Chapter XNUMX King Ye!

“You … did you waste me ?!”

Mennan’s face showed an unstoppable panic, but the resentment in his tone was not covered at all.

Xuan Hu’s disdain revealed a touch of calm, apparently ignoring the other’s expression …

“Pull out … interrogation! Search all the members of the house, if there is anyone involved, all-chop!”

The Great Dragon Emperor shouted loudly.


Contacted with the state of the elephant, such a death ca n’t be counted. Fortunately, Menan can also be involved, and this time the Emperor Changlong began to unfold his iron side, and then watched Menan be taken out Afterwards, Emperor Changlong’s complexion moved towards everyone and said lightly: “Do you have any suggestions about hunting Heavenly King this time?”

Faced with this cruel inquiries, everyone suddenly began to show their support.

“Very good … Recorder, drafting the decree, Ye Jitian, King Ye Fantian, king-King Ye!”


This day is destined to be the grandest of the Ye Family!

It is also the grandest of the Great Wind Imperial Court!

Guests came from all sides. If it wasn’t for the nobles from other places who were ordered by the local governments to not follow the trend, I am afraid that the seats prepared by the Ye Family in Tianyu City would not be able to accommodate guests from all over the world.

Feng Heavenly King Hou Nai is a major event historically held by the Imperial Court. It is naturally a Supreme glory to be a prince, and even a king can appear in this small Tianyu city. Never before.

Ye Jue ’s mouth has not been closed from the beginning to the present. From the position of the green tiger, it is enough to see that at this time, Ye Jue ’s mouth is already in a state of convulsions. In this case, who can hold on to a day of laughter without the slightest problem.

Although it is said that Ye Fantian has not yet appeared, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of everyone in the Ye Family. They are quite clear. As long as they hold the big tree of the Ye Family, it is equivalent to having contact with King Ye. Many things will change a lot after that.

Many things in the world are unpredictable. For example, the Ye Family, which was still a slumped family, was suffering from the exclusion of many forces. It is the existence of the great forces.

Just after the arrival of the Scorpion King people, everyone thought that the current Ye Family was over, but the emergence of Ye Fantian led to this problem being completely solved, and the Ye Fantian ’s terrifying strength was therefore all other. Everyone began to see the iron side of the new-born Hunter King.

“Congratulations from Martial King …”

A long voice came out with a very happy voice, and after hearing this voice, everyone suddenly began to boil. Although Tianyu City is a small town, it does not mean that the people here are blocked. On the contrary, because the area here is better, the information is quite developed.

Even if you have not heard of Martial King Mountain, the first two words of Martial King Mountain alone are enough to understand the terrifying …

The expressions of excitement on the faces of the Ye Family suddenly showed an excitement. What a glory it was. The people of Martial King Mountain came here in person. Martial King Mountain, that is the most powerful force of the Imperial Court Then, the Supervisor Wang who sheltered in the gale dynasty is the master of this Martial King mountain.

Of course, they will not know that the real powerhouse in this Martial King mountain is a Martial Lord that is rarely known!

A tall man walked in with a serious expression on his face, and dozens of martial arts behind him slowly followed them with gifts.

“Hehe … you!”

An immature but mature voice came out, and Ye Fantian slowly came in from the house in a purple robe. The visits of the noble officials were really annoying to him Not to mention that it is to entertain, but the singles of Martial King are different. They need to meet anyway.

But I did not expect that this person who came would be Qin Kuang.

“Well … Ye Fantian, meet again.”

Ye Fantian gently nodded, and then revealed a surprised expression. In the past, the violent eyes in Qin ’s crazy eyes have completely disappeared, but what is left is as clear and crystal like a clear spring, and here There was also a little flash of coldness. Ye Fantian’s strength can naturally be seen. In this short period of time, the opponent’s strength has improved tremendously, although it is three points away from the so-called There is still a big gap between Martial King, but it can reach the current level, and even his own gas engine has begun to change. In addition to the influence of his Master, this guy’s qualifications are also evident.

“Yes, I met again, but I didn’t expect that your guy’s strength would grow again.”

There is no hostility on the other side’s face, so Ye Fantian is even more unlikely to be stale with the other side. Therefore, in terms of words, the two are just like two friends, but in this communication, we were completely surprised. He also fought an extremely lethal fight.

For the praise of Ye Fantian, Qin Kuang’s face did not have the slightest pride. On the contrary, a bitter smile was revealed: “Compared to what you say, what is my progress?”

The thought of Ye Fantian’s qualifications like this evil spirit really filled his heart with depression, but being able to become an opponent with such evil spirits also filled Qin Kuang’s heart with expectations!

Suddenly, at this time, an astonishing cry sounded again: “Eldest Prince arrives …”

But I have n’t waited for this Ye Fantian and the others to respond, and shouted again: “3rd Prince arrives …”

With a slight frown, Qin Kuang’s face revealed a rare taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “These two people can be regarded as the two most powerful people in the throne inheritance. Of course, in fact, compared to this, That Xiner Princess is the most powerful person, but unfortunately, she is only a female stream after all.

Qin Kuang among words is not low on Xiner Princess.

“Do you mean, this time they arrived, not just to congratulate me?”

Qin Kuang gently said nodded, “So young, it is only sixteen years old and has reached the level it is now, and has achieved the title of King Ye. Under these circumstances, the other party can see you naturally. If the potential of you can be brought to you, wouldn’t it be a great support and help for them? “

When speaking of this, Qin Kuang whispered again: “Also, you are still the heir of the next dynasty guardian. Although the news has not yet spread, we in Martial King Hill have a lot of people I ’ve seen you being called by Lord Martial Lord. In terms of their strength, it is easier to explore this information, so they think you are being called by Lord Martial Lord. This is likely to be As a result, there is a better future, so I will come and show you. “

Ye Fantian lightly saying: “The court battles were totally unsuitable for me, so it was just a waste of effort to say that their arrival.”

Qin Kuang naturally knows this, so he has no doubts about Ye Fantian’s words.

The two soon smiled during the exchange, but the young people with a deep look of dreading each other slowly moved towards this side.

It ’s easy to distinguish between Eldest Prince and 3rd Prince. Eldest Prince has reached the age of maturity, and this 3rd Prince is only XNUMX or XNUMX years old. Although the two do not look like they are three or five years old, but that This momentum is quite different.

Compared with the horrible suffocation on the body of this 3rd Prince, Eldest Prince’s smiley face really makes people feel good.

Although it is said that Ye Fantian is very clear that the other party is absolutely pretended.

But it will not affect the mood of this Ye Fantian. After seeing the appearance of Qin Kuang, the two people’s faces were stagnation for a while, obviously it was unexpected that Qin Kuang would also appear here. Eldest Prince immediately responded, said with a smile: “Congratulations to Brother Qin for his recovery.”

Qin Kuang lightly saying: “Many thanks to Eldest Prince for his concern.”

The position of Martial King Mountain is aloof, and this Qin Kuang also has a good position in Martial King Mountain. You are the Big Senior Brother in the young generation of discipline, and you can completely ignore these princes and grandchildren and Princesses.

In response to such a non-salty answer, although Eldest Prince did not have any anger, his eyes appeared more and more cold.

“Hehe … Brahma is now a king of a party, and Fiefdom will soon be available, but I don’t know what Brahma has now?”

Ye Fantian smiled slightly: “I don’t know what Eldest Prince said, what it means.”

Second Imperial Prince lightly interrupted the exchange of the two and said, “” The prince is thirsty for talent and wants to be like Brahma. I have always admired it, but I do n’t know if there is this opportunity to get a great friendship. ? “

This statement has been so straightforward, Ye Fantian naturally knows what the other party means, so at this time he knows better that he has the opportunity to choose. Once the choice is not good, the result is to offend any of them. Prince, and Qin Kuang at this time is sneer, the two of them have a good wish, but they will not know that the true identity of Ye Fantian is already the guardian of the future gale dynasty, such identity More terrifying than being loyal to both.

“Brahma has no intention of any party, just want to live well with his clansman, and soon I will also enter the Kaye Academy to continue to cultivate, so that no matter which side I will not support, but But they will not object. “

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