Chapter XNUMX Begins Into the Cloud Capital!

Waiting for the king, everything seems to have ignited the gale dynasty because of the appearance of the King Ye name, especially the hunting king at this time is only a XNUMX-year-old boy. People felt surprised.

For a time, a large number of dynasties, empires and the control of the major forces have begun to distribute their forces, and then explore the new rising King Ye data.

But in any country, he never told the true look of King Ye, only to know that this is a young boy, for no reason, King Ye who was probed by these people has received it long after he became king. His Fiefdom then left the family …

The weather became hot again, but for Xuantian continent, most of them were robes, so even if it was hot, it was not uncommon for people in robes to wear it.


It is one of the most beautiful cities in Xuantian continent, especially because the climate here is quite good. The temperature of the four seasons is more important because the location is close to the Sea Territory, so even in winter, here They all seem quite warm. Many of the rich and noble people come here every year for the summer heat.

In such an environment, nature also promotes the extremely prosperous economy of Yundu, and this is also the sphere of influence of the wind dynasty. Although many countries glare like a tiger watching his prey for this city, but because of that Because of the wind dynasty, this place is still just a fat that can’t be seen.

There are more people coming and going than in previous years, because in addition to the beautiful environment in this cloud capital, there is also a building that has attracted special attention here-Kaye Academy!

The Kaye Academy is the higher-level Academy in Xuantian Continent, and it is also one of the most advanced high-grade martial arts courts in the Imperial Court, especially because a Hunter King appeared in this Academy this year. The reputation here has been elevated to a new level.

The opening time of Kaye Academy is different from other martial arts colleges, and the admission is divided into batches. For example, the admission time of students of different school ages is strictly divided. This is also to help Academy better arrange the students. Our daily living and martial arts practice, in the hope that each other can better adapt to the environment here.

It is already a hot summer. Compared to this, the time is exactly the time when the senior students in the Kaye Academy are enrolled. These senior students naturally refer to the old students who have been enrolled for a long time. For this moment, their My heart is also extremely exciting, because the thought of being able to abuse these newly recruited rookie-level characters has really made them excited.

The reason why I ’m so excited is because this is the respect for strength in this Academy. The strong strength will indeed withstand the test and respect of others, but the weak people are not so, they It’s just some people who can be bullied.

The point system in this Kayah Academy is the point system. The so-called points are a kind of money-like existence. At least this is a more valuable thing in Kayah Academy than money.

In addition to the division of your strength, the points are also based on your contribution. For example, if you have created a martial skill and contributed to the Academy, according to the discussion and research in the Academy, your martial skill can Using one of the lesson content that was taught as an Academy, it is clear that you are lucky, and Academy will give you a lot of points.

Points are very precious. Although you can buy food with money, those other aspects, such as being under special care or receiving some benefits from Academy, do n’t have a point, Academy does n’t care who you are.

This is why the senior students are so excited. The main reason is that the low-level students who have just entered the Academy will take special care of them and give them one hundred points.

This is a hundred points. Even if you get some medicine pill, you can get some good ones, and even those advanced students need to struggle for a month to get such points.

If this month is spent in cultivation, it will save a lot of time and wealth, which is one of the reasons why they are so excited.

“You see if that kid is a freshman.”

The three young men with excitement laughed and laughed, hehe looked at each other in a silhouette wearing a lacquered black robe.

The three men’s chests had the logo of Kaye Academy, a logo transfigured by the battle of Dragon Phoenix, and their identities were obviously also senior students.

The appearance of these three people looks more moderate, medium body, medium appearance, but for the strength, they are absolutely impossible to go lower.

After all, the students selected by the Kaye Academy are all of good qualifications, and the most important point is that they need to bear hardships and stand hard work. They can withstand other temptations other than Martial Dao, and the latter is more important than that.

Good qualifications cannot say that you can have strong strength, but with a strong character and hard-working qualities, even if the qualifications are not good enough, you can make up for yourself.

“No way … this is the time for the old students to start school. If this guy is a freshman, he should have entered here in advance and then joined the dormitory to better understand the life here. He just started enrolling now. Courting death, even if you do n’t have to look at that thin body, you do n’t know how much strength you can bear, so it must be old. ”

The other man analyzed.

“Ah … disappointed, disappointed, one hundred points, it is good for everyone to get thirty points.”

The man who just started talking was helplessly said.

“Che … get away, you are too hard. You must know that Academy’s rules are only allowed to snatch 70 points for new students, and the remaining XNUMX points allow them to survive on their own, and time can only be entered in our Academy In a month, once you break this rule, Academy will lose a lot of prestige because of this, so say you are too terrible. “

“I think about it at least … We were robbed too, and naturally I wouldn’t do it like that.”

The voices of several people gradually began to disappear, apparently they had gone far, and the black robed man who was originally walking down his head slowly raised his head to reveal a childish face, a touch of eyebrows You blue’s cross sword marks are particularly prominent. I do n’t know when a white creature is scratching his head, and he stroked the creature on his shoulder gently. His immature juvenile face There is a mature smile that does not match his age at all: “Is it a point system? And wantonly snatching … hehe, it is a good way, Ka Ye Academy, I Ye Fantian look forward to you more and more stand up……”

Qin Shuang rubbed his temple gently, and then looked at Tan Xingchen with a headache and said, “You mean that you haven’t seen Qingyun Ruo again after being fainted?”

Tan Xingchen’s face was quite ugly nodded.

“Trouble, trouble … why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Tan Xingchen said with a bitter smile: “Does the mentor not know that I can’t move at all after I wake up, only recently has I started to have the ability to respond?”

Qin Shuang heard this, and his face changed slightly. As a mentor, he now knows that his students have disappeared in the hunting competition, and he just knew it. This is really a headache for him.

“Well … if that’s the case, I can only give it to the adults of the gale dynasty to help, let this matter be put aside, I think now that the family member also thought that his child had fallen Now, so I do n’t even have to ask now. “

The deaths of the trainees are many, especially in this hunting game, but the mystery disappears very rarely.

“Right … how is your health?”

Tan Xingchen said with a smile reluctantly: “It’s okay, basically it is only maintained at the samurai level, and it should be barely established in this Kaye Academy.”

Qin Shuang slightly nodded: “Well, yes, new students are generally at the level of martial artist. To your samurai level, it is indeed quite rare, well, continue to work hard.”

Tan Xingchen said respectfully: “Many thanks for your encouragement, I will.”

Watching the silhouette where Tan Xingchen left, Qin Shuang suddenly felt that his head was starting to have a headache again: “Say, why isn’t Ye Fantian the kid yet? If you don’t come, the old students will start to return home. This is not a good situation for you. “


Distantly somewhere in Yundu, a teenager in a black robe couldn’t help but sneeze …

The eye-catching blue cross sword mark on this man’s eyebrow is not Ye Fantian.

Gently rubbing his nose, Ye Fantian smiled bitterly. The clouds were too big. Although he had already asked about Academy’s position, he still couldn’t find it.

“Lu Chi, Lu Chi, I said, Little Bai, can we stop drooling? Since this guy from Lumang Tu has been given to her by your elder sister, you have seen a lot of meekness, why don’t you go too?”

After hearing this sentence, Little Bai’s hair began to stand up, especially the pair of watery and lovely eyes, without hesitation, and then made a good baby gesture.

Thinking of this enthusiasm for Ye Rou’s treatment of Lumang Tu, Ye Fantian couldn’t help shivering …

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