Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 138 The Ultimate Mental Power

What's going on? Jiang Zian saw the collapsed people and wanted to go in and take a look.

Don't move. Huang Yaoshi sniffed the smell in the air, with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

Seeing the strange postures of Wuxiang Bodhisattva and others, he grabbed Jiang Zian back. ..

What's wrong, Senior Huang? Jiang Zian asked confused.

Huang Yaoshi pointed at Wuxiang Bodhisattva and said:

This woman uses a powerful spirit that you and I are not familiar with. If she messes up, she could easily turn them into fools.

Ah? So serious? Jiang Zian was shocked: What should we do?


Huang Yaoshi said: Now order people to surround this room immediately and find some maids to wait here!

Remember, don't let men in!

Jiang Zian saw that Huang Yaoshi was so serious and did not dare to make any mistakes, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

Please rest assured, I will never let anyone in.

Huang Yaoshi said hmm and quickly pulled Jiang Zian out.

He closed the door gently again, fearing that too much movement would affect the spirits of the four people inside.

Seeing this, Jiang Zian asked in a low voice: Senior Huang, what is the situation of my master?

Well, I have heard that Tantric Buddhism has a powerful mental method that specializes in spiritual power.

He can build a spiritual world and trap people in it to manipulate them at will. Huang Yaoshi explained.

Jiang Zian's face immediately became nervous: Doesn't that mean my master is in danger now?

Don't worry, my Ronger has also practiced this kind of technique in his early years, so your master will not suffer any loss.

In addition, the tantric woman is not old and her mental power is bound to be limited. It is impossible to trap three people at the same time for too long. Huang Yaoshi explained.

Jiang Zian breathed a sigh of relief and saluted: Thank you, Senior Huang, for clearing up the confusion. I will order people to surround this place right now.

Well, go ahead. Remember to ask the maid to prepare a few more sets of clothes. Huang Yaoshi glanced at the door and said calmly.

Senior, don't worry, this junior understands. Jiang Zian didn't think much and left quickly.

But the two of them didn't know that because of Huang Yaoshi's caution, they almost lost the lives of three women.

As Murong Fu practiced in it, his spiritual power became more and more full.

And, crucially!

The time in the spiritual world of Wuxiang Bodhisattva is different from that in the outside world.

One day inside is only equivalent to two hours outside.

Ten days are equivalent to five hours in the outside world.

And as Murong Fu let out a long roar, he closed and opened it, the yang was majestic, the yin was solemn, heaven and earth separated, yin and yang turned around, and the spiritual world collapsed.


Five hours later, Wuxiang Bodhisattva finally could no longer maintain Wuxiang Huanlin.

He suddenly opened his eyes, spat out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly fainted.

Huang Rong and Hua Jing also slowly opened their eyes because of their dreams, and they couldn't help but feel confused.

They stayed in the spiritual world for more than ten days?

It is already somewhat unclear between the spiritual world and the real world.

Fu...lang, I still... Huang Rong was about to touch Murong Fu, but was grabbed by Huang Yaoshi who suddenly appeared.

Then he touched her Fengchi point gently and fainted again.

Huang Yaoshi didn't waste any time, grabbed two pieces of clothes, and asked the two maids to follow him and leave.

Jiang Zian stood outside the door and did not dare to go in, so he quickly asked two maids to go in and wait on him.

Hua Jing looked tiredly at the maids who came in due to her dream, and ordered them not to touch Murong Fu, and then she also fainted.

The maids had no choice but to find a clean room for Hua Jingyinmeng and Wuxiang Bodhisattva.

At this time, Murong Fu seemed to have entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt that the true energy in my body gradually stabilized.

His perception is actually like eyes that can clearly see everything around him, which is exactly the same as the divine consciousness recorded in Taoism.

Murong Fu was greatly shocked. This could no longer be regarded as martial arts, but should be called supernatural powers.

He tried to use his spiritual consciousness to observe up and down, left and right, and back and forth, and found that his spiritual consciousness could actually see through anything within five feet without any hindrance.

Immediately, Murong Fu couldn't help but open his eyes in surprise.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the world in his eyes was somewhat different from the past.

It seemed like he had just unveiled a layer of mystery in the world.

The world is far more complex than he imagined.

Everything seems to indicate the existence of something.


There are definitely immortal cultivators in this world! Even if there are not now, they have definitely been here!

Murong Fu was overjoyed and stood up to leave.

Suddenly I felt a chill in my lower body. When I looked down, I saw a water stain on my pants.

Then his face turned red and he quietly retreated to the bed, pretending to be calm and coughing twice.

Is Jiang Zian here?

Come back, Master Jiang Xianfeng has gone to deal with last night's thief. If you have anything to tell me, please tell me. said the maid outside.

Murong Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that the boy was not here, so he didn't have to answer questions after asking questions.

Go get me a bucket of water. I need to wash up and change clothes.

Yes! After the maid answered, she hurriedly left.

After a while, a group of servants brought a large bucket of hot water for Murong Fu to bathe and change clothes.

When Jiang Zian heard that Murong Fu had woken up, he quickly met with Ruan Yijin.

Master, how are you?

It's okay, I'm fine. It can't be better. Murong Fu got what he wanted, and he was naturally in a beautiful mood.

Master, we captured six enemies yesterday. What do you think we should do with them? Ruan Yi asked for instructions.

Murong Fu patted his forehead and asked, How is Huanwan? Did you hurt her?

No, the Second Madam is very well now. She took the initiative to stay last night and is currently resting in the room. Jiang Zian replied quickly.

Very good, it's good if it doesn't happen. Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief. For his own safety, Huan Huan came all the way from the Yuan Kingdom. If she was injured, it would definitely make him uneasy.

Master, another fat monk named Dalba has been hit by several arrows and may die at any time. Do we need to save him? Ruan Yi asked.

Darba? Murong Fu said casually: Find a doctor to see if he can be saved. If he can't be saved, it doesn't matter if he dies.

Yes! Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian looked at each other. Seeing that they had nothing to say, they both bowed and left.

At this time, Murong Fu's consciousness discovered that Huang Yaoshi was always lingering outside the door, seemingly advancing and retreating, and said with a smile:

If something happens to Senior Huang, you can come in and talk about it. There is no need to worry about it outside the door.

Huang Yaoshi was stunned and couldn't believe that Murong Fu's six senses were so sharp that he could detect it even when he was outside.

So he opened the door of Murong Fu's room generously, walked in, and said:

Boy, I won't go around with you anymore.

I just want to know what happened to you and my Ronger in the spiritual world?

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