Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 204 11, Melee on the Alert Star

On the wilderness plains of Vigilant Star, the demon legion of the World-Taker and the orc army fought hand-to-hand, blades cut flesh and bones, mud and sand drank blood. This was an extremely bloody and protracted war, whether for orcs or demons.

Blasphemous runes were suspended in the air, and the unclean energy of the Supreme Sky tore through the clouds, and the entire wilderness was shrouded in the bizarre primordial power.

Dark clouds rolled across the sky, as if they were forcibly pulled into a huge typhoon. The orcs' war roars shook the world, and their whistling voices gathered into a terrifying storm that swirled around the battlefield.

Thunder split the sky, and under the sky ignited by the flames of war, the two powerful legions reflected many strange outlines.

The sky was wailing, and the storm of yellow sand stirred the world full of blasphemous blood. The atmosphere of Vigilant Star was pulled into a jagged shape in the roaring sound.

The unclean energy roared through the air, and everything was submerged in the torrent of primordial power.

The horrific aftermath of the war swept across the entire planet, and even the humans who retreated to the sturdy fortress were inevitably involved.

The magic circle activated by the demon army attracted the roar of the subspace storm.

Endless ether energy washed over the entire world.

In the powerful subspace storm, the psychic technology shield on which the imperial fortress relied for survival was completely ineffective in just a moment.

The demons who only followed the primitive desire for killing, like the waves of the tide, beat on the imperial fortress that lost the protection of the psychic shield.

This move completely dragged the war in this world into a more chaotic situation.

Facing the invasion of a small group of demons.

The captain brothers of the Crimson Fist and the Iron Hands built a most rigorous isolation belt together to prevent the invasion of demons.

These loyal imperial warriors saw an extremely terrifying scene in the abandoned Litmus Port.

Mutants with swollen flesh and blood that blended steel and bones, and pig-legged mutants foolishly wandered in various corridors and nodes. Parasites flew in from the windows and attacked the armor joints of the soldiers with their forelimbs and spikes.

The flesh giants moved forward clumsily, and the methane gushing out of their mouths ignited in the air, forming a sea of ​​fire covering the sky.

When the soldiers approached these monsters, they swung their powerful claws or homemade dirty weapons. These deadly monsters killed many imperial soldiers in just a moment.

They ambushed in the dark, and one soldier after another fell.

But these soldiers also had excellent combat experience. They were good at maximizing the advantages of their guns. Even if they were only a few meters away from the monsters, the grenade launchers in the hands of the soldiers could still accurately kill the monsters.

The Hell Bombard Squad looked for opportunities to burn those large mutants to ashes.

Amid the roar of the loyalist warriors of the Empire, with their discipline and self-sacrifice, they surrounded the mutants who invaded the human area and gradually hunted down their leaders.

The Crimson Fist Regiment urgently dispatched the "Flame Lander Armor" and the hellhounds recruited from the Vigilant Star Defense Force. These large war machines spewed out terrifying flames, reflecting the huge hive city under the red firelight.

But not all fronts were so lucky.

Even though the loyalist soldiers fought unyieldingly, many defense nodes were still breached.

The children of Nurgle took the opportunity to pour into the hive city.

The dirty plague apostles are tenacious and cunning demons. Under their command, the demons that invaded the hive city were divided into countless tributaries and drilled into the stinking ditches under the hive city.

The dirty and smelly sewers are more suitable for the children of Nurgle to hide, and they are also where water sources exist.

It can be expected that the disease will spread in a short time, and hundreds of thousands of healthy citizens of the Empire will die of the disease in a hideous and tortured manner.

Faced with such a serious situation.

The officials of the Empire are still holding an emergency meeting.

The Genestealers who also live in the lower nest of the hive city can't stand it anymore.

A large number of Genestealers led the Poor Prince Cult to ruthlessly clean up the descendants of Nurgle in the lower nest.

In this siege, the dark elves hiding in the dark were also affected and could no longer hide their whereabouts.

When the officials finalized the plan for the hive isolation zone as quickly as possible, when they walked out of the meeting room.

They were shocked to find that the war between the Nurgle demons and the Genestealers and the dark elves in the lower nest of the hive city had intensified and was almost about to affect the inner city where they were.

The entire Vigilance Star was shrouded in a huge absurd atmosphere.

Humans and demons, demons and Genestealers, Genestealers and Dark Eldar, Dark Eldar and Orcs, Orcs and demons

The roar of war resounded in every corner, and every war stage had different characters.

The inner city of the hive city had not yet been breached, and the solid bunkers were heavily guarded. Crossfire poured down, and bullets were fired in all directions, leaving countless hot tracks, leaving a burnt smell in the air of the alert star.

An automatic mortar that fired upright, its interior resounded with the angry voice of the machine spirit, and a string of huge ammunition was spewed out by it, blowing the surrounding enemies of the empire into pieces.

"The throne is above, destroy our enemies!"

A priest of the Void Order of the State Religion, who was appointed by Terra, roared on the tower in the name of the Supreme.

But his words did not work immediately.

The soldiers looked at the chaos below the tower in a daze. The enemies of the empire were fighting each other in a stalemate, which made the loyal soldiers feel helpless for a while.

"Who should we eliminate first, my lord?" The political commissar asked the priest loudly.

"Eliminate our enemies, can't you see? This is a feast that cannot be missed!" The priest stood on the tower and roared wildly. He raised the scepter tied with spiked chains. In such a situation, the life magnetic field in his body was overloaded, pushing him closer to the will of the Lord of Destruction.

He used a giant flamethrower that was more than half his height with one hand.

The thick pillar of fire roared out from the pipe of the flamethrower, like a red-flaming dragon, biting all the enemies under the tower.

Whether it was demons, gene stealers, or dark elves affected by the tar of the flames, or cultists, they were all reduced to ashes in an instant.

"In any name, soldier, destroy any enemy!" The priest laughed loudly, chanting the Emperor's scriptures with full passion.

His preaching tone seemed a little unique in the communication channel.

The battle brother who mastered the plasma laser cannon immediately responded to the priest's fighting enthusiasm and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A strong light flashed, and the launch port of the plasma laser cannon he was carrying was connected to the base of the automatic mortar by a nearly half-meter thick scorch mark.

The gushing and spreading scorching flames swept the inner city's protective wall.

In this charred trail, dozens of demons and aliens left equally charred corpses.

"Charge!" The priest roared.

The violent rain of bullets devoured all the enemies in front of him.

The battlefield of demons and gene stealers biting each other was instantly dug into a large area of ​​open space.

But such a result still could not meet the priest's expectations.

While moving forward, he picked up the walkie-talkie and called for air support.

Just a few minutes later, a squadron of storm bombing gunboats roared down, dropping incendiary bombs on the ground, and then quickly pulled up and rushed into the sky again, leaving a white jet trail.

The flames rising from the bismuth incendiary bombs not only ignited the battlefield as if it were daytime, but also set off a huge shock wave.

Countless rubble and corpse debris flew everywhere on the battlefield.

Under the sweep of this shock wave, the well-prepared imperial soldiers hid behind the bunkers.

With the support of air firepower, all the enemies in front were burned by the flames.

The priest led the soldiers in the inner city to rush forward and penetrate the barrier of flames.

Facing these soldiers who came out of the flames, the enemies whose formations were broken up fled in all directions.

The priest put the flamethrower on his back and took out the bolter from his waist. He pointed the black muzzle at the enemies who had their backs to him.

"The throne is above, and there is no way for you to return even in Hades and Hell!"

Amid the roar of the bolter, a bolter exploded, and a heretic or alien fell.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Empire also raised their guns and fired.

They felt the impact and leap of the weapons in their hands.

The high-speed kinetic bullets have excellent blasting and penetration power.

The huge Nurgle demons, after being hit by them, collapsed like swollen bubbles, shattered like ripe fruits, and exploded the rotten flesh and blood all over the ground.

The green blood mist burst out from the broken bodies of the Genestealers.

"Charge, soldiers! Quick! Go and get the glory that belongs to us! Present victory to the Emperor and the Warmaster!" The battle priest of the Void Order raised the sacred scriptures high and roared loudly.

On the other side, on Terra, the home planet of humanity, Dukel was also preparing for the war on Vigilant.

Although he had learned from the virtual communication that Vigilant had been dragged into a fierce war at the moment.

But Dukel was still not impatient.

He knew very well that no matter how chaotic the current war situation on Vigilant was, it was only a trivial prelude, and the real war had not yet begun.

In this decision, Dum's intelligence played a crucial role.

When Dukel knew that Horus and other Primarchs were likely to appear on Vigilant, the direction of this war had been completely rewritten.

The art of war is an art of bullying the weak.

Using a stronger army and more adequate preparation to crush the weak enemy is the only answer to winning.

Dukel has passed the message to his brothers - whether it is himself, Guilliman, Lion, Sanguinius, or even Clarkes, who has been in the warp for a long time, they are all rushing to Vigilant.

Facing the possible appearance of Horus, every Primarch wanted to meet this wolf-herding god.

Compared with the fight between the Primarchs, the war on Vigilance itself was not that important.

Although the ground battlefield seemed to be in deep water, it was still under Duker's control.

Orcs were Duker's currency.

As the second largest capitalist in the empire after the Emperor, Duker could easily take out a few coins, which was already the limit of the ground battlefield on Vigilance.

Even Abaddon, who was about to arrive on Vigilance and was invincible, was arranged by Duker.

After receiving the orders from the original bodies - Blood Angels Commander Dante, Dark Angels Commander Azreath, Ultramarines Commander Calgar, and Destroyer Commander Doom are all about to go to the Vigil Star.

Due to the need to take into account the wars in other star regions of the galaxy, each commander-in-chief only brought with him a Glory Company of about a thousand people, as well as a fleet and auxiliary forces that were enough to support an apocalypse-level war.

It can be expected that when Abaddon arrived, what the Dark Warmaster saw was the tattered Vigil Star.

But all he needs to do is kick the warning star.

In this shabby world, four leaders of the founding legions will emerge.

I don’t know how Abaddon should respond to such a scene.

In Terra's outer orbit, Doom was ready to go.

The reason why it took so long to prepare was because Duker had prepared a whole new set of equipment for him.

Facing this large number of brand-new armaments, Doom, as the eldest heir of the Lord of Destruction, has long been accustomed to this.

Whether it is the scientific research team of the Second Legion or the scientific research laboratory of the Mechanicum, when they produce a new type of weapon, the Doom Slayer will always be the first experimenter.

At this moment, he was standing on the landing pad of the battleship, talking to a mechanical priest,

"Sage, you must tell me clearly in advance this time what risks you may encounter when using these equipment." He said seriously to the mechanical sage in front of him,

"Last time, the stink bomb sent by the great sage Lal Biology did not tell me in advance that it would explode directly at high temperatures. One of my brothers was blown away more than twenty meters away, and in the next My poor brother has been smelling bad for half a year! He has made similar mistakes many times. This time he must make it clear beforehand!"

"Sir, that was not intentionally concealed. Great Sage Lal himself did not know that there would be such a risk."

The mechanical sages smiled complacently. They were radical sages. If they could clearly understand the risks of using weapons, could they still be called radicals?

In the past, if the weapons they made had an accident, at least many mortal soldiers would be injured, and at worst, even Space Marines might die.

Faced with such a situation, even the hard-hearted radical sages will inevitably feel a little guilty.

But when it comes to the Destroyer, there is no need to worry about this at all.

They inherited the powerful physique of the Lord of Destruction. No matter what kind of accident it was, the most serious consequences were nothing more than trivial scratches.

This is also the reason why the radical priests, without exception, all like the Doom Slayer very much.

He is simply a perfect novice. A perfect warrior who can control any weapon!

He handed a storage device to Doom, "Sir, the risks of using these weapons have been stored in this instrument in advance. In addition to the risks that have been recorded, the use process may be due to different combat environments. It is inevitable to cause minor accidents.”

"But I can assure you that these weapons are absolutely useful! They contain not only the wisdom of the great sages, but also your father's wonderful ideas!"

The sage's mechanical arm was waving, and his words were full of encouragement.

In order to allow Doom to test these weapons, there was even a hint of flattery in the smile on his face.

This bit of flattery is nothing to be ashamed of in order to spread the truth of Ohm's Messiah.

Doom: "."

"Okay, let me trust you again." Doom nodded, accepted the storage device, and continued,

"But I will only conduct a small-scale test, Sage. I think you also understand that if you want to be a real army, they must be of sufficient value."

Doom reminded the Mechanicus.

The new war machine is like a new toy to the Doom Slayer, and they don't have much resistance to it.

But in order to prevent this group of radical technical priests from misbehaving, Doom still had to give them enough warning.

"You will not be disappointed, my lord."

The mechanical sage suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

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