Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 209 Welcome as Husband

Everyone was speechless when they heard Murong Fu's words.

There was a hint of admiration in Abi's little mind. Our young master is so awesome, and his way of thanking you is so unique.

Master, are you leaving tomorrow? Bao BuTong asked.

Well, I have to leave for a while. It has been decided before. Murong Fu nodded.

Wang Yuyan asked: Cousin, don't you need me to accompany you?

No, you can just go to the capital of Song Dynasty when the time comes. Murong Fu said calmly.

Yes, we understand. Wang Yuyan and everyone else echoed in unison.

Murong Fu looked at the sky. There was already a full moon in the sky, and he suggested: Let's go and see the lanterns.

Okay, it just so happens that my second brother is reborn after his broken arm, so let's go out and have a look. Bao BuTong said with a smile.

Everyone thought it was good, so they went home and called their relatives to gather together on the edge of Taihu Lake.

Murong Fu called Hua Jingyinmeng, Lang Xuici, Xiao Hu Fei and the Murong sisters to go with him.

At this time, Taihu Lake was already crowded with passers-by and various vendors, and it was very lively.

Appreciating lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, lion dances, and some children put some small paper boats and light candles in Taihu Lake.

It was the first time for little Hu Fei to see such a lively scene, and he asked curiously: Mom, why do we have to enjoy lanterns during the Lantern Festival?

Lang Xuici smiled and said: It is said that the Buddha Sakyamuni performed magical transformations and subdued gods and demons on the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month in the west, which is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the east.

During the reign of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Mo Tengzhu Falandong came to preach. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty ordered lanterns to be lit on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month on the day of the Buddha's divine transformation, and he personally went to the temple to light up lanterns to show respect to the Buddha. Since then, the Lantern Festival lanterns have become popular.

Furthermore, in Buddhist teachings, fire is compared to the power of Buddha. The Sutra of Infinite Life has a saying that 'infinite flames shine infinitely'. Every Buddhist event must be brightly lit.

Little Hu Fei said Wow: Isn't Buddha very powerful?

Of course, Buddha must be very powerful. Liang Xuici said with a smile.

Murong Fu shook his head and said: Your mother, you are right, even if you cannot say it, it is wrong. In our eastern land, Taoism is the only one.

Buddhism only existed when I, the Taoist, went west to the Hangu Pass. Otherwise, the Sakyamuni your mother mentioned would still be playing in the mud.

Go, don't teach the child bad things. Liang Xuici rolled her eyes at Murong Fu, fearing that his nonsense would offend the Buddha and convict him.

Haha, godfather, what I said is true. Murong Fu said with a loud laugh.

Everyone laughed haha when they heard this, and Wang Yuyan beside them suddenly said: What Sister Xue Ci just said is right. There is indeed a method in Buddhism that can produce immeasurable flames.

Really? Bao BuTong asked in surprise.

Of course it's true. Wang Yuyan thought for a moment and said, There was a palm technique recorded in my Langhuan Jade Cave, called Tathagata Divine Palm.

Tathagata Palm? Is it the palm technique that fell from the sky? Murong Fu asked in surprise.

Wang Yuyan smiled and said, Could it be that Shi Shui Pavilion also has an introduction to this technique?

No, I just heard about it by chance. Murong Fu said calmly.

If this palm technique were to appear in this world, its power would probably be far greater than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

However, no matter how powerful the technique is, it still needs people to use it. Qiao Feng, who is as famous as himself, can be said to be a combat genius.

Regardless of his lack of skill, he fights more and more fiercely, so he is really a freak.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu suddenly had something in his mind: Could it be that Qiao Feng also has a special bloodline?

Cousin, what are you thinking about? Wang Yuyan asked curiously when she saw Murong Fu was silent for a long time.

Haha, I just thought of an interesting person, that's all. Murong Fu said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they all showed curiosity.

Everyone wanted to know who the interesting person Murong Fu mentioned was.

Master, look there's someone guessing lantern riddles there. Abi greeted happily.

Murong Fu said: Let's go and see who guesses the most lanterns today?

Haha, it must be me, Bao, who is talented. Bao BuTong boasted.

Go, I don't know your literary talents yet. If you guess just one, it's good. Deng Baichuan joked.

Hmph, let's compete if we can. Bao BuTong said, pulling Deng Baichuan forward.

Everyone also laughed and followed over to join in the fun.

Three days later, Murong Fu took Xiao Yin to the outside of Xiuyu Valley.

Looking up, I saw deep mountains and ridges, filled with dark clouds, mist and cold wind. ..

Only here, the sun shines like gold on the flowers, and the climate is gentler and always like spring.

Here, flowers are in full bloom, chrysanthemums, peonies, roses, plums, peaches, orchids, datura, tuberose, tulips...

No matter who comes here, they will be intoxicated by this sea of ​​flowers, forgetting the troubles in the world of mortals, forgetting the dangers, and forgetting everything.

This is Yihua Palace, one of the four famous forbidden areas in the martial arts world!

Hundreds of flowers bloom here, like a place in a fairyland.

But it is an outright dangerous place.

Anyone who dares to break in without permission will surely die without any bones left and will not have a good death.

As soon as Murong Fu stepped in with one foot, several sharp arrows flew towards him.

A group of women wearing dragon gauze clothes came out.

Murong Fu was slightly surprised. These clothes were not cheap. They were made of croaker gauze.

It is also inlaid with the moon pearl of the sea and the warm jade of Lantian, which were transformed from the tears of the sharks. They are extremely gorgeous and worth thousands of gold.

Luxurious, too luxurious!

Even if Murong Fu got a treasure, he would not dare to waste money like this.

I'm afraid that in the entire world, only Yao Yueqian is so rampant. Don't worry, someone has bloodbathed her Yihua Palace.

Who is so bold and dares to break into Yihua Palace and risk his life? Several palace maids pointed at Murong Fu and asked in unison.

Murong Fu said politely: Excuse me, please tell me that Murong Fu, leader of the Southern Martial Arts Alliance, has come to pay homage to the two princesses Yao Yue and Lian Xing.

What kind of leader of the Southern Martial Arts Alliance? Is the leader of the Western Martial Arts Alliance worthy of meeting our two palace lords of Yihua Palace? the leading maid said disdainfully.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows, saying that the little girl had such a loud tone.

If it weren't for Yaoyue and Lianxing's sake, I wouldn't have had to teach them a lesson.

Let them understand what the dangers of the world are.

I'll say it again, I'm Murong Fu. It was you, the Master of Yihua Palace, who asked me to come. If you didn't report the delay, don't blame me. Murong Fu said in a deep voice.

Come on, men are never allowed in our Yihua Palace. How could the palace master let you in? Don't blame me for being ruthless if you don't get out soon. The palace maid continued.

Murong Fu's face froze. He had never seen such a shabby woman before, and he said angrily:

Okay, just wait!

As he spoke, his inner energy suddenly burst out from his Dantian, and he shouted:

Yaoyue, Lianxing, where are you? Come out quickly to greet your husband!

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