Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 143 Three Views Collapse

Oh? Madam Liu, what good thing can my young master do? Deng Baichuan asked with a smile.

Madam Liu raised a glass of wine and said with a smile: Congratulations, Mr. Murong, for becoming the governor of Pingjiang Prefecture.

What? Everyone was stunned.

Bao BuTong even spilled the wine on his face: You said that our two young masters have become the governor of Pingjiang Prefecture and are in charge of the military power of a state?

Haha, that's right. Madam Liu told everyone in detail what happened in the court to reward or punish Murong Fu.

Gong Yeqian shook his head and sighed: Qin Hui deserves to die. He is jealous of talents, jealous of talents, and greedy for power.

Hmph, if he dares to chirp behind the young master's back again, I will blow his head off. Bao BuTong cursed unhappily.

Yes, this person is hateful!! Deng Baichuan and everyone in the audience nodded.

Murong Fu didn't take it seriously. It was normal for people to fight in the court.

Everyone here is a charlatan, so there’s nothing wrong with not liking this.

What surprised him was that the emperor actually appointed him a military envoy.

In ancient times, this was almost a job of splitting the earth and dividing the king.

The actual power is much greater than that of Song Yongsi, the prefect.

The key is that he can recruit unlimited troops in the future.

Not only is it legal, but it can also control local financial power.

However, he knew the matter, and it would never be that simple, so he immediately asked: If I guessed correctly, I should be quite capable as a military governor.

Madam Liu nodded and said: Mr. Murong only has the power to control the troops. As for military pay and food, he still needs supplies from the court.

Haha, it's exactly what I thought. Murong Fu smiled lightly.

What do you mean! Does the emperor want our young master to do long-term work for him? Bao Tongwen said angrily.

Murong Fu smiled lightly, the court was being too naive.

I thought I could choke myself in this way.

Make him obey orders?


The only other thing I have is a lot of money!

Madam Liu was a little embarrassed. Although her heart was towards her superiority,

However, he was still loyal to the Song Dynasty in his heart.

Haha, it doesn't matter. It's a good thing to be able to contribute to the country. Murong Fu smiled and picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian looked at each other and quickly kicked Bao BuTong.

The three people immediately reached a consensus and joined in the toast.

When eating, the little fairy Su Ying is naturally indispensable.

As soon as she heard that the imperial chef was coming to cook, she immediately rushed over and saw Murong Fu looking up and down:

Hey, he's not dead!

Haha, I'm sorry, I can't force myself to die.

Murong Fu also looked up and down at Su Ying. Seeing her sleepy eyes and faint dark circles, he joked:.

Why, you have been suffering from insomnia recently. Are you afraid of nightmares because you have done too many bad things?

Hmph, I've been researching this new poison recently. It will be produced in large quantities soon. I will definitely poison you to death by then. Su Ying said viciously, and immediately picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Hua Jingyin Meng laughed softly and said, Fu Lang, is she the Doctor Su you often mentioned?

Often? No? Murong Fu shook his head and nodded: Yes, she is a foodie.

I think she seems to be interested in you. Hua Jingyinmeng said quietly.

Murong Fu looked at Su Ying blankly, suddenly feeling strange.


Usually the women who follow him will be unaware of it.

Attracted by the true dragon spirit in him, why was Su Ying fine?

However, he didn't think much about it. Su Ying was so knowledgeable and talented, so there must be another reason.

After he was full of wine and food, he called Deng, Gong, and Bao to sit together.

Second Brother Gong, I have a blueprint for building a ship here. You can find a hidden place on the beach and build it secretly. Murong Fu gave Gong Yegan what he had obtained from his mission.

Cangshan Iron Ship? Gong Yeqian took a look at the drawing and couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

What a domineering ship. If it can really be built, it will be much stronger than those ships of the Japanese.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this design, you just need to find a craftsman.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes and reminded: Remember, separate the drawings and follow each step, so that even if others steal the drawings, they cannot copy them.

Gong Yeqian nodded quickly: I understand.

Murong Fu looked at Deng Baichuan again and said:

Brother Deng, the intelligence system has always been our weakness. Later, I would like to ask you and Yinmeng to go to Luoyang to build the Murong clan's intelligence core.

I obey! Deng Baichuan glanced at Hua Jingyin Meng beside Murong Fu and nodded repeatedly.

Okay, three brothers, it's getting late. You should go back and rest. After Murong Fu gave his instructions, he let a few people leave without much delay.

Before Bao BuTong left, he confessed that he had arranged for Song Tian'er and Su Rongrong to come to his old house in advance before leaving on his own.

Those three women seem to be somewhat hostile to you. Hua Jingyin dreamed that several people were leaving, and she stood up and used her weak and boneless hands to massage Murong Fu's temples.

Don't worry about them. Treat them with delicious food and drinks until Brother Chu comes back. Murong Fu closed his eyes and enjoyed the woman's service.

When Murong Fu's drunkenness dissipated, he suddenly opened his eyes and smiled: Come on, I will take you to see something interesting.

Interesting things. Hua Jing looked slightly excited due to the dream, became curious, nodded and followed Murong Fu away.

Soon, Murong Fu took Hua Jing to the cave at the bottom of the mountain due to his dream.

Where is here? Hua Jing asked in her dream.

This is where our Murong family trains the secret guards. Next to it is the cell where important enemies are imprisoned. Murong Fu said calmly.

Enemy? Are there any now? Hua Jing asked casually due to his dream.

Yes, there is an old guy named Murong Wudi among the Tianzuns. Murong Fu answered as he walked.

Tianzun? Hua Jing hesitated because of her dream. Although she had never heard of Murong Wudi, Tianzun's name was well known to her.

Well, yes, it is the person you are thinking of, but she is also a member of my Murong family, named Murong Qiudi. Murong Fu's eyes suddenly lit up: Long time no see, Xiaotong!

Hua Jing suddenly stiffened before her dream could react, and a terrifying killing intent made her seem to have lost her ability to move.

At this time, her eyes reflected a man covered in armor and nearly one foot tall.

No, if you look closely, this man doesn't look like a living creature.

Fulang he...

Murong Fu patted Hua Jingyin Meng's hand and said, Yes, he is not a human being but a bronze corpse. He is an ancestor of my Murong family.

Bronze corpse? Isn't that the legendary zombie? Hua Jingyinmeng couldn't believe it was true, but he knew that Murong Fu would not lie.

Her outlook on life was about to collapse, and she exclaimed: Such a thing actually exists in this world!

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