Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 144 Murong Fu knelt down to receive the order

Haha, yes, it's amazing, isn't it?

I was shocked when I first saw him. Murong Fu patted the bronze corpse and said with a smile. brought me here just to see him? Hua Jing was a little puzzled by the dream.

Murong Fu shook his head and took off his shirt: Of course not, I want to show you something very exciting.

In front of him?

Hua Jing took a step back because of her dream instinct. She couldn't do anything exciting in front of this monster.

Murong Fu laughed haha and threw the clothes to Hua Jingyin Meng.

He then confronted the bronze corpse.

The next scene shocked Hua Jingyin Meng for almost a whole year.

Murong Fu was naked and punched the bronze corpse.

The bronze corpse was even more rude and let out a loud roar.

He followed suit and punched Murong Fu with his backhand.

The two of them stood there, punching each other.

The sound of gas explosions kept coming from the air.

In Hua Jingyin's eyes, although Murong Fu was not as tall and powerful as the bronze corpse.

However, it is as powerful as a mountain and remains motionless. No matter how the bronze corpse attacks, it cannot break his fighting spirit.

What shocked her even more was that Murong Fu's body could withstand the fist of the bronze corpse.

Isn't this just like the legendary Vajra Shield and Iron Cloth Shirt that no one can defeat?

And just then.

A familiar dragon roar came from Murong Fu's mouth.

She didn't know if it was because she was dazzled or she was mistaken, but she actually saw a phantom that looked like a purple dragon appearing after Murong came back to life.

It merged into Murong Fu's right hand, and then a purple mass rose out of the air and blasted towards the bronze corpse!


An incredible scene occurred again.

The ten-foot-tall bronze corpse was blown away by Murong Fu and hit the wall hard.

How is it possible? So strong?

Murong Fu was also dumbfounded. Previously, he just wanted to warm up with a simple battle with the bronze corpse.

Check if there is any sword energy left in the body.

With an idea, he used the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu and the Great Purple Yang Hand at the same time.

Originally the two were not compatible, and even vaguely contradictory.

It was the forcible fusion that he used his spiritual power to form the previous punch.


Murong Fu looked up and saw that the bronze corpse was punched into the wall by his punch.

And on the armor on the chest of the bronze corpse, there was a purple fist mark dented into it.

Is this the legendary fist that achieves the unity of spirit, energy and spirit? Hua Jing murmured softly in his dream.

Murong Fu exhaled heavily: That's right, but this punch is just a prototype and I can't control it very well.

Fu Lang, you are already very powerful. If you had known how to punch, you would not have been hurt by Wu Hua Shang's sword energy. Hua Jing Yin Meng walked up to Murong Fu and thoughtfully put on his clothes.

Murong Fu nodded. His punch relied on his own ability, while Wu Hua's sword consumed his life.

Calculating this, he is still superior.

Xiao Tong, are you okay?


Rubbles continued to fall from the wall, and the bronze corpse was slowly pulled out of the wall. He shook his head towards Murong Fu to indicate that it was okay.

Can he understand what you said? Hua Jingyinmeng asked.

Well, the bronze corpse seems to be able to develop spiritual wisdom over time. Murong Fu said.

It's too scary. If he can appear in Jianghu one day, I'm afraid the Grand Master will have a headache when he sees him. Although Hua Jingyin Meng's tone was filled with wonder, there was also a hint of expectation.

Murong Fu smiled hehe. Although the bronze corpse cannot go out during the day, it can't go out at night.

He is definitely a master of killing and stealing goods.

Why are you laughing? Hua Jingyin asked with a wicked smile on his face when he saw Murong Fu in his dream.

Murong Fu glanced at Hua Jing Yin Meng and asked, Yin Meng, are you leaving the day after tomorrow?

Well, I want to take advantage of the little New Year to decorate it. Hua Jing said in his dream.

That's fine, in that case, Xiaosheng, just show off before you leave. Murong Fu said with a smile.

What are you showing? Before Hua Jingyin Meng could react, Murong Fu had already hugged her and took her to the corner.

Of course I just want to show off...

Noon the next day.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

Murong Fu frowned: The servants in the mansion really have no rules.

What's the matter? Hua Jing asked because she was worried that Murong Fu would be angry.

Back to Madam, Governor Song is here with two father-in-laws from the court.

The father-in-law in the imperial court? Hua Jingyinmeng looked at Murong Fu, who said lightly: I understand, you want them to wait first.

The villain understands.

Murong Fu had already guessed the purpose of the other party's visit, which was just to read out the imperial edict.

Can't you afford it? Hua Jing crawled on Murong Fu's chest in a dream and asked softly.

Not urgent.

Murong Fu smiled. He was still claiming to be seriously injured. If he passed away too quickly, wouldn't he reveal his secret?

In the hall of the old house.

Song Yongsi was drinking tea with Eunuch Hua and Eunuch Zhang, who were not here last time.

The Miscellaneous family has heard that Mr. Song and Mr. Murong have always been on good terms, but they don't know whether it is true or not. Eunuch Zhang asked in a sinister tone while drinking tea.

Song Yongsi knew clearly in his heart that this old eunuch belonged to Qin Hui, and he did not dare to say nonsense:

The lower official has had several contacts with Mr. Murong on official matters, but has never had a personal relationship.

Oh, let me tell you, why has Mr. Murong not come here for so long? It turns out that his relationship with Mr. Song is not good enough. Eunuch Zhang said coldly.

Song Yongsi smiled apologetically and said, I heard that Master Murong was seriously injured during the defense battle at Huating. His physical condition made him move slower.

Hmph, any physical inconvenience or serious injury are just excuses for the Zajia family. To be honest, they just disrespect the Holy One! Eunuch Zhang scolded sternly.

Song Yongsi scratched the side of his face. It was neither right nor wrong to answer.

He whispered in his heart that Murong Fu could come here quickly.

Ahem, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Murong Fu covered his chest and deliberately coughed a few times.

With the support of Hua Jingyinmeng, she walked into the hall.

The three people in the scene saw that Murong Fu's face was pale and weak, and they all showed different changes?

Song Yongsi quickly approached Murong Fu and asked with concern: Mr. Murong, are you okay?

It's okay, it's okay. If I take care of him for a year and a half, he will probably be fine. Murong Fu replied softly.

When he touched Eunuch Hua, who had never spoken, he said: This can't be done. Your Majesty is still waiting for Young Master Murong to guard the sea area for our country, Song Dynasty.

Oh, what do you mean by this, father-in-law? Murong Fu asked knowingly and looked at the other party.

Eunuch Hua looked at Eunuch Zhang with a smile: Eunuch Zhang, please read it.

Eunuch Zhang snorted coldly, reluctantly took out the imperial edict and read:

Murong Fu kneels down to receive the order!

When Song Yongsi and others saw the imperial edict and kneeled on the ground subconsciously, and when Murong Fu was full of expectations, his faint voice came to their ears:

I'm sorry, I'm sick and can't kneel down!

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