Yuehua slowly released, spilled, and rendered the earth a silver trace. % & * “;

The dazzling brilliance of Dao Tao was slowly released from this void, forming a mark of Divine Runes. Everywhere they went, it filled the sky, as if a sacred king had awakened.

This change also caused the face of the war bear and the others to change wildly, especially the war bear, with a squeal in his mouth:

“Ye Fantian, this pervert, this aura … clearly a growing attitude, this one will not be promoted again …”

The face of Zhan Yaoguang and the others is also the expression of bitterness.

Ordinary people want to enter the Immortal level, and then go to the promotion again, it will take a long time, even if their War God lineage has a solid foundation, and is uniquely endowed with a speed of promotion many times faster than ordinary people, but it is absolutely It’s not as abnormal as Ye Fantian.

Ordinary people want to improve from Immortal level by a long time. It will take thousands to thousands of years, but this one, when I first saw it, was just the next Immortal class Peak. It’s not too long ago to reach the intermediate level Peak, and it seems that it is going to be advanced again.

This is not about what people are doing.





Zhu Qiang’s grievances are deep.

He kept cursing Ye Fantian.

In fact, Ye Fantian’s current state is also quite bad. After that Xueliu entered a wonderful burst of life, that pure and pure to Yin power quickly entered his within the body.

Immediately following the accumulation of energy around him, he began to quickly refining. If he refining it, the benefits of Ye Fantian are naturally not shallow, but not the same as planned. Ye Fantian accepted this However, I found that my fleshhy body had entered a bottleneck, or that the energy was too huge, and now I want to refining it instantly, it must be a large project, it is very long, and it is quite Difficulties.

This also makes Ye Fantian’s heart uneasy.

If an ordinary person has obtained such a huge amount of energy, I am afraid that it will have to hang up in an instant. Fortunately, his fleshhy body is very powerful, so the fleshhy body will almost collapse, but it has not been destroyed immediately. .


A burst of cracks appeared, and the power of the Yin began to slowly overflow from this gap.

The meridian within the body are in constant chaos.

Too horrible, this energy began to be poured into the limbs with boundless chill. % & * “;

“shua ……”

Snow Liuli’s beautiful eyes opened sharply, with golden rays of light in the beautiful eyes, the sharp divide glow flickered constantly, and turned into a golden Divine Sword. Looking at Ye Fantian’s body, Zhu Lip was bitten fiercely by the teeth, and his sharp eyes were intricately complicated.

At this time, the two are on this broken Chuang, how ambiguous and ambiguous is the attitude of eating fruit, especially when the two fleshhy bodies are still connected to each other, even a fool knows This is exactly what happened.

Especially Xue Liuli, although she was asleep, when her Force of Yin-Yang united each other, her consciousness also began to wake up.

Naturally, I can feel what is happening on my body. That wonderful feeling, if it wasn’t for her inability to move, she would have been loud and loud, thinking of her last moment, that unbearable cry With a happy whine, suddenly his face became hot.

“Ye Fantian …”

Fiercely bit Zhuzhu’s lips, her teeth were shining, Xueliu couldn’t help the beautiful eyes staring at Ye Fantian in front of her.

lovable body perfect and without blemish, with the luster of snow white flowing, a divine might of a female emperor is constantly being released.

Among Ye Fantian’s women, Mo Wenqing, who cultivates the Emperor ’s Kendo, also has such adivine might, but the Mo Wenqing ’s Emperor ’s power has an arrogant temperament, just like a Commander general, iron blood and cold .

However, although this snow-glazed glass also has the temperament of a female emperor, her temperament is like the monarch who commanded the Six Ways, Commander magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Among the nobles, there is a ambition that you want to conquer!

The same female Emperor Qi character, but with a different temptation.

Such a gesture also makes Ye Fantian quite intoxicated …

However, after hearing the young girl’s angry voice, Ye Fantian smiled bitterly. At this time, he was very hard-pressed. Even if the Tai Chi mark in his body was spinning as fast as he could, he was not able to go. Refining such a huge expanse of overwhelming power in one breath.

“Damn, this little girl’s glazed Divine Emperor body burst out with so much energy …”

Ye Fantian thought extremely bitterly.

At this time, if he didn’t refining this energy in time, don’t say it was advanced, even if he can keep the fleshhy body from being destroyed, it is quite difficult.

“you’re awake……”

Looking at Xue Liuli’s beautiful eyes still scorchingly looking at herself, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but smile awkwardly. Although it was said to save Snow Liuli, it was not the right time to meet each other.

“hu ……”

Jade hand urged, a vast energy suddenly appeared in the palm of the hand, and the divine runes flashed, and the icy cold breath quickly locked down, making Ye Fantian unable to help but feel that his whole body was being blown for a while. Chill fast lock.


The divine glow flashed, and Sun and Moon’s Splendor, two sharp edges immediately released from the body of this snow glazed glass.

It was a pair of sun and moon blades. The blades were like swords and swords. They were very sharp, with a divine power on them. They were powerful and unmatched. The ancient divine runes can feel the immortal breath lingering on it, and a sky can be broken in an instant.

“The Emperor’s Sun and Moon God Blade … Can I actually show it?” Looking at the two god blades lingering around, Xue Liuli’s pretty face remained a little bit, apparently did not expect that things would turn out like this.

The lovable body moved slightly, within the body, and quickly explored. The next moment, a scare had appeared on her pretty face, and it was a vast amount of energy walking within the body.

Compared to his original realm, Xueliu at this time actually entered the immortal intermediate Peak Realm. This is a rare advance, and the speed is amazing.

That immense amount of boundless energy roamed within the body, and a divine power could be released at any time, suppressing thousands of beings.

Such a powerful and infinite energy also made Xue Liuli know how terrible the harvest of this time was.

The power of yin and yang, which can create all existence, Ye Fantian’s extreme firm and fierce and the power of yin liu, the intertwining of the two finally merged together, so the mutual creation, the infinite energy generated It’s pretty terrifying.

However, this is not just a combination of the two yin and yang can produce such a powerful effect. Whether it is Ye Fantian or the snow glaze, they are all characters with a powerful Bloodline, or they are a combination of yin and yang at this time. Creation on Bloodline.

The Emperor Bloodline and Ye Fantian’s War God Bloodline, the two collided with each other. Among them, the king of the gods shot. The three-pronged approach was no less than completely supplementing the defects and optimizing the three. The flaws also make everything perfect.

However, the reason for this is too esoteric, even Ye Fantian can’t really gain insight.

Even the fat man who made this suggestion may not be able to really tell the specific reason.

“cough cough cough…”

Ye Fantian’s within the body suddenly began to tremble, and that powerful energy suddenly began to riot.

A bloodstain on the corner of his mouth began to overflow.


Xue Liuli’s pretty face changed slightly, although it was still tight, but it had begun to soften slightly.

Xue Liuli has actually watched a lot about her father. Even if she kills Ye Fantian, her father will not be resurrected, and that time, it was not because of Ye Fantian, but she was forced. Helpless, the knot in my heart slowly let go.

Especially the lingering fruit-and-fruit lingering between her and Ye Fantian has also caused Xue Liuli’s heart to undergo an earth-shaking change.

On chuang in snow white, the little blood like plum blossoms clearly shows that Ye Fantian is her first man. For women, this is an extremely important thing.

With so many reasons gathered, Xue Liuli couldn’t help but care about Ye Fantian.

“Your energy … seems a bit violent.”

Ye Fantian said with a smile.

He was depressed to the extreme. He was also a person who created each other after communicating with yin and yang. After the mutual fusion, this snow glazed was created as an immortal intermediate-level Peak powerhouse, but he is still struggling, even this internal organs. It was vaguely painful, the meridian was constantly shattering, and the body almost collapsed.

This is too bullying.


A sharp appearance suddenly appeared, but this time the emergence was not from that snow Liuli, but from another corner.

A lithe and graceful lovable body is presented, beautiful eyes blink, with a slight cold glow, a strange long sword in the hand is dancing fast, cold glow is blinking, the sword energy is compelling, and the incredible sword energy makes The hair on Ye Fantian started to stand up.


The sword energy is too fast, it penetrates the Yehytian fleshhy body directly.

“hu ……”

The blood began to spray.

“Jinger …”

Ye Fantian could not help screaming.

This chick, this is the second time that he has shot at himself. The other party was still asleep. When did heaven knows when he was awake, and the other party obviously saw himself and Xue Liuli, so he thought he was taking up snow Liuli’s cheap, this is the shot.


Within the energy of the body, there was a sharp surge of icy sword energy. This sword energy was very bitter, very strange, and made Ye Fantian’s within the body suddenly start to run away, and a pair of scarlet suddenly moved.

With long hair dancing, the strange and evil breath spread from Ye Fantian’s within the body.

“Not good… Go away!”

Ye Fantian’s face suddenly changed, and he shouted loudly at Xue Liuli …

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