On the other side, in the room where Murong Fu was, he heard Hou Xibai's shouts and couldn't help but laugh: Haha, this guy is in a hurry!

It must have been Senior Huang who made him feel hopeless. Hua Jing guessed in his dream.

I hope that Senior Huang will not rely on himself as a senior and let these guys go easily. Otherwise, they will be like flies, following me around and calling me every day, which will make me sick!

Murong Fu thought expectantly that it would be best if Huang Yaoshi could kill Hou Xibai with one finger.

Haha, just don't... Hua Jingyin Meng was about to refute Murong Fu.

I heard a dong-dong knock on the door.

Who is it? Hua Jing asked subconsciously due to his dream.

My slave, I'm here to bring tea to Mr. Murong. The person outside the door replied.

Hua Jing went to open the door because of her dream, but was stopped by Murong Fu: Wait!

What's wrong? Hua Jing was stunned and stopped because of his dream.

Something's wrong. Murong Fu shook his head and said, We came here and only told a few people. It's impossible for anyone to know that we are here. M..

And who would be stupid enough to go there when the beating outside was so fierce and she came to deliver refreshments.

Do you really think we are the masses?

What should we do? Hua Jing asked anxiously due to her dream.

At this moment, the door was slammed open.

A stunningly beautiful long-legged beauty wearing Tibetan clothing walked in.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva? Murong Fu recognized the other person at a glance.

Amitabha, Mr. Murong, long time no see, are you okay? Wuxiang Bodhisattva clasped his hands together with a faint smile.

No wonder you were able to find me. Murong Fu glanced at the other party and saw a faint spiritual power on his body, and instantly understood how he was exposed.

Amitabha, it seems that Mr. Murong is seriously injured, and those Japanese wastes are not without merit.

Wu Xiang Bodhisattva answered the question and walked slowly towards the middle of the room.

Murong Fu reminded: Be careful, this woman is good at spiritual power and is very weird.

Hua Jing nodded because of the dream, and was not afraid. The energy in his dantian burst out and he slapped the opponent with a palm.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva snorted coldly, he was not good at close combat.

He simply opened his eyes with all his strength, his eyes glowed strangely gray, and he raised his hand to Hua Jingyin Meng.

Before Hua Jing could react due to her dream, her body suddenly froze.

Immediately, he felt a huge force and was pushed out.

Murong Fu was startled and asked in confusion: How did you become stronger?

Huh, last time I saw you, if it wasn't for the critical moment of my skills, do you think you were so easy to run? Wuxiang Bodhisattva coldly shouted, taking a step forward and pointing towards Murong Fu's heart.


Murong Fu's eyes widened. Just when he thought his life was in danger, a bamboo stick stood in front of him.

Humph, Huang Rong! Wuxiang Bodhisattva immediately took a step back and looked coldly at the person in front of him.

Huang Rong turned slightly on her toes and stood in front of Murong: How are you?

I'm fine! Murong Fu shook his head and looked at Hua Jingyin Meng.

Don't worry, I'm fine. Hua Jingyinmeng slowly stood up and rubbed her shoulders, then cautiously stood beside Murong Fu.

Huang Rong glanced at Hua Jingyinmeng and reminded: Wuxiang Bodhisattva's Maiden Wuxiang Dharma is very powerful, and her strength is not below the peak of the master when she uses it.

So strong? Murong Fu was very surprised.

How could he do this without knowing the other party?

Haha, Huang Rong is indeed Huang Rong. Fortunately you are a woman. Otherwise, the men competing for supremacy in this world would have had another strong opponent.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva laughed loudly, and his whole body radiated powerful spiritual power.

Now that you all know my trump card, let's meet my young girl Wuxiang Dafa!

The three of them were shocked and had no idea what Wuxiang Bodhisattva was going to do.

However, at this moment, a powerful spiritual force covered Murong Fu, Huang Rong, and Hua Jing Yinmeng.

Murong Fu immediately relaxed a lot. Although Wuxiang Bodhisattva's mental power was very strong, the three of them were not weak either.

Especially himself, he has absorbed the mental power of countless masters.

You can't beat the opponent, but it's enough to protect yourself.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved and quietly watched the other party take action.

However, the next moment, Wuxiang Bodhisattva radiated majestic spiritual power, completely breaking Murong Fu's cognition.

It is like a big net, slowly spreading to every corner of the room, forcibly invading everyone's mental power.

It was directly in a state of crushing, forcing the other people to retreat steadily.

Murong Fu actually felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, as if he could fall asleep at any time.

Mr. Murong, be careful, you must not... Before Huang Rong could say anything, she dropped to Murong Fu's bedside.

Just when Murong Fux wanted to help him, Hua Jing came down again because of his dream.

Don't worry, the two of them won't die, they just have their mental energy restrained by me. Bai Lianjue said calmly.

Murong Fu's mind raced and he wanted to find a way to solve the problem. However, the majestic spiritual power in the room suddenly turned into a bunch of energy and pressed down hard on him.

Then his vision went dark and he fainted.

I don't know how long it took, but I woke up slowly.

My heart was shocked.

This place is no longer the room in Huating, but a dense black forest.

There is also a small crystal clear lake around.

Just when Murong Fu didn't know what to do, Huang Rong and Hua Jing appeared beside him in a dream.

Mrs. Guo, is this...?

Huang Rong guessed: It is said that those with extraordinary mental power can build a spiritual world and capture the enemy's spirit into it.

Huh? Can it be so fantasy? Murong Fu was a little surprised: Wouldn't this make him invincible?

Girl Wu Xiang's Dharma is definitely considered a magical skill of Tantric Buddhism. It is derived from the Tibetan Tantric Dharma's Joyful Dharma. It can invade his mind by taking advantage of the situation and it is normal to do whatever he wants. Huang Rong nodded.

Hua Jingyin's dream echoed: This technique is very evil and completely beyond my ability to practice charm.

Murong Fu didn't care where Wu Xiang Bodhisattva's skills came from. He just wanted to get out.

Haha, I didn't expect that you two are not weak in mental strength, and you can actually enter my Wuxiang Forest of Joy. Wuxiang Bodhisattva was like a real Bodhisattva at this time, sitting upright in the void, slowly walking towards the three of them .

Don't be afraid, we just need to hold on to our minds. Dad will just slap her outside in a moment, and this spiritual world will be broken without any attack. Huang Rong seemed to understand the spiritual power very well, and her face never showed worry.

There was a trace of shock in Wuxiang Bodhisattva's eyes, and then he laughed and said: Mrs. Guo is right, but if you think I am not sure, how dare you come here alone?

What do you mean? Murong Fu asked.

The most powerful thing about Girl Wuxiang's Dharma is that when she is in ecstasy with someone, she can control their mind to become a living puppet. Wuxiang Bodhisattva smiled strangely, and the whole world was suddenly filled with primitive lust.

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