation of the Taiji mark, continuously tempering and creating this yin power into its own fleshhy body.

But that cherished thought was still erupting, and it was really painful.

“Brahma … I’ll help you.” It seemed that she saw the pain of Ye Fantian, Yan Yujing couldn’t help but said with a smile.

To Ye Fantian, Yan Yujing was like a big elder sister, especially after seeing her memory, Yan Yujing found out how serious she was to Ye Fantian, and stabbed him more than once. This also left a shadow in Yan Yujing’s heart.

“Jinger, take a rest slowly, your current body … why …”

The words haven’t fallen yet, but a strong sense of excitement is transmitted to the whole body …

The voice of Jiao Yin appeared again, but it was much softer than before, time passed slowly, and finally after a burst of sound appeared.

With a sound of Jiao Yin, everything returned to peace again.

That is, shortly after the three Ye Fantian had fallen asleep, Ye Fantian’s body sent a powerful wave, and then Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly opened.

“Hahahaha … Lao Tzu is finally about to succeed, and the calamity has finally come out.”

This voice made Ye Fantian’s complexion changed, and immediately moved towards the outside, rushing out, turned into a stream of light to dissipate, but could not help roaring in his mouth:

“Fighting Devil and Buddha, you Jian people!”

this aura, this roaring voice, not who is the fighting demon Buddha …

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