The war on the surface of Vigilance has become increasingly chaotic.

Harken the World-Taker stood on the broken ruins. This pioneer of the Black Crusade looked a little embarrassed at the moment, no longer as glorious as before.

"These damn orcs!" The World-Taker cursed. He had boasted that he would take Vigilance for Warmaster Abaddon within eighty days and thrust his spear into the surface of Vigilance.

But the chaos here caught him off guard. Various forces took turns to appear on the scene. The entire Vigilance was like a huge meat grinder. He had not even confronted the Empire head-on, but he had been beaten to a pulp by the orcs.

"How many bugs are there in this world?" The resentment in the tone of the World-Taker became more and more obvious.

Even though the main demon army was engaged in a tug-of-war with the orcs, he still did not forget his mission. He sent Nurgle's demon army and the war gang that was good at lurking to sneak into the lower nest of the Vigilance hive city in an attempt to create chaos.

This was a foolproof tactic, but the feedback he received puzzled him.

The Children of Nurgle and the Fallen Warriors were actually wiped out by the Genestealers.

This battle situation once confused the World Reaper.

"And the Iron Warriors, they actually retreated in front of mortals."

The World Reaper did not make too many comments on the defeat of the Iron Warriors.

Compared with other troops who were still fighting meaningless battles with the aliens, the Iron Warriors at least had a direct confrontation with the Imperial Legion.

When this idea came up, even the World Reaper himself was surprised that his expectations for this war were so low.

But even if the situation was extremely unfavorable to them.

The World Reaper still did not give up the hope of winning.

The World Reaper is Abaddon's mouthpiece, and what he is best at is to stir up chaos within the enemy.

The stronger the fortress, the easier it is to break from the inside. In his opinion, he only needs a successful rebellion to turn the war from defeat to victory, conquer the world before Abaddon arrives, and fulfill the oath he made in the past.

The World Reaper brought a combat team and quietly arrived at the Saint's Wharf under the night sky of Vigilant Star.

On this chaotic planet, the Saint's Wharf, which is still under the control of the Imperial Army, is a rare quiet place.

Here, a figure wrapped in a hooded robe has been waiting for the arrival of the World Reaper.

"Congratulations, you have made a wise decision. The hypocritical Empire has long been corrupt and uneasy. Your only destination is to be loyal to Chaos." The World Reaper walked forward, with a shark-like grin on his face.

"I have not betrayed the Empire, nor have I ever been loyal to Chaos. My loyalty is only to the Agamenus family." The man covered by the hooded robe slowly raised his head, revealing a human face.

This man is the nominal ruler of Vigilant Star, Lucian Agamenus IX.

"Everything I did was just to resist the authority of the dictator. Vigilance has been under the control of the Agamenus family for thousands of years, but Duker's minions have taken away all our power. He arbitrarily changed the emperor's doctrine, usurped the supreme authority of the empire, and now extends his minions to the territory of the Agamenus family."

"The Agamenus family is only loyal to His Majesty and will never succumb to the rule of the dictator." Lucian said with resentment,

"I don't care about your origins. I only want to know one thing-can you help the Agamenus family regain the power that was taken away?"

"Of course, I promise." The World-Taker chuckled, "You may not understand enough. Compared with hypocritical humans, we have a stronger spirit of contract."

"I hope so. What do you need me to do?" Agamenus IX said.

"It's very simple." The World-Taker took out a syringe with a foul odor, "You just need to insert this into the Thinker computer in the core of the fortress."

"I will complete the task." Lucian took the syringe, "Don't forget your promise."

"May our cooperation go smoothly." The World-Taker bewitched, "Then you will restore the glory of the Agamenus family."

Lucian nodded, "What's the use of this? Can it help you win the victory in this world?"

"This is not what you should know. You just need to do what you should do and then become the eternal ruler of this world."

The World-Taker's eyes were fixed on the mortal in front of him.

If the war situation was not too bad, he would not have personally contacted the other party.

He saw the hope of a comeback in this stupid dignitary and placed high hopes on him.

If it were not for this reason, he would not have bothered to contact the other party.

The other party had too many questions, which made him feel a little impatient.

His eyes revealed a bit of danger.

His personal guards had already investigated the surrounding environment and found no imperial troops nearby. If the other party continued to talk too much, he would not mind killing him directly and taking his place.

This might involve the risk of being exposed, but it was better than being a self-righteous pawn.

The world-taker even had a vicious idea in his mind - after the other party helped them take over the world, he would embed the other party's skull in the scepter in return.

This would be considered as keeping his promise and allowing the other party to enjoy eternal power.

Lucian saw this and realized that he could not ask anything. He stopped asking questions and quietly stepped back a few steps and said,

"I reiterate to you that my loyalty to the empire remains unchanged."

"I know, you little guy who is loyal to the false emperor, do what you should do now." The World Seizer said impatiently.

He was disgusted by the hypocritical faces of the powerful again and again.

"No, you don't understand." Lucian took out a piece of talisman paper with an inscription from under his robe. The talisman paper spontaneously ignited in the air, and the paper ashes and flames outlined a huge rune.

Seeing this unfamiliar huge rune, the World Seizer had a bad feeling in his heart, and he wanted to say something else.

But where the rune was anchored, a dazzling beam of teleportation light suddenly lit up in the dark night.

In full view of everyone, a proud warrior wearing black and green heavy armor stepped out steadily from the pillar of light.

Behind him, there is a team of the same elite warriors.

They are the Doom Slayers who came to support the Vigil Star.

They are powerful and brave, and most importantly, they are very good at dealing with demons.

Doom stood at the forefront of the group of warriors, his armor still flowing with the radiance of Hollow energy.

As the most powerful Destroyer at present, just standing here made the World Seizer feel more pressure.

The World Seizer's adjutant was facing the beam of light and was the closest.

Before the demon adjutant, who had a face like an octopus' tentacles, had time to react, Doom swung the butt of his gun and smashed his head open with one blow.

The blasphemous demon blood splashed everywhere, and the Doom Slayer's speed made it difficult for everyone present to react.

Just a moment ago, they were rejoicing at the betrayal of the nobles and looking forward to victory.

But in the blink of an eye, the situation suddenly reversed, and even his adjutants were killed by the Doom Slayer.

The World Seizer looked at this scene, and after being stunned for a moment, he howled with uncontrollable anger.

"You shameful idiot, you would betray me!" His eyes almost burst into flames, staring at Lucian with extremely vicious eyes,

"Have you forgotten how the power of the Agamenus family was eroded step by step?"

"I have not forgotten." Lucian shook his head, "Because of this, I need to prove my worth in exchange for the Agamenus family's qualifications to establish themselves in the new era of the empire."

Lucian admitted that he was a power-hungry noble. He and the Agamenus family may be selfish and may have done many wrong things, but they are not stupid.

There may be no upside to being loyal to the Empire, but there are clearly all downsides to being loyal to Chaos.

Lucian didn't think Chaos could win the Vigilance Star either.

There are currently four Primarchs in the Empire. With Dukel taking over as Warmaster, the Empire has already sounded the clarion call for counterattack, even though he is a noble from a remote sector, and even though he and his family are short-sighted.

But which citizen of the empire doesn't want to see the new era of mankind with his own eyes?


In his rage, Abaddon's mouthpiece was nearly speechless.

The hope of winning disappeared, and the shame of being fooled and betrayed by a mortal made him completely lose his mind.

The World Seizer didn't even pay attention to the Destroyer who walked out of the pillar of light, waving his spear to make the noble pay the price.

He launched a fatal attack on Lucian, and in his furious state, he flashed past like a phantom.

Lucian's eyes showed panic. He deliberately angered the World Seizer in order to show his loyalty in front of Doom in exchange for the survival of the Agamenus family.

But even though he had already made up his mind, he still felt unavoidable fear when he actually faced death.

In less than one breath, the World Seizer's spear was already very close to him. Feeling the sharpness of the spear, Lucian closed his eyes in despair.

Whether he dies or dies here, he will be a hero of the empire.

For the house of Agamenus!

But at this moment,


A dull gunshot sounded, and Doom's double-barreled shotgun sprayed out a pillar of red fire.

The spreading bullets were like a steel storm, tearing apart half of the World Seizer's body in an instant, tearing apart his armor and even breaking most of his internal organs.

Even if the World Seizer had the blessing of the original power, there was still no chance of survival under this violent attack.

Just one shot left most of his body in tatters.

Seeing their leader fall, the World Taker's soldiers rushed forward one by one with violent malice.

The Destroyer behind Doom also took action at this moment.

This was an unequal massacre.

The demons had almost no power to fight back in front of the Doom Slayer.

Doom was like a tiger breaking into a flock of sheep, killing the demons.

Double-barreled shotguns and chainswords are the weapons that demons least want to face.

The unclean demon blood was splashed everywhere, and the demon bodyguards of the World Seizer were quickly slaughtered.

Even the World Seizer, who fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight, was about to be executed by Doom——

The violent subspace spiritual energy fluctuations tore apart the space here. Fire and thunder converged into one place and exploded in the air. Even the space was torn into huge cracks.

Doom faced this attack head-on, and had to temporarily give up executing the World Taker, and punched this powerful psychic impact.

The psychic shock was detonated, a huge shock wave swept everything around, dust flew up, and the battlefield was in chaos.

Several Tzeentchian wizards suddenly appeared and took the Worldtaker away.

After the World Seizer saw the figure of a great demon of Tzeentch, the scene in front of him changed.

By the time the surrounding space became stable again, he had left the battlefield.

The World-Taker was not happy about his rescue.

Because he knew that the failure of this operation had completely made him lose the possibility of taking over this world.

He broke the oath he had promised to Abaddon.

Just as he was feeling bitter, something even more unsettling happened - Abaddon was calling him at this moment.

On the Vengeful Spirit.

"Connect me to the World-Taker." Abaddon said, looking at the wizard wearing a beast mask who had begun to carve octagonal summoning runes on the table.

"I want to hear the declaration made by the World-Taker in my name."

"As you wish, Warmaster." The wizard bowed deeply, as respectful as ever.

The ritual incense burned, and the smell of burning human bones drifted across the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit.

The World-Taker's red eyepiece and twisted mouth gathered in the mist. The wizard bowed and then retreated into the shadows.

"Haken, report." The Warmaster said, "You look a little embarrassed."

"We bring war and disaster in your name, my lord, but this is not conquest." The first sentence the World Reaper said was to quietly shirk his war responsibilities, "We have not conquered this world yet."

"I am the conquest." The Warmaster opened his arms, and his unparalleled spirit swept the surroundings.

"Now that I am here in person, who is still resisting?"

"Orcs, Zerg, Eldar, Doom Soldier, Ecclesiarch, Iron Hand, Battle Sisters, Knight Family, Brass Claw."

The World Reaper spit out one name after another like a dish, until a minute later, the vanguard of the Black Crusade continued to report.

Abaddon: "."

"Okay, Haken, your report is over."

"But, my lord." The World Reaper continued, "I haven't finished yet."

"I've said enough!" Abaddon turned away with disgust.

"I am disappointed in Dukor's shortsightedness in sending so many reinforcements," the Chaos Warmaster continued. "Without Dukor, I missed the opportunity to kill him. I will have to hang the head of the arrogant and foolish Doom on the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit."

"Time is running out, my lord," said the World Reaper. "Two months ago, I issued an ultimatum to this planet. The Hellspears have penetrated the surface as deep as ever. The declaration has been made, but the Imperials of this world still believe that we are bluffing."

"This declaration is true." Abaddon said without doubt, the slaughter he promised is imminent.

"This world will burn, this is true." Abaddon smiled,

"The fate of Vigilant is determined."

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