Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 137 An Extraordinary Night

Pap, tap~

In the Wuxianghuan forest, it began to drizzle.

It was poured on several people, making their gauze-like clothes wet.

The Bodhisattva Wuxiang chants the sound of Mi Mi without revealing any trace.

The looming white bodies of the three women were revealed in front of Murong Fu's eyes.

Murong Fu felt his mind went blank and stared at Huang Rong beside him.

At this time, the opponent's hands naturally crossed in front of him, covering the important parts of his chest.

The clothes on his body were soaked by the rain and looked fragile.

A pair of slender legs were looming in the ripples.


Wu Xiang Bodhisattva chuckled and asked Murong Fu to look at her again. She was swaying gently like a lotus, and her whole body exuded primitive and wild charm.

What's even more tempting is the expression on her face that wants to refuse but welcomes him. She seems to be a pure and inhumane girl.

Am I beautiful?

Beautiful~ Murong Fu nodded mechanically, and his whole body radiated an indescribable heat.

Almost all the surrounding drizzle evaporated.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva did not notice this detail.

In conjunction with her own spiritual world, she has brought her charm skills to the highest level.

All she needed was for Murong Fu to arouse his original passion and lose his intelligence, and then she could completely control him.

Let it become your most loyal hunting dog!

She pulled Hua Jingyin Meng into her arms, kissed her and caressed her body in front of Murong Fu.

There was a deliberately disdainful tease in his eyes!

With three stunning women in front of you, what are you waiting for? Are you not a man?

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, her mind was completely attracted by the three women.

I felt that in the whole world, only myself and these stunning beauties were left.

Seeing that the known time was ripe, Wuxiang Bodhisattva once again said: What happens here is unknown to the outside world.

You can do whatever you want!

When Murong Fu heard this, he suddenly couldn't control the ferocious beast in his heart.

It made a dragon roar that did not sound like a real person.

He no longer suppresses the desires in his heart.

He pounced directly on the three women and pinned them down.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva was overjoyed in his heart, and he quickly cultivated the Supreme Girl's Dharma. He was like the boundless earth, which could endlessly accommodate the rain and dew falling from the sky.

However, the next moment, she realized that she was wrong.

Murong Fu actually contained a real dragon spirit in his body.

No matter how she provoked or tried to trick him, Murong Fu's true energy showed no tendency to leak out.

Instead, with the passage of time, Murong returned to the Yang state and became new again, and he continued to live and breathe.

Like soldiers in Yanjia, they constantly attack Yumen.

One hour, two hours.

Endlessly, without a break.

Moreover, it is even more powerful.

On the contrary, his mental strength has become increasingly sluggish, his follow-up power has become weak, and he is in a state of exhaustion.

She was panicked, knowing that if she continued like this, it would not be Murong Fu who would be captured, but herself.

She wanted to retreat, she wanted to drive him out of her spiritual world.

However, she found that she couldn't let go of Murong Fu's hot body.

He couldn't bear Murong Fu's domineering behavior.

This mysterious feeling seemed to pull her into the abyss of desire.

She doesn't want to leave!

And just when a few people fell into the spiritual world.

On the other side, Hou Xibai could be said to be extremely embarrassed.

Even though he is powerful, he is still no match for the new Grand Master Huang Yaoshi.

The junior has learned the magic power of the senior's finger snapping. The junior also has a palm technique, please appreciate it.

Hou Xibai circulated his true energy rapidly, forming seals with his hands continuously, and death energy continued to emerge from his body.

The Seal of Immortality? Huang Yaoshi opened his eyes and couldn't help but pay attention.

Hou Xibai showed a hint of madness and shouted:

Senior has good eyesight, this is the fourth form of the Immortal Seal.

Forgetting your past life on the Naihe Bridge

Immediately, he slapped out a palm, and the black zhenqi was actually in the air, condensed into a palm, and shot out towards Huang Yaoshi.

The Immortal Seal created by Evil King Shi Zhixuan is the greatest success method in the world.

Although he is not as powerful as his master, he has made full use of the death energy inherent in this technique.

Huang Yaoshi saw that the technique was strange, but he didn't take it lightly.

Concentrate your inner strength on your fingertips and shout loudly: Broken!

The magical power of snapping fingers is an unparalleled miraculous skill in the world, it is subtle and mysterious.

Do whatever you want and focus on your opponent's weaknesses!

The two strands of true energy left the body and touched together, making a pop sound.

Huang Yaoshi's internal energy became more mellow, and he broke the black air palm print with a snap of his fingers, directly penetrating Hou Xibai's body.

However, the Immortal Seal was condensed but not dispersed, and it hit Huang Yaoshi's body before his eyes.

Huang Yaoshi's face turned cold, he raised his hand and struck out with his air-splitting palm.

Immediately, there was a violent shock.


The sound of explosive energy spread throughout the entire mansion.

Hou Xibai spat out a mouthful of blood, knowing that something was wrong, and scattered a burst of white powder to escape.

Jiang Zian wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Huang Yaoshi.

There's no need to chase him. If he dies here, I'm afraid your master will be in a lot of trouble. Huang Yaoshi said calmly.

Jiang Zian seemed to understand, but knew that Huang Yaoshi couldn't talk nonsense, so he stopped where he was.

As for the other uninvited guests, they were not polite.

After taking care of the iron net again, this person became sleepy.

Huang Yaoshi saw that the matter was over, but he did not see his precious daughter.

I couldn't help but feel a little worried and asked, Where is your master?

Jiang Zian also wanted to report to Murong Fu and said bluntly: Senior, I will take you there.

Okay, lead the way. Huang Yaoshi nodded.

Soon, the two came to the room where Murong Fu was.

Jiang Zian stepped forward and knocked on the door several times, but no one answered.

Huang Yaoshi frowned and opened the door with one palm.

Suddenly, a strange smell spread into their noses.

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