One night of communication, Ye Fantian learned a lot, and he knew a little about the future. i ^

Martial Dao Saint Level’s powerhouse, mysterious, seems to be somewhere in space, not appearing in the Paragon domain.

But these guys, Ye Fantian have the feeling that the other party will definitely appear. In the calamity, they will swallow the sun and the moon and refining everything, the most important of which is Human Race.

Human Race will become their nourishment and supplements. After so long captivity, the number of humans is enough to reach a horrible level, and the powerhouses of Martial Dao Saint Level will shoot.

“But human civilization and tinder will still exist, they will continue to evolve it, leaving a part, so that they can continue to inherit the human tinder … Good move, this method is really disgusting To the extreme. “Ye Fantian said in a low voice with a sneer.

When have humans become captive creatures, they should have been the hegemons of this universe, and no one can determine the path and the pace of human progress.

“For my loved ones, I must protect human beings, no matter how selfish, but my loved ones and friends, and even those of my Xuantian continent and Earth, simply cannot be treated like this. Tonics are devoured … “

Binocular diverge glow blinked, and Ye Fantian’s will increased a few points again.

Thinking carefully about the words of Paragon, Ye Fantian began to plan in his mind and walked into his palace. Ye Fantian slowly set foot, but in the next moment, the corner of his mouth was The arc that set off seemed to be laughing, and it seemed to be inexplicably tangled.

“Chi …” is full of energy, transformed into a glorious glory, a magnificent imperial spirit emerges, and a huge illusory shadow has evolved, this is one huge illusory shadow of imperial emperor, Commander Shifang, long ancient Save.

With the movement of his fingers, the hand of the emperor evolved into a martial art, crackling, and moved towards Ye Fantian began to radiate, and the horrible energy twisted the space frantically.

Such a powerful breath is clearly a realm that has reached the immortal level Peak.

Such an amazing speed and distance, if changed to other people, I’m afraid it will be an instant move, but Ye Fantian has long been aware of this, the body does not escape, a vast fighting intent flourished, evolved Become a huge punch, shot from within the body.

“Hong” As the two collided with each other, the illusory shadow of the emperor suddenly became angry, roared upward, shook the space, trembling, and the cracks spread to all around. How terrifying the energy contained in the roar of an emperor.

“Ye Fantian …… pay with the life!”

A coquettish sound came out, and a instantly lovable body quickly moved towards Ye Fantian into a lightning-like sprint.

The brilliance is shining, and the throughput is constant, as if a silhouette appeared in front of Ye Fantian. i ^

The lovable body is like fire, very beautiful and graceful, and seductive, and those beautiful eyes have a magical brilliance and red lips, as if giving a strong impulse like fire.

Behind him, a huge emperor illusory shadow flickered, with a glorious glory.

Glazed Divine Emperor body!

Snow Ruri!

Seeing this woman again, Ye Fantian’s heart is full of emotions. The other party’s strength is countless times more horrible than it was. If Xue Liuli hadn’t met Ye Fantian at first, I’m afraid it would not be a disciple of this sacred view. Even more, she will not be opposed to Ye Fantian, and the cultivation base of her life will not touch the immortal level, even the eternal realm of Great Accomplishment may not be reached.

However, the fate of this thing is really tangled and gained great strength, but this snow Liuli has already avenged Ye Fantian.

“Are you still giving up?”

He whispered in his mouth, Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed, but he suddenly gave up the resistance, it seemed that the choice was to really pay his life.

“Peng” jade hand shook his fist, and evolved into an imperial will, and the punches fiercely hit Ye Fantian’s chest.

After all, it is the immortal-level Peak’s powerhouse, even if Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body is invincible, but I feel a faint ache in the face of such a heavy blow in vain. If it is an ordinary powerhouse, that’s all, but The chick’s glazed Divine Emperor body is not simple, and it is countless times more powerful than the ordinary fleshhy body.

The steps of “peng” Ye Fantian took a step back slightly, but did not take a shot, and still did not choose to resist. This seemed to be tolerating, but in fact such behavior completely angered Xue Liuli.

The lovable body trembled, and then a vast power began to erupt:

“Ye Fantian, why don’t you fight back, you fight back!”

In the jade hand, the divine runes flickered, and the bright divine runes shot wildly, punched, and shot a void, and Ye Fantian was completely surrounded by the fist shadow world, fleshhy body The sound of collision and destruction constantly blasted out.


Ye Fantian finally took a two-step step back, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth.

Palm slightly moved, wiping the blood on the corner of the mouth, Ye Fantian looked at Xue Liuli lightly, and slowly said:

“Is it enough?”

Xue Liuli’s pretty face was full of anger and strong resentment. The beautiful eyes used to be crystal clear and beautiful, but now they are occupied by hatred, cold and bitter, like a female emperor’s mad fury.

“No! No! No!”

The roar and scream came out, and the momentum on the body increased by a few points again.

“Peng” punched a fist, a long river hung down, shredded a space, and hit Ye Fantian’s chest heavily …

Ye Fantian fleshy body is not moving, but within the body there is a faint pain, but with a slight smile on his face: “We did not become enemies, or even friends … … But all of this may not be my cause. It ’s just a matter of making a difference. Your father, I have forgiven him, but it is his greed that urges him and me to be enemies. If I do n’t resist … ”

“Shut up, don’t insult me ​​father!”

Xue Liuli was like an angry little lion, screaming again and again, jade hand moved again, fiercely gripped Ye Fantian’s neck, and kept trying hard.

“cough cough cough…”

Ye Fantian coughed loudly, but with a slight smile on his face: “If I don’t resist, the end is only death. Who will sigh for me then? Why should I damn me? Why should I not provoke me? To others, I have to be treated as a product of invitation to be killed by your father? You tell me, why? Am I supposed to die ?! “

“Shut up, shut up, Ye Fantian believe it or not I killed you!”

Xue Liuli shouted sharply, her pretty face was covered with tears at this moment, and the twinkling brilliance among those beautiful eyes was extremely complicated.

Pain, unwillingness, resentment, reluctance …

Many rays of light and emotion are gathered together, which is extremely complicated.

Maybe this is also a true portrayal of her heart.

Xue Liuli’s heart is trembling to the extreme. For Ye Fantian, she has a complicated feeling. The other party is the first and only man who has taken advantage of herself. She originally had a good feeling and complicated feelings for Ye Fantian. , The original two can become friends, even deeper relationships.

But he killed his father.

It is unacceptable for Xue Liuli to accept the hatred of killing his father, but Ye Fantian is not necessarily wrong in this matter, as he said. If he does n’t, he will die.

Jade hand pinched Ye Fantian’s neck, but he couldn’t use the slightest force at this time.

“Aren’t you going to get revenge? Come on!”

Looking at Xue Liuli, Ye Fantian shouted loudly in his mouth.

In his eyes, the scarlet flickered, it was very strange, and the long hair of snow white danced with the wind, bringing traces of traces. Looking at the snowy glass, Ye Fantian decided to really break with the other party.

“pa ……”

Jade hand loosened, all the energy flickered, with divine runes. In the palm of this jade hand, Xue Liuli’s lovable body trembled, and the trembling voice passed out in the cold:

“Ye Fantian, do you really think I’m afraid?”

“You do it? Xue Liuli, you shot it!”


The momentum riot on his body, Ye Fantian looked at Xue Liuli like a demon, with a sigh of sigh in his face, and shouted loudly:

“Shoot …”


Footsteps moved, Ye Fantian’s body suddenly moved forward.

Such a gesture makes Xue Liuli have no way to wave jade hand, and the enemy is in front of her. As long as she waved jade hand slightly, this time, Ye Fantian is really dead. Xue Liuli is very sure, Ye Fantian now has no energy at all. For such a short distance, she has the absolute certainty to kill Ye Fantian.

But now, at the moment, she finds that she can’t get started, that throughput of energy is constantly evolving, but there is no way to really wave it out.

“You don’t force me …” Xue Liuli’s beautiful eyes shouted loudly with tears.

“Aren’t you must be in order to father to get revenge? This is a good opportunity. Why didn’t you take the shot? Why didn’t you take the shot!”

Yes, this is a good opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why don’t you take a shot, as long as it is a little hands-on, all this can be done.

“Don’t force me, Ye Fantian, you …”

Xue Liuli’s lovable body trembled, she couldn’t get rid of her hands at all, and her father’s revenge was about to be reported, but when she really appeared in front of her, Xue Liuli found that she couldn’t even start.

“Ye Fantian … I can’t kill you, but I want you to owe me all my life!”

Suddenly at this time, Xue Liuli’s beautiful eyes flashed a cold glow, shouting loudly with a cursed breath.

“Not good ……”

Ye Fantian’s face turned wild, his body quickly moved towards Xue Liuli’s shot.


Jade hand waved, fiercely moved towards his chest …

Mouth spurt blood spilled out, and the lovable body fell slowly …

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