It feels very strong!

Extraordinarily strong!

Although at the beginning, Ye Fantian already knew from the mouth of the insignificant fellow of the fat man, Liuli Divine Emperor, the body is much abnormal than ordinary people. i ^

But the moment Ye Fantian really got into it, Ye Fantian knew how terrible this gap was.

In the deep, every inch requires a lot of effort, just like traveling through an inch of the universe. The strong touch makes Ye Fantian almost disarm in an instant.

When Ye Fantian reached the deepest moment, Ye Fantian almost couldn’t help crying, but at this time, Xue Liuli’s lovable body had a strong change, especially in her Within the body, there is boundless energy flowing frantically!


The vast energy seemed to start with spirituality, and obviously felt the existence of Ye Fantian. At this time, Ye Fantian was also extremely dangerous. He felt that within the body of this chick, there seemed to be some kind of existence. Began to wake up.


The vast energy was quickly injected into Ye Fantian’s limbs and bones with Ye Fantian’s long spear, and began a mad riot.


As if, Ye Fantian heard angry roar and roaring, it was a roar defiled with dignity, it was an overbearing roar to himself, it was an intolerable roar.

“Lili Divine Emperor body?” Ye Fantian’s mind moved slightly, and the pleasure on the long spear was slowly ignored by him.

Dedicated to resist the energy of the other side, and slowly release the energy of extreme firm and fierce in the snowy glass’s lovable body.

“Hong” The two suddenly began to hit together. Generally, the entire big chuang was smashed by this vast energy, and then became fragmented.

“Blasphemy, you dare to blaspheme on me!”

Xue Liuli’s beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and those beautiful eyes evolved into yellow golden, the vast energy of the body swelled the sun and the moon, evolved thousands of thousands, a vast power began to be released, and the whole person carried a strong The temperament is a noble temperament, like an aloof and remote emperor.

Goddess Emperor!

This is a terrible momentum, and even standing in front of the other side felt a deep inferiority, as if the other side was the void moon, and everything below was just the existence of dust trivial ant.

“This is? The awakening of Bloodline ?!”

Ye Fantian’s face started to change wildly.

The glazed Divine Emperor body is an ancient rare Bloodline, inheritance and Supreme’s Divine Emperor. i ^

However, it is rare for a woman to inherit such a Bloodline. Therefore, if the woman inherits the glass Divine Emperor, the true Bloodline within the body is more difficult to be fully inspired.

Now the snow glazed within the body Bloodline is obviously really inspired, but it is a Goddess emperor, more proud and noble than the true Bloodline.

Goddess Emperor!

The strength of the other party lies in such nobleness. Ye Fantian’s behavior has completely annoyed the other party. After Xue Xueli’s Bloodline awakened, she directly evolved into her whole body and controlled her mind.

“Blasphemy? Blasphemy your sister, I’m trying to save you!”

Ye Fantian quickly moved his body and moved his gun. Every time, he gathered the energy of that majestic most Yang and most hard into Xue Liuli’s body.


Goddess began to shoot, jade hand waved, set off a galaxy, and rushed over. The terrifying energy directly locked Ye Fantian’s neck, trying to kill him with one stroke.

This guy’s Bloodline directly controls Xue Liuli’s fleshhy body, and there is no limit to the performance, but the powerful Bloodline still makes a little trembling on Xue Liuli’s lovable body. This energy is too scary, even if you want Going to cast energy will cause a lot of damage.


Ye Fantian’s palm fiercely smashed this sharp galaxy and quickly controlled Snow’s lovable body. The snow white jade arm waved, but Ye Fantian was not afraid at all.

But swinging again and again, Ye Fantian’s bones crackled almost every time, really annoying Ye Fantian.

The palms waved and fiercely slapped on the round white fragrant hips of snow white.


“be honest!”

The sound was crisp and pleasing, but it made the Bloody Divine Emperor’s Bodyline make a sharp sound, roaring frantically, with a sense of anger in the voice.

“pā pā pā ……”

Ye Fantian waved his hands again and again, roaring the chick’s Bloodline.

“Yi, you’re courting death, Bendi will kill you!”

An angry cry came out, and Ye Fantian suddenly felt the depth of the snowy glass’s lovable body, sending out a vast energy.

“Damn, it’s this time. If you resist, your Bloodline inheritor will fall!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed, the scarlet flickered, and he couldn’t wait to beat the Bloodline, but the latter obviously didn’t care about it. The other person cares about his glory and his own dignity.


I felt that the horrible energy was still gathering wildly. If it really broke out, Ye Fantian would be fine, but Xue Liuli is finished.

“Dare to resist, and see who’s Bloodline is stronger!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth made the voice of angry roar, and all of a sudden the whole body moved, a vast force of holiness and glory began to expand.

The will of the gods comes!

Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body reached the realm of Seven Luminaries Divine All-Saint Physique at the moment, which contained the will of the immortal king. At this moment, it came out and hit the opponent ’s Goddess. Were together.

The appearance of two behemoths instantly made this starry sky tremble.


The immensely overwhelming momentum instantly spread out everywhere and everywhere began to condense into substance, and evolved into two huge illusory shadows.

The illusory shadow of the ancient king of gods and the horrible Goddess emperor illusory shadow!

The impact of the two on each other, the immense power generated instantly diffused.

Very terrifying glazed Divine Emperor! “

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed, others don’t know, but he was quite aware of how terrifying and powerful his own King of the Seven Gods was.

The kings of the gods, that is, the kings of the gods, have absolute authority. Ye Fantian has never really performed it, but this time is to summon the kings of the gods. No, this is not the real Ye Fantian. The summon was inspired by the will of Goddess.

From this we can see how horrible the Goddess Emperor is and how amazing it is.

“hu ……”

Goddess swayed the palm of his hand, setting off a piece of star-like energy, and evolved into a series of Star Rivers, which began to project rapidly. The eyes contained endless power, which clearly had a peerless divide might.

The King of the Seven Gods did not pay attention to the opponent ’s shots at all. The robe flickered, and a sudden burst of unmatched power erupted. The Myriad Gods Hand evolved and contained the power of heaven and earth. It represents the effect of communicating the sky. The heavens are chanting for the kings of the gods.

Bursts of might have been forced down.


The galaxy shattered, the kings of the gods once again exhibited divide might, and began to create the world of the gods!


Goddess Emperor issued a world-wide roar, and her fire was permeated. As a female emperor, she had a means unthinkable by ordinary people. At this time, angry roar, a war of respected respects would appear.

This is the Empress’s World!

God World, Empress World!

Both are Commander’s powerhouse, which controls the power of the world. At this time, it is clear that the other party will be forcibly suppressed. This is no longer a collision between will and will, but dignity and status. challenge.


Ye Fantian moved the gun very quickly, and quickly integrated his body and Xue Liuli’s lovable body perfectly. The fleshhy body of the two was closely linked together.

The spirit of extremely firm and fierce quickly permeated into Xue Liuli’s lovable body, forcing the other party’s true will to wake up.

The fleshhy body of the two began the most primitive collision, the power of Yin and the Strength of Supreme Yang, two completely different, but the energy that can evolve each other quickly swelled together.

The most mysterious and sacred collision was issued, producing a dazzling and bright brilliance.

Create the breath of life!

These two vast energies are beginning to produce, change, and condense …

Slowly, the fleshhy body between the two slowly began to truly merge.

Goddess Emperor Yin Yin’s strength and Ye Fantian Saint Physique’s Strength of Supreme Yang are intertwined with each other, like a pair of lovers never seen in ancient times, constantly merging with each other.

Goddess Emperor issued a sharp cry, with reluctance and roar, finally was suppressed by the king of the gods …

Gradually, Ye Fantian felt that his energy entered the lovable body of Xue Liuli, and then he quickly sensed. A pure energy was input into his fleshhy body again. The two created each other. The mutual lingering slowly formed a Great Perfection.

This Great Perfection realm makes Ye Fantian’s fleshy body grow rapidly.

With a mighty blessing, Ye Fantian’s heart finally shook, and a powerful clear comprehension appeared.

With that sharp glorious yell and tenderness from Naryu Ruri, a powerful force that was infinitely more pure than just a few times ago was injected into Ye Fantian’s within the body, and at this moment, Ye Fantian’s within The body’s Taiji mark quickly rotated, forming immense immense marks, and began to evolve madly …

The night slowly appeared, and the subsequent Yuehua irradiation slowly exposed the two bodies in it.

The two fleshy bodies were constantly lingering and breathing, a pair of beautiful eyes opened slowly at this time, it was Xue Liuli!

But soon the pair of beautiful eyes were charming eyes were like silk. I felt the most primitive feeling uploaded from my body. I could n’t help but spit out the charming little mouth slowly. come out……

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