“Lying in a big groove!” Ye Fantian could not help but scream. % & * “;

heaven knows This chick has such a strong temperament. She has always had a great killing intent for herself, but when Ye Fantian really wanted her to kill, she couldn’t take it.

Her father’s vengeance could not be reported, but father was unable to die in vain. All these appearances prompted Xue Liuli to be unable to forgive herself at all, and she chose to break herself!


As soon as his body moved, Ye Fantian quickly supported Xue Liuli’s lovable body.

“Ye Fantian … this time, I owe no one.”

Xue Liuli’s beautiful eyes opened and slowly spoke.

“Silly girl, you dumb girl, why are you doing this!”

Ye Fantian shouted.

“cough cough cough…”

Xue Liuli’s small mouth spits out mouthful of blood, the pretty face became pale at this time, her cultivation base was not weak, and this palm carried a powerful destructive force, not only the mysterious soul was badly hit, Even the fleshhy body almost crashed.

“Ye Fantian, I have met too many men, all kinds of heroes and geniuses … but all that remains in my memory is the bastard who took advantage of me, the bastard that made me unforgettable.” Xue Liuli’s pretty A smile and shame slowly appeared on the face, as if thinking of the first encounter with Ye Fantian many years ago, the little hooligan …

A faint hatred flowed out of those beautiful eyes:

“So, even if I can’t get revenge, I still let you spend your whole life in regret!”

The palm moved slightly, Ye Fantian quickly held down the opponent’s wrist, and the energy began to be quickly input into it.

Powerful energy began to burst quickly.

Greenwood Emperor Tree’s huge Qi of Life is moving.

“Fuck, what kind of energy is this, the destructive power is so terrifying.”

If this little girl dies, Ye Fantian will really regret it. Although this little girl took her own shot, she was no less than dead in her own hands.

Sheng Qi of Life moved vigorously and quickly walked around Xue Liuli’s body, but the change was not so strong, and even the injury continued to worsen.

“The avenue is yin and yang, twined and unparalleled, integrated into one, creating …”

The voice of the fat man appeared slowly. i ^

This co-ordination with the wretched voice really made Ye Fantian’s face a black line: “Dead fat man, what time is it now …”

Said with a laugh: “Don’t blame me, this is to help you. The injury on this little girl is not something Qi of Life can save. The method needed is very simple, but it is quite complicated. If you want to listen, then it’s fine. If you don’t want to listen, then I won’t say it. “

“Do you have a way?”

Looking at Xueli in her arms, the pretty face at this time has become extremely white, and soon it will completely dissipate vitality, and the mysterious soul is even weaker and cannot exist for a long time. This little girl is really going to die.

“Force of Yin-Yang is evolved from the strength of Primal Chaos. Unless it is strength of Primal Chaos, the power of Force of Yin-Yang is rare and can be compared with energy, and the mysterious effect of Yin and Yang, even if it is Strength of Primal Chaos may not be able to withstand it. Although it has evolved from strength of Primal Chaos, it also has a better effect than strength of Primal Chaos. “

The Fat Man said slowly.

The black line appears on Ye Fantian’s forehead. If possible, Ye Fantian can’t wait to drag this girl out of the map of the eight living beings of the mother-in-law: “The process and method are straightforward.”

The fat man does n’t know where to pull out a folding fan. The wind sao made an elegant look, waving the folding fan said with a laugh: “Yin and Yang create life, which is the same as the ancient times.” Even Martial Dao Saint Level has to perform in accordance with this rule, and you are a masculine body, extreme firm and fierce, and although this chick is a rare glaze Divine Emperor body, but in the body of her woman, There is also the Strength of Greater Yin, and the glazed Divine Emperor originally appeared on the man. If it appeared on this woman, it was Goddess, and it was also the Yin Body. Now if you can yin and yang, It is bound to produce endless vitality. For both of you, it will not only benefit, but this little girl, you can also rescue … “

The fat man slowly spoke his way out.

Ye Fantian’s face moved slightly. This is not the loop between men and women, but it is so complicated by the insignificant fat man.

“Be careful … During the Early Stage, don’t get lost in it, the glass Divine Emperor, it’s an overbearing fleshy body. If you want to forcibly enter, the compactness produced will make you disarm in an instant, So be careful … “

While speaking, the fat man’s voice stopped abruptly.

“Wary guy …”

Ye Fantian sighed, and immediately began to look at the snow glaze. At this time, the snow glaze was completely comatose. The lovable body of the whole person slowly became a little cold, and the pretty face was pale and lively. It is gradually starting to disappear.

It’s not too late, now time is life, Ye Fantian quickly hugged Xue Liuli moved towards the room.

“hu ……”

Looking at the seductive beauty in front of her, Ye Fantian could not help but take a long breath.

Although she was in a coma at this time, although the pretty face was snow-white, but Xue Liuli did not have the original flamboyant and evil atmosphere at this time.

While sleeping like a baby, there is also a touch of arc on the corner of the mouth, which is wonderful.

“It feels a bit dangerous!”

Looking at Xue Liuli, Ye Fantian sighed helplessly, but now it is not the time to consider this. Now the snow Liu Livable body is gradually becoming cold, and the whole person’s fleshhy body is slowly losing its vitality .

If she tangles again, this chick is really dead.

“If this chick survives, know if she was rescued in this way, will it kill me …”

Ye Fantian thought strangely, but in any case, the connection between herself and her could not be cut off.

The body slowly pressed on Xue Liuli’s lovable body, feeling the soft lovable body and sweet fragrance, a faint anger gradually began to spread on Ye Fantian’s body, but this feeling came quickly, Go fast, this fantasies have been forcibly suppressed by Ye Fantian.

A slight movement of the mouth was slowly printed on the slightly cold cherry lips of Xueliu, and an energy of extreme firm and fierce was slowly injected into the lovable body of Xueliu through the lips.

With the appearance of the breath of extreme firm and fierce, Xue Liuli’s lovable body quickly began to warm a lot, and a trace of crimson brilliance slowly appeared on the pretty face.

The sweet smell is constantly occupied by Ye Fantian’s lips, slowly surrounding the soft and sweet fragrant tongue.

Although Xue Liuli was in a coma at this time, as the energy of Ye Fantian ’s extreme firm and fierce was continuously injected into within the body, her lovable body was gradually recovering, but there was still nothing on this mysterious soul. Too much change, obviously this little means is not enough to stimulate the recovery of the opposite soul.

“pa ……”

With a slight movement of the palm, Ye Fantian’s palm has slowly slid onto Xue Liuli’s lovable body. Through this shirt, the slippery touch still seems a bit thrilling.

The lovable body is like jade, white and plump, and between the tentacles, everything is soft and smooth like white jade-like, giving a feeling of love, and Ye Fantian’s palm is skilled on the snowy glass’s lovable body, Full of the most primitive reactions in the opponent’s body.

In this case, Qi of Extreme Yin of the other party within the body can fully withstand the strength of his most Yang and most hard. Now, after all, he is saving people, otherwise it may not be so troublesome.

With Ye Fantian’s actions, Xue Liuli’s lovable body has gradually reacted, the lovable body has a slight movement, and the crimson complexion gradually becomes more and more obvious.

The original snow-white skin has now changed into a crimson look. Obviously, this little girl already has a feeling. This is not a change in the mysterious soul, but it is an innate change on the lovable body.

The palms moved slowly, and finally, after Ye Fantian’s fingers slowly penetrated, a faint wetness had made Ye Fantian feel the change of the other party. The lovable body shook and suddenly tightened, and the palm of the hand was already very slippery. .

“It’s time to start …”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was breathing heavily. Although it was saving people, it was not necessarily the slightest feeling, especially the charming and seductive beauty underneath, and the impact was really difficult to control.

Fortunately, Ye Fantian knew that he was saving people at this time. Otherwise, he changed to another person and would not have found North.

Breathing gasp in his mouth, Ye Fantian’s palm moved slightly, and the dress and skirt on the snowy glass’s lovable body had quickly faded away.

Time is not the the others. Although the little girl’s lovable body is gradually recovering, the damage on the mysterious soul is still not optimistic.

When the snow-white and lovable body ate fruit in front of Ye Fantian, a burst of anger suddenly filled Ye Fantian’s body.

Although I have explored this chick’s lovable body before, but it has not been really deep. Now when the real fruit is presented in front of Ye Fantian, the powerful impact really shocked Ye Fantian. .


Breathing heavily, Ye Fantian slowly separated a pair of fair and slender **, and then moved his gun …


The touch, strong touch, instantly made Ye Fantian’s complexion start to change.

“hmph ……”

With the snowly glass’s coldly snorted, Ye Fantian truly merged with the other party, but at the moment when he entered completely, a powerful throughput force made Ye Fantian’s complexion start to change …


Energy, crazy riots …

[Author’s off-topic]: The upload time of ps3a will be around twelve o’clock, and the gap will be five minutes at the latest. Now I have been to work, so I usually pass the novel up after work … Thank you for your support

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