Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 203 10, Brother Du:

For Vigilant, today is another ordinary and boring day. The green orcs' garbage cities are scattered all over the wilderness, the Genestealer's sect knocks on every door, the Dark Eldar are looking for their favorite toys, and the fleet of the Demon Alliance is suspended in the outer orbit of the atmosphere.

By the way, the world is still loyal to the Empire.

On the wilderness plain of Vigilant.

"Little ones, start your engines! Now is not the time to dawdle! Now rush into the sandstorm with me, run as fast as you can! When you run into those ghosts, you will start to fight!"


The cheers of the orc boys resounded across the plain.

The green warlord who shouted the slogan was stepping on the modified chariot with the reddest paint, screaming excitedly.

His name is Cruel Click. In every war, he is always the first orc to arrive at the battlefield.

The only secret to his success in getting first place every time is that he kills the orcs who arrive at the battlefield faster than him.

He once followed Bonebreaker on Dugo's great expedition. That was his happiest time. They kept biting the tail of the Zerg and killed different kinds of Zerg every day.

Zergs are the favorite opponents of the orcs, not only because they are good at fighting and there are enough of them, but also because they have many teeth!

Teeth are the currency of the orcs. Killing other races can get at most two pretty good fangs, but killing Zerg can easily get hundreds of fangs.

Not only is it fun to fight, but you can also get gold coins. Cruel Kada still misses those years not long ago.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. During a warp voyage, he was unfortunately disconnected from the orc fleet.

Cruel Kada floated in the warp, and sometimes he thought he was about to die.

But at a certain point in time, Brother Du suddenly appeared in his dream, sent his fleet back to the real universe, and appeared directly in the Alert Galaxy.

Cruel Kada didn't know what was so special about this planet that looked not very good in front of him.

But Brother Du gave him a divine revelation - boy, come here to fight, it's fun!

Cruel Kada thought, Brother Du said so, so it must be true?

Then he brought the boys to the Alert Star, but the past half month was really boring.

Xiami is Brother Du's ally, so he can't fight.

In the wilderness, except for some wild beasts and the blind pointy-eared bastards (eldar), there is no decent one.

Cruel Kada thought, this is not fun either.

He thought there would be no fun here, maybe it was not the time yet, so Cruel Kada organized the boys to hold a world racing competition, and he naturally won the championship, and then he also won a fire-eating competition.

Although he lost three fingers in these competitions, he was still very happy.

The orcs who believe in Dugo like to challenge and stimulate.

The overlapping blood-red tattoos of heavy wheels not only give them more courage, but also make them tough and not easy to get hurt.

Relying on these games, the orcs successfully passed that boring time.

Then, the ghosts in the subspace appeared in the alert system.

When the technical boy told Cruel Kada about this, the orc warlord was very happy.

This is a big fun.

"I think we should hide and not be scared away by those ghosts."

In order to keep the fun, Cruel Kada even used his brain that he rarely used.

He was happy with his wit.

The orcs who believe in Dugo are all smart boys.

So he took his orc subordinates and the newly born hairy boy and hid in the mine in the wilderness.

Prepare to give these ghosts a big surprise!

"Boss, I see those ghosts!"

On the red Thunderbolt Explosion speeding chariot, a green-skinned boy shouted with his neck stretched. In this speeding chariot, no orc would care about the alarm of the instrument in the car.

Hearing the voice of the green-skinned boy, Cruel Kada opened his mouth happily, but he forgot that they were currently in a sandstorm. This bad weather directly filled his mouth with sand containing chemical waste.

In the direction pointed by the green-skinned boy, a group of Chaos warriors holding bloody flags and covered with blasphemous runes were looming in the wind and sand.

"It's the spiked bastards, just shoot them, boss!" The green-skinned boy shouted.

He asked excitedly with a big Explosion machine gun in his hand that was a circle bigger than his head.

"Spikeed bastards? Let me take a look." Cruel Kada picked up the telescope, and the long-tube telescope successfully projected his sight over.

He observed carefully.

Spiked punk is what the orcs call Chaos Space Marines.

Xiami is an ally of Dugo, Xiami is good.

Spiked punk is not an ally, punk is bad.

But the good and the bad among them still need him as the boss to carefully distinguish, after all, from the perspective of the orcs, the difference between Chaos Space Marines and Imperial Space Marines is very subtle.

"What a spiked bastard!" Cruel Kada laughed wildly, "Little guys, kill them!"


"Brother Du protects us!"

The orcs roared, and the graffiti of overlapping heavy wheels on the totem glowed at this moment, sheltering all the orcs in a mysterious force field.

The blood-colored tattoos on their bodies echoed with the totems. At this moment, they were bigger, harder, and more fearless!

The huge convoy suddenly accelerated, and the engine made a more unbearable scream, and the earth was shaking.

The flamethrowers spit fire at the yellow sand in the sky, and the machine gun boys stuffed the fart spirits beside them directly into the barrels.

The marching Red Blood War Gang was obviously stunned when they saw this large group of orcs howling and rushing out of the wind and sand.

Then they took out their weapons.

Who are they? They believe in Khorne.

Facing this group of orcs, they directly "sacrifice blood to the blood god" and then jump and chop.


With a huge roar, the Red Blood War Gang, which launched the attack first, was directly knocked away dozens of meters by the orcs' "Bang Bang Truck".

After landing heavily, the body wearing heavy armor weighing more than three tons plowed more than ten meters of gullies in the wilderness of Vigilant Star.

The orcs' Bang Bang Truck was also directly scrapped due to this accident. Hundreds of green-skinned boys jumped out of this abandoned truck in an instant, and the small green tide formed instantly submerged the Red Blood Warrior.

Even the fallen warriors blessed by Khorne would find it difficult to compete with the large orc army.

What's more, this is not an ordinary orc.

This is an orc army with three-color graffiti and no shortcomings in attack and defense speed.

With just one charge, the Blood God followers who were not very smart were thrown to the ground.

The green tide swallowed them up like a tsunami.

Cruel Clicker stepped on the accelerator directly into the fuel tank. The chariot specially modified by the Great Technician rumbled over the group of scoundrels who shouted "Skulls for Skulls".

Wherever it passed, the yellow sand drank the blasphemous blood, and the broken limbs flew everywhere. The scene was extremely cruel for a while.

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God, skulls for skulls."

A space warrior of the Red Blood War Gang, most of his body was crushed by the spiked wheels, and when his head was thrown under the car, he was still shouting the slogan of the Blood God.

"Waaagh!——" Cruel Clicker felt the Thunderbolt Big Explosion speeding chariot, and the wheels rolled over the body of the spiked scoundrel.

The spiked wheels rolled up the mixed fragments of bones and blood, and the blood spurted out from the ruptured arteries even sprayed on the driver's face.

Feeling the warmth on his cheeks, Cruel Kada's heart became even hotter. He shouted excitedly, feeling so happy.

He flexibly controlled the chariot, and the two spiked bastards were hung on the chains of the chariot. Cruel Kada stepped on the accelerator directly to the bottom, dragging the bodies of the two fallen warriors at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour.

If they were ordinary humans, they would not be able to hold on for even a minute under such dragging and would lose their lives.

But they would not.

They were Space Marines who had joined the Chaos. The transformation surgery made their bones as hard as steel, and the blessing of the Chaos evil god also gave them stronger vitality. These things that they were once proud of have now become the source of torture under the toy of the orcs.

The armor of the two fallen Space Marines was broken, and their flesh and blood rubbed against the dusty ground. The blasphemous blood was evenly smeared on the ground, smearing two bloody tracks for the chariot.

They howled in pain, but the more miserable they screamed, the more excited Cruel Kada's expression became.

It was obviously impossible to expect the orc warlord to have sympathy.

Soon, this Red Blood War Gang team and the accompanying Khorne demons were all toyed to death by the orcs.

"Boss, where are we going now?" After the short encounter, an orc boy with blood on his body asked excitedly.

"Keep moving forward, beat up any ghosts you see!" Cruelly knocked on the steering wheel and shouted loudly, "I saw it before, a lot of ghosts from the warp came down in a huge crowd, don't let them run away!"

"Waaagh! Boss is right!"

This orc army started again, the roar of the engine shook the whole world, and the earth trembled as the dust flew.

The huge exhaust pipe spewed out billowing black smoke, which gathered together to form a low and heavy cloud.

The green tide of orcs, under the cover of this black cloud, carried unparalleled power and pressed towards the demon coalition.

"I knew that Brother Du would never lie to a kid like me!" While driving the chariot cruelly, he did not forget to look back at the two fallen warriors being dragged by the chariot.

The miserable screams of the two fallen warriors were like spicy oil dripping into the blood, making the blood of the orc warlord boil.

Thinking that there are more people, more battles, and more toys ahead of the sandstorm——

Cruel Kada couldn't help but roar to vent the heat in his chest,

"Waaagh! Cool!"

The other orc boys also roared, and their motorcycle throttles were all stepped to the lowest.

The red-painted chariot engine burst into flames several meters long, carrying the yellow sand and black exhaust gas all over the sky, and rushed forward mightily.

Haken World Reaper: "."

The vanguard of the Black Expedition looked gloomily at the scene of hundreds of millions of green-skinned orcs rushing towards them on the instrument.

At the forefront of this green tide, these violent aliens have begun to slaughter the demon soldiers.

Next to the World Reaper, there is a spear stuck in the surface of the Vigilant Star.

The World Reaper likes to stick the spear into the surface of the planet during the war to announce the death of this world.

This is a testimony of his supreme glory.

But now - he felt that the spear was inserted too early.

Should he pull out the spear now?

Are the brains of these orcs all garbage? Why are they staring at the demon coalition to fight to the death instead of fighting the imperial army?

"Who can tell me what the situation is now?!" The anger of the World Taker was integrated into his words.

"In the previous intelligence, aren't the servants of the false emperor fighting these aliens?"

"In the previous intelligence, it is true, sir." His adjutant answered carefully.

At this time, the adjutant's face also showed confusion.

Their scouts did bring back the scene of the human side fighting the orcs not long ago. But what they didn't know was that after a brief conflict with the orcs, the imperial soldiers applied for rescue from the Military Affairs Department.

And the Military Affairs Department gave an order to ignore the orcs.

The World Reaper sat on his throne, looking at the previous intelligence, and occasionally raised his head to look at the spear that was inserted into the surface of the planet.

"It seems that those despicable servants of the false emperor have colluded with the aliens and formed an alliance with those lowly orcs." The World Reaper gritted his teeth and said.

"My lord, what should we do next?" asked the adjutant.

The World Reaper raised his head and stared at the green tide of orcs on the screen in front of him.

"We must clean up this world as soon as possible. The Warmaster is coming, and we must get it done before he arrives."

"Kill them and dedicate this world to Lord Abaddon, so that these despicable resisters will understand that all this belongs to the plunderers of the worlds, and their stubborn resistance will only bring them ultimate destruction."

The World Reaper Haken said firmly.

Although the orcs and the empire are a powerful force, they are not enough to scare the demon coalition.

Moreover, it was absolutely impossible for the World Reaper to pull out the spear that had been inserted into the surface of the planet.

The adjutant nodded. He easily extracted the key information from the words of the World Reaper - Abaddon was coming.

The main force was behind him, and the victory was natural.

"My lord, this planet will soon become your trophy." He said loudly.

The blazing flames of war danced with smoke and dust, covering the Alert Planet in smoke at a very fast speed.

Following the order of the World Reaper, the large demon mechanical array started with a rapid alarm.

Rows of weapons made the sound of gears turning, and the demon engines inside screamed painfully.

As the demon coalition and the orc army fought hand-to-hand, the World Reaper ordered the fleet in the outer orbit to provide fire cover and indiscriminate bombing of the surface, and more and more degenerates were also sent to the ground battlefield.

The roar of artillery spread with the flames, and the whole world was illuminated.

The flames of war ignited on the plains of Alert Star, burning more and more fiercely until they ignited the entire sky.

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