Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 210 Create a child for her

In the Yihua Palace.

Lianxing touched his belly and said proudly: I don't know if that man dares to come.

Does he dare to come? Yao Yue said in a cold voice.

Lianxing smiled sweetly, her dimples were sweeter than Chunhua's, After he comes, if he knows that he is going to be a father, will he be very happy?

Huh, I haven't agreed to let you give birth to him yet. Yao Yue said unhappily.

Lianxing shook his head and said: That's not okay, sister, this is my child, and it is proof that I am better than you.

You... Yao Yue was so angry that she wanted to slap Lian Xing in the stomach.

She had been better than him all her life, but she didn't expect that she actually lost when it came to having a child.

After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't make a move. He flicked his sleeves and robe fiercely and cursed: Don't blame that man for not living up to expectations!

Haha, sister, you can't really blame him. If you want to blame you, you're too cold. Lianxing laughed haha.

Asshole, if he doesn't come tomorrow, I will send someone to catch him. Yao Yue said in a deep voice.

And just as the two sisters were quarreling, Murong Fu's voice came from outside the palace: Yao Yue, Lian Xing, where are you? Why don't you come out quickly to take me as your husband!

He's smart, he knew he was coming. Yao Yue snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Lianxing touched his belly and said proudly: Hey, good boy, your father is here, let's go see him.

With that said, he also left the room and walked outside the palace.

How dare you, what are you talking nonsense here? Be careful that the palace master will catch you and cut out your tongue. The expressions of several palace maids changed greatly, for fear of offending Yao Yue and blaming them.

Murong Fu said calmly: Nonsense? If you call them out, won't you know the truth?

Damn it, shut up! Several palace maids couldn't help but finally couldn't help it and drew their swords to stab Murong Fu.

Murong Fu was not angry when he saw this. He just smiled and said, Come on, I'm about to come. I'll play with you first.

Look at the sword! Several palace maids stood on one side.

There was nothing wrong with the first meeting, but after a few back and forth fights, Murong Fu couldn't help but his eyes shone slightly, and he praised:.

As expected, Yihua Palace actually has a sword formation!

You knew it was too late! The palace maid showed off her killing moves, stabbing at Murong Fu's vitals.

Murong Fu laughed haha and stood still, but a strange whirlwind emitted from his body.

As soon as the swords of the girls fell on Murong Fu, they felt their arms go numb, and the sharp swords that had been thrust out rebounded intact.

Not good! Several palace maids were startled when they saw that the sharp blade was about to scratch them.

There was a cold, ethereal voice in my ears:


Haha, you two are finally ready to let go.

Murong Fu smiled lightly, and then pressed his hands down to press his true energy back into his Dantian.

Several palace maids felt their wrists loosen instantly, and their swords fell to the ground.

Yao Yue fell in front of the palace maid and said coldly: What do you mean! You dare to hurt my palace maid of Yihua Palace as soon as you come here?

No, no, no, how can you blame me for this? I said I wanted to see the two ladies and they refused to let me, so naturally I had to teach them a lesson, no. Murong Fu said in a pretense of provocation.

You bastard, what are you talking about! Yao Yue raised her hand to educate Murong Fu.

Sister, what he said is right. At this time, Lianxing also walked over slowly and smiled at Murong Fu.


Murong Fu couldn't help but feel horrified when he saw Lian Xing's smile.

I always felt that her smile was more scary than Yaoyue's anger, so she couldn't help but smile awkwardly:

Haha, Mrs. Lianxing is still reasonable.

Don't push yourself too far. I asked you to come, not to recognize my relatives. Yao Yue waved her hand and let out a burst of energy.

Murong Fu was shocked. He felt an extremely powerful force of heaven and earth suppressing him, and hurriedly slapped his palm.

With a pop sound, Murong Fu was suddenly knocked three feet away.

He was extremely panicked, fearing that if Yao Yue got excited, he would really kill himself.

He quickly used all his strength and flipped around in the air for more than ten times before reluctantly stopping.

As soon as his body hit the ground, an extreme chill arose in his heart.

Ice quickly formed on his arms.

He was so frightened that he quickly circulated his Qi, and a purple flame quickly rose up in his body.

Fortunately, Yao Yue saw this scene and did not continue to pursue.

Instead, he stood there and looked at Murong Fu calmly.

The Grand Master Realm is so terrifying? Murong Fu said in shock.

Haha, you are wrong. My sister has now practiced Mingyu's magical skill to the peak of the eighth level!

It has reached the state of no one and no self, forgetting both things and myself, and forgetting love. Lianxing said.

The Supreme Being forgets his feelings? Doesn't it mean that he has no feelings?

That's right, my sister's feelings are very weak now. You'd better not mess with her, or she'll kill you with one palm. Lianxing joked.

What about you? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Me? I'm still at the peak of the seventh level. Lian Xing said.

It's okay, it's okay. Murong Fu patted his chest, as long as there is one normal person here.

Murong Fu, I guess you still have some ability to take a slap from me. Yao Yue said calmly.

Murong Fu smiled and said: So, I can enter Yihua Palace?

My feet are on you, and I didn't stop you. Yao Yue said, turning around and walking in.

Lian Xing came close to Murong Fu, hugged his arm, and said, Hey, let's go in. I will tell you some good news later.

Good news? Murong Fu was a little surprised and asked curiously: What good news?

There are a lot of people here, I'll tell you later. Lianxing smiled mysteriously.

Murong Fu didn't understand Lian Xing either, so he had no choice but to smile and said, Okay, I'll tell you later.

The maids on the side were a little dumbfounded when they saw Lian Xing and Murong Fu being so friendly.

He can't really be the husband of the Second Palace Master, right?

But he just said clearly that he is the husband of the First Palace Master and the Second Palace Master.

Is it possible? It's true!

Murong Fu came to Yihua Palace. As soon as he entered the main hall, he found that the lights were brightly lit. He couldn't help but asked curiously: What are you doing with the lights on in broad daylight?

Stupid, the lamp here is made of mermaid ointment as a candle. It will burn for thousands of years and does not need to be extinguished at all. Lianxing said with a smile.

Murong Fu was a little surprised: Mermaid's ointment?

Well, my sister bought it from Japan at a huge price. Lianxing said.

Murong Fu said, Is that so? and asked curiously, Do you know why your sister wants me to come here?

Haha, of course I'm going to kill you. Lian Xing said with a smile. I still have a way to live? Murong Fu still had a bright future, but he didn't want to die like this.

Yes! Lianxing nodded seriously.

What? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Create a child for her! Lianxing looked at Murong Fu proudly and said.

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