Chapter XNUMX First Meeting with a Maniac Girl

“It should start on this street …”

Ye Fantian said convincingly.

But soon Ye Fantian felt that his stomach pain was terrible, because it seemed that the previous judgment was broken again after walking for a long time, and even caused the original way to be lost now.

“Damn … so much for building this road?”

Ye Fantian helplessly said.

“Che … it’s a country bumpkin.”

A harsh voice came suddenly from Ye Fantian’s side, and then saw a young man in a gorgeous dress and carrying a long sword sneer, saying in his arms a charming woman in the arms of the other Inside twisted his slender snake waist in an illusion of attractive curves and ripples.

“Extraordinary big brother, do n’t bother to wait for the chin to be old. People have heard about it. In the recruitment of this time, Academy recruited a lot of poor people. These humble guys really thought they could ascending to The skies with a single leap, if you want to survive in this cloud of capital, you cannot survive without any capital. “

Ye Fantian could not help secretly nodded: “Well … this capital is really good.”

But for this pair of idiots, Ye Fantian has no interest. Although this woman is not an ugly woman, she can only seduce mortals at most. This looks more like Ye Fantian saw in the Imperial Palace Those palace ladies have a certain gap, except that there are two or two fats in front, there seems to be nothing to be proud of.

But Ye Fantian didn’t want to provoke others, but it didn’t mean that others didn’t want to provoke him. Soon Ye Fantian’s disregard angered the two idiots in front of him.

“Hey … boy, don’t you hear me?”

Ye Fantian looked at the so-called extraordinary guy curiously, his eyes narrowed slightly and said, “What about you?”

He really doesn’t understand. Are these guys mentally disabled? Do you like to find pumping when you are idle?

“Ha Ha Ha … Okay, you dare to say such an impudent when you hear me, do you know who I am?”

I’ve seen people with brain disabilities who haven’t seen such people with brain disabilities. Ye Fantian’s eyebrows soon began to tighten, and then stared coldly at the other person saying lightly, “Let ’s go, I don’t want to cause trouble.”

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice came out, and after hearing the voice, the young man with the long sword almost crunched …

“What a lovely pet.”

While speaking, a beautiful woman in a long black dress moved her own lotus step and started moving towards Ye Fantian. At this time, many people have been walking back and forth on this street, many of them It’s because of this woman’s appearance.

The look of the woman is about seventeen or eighteen years old. A rare black long dress not only did not bring her many flaws, but also made her look beautiful.

A flaming long hair straight up to her hips, the perfect and supple posture really made her whole person and even a certain raised part appear more tempting.

Pink eyes blinked with a sense of ambiguous, it seemed to be a charming gesture when looking at you, and the exquisite pretty face really made Ye Fantian, who had seen many beautiful women, couldn’t help but feel lost. For more than ten seconds, the small and cute red lips were more colorful than ordinary people, just like the blooming rose, hot and full of seductive breath.

The degree of skin-like snow really made many women start to feel a little ashamed.

This is a stunning stunner.

But after seeing this woman, Ye Fantian’s brow frowned slightly. From a psychological point of view, he didn’t like such a woman. From the other person’s tone, he clearly took a domineering attitude, and from the other’s From the point of view of clothing and dress, this woman should have lived in the offspring of wealthy people since urinating. Therefore, although Zhou has a rare and noble temperament, it does not make Ye Fantian like it.

Extraordinarily staring at the beauty in front of her at this moment, the eyes were like hungry wolves constantly looking at each other’s lovable body.

There was a smug look of pride on the woman’s face, but there was still a little dissatisfaction and annoyance on the pretty face. Obviously, she didn’t like the apprehension of such fruit-bearing possession, but the kind of contentment was real. Makes her happy.

Behind her, several men with luggage were standing still. Even if someone around them was watching them, these people didn’t move at all, just like the coldness of a machine.

The expression of alertness that was only revealed in their eyes from time to time was obviously protecting the woman from any harm, and a quaint Dragon Phoenix mark on the woman’s chest was very clear. The identity of this person.

Senior student of Kaye Academy.

The two beautiful legs of snow white looked more dazzling in the sun, and the woman slowly walked in front of Ye Fantian. Zhu Lip said lightly: “This little pet, I fancy it, pay a price . “

In appearance, Ye Fantian’s delicate and pretty look is not really a powerhouse gesture, and the black robe is only made of medium and top fabric.

Although it is said that Ye Fantian has a lot of gorgeous robes in the Ghost Ring, and even many of them are of great value, but this one was sewn by Ye Rou for him, so Ye Fantian naturally felt this. The most comfortable piece, but just dressed like this makes people underestimate his identity.

Hearing that the woman was going to buy herself, Little Bai couldn’t help but started to scream at contorts one’s face in agony.

“Yo … I’m still angry, hehe, it’s all humble creatures. Like his master, he doesn’t know how to move forward and backward, but when you get into my hands, I think you will soon be satisfied with me Where life is. “

“Extraordinary let’s go.”

Seeing that the extraordinary man was staring at the black skirt woman motionlessly at this moment, the big breasted woman in the man’s arms suddenly quit, and then said coquettishly.

But at this time, she miscalculated, and saw that this extraordinary did not bother her existence, even the other party was still staring at the beautiful and alluring black skirt woman in front of her, if it was not on the street, then She does not know the identity of the other. This extraordinary and absolute will forcefully take away this woman.

“Say … haven’t stated your conditions yet? It looks like you should also go to the Nagye Academy. If you want money, then I can give it to you. If you want to be more in this Academy, If you survive well, then I can let you have a more stable survival, as long as you make a price. “

Ye Fantian lightly saying: “Don’t sell …”

“Boy … you really fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness.”

Extraordinary is truly extraordinary, this set of means alone makes a difference.

“Extraordinary, let’s go.”

“Go! You tacky woman, don’t you see me talking to Senior Sister?”

This extraordinary while speaking continued to move forward, and then the expression on his face became more and more devoted, and the subsequent salivating gesture became more dazzling.

“Boy, this Senior Sister has made such a good condition. You dare to be so impudent. Really humble people don’t even know how to advance?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then lightly said, “Don’t sell …”

While speaking Ye Fantian will be walking away, but at this time, extraordinary but suddenly blocked Ye Fantian’s body, said in a dark tone: “Do you know who I am? I am in this Blue Water City Huang Family, our Huang Family is focused on building swords, and it ’s considered to be the best in this continent. Friends everywhere, if you do n’t give me this face, hum, there will be good fruits for you in the future. . “

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly. During this time, he also made a lot of effort. He also had some understanding of the distribution in the Xuantian continent. He had also seen the Huang Family, but he did not say like the other party. Such terrifying: “Is the Huang Family of the Icon State?”

Hearing that Ye Fantian knew his family, Huang Feifan’s face became more and more proud, but the black skirt woman soon sneered with arrogance: “hmph …… Which one makes you somebody? You count? Something, dare to point at me in front of me. Boy, tell you, today you pet this Young Lady fancy, if you are acquaintances, hand them over, otherwise I will make you regret immediately. “

“Buy and sell?”

Ye Fantian’s face did not have the slightest sign of timidity. For the woman in front of him, he could see that the samurai level had not yet reached Peak, but it was also a rare genius.

But it was nothing in front of him, and a sudden thought came to his mind: “You mean the conditions want me to drive?”

After seeing Ye Fantian’s words, the woman’s expression became more arrogant. Then she looked at Ye Fantian’s eyes with a touch of disdain, apparently she was extremely proud of her own threat, and for Ye Fantian, The boneless posture is quite despised.

“Nice … what do you want? Just open it. Rarely, I am in a good mood for something interesting, let’s go.”

Little Bai yawned lightly, expressing no pressure on Ye Fantian’s words, because it is quite clear that Ye Fantian is a person.


Ye Fantian paused slightly, then looked at the other person’s pretty face and revealed the expression of a faint smile: “I want you all?”

Uproar …! !!

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