Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 208 Rebirth of a Broken Arm

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Murong Fu officially became the leader of the southern martial arts alliance and became famous all over the world.

From then on, no one from all factions in the world disrespected him, and no one refused to follow him.

And his two generals, Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian, also shined.

This battle brought out Murong's momentum and attitude.

The two men were loyal and courageous, and sacrificed their lives, which is admirable.

The only pity is that Gong Yegan broke his arm.

If it doesn't stop, I can still find a way to cure it, but now that it has been broken into two parts, I can't do anything. Su Ying sighed.

It doesn't matter, it's my honor to be able to bring honor to the young master. Gong Yegan drank the old wine from the gourd Gulu, Gudu.

It's all my fault. If I could work harder, I wouldn't have to let second brother Gongye give up an arm. Ding Dian said in frustration.

Deng Baichuan patted Ding Dian on the shoulder and said, Brother Ding, this matter has nothing to do with you in the first place, so you don't have to worry about it.

Su Ying saw Murong Fu just drinking on the side without making a sound, so she asked, Why aren't you talking? What are you thinking about?

Haha, I was wondering if there is a pill in this world that can regenerate a broken arm. Murong Fu said.

Huh? Everyone was stunned. Even Gong Ye, who had always remained calm, made a move and shook his head with a wry smile:

Young Master is joking, how could there be such a panacea in this world?

Su Ying pondered for a moment and said: There is such an elixir in the Alchemy Sutra, but the material is too scarce and we can't get it at all.

What? Everyone was shocked: Is there really such a pill?

Of course there is, and it's in my hand. Murong Fu said, taking out a jade bottle from his sleeve and placing it in front of everyone.

What is this? Su Ying asked curiously.

The Nine-Dead Regeneration Pill can regenerate a person's broken arm, just like the original body. Murong Fu explained.

Really? Su Ying grabbed the elixir in her hand, opened the lid and smelled it with her nose.

Finally, her brows furrowed into the Chinese character Sichuan. She actually didn't smell the ingredients of the elixir inside.

It doesn't matter if it's real or fake. Why don't you just let my second brother take one? Murong Fu said calmly.

Su Ying nodded, took out a Nine-Residual Regeneration Pill and handed it to Gong Yeqian: That's right, second brother, please try and see if it tastes good.

Gong Yeqian looked at Murong Fu and said, Master, are you looking for fun with me?

Haha, how could it be possible? Second brother, just take it. Murong Fu said.

Gong Yeqian stared at the elixir, glanced twice, then threw it into his mouth, raised his head and swallowed it.


Everyone stared at Gong Yeqian's broken arm, wanting to witness the birth of the miracle.

As a result, nothing happened after waiting for a long time.

Abi asked carefully: Master, you won't be deceived, right? There has been no change for such a long time?

Murong Fu smiled confidently: Don't worry, it will be useful if I say it will be useful. Even if it doesn't grow today, it will grow tomorrow.

Gong Yeqian sighed and said: Oh, time is also fate!

It's just a broken arm, you don't need to worry so much.

Deng Baichuan also sighed and patted Gong Yegan:

Don't worry, big brother's hand will be your hand from now on. I heard that some skilled craftsmen can make prosthetic limbs that are indistinguishable from real hands.

By the time…

Just as Deng Baichuan was speaking, Gong Yeqian felt pain where his broken arm felt like it was being burned.

Before he could scream out, a white bone grew out like a tree bud.

Then it continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a fresh hand actually grew.

The air solidified at this moment.

Everyone couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Oh my god, haven't I seen a ghost? Bao BuTong shouted to himself.

Gong Yeqian also stared at his arm, and for a moment he forgot how to speak.

Really...really, it's grown?

A'Zhu and A Bi nodded stiffly: Second brother, you really grew arms.

Master, have I seen a ghost? Deng Baichuan also had a rare expression of cuteness.

Su Ying stared at Murong Fu: Asshole, where did you find it? Such a powerful elixir can actually regenerate a broken limb?

Murong Fu shrugged and said, I said it can be cured, so of course it can be cured. You guys are really making a fuss.

Wang Yuyan recalled that during the previous martial arts competition, Murong Fu saw Gong Yeqian's broken arm.

Instead of being anxious, she even smiled. She felt a little strange at that time.

According to Murong Fu's temperament, he was not angry. It turned out that everything had been arranged by him.

Cousin, you are so amazing!

Bao BuTong suddenly smiled and said, Madam, what do you mean when you say that the young master is great?

Of course... Wang Yuyan was about to reply, but her expression turned shy: Third brother, you are making fun of me again.

Haha, there's no such thing as that. Bao Bubu and others burst out laughing.

A'Zhu and A Bi also became shy.

About half an hour later, Gong Yeqian's new arm finally grew.

Murong Fu asked: Second brother, what do you think of this newbie?

Hey, Young Master, apart from being a little unaccustomed to it, there's nothing different at the moment. Gong Yeqian clenched his fist hard and felt it carefully.

Don't be too anxious about your energy. The meridians are subtle things. No matter how powerful the elixir is, it will take time to transition. Murong Fu said.

Gong Yegan nodded and knelt down suddenly, but halfway, a wall of air appeared below him, and he couldn't kneel down anymore: Young Master?

Haha, second brother, you went through life and death for me, and I broke my arm and was reborn for you. Why are you and I brothers so polite in this life? Murong Fu said calmly.

This... Gong Yeqian was speechless for a moment when he was asked.

Bao Tongtong said: Young Master is right. Second brother, you are not out of sight when you kneel down.

That's right, second brother, you are confused. We are the master's generals. If you kneel down like this, wouldn't you be angry? Deng Baichuan also said.

A'Zhu and A Bi also nodded in agreement and kept saying that's right, that's right.

Wang Yuyan stepped forward, helped Gongye up and said, Second brother, we are all a family, there is no need to be like this.

Gong Yeqian was a little ashamed after being told that, and said: It's my fault, it's my fault. I won't dare to do it again in the future.

At this time, Bao BuTong suddenly said: So Lu Bai, who was killed by his eldest brother, wasn't very unjust?.

What's wrong with this? The Songshan sect just wants to pick peaches. It's not unfair at all to kill one of them. Master, are you right? Deng Baichuan said unhappily.

Murong Fu said with a smile:

The Songshan sect can be considered a kind person. They have come all the way to help me establish my authority. Killing one of them can be considered a thank you.

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