Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 205 12, Ascensionists and Evangelicals (like a state religion)

Thick smoke and fire fog ignited the city of Vigilant Star.

The thick pipes were crackling with flames, and in the violent explosions, highly corrosive industrial waste gas swept around.

The magnificent nest city that once nurtured hundreds of millions of imperial citizens was now in ruins, and smoke and dust rolled down, drowning everything that could not escape.

The hot flames rolled up the gravel, and the hot smoke that was enough to burn the lungs filled the entire city.

The smallest number of dark elves fled the chaotic battlefield in a hurry, avoiding the crazy soil.

To them, Chaos Demons are crazy, Genestealers are crazy, and Imperial soldiers are also crazy.

It was a carnival for crazy people. Compared with them, the dark elves seemed mediocre and could not occupy a place there.

But thousands of dark elves, no matter where they fled, always met different enemies and were slaughtered without reason.

The demons used their fangs and claws to devour the delicate bodies of the Eldar alive, and then the missiles of the Empire flew over, and the explosion of the hot flames brought an unimaginable huge shock wave.

Everything around was not spared, the walls collapsed, the ruins were everywhere, and the remains of the Eldar and the demons were also crushed in the flames, scattered all over the ground in charred debris.

The defensive missile array in the city sounded a rapid "beep beep" alarm. This battlefield full of primitive violence, the roar of the strong, the wailing of the weak, intertwined with each other, became a unique movement on the battlefield.

The pastor of the state religion stood on the huge steel chariot, staring at this battlefield full of gunpowder and blood. At this moment, the pastor's body was also covered in blood, and the gaps between the steel spikes and chains tied to the scepter were full of broken bones and flesh.

After a long period of killing, the pastor no longer had the initial madness and passion. Under the polishing of blood and war, his heart gradually calmed down like a lake.

"The subspace is hell, and this universe is another hell." He said, "Only the void of my Lord is the only pure land."

"Perhaps, the birth of this universe has no meaning at all."

The priest wiped the blood off his face and muttered to himself.

On this noisy and chaotic battlefield, the priest thought about crazy philosophy with a calm heart.

In this ever-deepening philosophy, the priest's thoughts suddenly remembered a quarrel in the void not long ago for no reason.

About two years ago, with more and more imperial entities pouring into the void, some people in the state religion suddenly discovered carefully that even the Emperor's kingdom of heaven, this paradise called the void, is not perfect.

As the proverb of ancient Terra says-there is no free lunch in the world.

The energy in the void is also not endless. Using the energy in the void to distort reality, this energy is not created out of nothing.

The energy used by the Void Order comes from the absorption of the subspace. After a rigorous investigation, the State Church finally found that the source coordinates of all energy all point to the huge black hole with a ring of flames in the Supreme Heaven.

With this discovery, the next situation is clear at a glance. With the unrestricted use of Void energy and the increasing number of Void entities, the energy required is naturally increasing day by day.

The black hole entity with a ring of flames in the Supreme Heaven will inevitably expand its influence range. The area with thick darkness is the border of hell. It will continue to spread in the subspace and swallow all the existences along the way.

In this way, the growing energy demand of the Empire Void is met.

The vast and boundless space of the Void is endless, and the black hole with a ring of flames makes the State Church feel uneasy.

Regarding the rationality of this black hole and the balance between energy demand and black hole growth, the Void held meetings again and again.

But all discussions ended in nothing.

Discussions turned into quarrels, quarrels turned into confrontations, confrontations led to divisions, and then evolved into two completely different and opposing churches.

——The top leaders of the state religion, known as the "Void Ascension Church", implemented the Emperor's thoughts. They believed that since humans inherited the Manifest Destiny of ruling the galaxy, as the most outstanding race, they naturally surpassed all life.

They believed that there was no need to care about the existence of the Ring of Fire Black Hole, and ignored other races in the galaxy, and even the entire universe, allowing the black hole to swallow them, satisfying the energy needs of the Void Realm, and thus supporting the needs of humans for the Void Realm.

Since humans are destined to bear the Manifest Destiny of ruling the galaxy and are the most outstanding race, why should they care about the life and death of other lives?

——Such arguments were quickly generally accepted by the Void Realm entities, but soon, another voice with different ideas also emerged.

The state religion pastors, known as the "Void Gospel Church", sneered at the remarks of the "Ascendation Faction".

They also obey the will of the Emperor and believe that as a superior race far superior to the creations of God, it is one of their responsibilities to spread the gospel to the entire subspace and even the entire universe.

What is the gospel?

The golden flame is the gospel, the thick and deep darkness is the gospel, and the destruction of the end is also the gospel.

Evangelicals believe that the state religion should not regard the ring of fire black hole as a source of energy, but rather as a symbol of the Emperor and establish its unique sacredness.

Accelerate this outcome as energy demands and the black hole grow, offering your loyalty to the Emperor.

At the expense of frequent energy use and permanent residence in the virtual realm, in exchange for the fastest spread of the Emperor's gospel.

And they also pointed out that the Ascension Sect only uses the energy of the virtual realm when faced with needs, which is a manifestation of their slack faith in the Emperor.

Isn't it possible to use virtual realm energy if there is no demand?

and regard this behavior as a sign of ‘selfishness’.

The Ecclesiarchy should treat all life in the galaxy equally, and let heretics and xenos alike weep in gratitude at the Emperor's gospel as soon as possible.

The contradiction between the two churches is not irreconcilable, but the conflict of ideas has made the two sides incompatible.

"Maybe I should consider joining the Evangelical Church." The pastor who was active in the Vigilance Star battlefield was once a member of the Ascension Sect.

He once believed that the evangelicals' behavior of squandering the energy of the virtual world without any need was purely because they were full.

But now in this chaotic battlefield, his thoughts have changed.

"Both the material realm and the sea of ​​souls are hells of suffering. Only in the gospel can eternal peace be found." The pastor held the scriptures in his hands devoutly. At this moment, the visible spiritual fire suddenly lit up from his body.

Covered in flames, he felt the energy of the virtual realm continuously filling his body, and the power of his mind was constantly transforming, until his pupils were rendered pure white by this full energy, and more, The spiritual power that turned into substance overflowed from his eyes and spread into pure mist in the air.

Evangelical pastors, almost every minute of every day, regardless of whether there is a war or not, remain in this state of overload.

In the past, he had always believed that this kind of uncontrolled waste of virtual energy was not only hard work, but also a sign of pain.

But now, when he felt the pleasure of virtual energy filling his body, he realized it.

"This is a sacred practice."

He held the scriptures in his hands and walked slowly on the battlefield. He walked very slowly. Every step required him to constantly adapt to the excessive and overloaded energy in his body. His footsteps stepped on the dust of the battlefield, and every step left a burning mark. Footprints of fire.

Suddenly, he raised his head suddenly.

"Enemy attack!" the priest shouted to the Imperial soldiers beside him.

The mortal soldiers immediately turned their heads. They looked at the priest who suddenly burst into flames, with an easily distinguishable confusion in their eyes.

Their radars and detectors showed no enemy.

Where did the enemy come from?

Some soldiers even suspected that the priest had suffered post-traumatic stress disorder from previous wars.

Without any warning, his whole body suddenly burst into flames, and then he shouted "enemy attack", which is indeed consistent with the symptoms of battlefield trauma.

The pastor didn't speak, he was still feeling his surroundings carefully.

The excessive energy spilled out along every pore of his body, and this spilled energy naturally formed a huge energy field.

It is precisely because of the existence of the energy field that the priest can sense those perfectly lurking enemies.

But the pastor has just made up his mind to join the Evangelical Church, and he is not yet proficient in the use of energy fields. He must concentrate fully to maintain his awareness of the enemy.

The political commissar quickly ran to the pastor. Just as he was about to ask for the exact location of the enemy, the sound of gunfire suddenly rang out.

Several steel flying dragon drones rushed out from the darkness, and their ferocious bodies sprayed out scorching bullets, instantly covering the area where the priest was.

Even though the priest expanded the virtual energy shield to the maximum immediately, many soldiers were still seriously injured.

Screams sounded one after another.

The well-trained soldiers hurriedly looked for bunkers, but unfortunately their flesh and blood bodies could not be compared with steel creations. Bullets hit them, and bloody flowers of death burst out.

In just a few breaths, the priest's team suffered heavy casualties.

"Don't panic, soldiers, pick up the weapons in your hands and fight for the emperor!" The priest attacked the steel flying dragon, boosting the morale of the army.

Counterattack gunfire sounded continuously, the steel flying dragon roared in the shadows, and the sound of the engine was like the roar of a giant dragon.

These transformed demonic creatures are hungry for more souls and blood.

But the human counterattack was so fierce that the dark sky was lit up by them, drones were destroyed one after another, and the devil's unwilling whispers resounded in the void.

The priest looked at the destruction of the demon's creation without any joy on his face, because in his perception, there was something more worrying to him.

Amidst the heavy footsteps, a group of tall warriors wearing heavy armor walked out of the darkness.

They are the Iron Warriors, descendants of the daemon Primarch Perturabo.

They have also captured fortresses for the Empire, but now, they are charging towards the Empire's army.

Their speed was so fast that mortals were killed in an instant before they even had time to react.

The priest's defense line was almost instantly penetrated by this steel army. He witnessed this scene happening and immediately took action.

The scepter in his hand ignited with red flames, which was the power of the Lord of Destruction.

This scepter has an extraordinary origin. It was an artifact given to him by Dukel when he was selected as the bishop assigned to the Vigil Star by the Primarch to participate in the defense mission.

An artifact with destructive power from the Second Legion Factory.

"Heresy, your time of destruction has come!" the priest roared and jumped out.

When he landed, the overloaded virtual energy in his body vibrated, leaving a circle of broken spider web-like traces on the land.

The huge energy impact made it feel like a small earthquake had occurred here.

Not far away from him, six Iron Warriors appeared.

The Priest is well aware that the Iron Warriors are formidable opponents.

They have the power of the Astartes monks, but also have the increase given by the original power.

In the past ten thousand years, these heretics have become famous in both the real universe and the subspace.

But the priest was determined to put an end to them.

Every enhancement technique he had learned in the virtual realm was being pushed to overload at this time. The overly powerful power caused dense cracks to appear in his body. What flowed out of these cracks was not... It's flesh and blood, but golden energy.

The red flames of the scepter burned brighter and brighter, and the violent energy was vented unbridled.

The surrounding imperial soldiers were a little unsure of the reality of the scene in front of them.

Hiding behind the bunker, they witnessed with their own eyes the priest brother who usually fought with them and shared the spoils and food. At this moment, he turned into a huge, scorching and unyielding fireball and rushed towards the six Iron Warriors.


Huge flames exploded, the aftermath shattered the ruins of the city, and the ground shook.

Even mortal soldiers a hundred meters apart had to lie down on the ground on the battlefield to barely avoid being thrown away.

In just one breath, the huge energy explosion caused by the attack of the priest of the Void Realm Religion sent the Iron Warriors in front of him flying heavily.

The two steel warriors were captured by red flames, which wrapped around their bodies like long snakes. When they fell to the ground, their armor had melted and turned into charred mummies.

The other four Iron Warriors fell heavily to the ground.

Such combat ability caused the battlefield to suddenly fall into silence.

The Iron Warrior who fell to the ground showed a horrified look as if he had seen a ghost.

From the other party's eyes, it can be seen that the priest is far more powerful than they imagined.


They underwent nineteen surgeries and narrowly escaped death before becoming extraordinary warriors.

They betrayed the Empire and followed the Primarch Perturabo into Chaos, only to be blessed by the original power.

But this pastor is obviously just a mortal, he has nothing!

Why is it so powerful?

This unscientific!

Faced with something beyond their understanding, they stood up from the ground cautiously, as if they were not facing a mortal, but a monster they had never seen before.

No matter how unbelievable they may be, the fight must go on.

Let’s kill the priest first.

At this moment, the Iron Warriors put aside their contempt for mortals.

This time, they are the challengers.

The Imperial soldiers began to move closer to the priest, but the priest motioned them back with his eyes.

The priest carried the red flame and rushed towards the Iron Warrior.

After several rounds of fighting, the chains tied with steel spikes hit the Iron Warrior's armor.

Other mortals, no matter how hard they tried, could not break the Space Marines' heavy armor with weapons.

But when the priest's scepter struck, the Iron Warrior's eyes showed strong fear.

The physical impact carried by the huge kinetic energy instantly caused his power armor to dent, and the red flames that followed engulfed his entire body.

Another Iron Warrior is slain by a mortal.

The priest continued to move forward. The remaining Iron Warriors were horrified and quickly pulled the triggers and opened fire on this mortal whose body was burning with flames.

But their bullets, blessed by the original power, were so weak when they hit the priest.

Can't shake an inch.

The priest still walked towards them firmly and slowly.

This unstoppable courage made the remaining three Iron Warriors realize that they could not win and decisively chose to evacuate.

The priest stood there, watching their retreating figures, with no intention of pursuing them.

"Sir, leave the heretics to us to pursue."

The political commissar, who had been in a state of shock, did not come back to his senses until the end of the battle. He quickly ran over and applied to the priest.

But he was destined not to wait for the pastor's answer.


A heavy voice sounded, and when the figure of the Iron Warrior completely disappeared, the priest knelt on the ground on the battlefield.

Under the worried eyes of the political commissar, the priest used the flame in his hand to carve a sacred rune on the ground.

The political commissar knew the meaning of this rune - it was an imperial beacon, and he had performed many tasks to build an imperial beacon.

But he couldn't understand why the priest would outline this rune at this moment.

The political commissar's eyes became sad, and he saw that the priest's fingers that outlined the runes were irreversibly disintegrating.

Like broken porcelain, it dispersed into fleeting fireflies in the air.

"Your Majesty Bishop," the political commissar's words carried great sadness.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the pastor's voice.

"Don't feel sad for me, soldier, I will be with you." The priest showed a soft smile and looked at them deeply.

At this moment, the runes were engraved, and the priest's figure completely shattered and dissipated in place.

It was like he had never been there.

The soldiers came over in silence, their eyes filled with tears, mourning the departure of the priest.

Yes, how could the use of such a forbidden power be without any cost.

The priest sacrificed himself to protect them.

The political commissar wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said solemnly, "His name is Jason, a noble bishop from the Terra Void Order. He is the respectable leader of our Gusga 582nd Regiment, the guide on the road to the throne for us, and the fighting brother we can trust to his back. He..."

In the voice of the political commissar, the soldiers recalled the teachings and help that the bishop had given them, and their vision blurred again out of their control.

Their sad emotions gathered together.

Even in the subspace, they could clearly see the bright will that gathered together.

It was at this time.

In the horrified eyes of the soldiers, the Void Beacon Rune left by the priest suddenly rose up in their sorrow and endless flames.

The flames outlined a portal of about three meters.

Until they saw the figure coming out of the flame portal, the horror in the soldiers' eyes was instantly replaced by great joy.

"Bishop Jason, you are back!"

"Your Majesty, thank the Emperor for bringing you to our side again."

"Sir, you."

Jason smiled softly, watching the warriors gather around him, he opened his arms, as if to hug everyone present.

"Lost lamb, what are you doing standing here stupidly, have you forgotten the path the Emperor has set for us?" He continued with a smile, his eyes were pure white, and flames rose from his body again,

"Let's go, let's keep moving forward until the fire of revenge is exhausted!"

"Yes! Bishop!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

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