Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 142 Good things are coming


From a certain room in Murong's residence, a certain shy yet exciting voice came out.

Two hours later, Murong Fu left Huang Rong's room with satisfaction.

Not long after, Huang Yaoshi came back: Rong'er, it's time for us to leave.

Dad...Dad, can you wait a little longer. Huang Rong's voice was slightly tired.

Ronger, you...!

Huang Yaoshi frowned and pushed open the door. A familiar smell rushed into his nose, and his eyes widened:

The words that came to my mouth had to be swallowed back.

But in his heart, he wished he could tear Murong Fu into pieces.

Damn boy!

He actually bullied his own girl in his absence.

Damn it!

Huang Rong's face still retains the rosy color after exercise.

She looked at the sudden appearance of Huang Yaoshi and was so embarrassed that she wished she could crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Dad...Dad, you!

Hmph, I'm going to kill that daring boy now! Huang Yaoshi said and turned to leave.

Huang Rong was startled and quickly stopped her: Dad, please, if you don't want your daughter to be ashamed to death, don't go looking for him....

Huang Yaoshi was so angry that he raised his right hand high, but refused to put it down.

I kept comforting myself in my heart that the spiritual world could not be counted.

The spiritual world cannot be counted.

spiritual world…

Forget it, forget it, let's go, just don't see him anymore.

Well, thank you, dad! Huang Rong nodded, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Not far from the next door, Murong Fu stared at Huang Yaoshi with his spiritual consciousness, always maintaining a running posture.

Because, he knew that with Huang Yaoshi's character, he would never hurt Huang Rong. At most, he would just kill himself.

Huh~ Fortunately, there was no stalemate.

Murong Fu sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to re-enter his spiritual world.

The scenery in front of me instantly turned into a vast ocean.

And he was on an isolated island in the sea, with nothing on it.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't visualize objects, let alone construct a world.

The only good thing is that the flow of time inside is twice as fast as outside.

It has indescribable benefits for him to practice the technique.

It seems that to build a spiritual world, there must be corresponding techniques. Otherwise, it cannot be done by relying on spiritual power alone.

After thinking about everything, Murong Fu withdrew.

Walking to the front door, he hid aside and quietly watched Huang Rong leave, sighing:

Don't worry and hate yourself. Silence is better than sound at this time!

Amitabha, Mr. Murong is indeed a man of broad sentiments and fraternity. The poor monk admires him. Wuxiang Bodhisattva slowly walked from the side.

Are you leaving too? Murong Fu asked in a deep voice.

Amitabha, I want to go back and ask Master if I can restrain my love for you. Wuxiang Bodhisattva said frankly without any hesitation.

Murong Fu looked strange and said to himself: Can you be so direct?

After thinking for a long time, I didn't know how to answer, so I could only say awkwardly: Well... I wish you a safe journey!

Goodbye. Wuxiang Bodhisattva bowed, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and turned to leave.

Murong Fu raised his hand. He knew that the other party wanted to leave, and he could not stop him, nor could he stop him.

The master of Wuxiang Bodhisattva, Ba Shiba, was a being who could fight Zhang Sanfeng with hundreds of moves without losing.

It would be useless to provoke him now by seeking death.

Fu Lang, they've all left, shall we leave too? Hua Jingyin Meng in the room hugged Murong Fu's waist and asked.

I'll leave tomorrow. I still have some things to do at home, so I'll take care of them. Murong Fu said.

Hua Jingyin said in his dream: I want to go to Luoyang to do some research before the New Year. What do you think?

What? You want to leave too? Murong Fu said in shock with a trace of reluctance.

Are you reluctant to leave me? Hua Jingyin Meng smiled sweetly and asked jokingly.

Well, I can't bear to part with it. Murong Fu nodded.

Then I'll come back on New Year's Eve, do you think so?

Hua Jingyin dreamed of helping Murong Fu early and building a good intelligence system so that he could experience her value.

Murong Fu nodded in confusion, always feeling that the recent developments were too fast and he needed to slow down.

The intelligence system is indeed the most important thing to me at the moment. I will send a few female shadow guards to accompany you later.

Murong Fu thought that Xinyi and the others had nothing to do, so keeping her would be a waste of their abilities.

Okay, it just so happens that a few of my men are smart but not strong enough. You can arrange some manpower for me so that I don't have to look for people everywhere. Hua Jingyinmeng said with a smile.

Don't worry, when the time comes, I will let Brother Deng follow you and open the door for you. Murong Fu said seriously.

Hua Jing smiled slightly because of her dream and leaned on Murong Fu's shoulder contentedly.

The next day, Murong Fu took the secret guards of the shadows and escorted Xiaoxiangzi and Tieyan to Gusu City.

What is surprising is that after being shot into a porcupine, Dalba survived and was still chewing on chicken legs in the prison car.

Murong Fu was greatly surprised when he saw this. Could this thing belong to a bastard?

I even began to wonder whether the other party would survive the disaster and start a counterattack?

Master, you guys are back!

In front of Murong's old house, Gong Yeqian and Deng Baichuan came out with a group of servants to greet him.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Thank you for your hard work, brothers.

Young Master, you are embarrassing me.

Instead of staying at home, I would rather go to the battlefield with the young master and fight side by side to kill him! Deng Baichuan shook his head and said.

Gong Yeqian also nodded in agreement: Brother is right. I can only listen to your news when I stay in the house. I always panic when big things happen.

Haha, I asked you two, could you please step out of the way and let's go in and drink and talk?

Bao BuTong laughed and interrupted Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian's complaints.

Gong and Deng slapped their heads and laughed and said, It's our Meng Lang, sir. Please come.

Haha, let's go, let's go. Murong Fu smiled and walked towards the house, and suddenly asked: How is Fourth Brother Feng?

Thanks to Doctor Su, the fourth child is almost healed, Deng Baichuan replied.

Then let us go in. Murong Fu said happily.

He was extremely loyal to the four generals. No matter which one died, it would be a big blow to him.

Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian quickly turned aside to welcome Murong Fu into the house.

They had already informed Fuguiju that Murong Fu would return home today.

Madam Liu specially brought a group of disciples to the house to prepare delicious food for Murong Fu.

Ms. Liu, thank you very much. Murong Fu was a little surprised, as he followed the rules of the wealthy residence.

With Mrs. Liu's character, it is impossible for her to come to the house to cook.

Mr. Murong, you're welcome. I'm here to cook for you. Firstly, it's to celebrate your return.

Secondly, I have something good to tell you. Madam Liu glanced at everyone and smiled mysteriously.

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