Chapter XNUMX Demoness Princess

After this statement, the faces of the Eldest Prince and 3rd Prince suddenly became gloomy. In the presence of so many people, Ye Fantian’s statement was no less than the rejection of the two.

Even the Eldest Prince and the 3rd Prince originally thought that although this Ye Fantian was the new hunting king and King Ye who had just reached the level of kingship, they would not dare to refuse themselves.

What I didn’t expect was that the other party was so direct, or even without any emotion at all.

This made them unable to step down at all, and the prince of dignified could not get a crown prince.

“Hehe … King Ye, I know this time you must haven’t considered it clearly, so there are still some shortcomings in words, if you can, I think you can think better.”

Eldest Prince lightly saying, but this tone has begun with a touch of dignity and coercion.

“Hehe … no need to consider, Brahma’s ability, Brahma knows that it is absolutely impossible to dispel the thoughts in this, so it can be said that it will be the same in the future.”

After feeling the threat from the other party, Ye Fantian’s heart started to sneer. He most frankly threatened, and the threatening tone in the other party’s words really made him very upset.

“Hmph … I really thought that I had become the king of a party, it was great, right, but don’t forget it. If I take over this dynasty in the future, then I ca n’t say who I want to abolish, just a sentence That’s all. “

“Do the two mean to threaten me?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly. At this time, he had already started the Murderous Intention. As the guardian of the future wind dynasty, he was quite clear that even if he wanted to kill a prince, the Emperor Changlong would not be excessive. Inquiry, because his identity is the guardian of the Gale Dynasty, the controller and leader after the Martial King, ask him such identity, even if the emperor Changlong is extremely angry, what can he say?

“Threat? Hehe, you may have misunderstood Brahma. My Third Brother has always been so straight-forward, but he said that it is justified. After all, everyone is a family after all, does it mean that they are integrated with each other in advance? Is n’t it good to be together? With our help, this seat of King Ye will sit more firmly, and one more thing is that your Ye Family is also a small family. If you want to develop into Imperial Capital, If such a strong family is comparable, it needs a strong support behind it. If there is no support from other forces, what kind of catastrophic problem it will face once it is faced, for example, someone sees your family as unpleasant. Wouldn’t it be troublesome if you want to do some damage? And you said that you will go to Ka Ye Academy to practice and study in the future, once your family … “

When it comes to here, Eldest Prince suddenly shut up, not because he intentionally paused, it was because he was frightened by a killing intent that skyrocketed!

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then the killing intent on his body burst insanely, while the long hair was windless and automatic, cold light shrank in his eyes constantly.

“Brother Qin, if I accidentally do something extraordinary, I don’t know what Wu Supervisor Wang would say?”

Qin Kuang said lightly: “Wu Supervisor Wang once said that even if you break this day, Martial King Mountain will be on your side. Of course, this day is boundless, so I said that you Do anything and the people at Martial King will stand with you! “

After this remark, the faces of all the people suddenly changed, especially the two princes. At this time, they found that they seemed to have done something very stupid.

“Bad son!”

Suddenly, the sound of coldly snorted came out suddenly, and a man in casual clothes slowly moved towards this side. Behind him, Xiner Princess was also helpless with a look at her side. The line of guards holding the blades began to walk without hesitation. Although there was no movement, the momentum on it was extremely powerful.

Then there was the appearance of the mysterious tiger, the poisonous man and the others, but at this time they were all very serious.

Seeing the emergence of middle age person, no, it can even be said that after his voice appeared, the faces of Eldest Prince and 3rd Prince began to become even paler.

“Father … Imperial Father? Why are you here?”

The visitor slowly took off the black hat that he had put on, and his face was extremely ugly. I saw that look and the horrible King’s breath was not the dragon emperor.

But now he is quite angry. As the controller of this wind dynasty, he is the first person to know Ye Fantian’s identity besides Martial King Mountain. He was originally his identity, even this Ye Fantian. It is the dual status of the King of the Hunt and the prince, but it is not necessary to come, but after receiving Ye Fantian’s identity as the guardian of the future wind dynasty, he cannot sit still.

He did not expect that the Tibetan sword Martial Lord’s evaluation of Ye Fantian was so high, that he was so sure of Ye Fantian’s existence.

He had to come!

What I didn’t expect was that my two sons were so impudent, and moved towards Ye Fantian started to threaten. Fortunately, things haven’t been made irreparable, otherwise, once the two idiots made other If something extraordinary happens, without Ye Fantian’s shot, he will immediately kill these two guys who are under control.

“Yeah, why did I come? Is it a surprise? If I didn’t come, I wouldn’t have known that my two sons would have grown up, to such an extent that I could not believe them, threatening the new one. The King of Hunting? And it just became King Ye’s existence? Great courage, so great power. “

“Long live the Great! Absolutely old!”

At this time, the talents reflected.

In Qi Qi’s kneeling, Ye Fantian didn’t move at all. As his identity, even the Great Dragon Emperor saw him respectfully.

Qin Kuang did not visit him because his identity belongs to Martial King Mountain.

“Come up, widow, this time comes in casual clothes, naturally you don’t need to come to this set of vanity.”

While speaking, he was again moved towards Eldest Prince and 3rd Prince lightly saying: “It seems that the widow is really old, so old that he can hardly recognize his son.”


The two princes knelt on the ground in a hurry: “Imperial Father, we are just congratulating King Ye, please Imperial Father clearly observe …”

An ironic smile appeared on Emperor Changlong’s face: “hehe, is it? I’m also looking forward to it, but I was watching it at the beginning, but I started to threaten and intimidate if I couldn’t do it. But congratulations? What a joke. “

“Come here … bring these two idiots back to Dali Temple, accept punishment, and … forever revoke their qualifications to inherit the throne!”


As soon as this statement was made, everyone in the room suddenly started to stun, but of course Ye Fantian and Qin Kuang looked at each other and smiled.

Distressed Baoshuai!

This is a very clever way!

However, I have to say that the practice of Emperor Changlong is quite desirable. Once the two emperors can still have a powerful force, it is a threat to Ye Fantian. Emperor Changlong is convinced that the strength of Ye Fantian and Guts, if you said it wasn’t because of your own prevention, the other party can absolutely kill your two sons!

“No … Imperial Father.”

Eldest Prince has now kneeled softly on the ground, and 3rd Prince cried out sternly.

It was Xiner Princess who said a few words in the ears of the two, but it was these few words that finally turned the two faces into complete despair.

Apparently they already knew the identity of Ye Fantian.

What is the identity of the guardian of the gale dynasty, what a terrifying existence, how could they threaten such a powerful existence, isn’t it courting death?

After thinking about this, they knew that their father was not deliberately obliterating his identity, but was saving himself. Just now Ye Fantian had erupted an infinite killing intent. As long as he started, even his father could save him. Can’t be myself.

Looking at this boy, their hearts could not help but emerged a kind of dare not face up, what a terrifying existence!

“Hehe … King Ye, I wanted to congratulate this time, but I didn’t expect that this would happen.”

Is this an apology?

Emperor Changlong is actually apologizing?

Except for those who were shocked to know, the eyes were almost tuned out. This is the Paragon of the entire gale dynasty.

Ye Fantian said slightly with a smile: “The emperor is serious, Brahma won’t be angry because of these little things.”

Abolish the two princes? Is this trivial?

Everyone found that their ears seemed to be a bit difficult to use today …

Soon the congratulatory banquet was restored to its original calm again, but it was a happy event because his two idiot sons became like this. The emperor Changlong naturally stayed here for a long time, so he said slightly After a few sentences, he left again in a low profile.

“Hehe … Ye Fantian, we will meet again soon.”

Xiner Princess said with a laugh, a pair of crafty expressions appeared in those beautiful eyes.

“is it?”

Ye Fantian apparently still has a mustard for the members of the Imperial Family, so the speech between the words is not overly respectful, but with a kind of resistance.

“That woman … is terrifying!”

Qin Kuang lightly saying.

Since he gave up his resentment towards Ye Fantian, the whole person seems to have become more silent, but every single speech is enough to surprise Ye Fantian a lot.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Kuang lightly saying: “It’s nothing, although this woman looks cute and beautiful on the outside, but she has a very secret nickname-Demoness Princess …”

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